
发布时间:2017-08-15 13:33:40   来源:文档文库   

Day l Persistence 毅力



Persistence is the key to success, whether for a single person or an organization. The lack of it would mean failure in reaching a certain goal. Success seldom comes easily on the first try. What separates the successful from the unsuccessful is persistence. Successful people also fail from time to time, but they don’t let their failure defeat their spirit. Successful people learn from defeats, revise their strategy as needed and try again and again until they succeed. Unsuccessful people try something once or twice and when it fails, they give up, usually passing the blame on to someone or something else, and learn nothing from their own experience. 

Successful people expect periodic defeats, learn what went wrong and why, don’t waste looking for someone to blame, make necessary adjustments, and try again. If you are persistent, you will almost inevitably succeed. If you are not persistent, you will almost certainly fail.


persistence: the act of persisting 毅力 

revise: to reconsider and change or modify 修改 

strategy: 策略 

periodic: happening or appearing at regular intervals 定期的 

inevitably: invariably occurring or appearing; predictable 不可避免的 

0ay 2 Cost of Love 母爱无价

Cost of Love


One night when my wife was preparing dinner, our little son took a piece of paper to her which read:  

For washing the car………………………………….$5.00  

For making my own bed this week…………………$1.00  

Going to the provision shop…………………….……$0.50  

Playing with little sister…………………….…..…...$0.25  

Taking out the rubbish………………………....…….$1.00  

Getting a good report card……………………...……$5.00  

And for sweeping the common corridor……………...$2.00


His mother looked at him standing there expecting payment. I could see a thousand memories flashed through her mind. So she picked up the pen and turning the paper over, this is what she wrote:  

For 9 months I carried you, growing inside me…………………No Charge

For the nights I sat up with you, doctored and prayed for you…….No Charge  

For the toys, food and clothes and wiping your nose……………No Charge

When you add it all up, the full cost of my love………………No Charge

Well, when he finished reading, he had great big tears in his eyes. He looked at his mother and said, “Mummy, I love you.” Then he took the pen and in great big letters wrote on the “bill” “All paid.”  


provision: 供应; 预备 

corridor: 走廊,通道 

flash : to think of or remember something suddenly 闪现,一瞬间 

wipe : to clean or dry something by rubbing 擦,揩,擦去 

Day 3 Great Expectations(excerpt) 远大前程(节选)

Great Expectations (excerpt)


As the night was fast falling, and as the moon, being past the full, would not rise early, we held a little council: a short one, for clearly our course was to lie by at the first lonely tavern we could find. So, they plied their oars once more, and I looked out for anything like a house. Thus we held on, speaking little, for four or five dull miles. It was very cold, and, a collier coming by us, with her gallery-fire smoking and flaring, looked like a comfortable home. The night was as dark by this time as it would be until morning; and what light we had, seemed to come more from the river than the sky, as the oars in their dipping stuck at a few reflected stars.

—— Charles Dickens   



council: an assembly of persons called together for consultation, deliberation, or discussion


tavern: an inn for travelers 酒馆,客栈 

plied their oars :使劲划起桨来 

collier: a coal ship 运煤船 



Great Expectations,意思是指一笔遗产,中文译为远大前程(有的译作孤星血泪)。这个译名给读者一种印象,即作品的主人公是有远大前程的。而事实上,这个远大前程是带讽刺意义的,这部作品的主题决非仅仅是写孤儿皮普想当上等人的理想幻灭的故事,如果这样理解,就领会错了狄更斯创作这部作品的意义。皮普生活在姐姐家里,生活艰苦,他的理想是当一名像姐夫一样的铁匠,他没有想当上等人。后来他之所以想当上等人是因为环境的改变。狄更斯的哲学思想之一是环境对人思想的影响,不同的环境可以造就出不同的人。

Day 4 AnthraxAnother Terrorist Weapon 炭疽热,恐怖分子的又一种武器

Anthrax,Another Terrorist Weapon


When one newspaper photo editor in Florida died of anthrax and another tested positive, people wondered if this was connected to the attacks of September 11. More cases are appearing around the U.S., but the FBI has yet to determine if these are terrorist attacks. However, recent events have brought one question to the minds of many—what is anthrax?

Anthrax is a disease that normally infects livestock killing almost every animal that contracts the disease. Humans that come into contact with these animals or their hides on a regular basis, such as ranchers, are at the greatest risk of getting this disease. This might be why anthrax is also known as the wool sorter’s disease.  

Anthrax usually enters the body through the skin or by breathing. It cannot be spread from person to person, so it is not contagious. Anthrax is invisible to the naked eye and it has no smell or taste. The early symptoms of this disease are similar to those of the common cold. There is a vaccine for it that involves six shots. If it is caught in early stages, anthrax can be treated with antibiotics.  

Anthrax, unlike the common cold, is not something that people catch every day. But if someone wanted to intentionally spread the disease, that’s another story. 


editor: one who edits, especially as an occupation 编辑,编者 

anthrax: an infectious, usually fatal disease characterized by ulcerative skin lesions 炭疽热(一种



infect: to invade and produce infection in 传染,感染 

livestock: domestic animals 家畜,牲畜 

contract: to acquire or incur 感染 

rancher: one that owns or manages a ranch <>牧场(或农场)主,农场工人 

sorter: to arrange according to class, kind, or size; classify 从事分类的人,这里指皮毛工人 

contagious: 传染性的,会感染的 

invisible: 看不见的,无形的 

naked: having no covering 无保护的,无遮盖的 

symptom: a characteristic sign or indication of the existence of something else 症状,征兆 

vaccine: 疫苗 

antibiotic: 抗生素, 抗生学 

intentionally: done deliberately; intended 有意地,故意地 

Day 5 The Garden of Eden 伊甸园

The Garden of Eden

Bible 一词源于希腊文的biblia,意思是书丛。圣经分为两部分:旧约和新约,包含有诗歌、法律、历史、预言、训诲、故事、书信等文体。旧约的内容是希伯来人出埃及时,上帝(耶和华)与人类(希伯来人)所立之旧的盟约以及此盟约的兑现。所谓,即约定的意思。新约是上帝与人类所立的新的盟约,此盟约是以耶稣的圣训和他的生活为基础的。下面是圣经故事《创世纪》中的一段。


GOD had made a beautiful garden for the first man and woman to live in. The garden, called Eden, was full of many wonderful things. Flowers as beautiful to look at as they were to smell grew everywhere. Soft, green grass grew under foot. The joyful music of songbirds drifted across gentle, warm breezes. A clear flowing stream gave cool, fresh water to drink, while hanging from the limbs of the many trees were all sorts of delicious fruits. Tasty vegetables grew free for the gathering. In the Garden of Eden were also all manner of animals, both large and small. Adam and Eve didn’t have to be afraid of any of the beasts, for all the animals were their friends. GOD told the man and woman that it was their job to take care of their new home. He also told them that two special trees grew in the garden. One was the Tree of Life. The other was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. 

GOD told them, “You may eat the fruit that grows on all the trees except for one. You mustn’t touch the fruit that grows on the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. If you eat the fruit that grows on that tree you will die.” 


Eden: the garden that was the first home of Adam and Eve (圣经)伊甸园,乐园 

drift: something moving along in a current of air or water 飘;漂流 

breeze: a light current of air; a gentle wind 微风 

Adam and Eve:亚当和夏娃(《圣经》中的人物,所谓的人类始祖) 

Day 6 Halloween 万圣节


Hallowe’en is a popular festival in many countries all over the world, and every year it seems to get bigger.  

It’s getting dark earlier and it’s starting to get cold. Christmas is still a long way away. We need something to cheer us up and take our minds of the fact that winter is nearly here. See how much you know about the traditional festival of Hallowe’en.  

The origins of the name  

The festival of Hallowe’en has its roots in Celtic and Roman traditions. Over 2,000 years ago the Celts in Britain, Ireland and parts of France celebrated Samhain to mark the beginning of winter. When the Romans invaded, they merged this with Feralia, their celebration of the passing of the dead. As Christianity spread, the Church tried to replace these pagan feasts with official Church holy days. One of these was November 1. It was called “All Hallows”, and October 31 was known as “All Hallows’ Eve”, and then Hallowe’en. 

Hallowe’en traditions  

In the past there was a tradition called “souling”. Poor people went around houses asking for food. In exchange, they promised to say prayers for the dead. People no longer go souling, but the habit has been transformed into a modern Hallowe’en game for children in America, who dress up as ghosts, witches and monsters and go around people’s houses. 


Hallowe’en wouldn’t be fun without witches. Witches have always been part of popular folklore. Shakespeare’s play “Macbeth” opens with three witches. A witch was someone — usually a woman— who had special powers and had dealings with the devil. The American town, Salem, is famous for the “witchcraft trials”, which took place there in 1692. 


The pumpkin has become a symbol of Hallowe’en. People empty a pumpkin, cut a face into the side, and put a candle inside to make a lamp. It’s known as a Jack O’ Lantern, from a story about a man called Jack, who made a deal with the devil.  


Black cats, frogs, mice and spiders are just some of the animals associated with Hallowe’en. Generally, the more unpleasant the animal, the stronger the Hallowe’en connection. Nocturnal animals like bats are particular favourites, and if, as is the case with vampire bats, they like

drinking blood, they are high on the Hallowe’en list. 



Hallowe’en: 万圣节前夕(10 31 日夜) 

Celtic and Roman traditions: 在古代,凯尔特人要在夏末举行仪式感谢上苍和太阳的恩惠。


10 31 日与罗马人用果仁和苹果来庆祝的丰收节融合了。 

Samhain:也就是古代凯尔特人庆祝的节日(10 31 日),意为夏末 

merge: to blend together, especially in gradual stages 融合 


pagan: one who has no religion 异教徒 

witch: a woman popularly believed to have supernatural powers and practice sorcery, and often

believed to be aided by spirits or a familiar 巫师,女巫 

monster: 怪物,妖怪 

folklore: the traditional beliefs, myths, tales, and practices of a people, transmitted orally 民间


Macbeth: king of Scotland 麦克白 (莎士比亚悲剧《麦克白》中的主人公) 

Salem: 塞勒姆,美国东北部城市,因1692 巫师审判及N.霍桑的匕墙之房而著名 

pumpkin: a coarse, trailing vine (Cucurbita pepo) widely cultivated for its fruit 南瓜 

spider: 蜘蛛 

nocturnal: of, relating to, or occurring in the night 夜的,夜曲的 

vampire: a reanimated corpse that is believed to rise from the grave at night to suck the blood of

sleeping people 吸血鬼 


万圣节期间,许多公共场所乃至居家院落,都会布置上很多装饰,诸如各式鬼怪、南瓜灯、黑猫以及巫婆的扫帚之类。孩子们则会穿上不同的万圣节服装,拎着南瓜灯挨家挨户地敲门并说“trick or treat”,向主人讨糖(或其他小东西)。给的话就是“treat”(请客),不给的话他们就会用“trick”(砸玻璃、涂门啊之类恶作剧)来捣乱。

Dav 7 Two Peoms 诗两首

Two Peoms



Quiet Girl  

I would liken you  

To a night without stars  

Were it not for your eyes. 

I would liken you  

To a sleep without dreams  

Were it not for your songs.  

——  Langston Hughes   

My People  

The night is beautiful, 

So the faces of my people. 

The stars are beautiful, 

So the eyes of my people. 

Beautiful, also, is the sun. 

Beautiful, also, are the souls of my people. 

——  Langston Hughes   


liken: to see, mention, or show as similar; compare 常与to 连用,表示……比作的意思。

were: were it not for 是典型的虚拟语气,它的另外一种形式是If it were not for,表示如果



Langston Hughes,兰斯顿·休斯(1902—1967),美国杰出的黑人诗人,黑人文艺复兴运动



