Gun control 枪支管控

发布时间:2016-10-07 20:50:43   来源:文档文库   

Gun control

Some information

Gun politics is an area of American politics that is primarily defined by the actions of two groups: gun control and gun rights activists. These groups often disagree on the interpretation of laws and court cases related to firearms as well as about the effects of gun control on crime and public safety.It has been estimated that U.S. civilians own 270 million to 310 million firearms, and that 37% to 42% of the households in the country have at least one gun.

Since the 1990s, debates regarding firearm availability and gun violence in the U.S. have been characterized by concerns about the right to bear arms, such as found in the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and the responsibility of the government to serve the needs of its citizens and to prevent crime and deaths. Gun control supporters say that broad or unrestricted gun rights inhibit the government from fulfilling that responsibility.Gun rights supporters promote firearms for self-defense, hunting, sporting activities, and security against tyranny. Gun control advocates state that keeping guns out of the hands of criminals would result in safer communities, while gun rights advocates state that firearm ownership by law-abiding citizens reduces crime.

Gun legislation, or non-legislation, in the United States is augmented by judicial interpretations of the Constitution. In 1791, the United States adopted the Second Amendment, and in 1868 adopted the Fourteenth Amendment. The effect of those two amendments on gun politics was the subject of landmark U.S. Supreme Court decisions in 2008 and 2010, that upheld the right of individuals to possess guns for self-defense.





The perpetrators and victims of accidental and negligent gun discharges may be of any age. Over 120 children 15 years old or younger were killed in gun accidents in 1998. Accidental injuries are most common in homes where guns are kept for self-defense.The injuries are self-inflicted in half of the cases. On January 16, 2013, President Obama issued 23 Executive Orders on Gun Safety,one of which was for the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to research causes and possible prevention of gun violence. The five main areas of focus were gun violence, risk factors, prevention/intervention, gun safety and how media and violent video games influence the public. They also researched the area of accidental firearm deaths. According to this study not only have the number of accidental firearm deaths been on the decline over the past century but they now account for less than 1% of all unintentional deaths, half of which are self-inflicted.



Guns were common in the American Colonies, first for hunting and general self-protection and later as weapons in the American Revolutionary War. Several colonies' gun laws required that heads of households (including women) own guns and that all able-bodied men enroll in the militia and carry personal firearms.

The Second Amendment of the US Constitution was ratified on Dec. 15, 1791. The notes from the Constitutional Convention do not mention an individual right to a gun for self-defense. Some historians suggest that the idea of an individual versus a collective right would not have occurred to the Founding Fathers because the two were intertwined and inseparable: there was an individual right in order to fulfill the collective right of serving in the militia.

Although guns were common in colonial and revolutionary America, so were gun restrictions. Laws included banning the sale of guns to Native Americans (though colonists frequently traded guns with Native Americans for goods such as corn and fur); banning indentured servants (mainly the Irish) and slaves from owning guns; and exempting a variety of professions from owning guns (including doctors, school masters, lawyers, and millers).

枪在美国殖民地,第一次是用于狩猎和一般自我保护,后来在美国革命战争中的武器。[ 105 ]几个殖民地的枪支法律要求户主(包括妇女)自己的枪和所有身体健全的男性报名参加民兵,携带个人枪支。



From the 1700s through the 1800s, so-called "slave codes" and, after slavery was abolished in 1865, "black codes" (and, still later, "Jim Crow" laws) prohibited black people from owning guns and laws allowing the ownership of guns frequently specified "free white men." [98] For example, an 1833 Georgia law stated, "it shall not be lawful for any free person of colour in this state, to own, use, or carry fire arms of any description whatever… that the free person of colour, so detected in owning, using, or carrying fire arms, shall receive upon his bare back, thirty-nine lashes, and that the fire arm so found in the possession of said free person of colour, shall be exposed for public sale."

18世纪到19世纪,所谓的“奴隶法”,废除奴隶制以后1865、“黑码”(和,再后来,“Jim Crow法”)禁止黑人拥有枪支和法律允许拥有枪支的规定“自由白人频繁。”[ 98 ]为例,一个1833格鲁吉亚法律规定,“是不合法的任何在这种状态下,自由人的彩色的自己,使用或携带武器的任何种类的任何…,色彩的自由人,所以检测拥有、使用或携带武器,就在他裸露的后背,接受三十九下鞭,,所以在拥有的火器说颜色的自由的人,不得暴露公开销售。”

Federal and State Gun Laws in the 2000s

Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act and Child Safety Lock Act of 2005 was enacted on Oct. 26 by President George W. Bush and gives broad civil liability immunity to firearms manufacturers so they cannot be sued by a gun death victim's family. [114] [118] The Child Safety Lock Act requires that all handguns be sold with a "secure gun storage or safety device."[119]

The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) Improvement Amendments Act of 2007 was enacted as a condition of the Brady Act and provides incentives to states (including grants from the Attorney General) for them to provide information to NICS including information on people who are prohibited from purchasing firearms. [114] The NCIS was implemented on Nov. 30, 1998 and later amended on Jan. 8, 2008 in response to the Apr. 16, 2007 Virginia Technical University shooting so that the Attorney General could more easily acquire information pertinent to background checks such as disqualifying mental conditions. [120]

On Jan. 5, 2016, President Obama announced new executive actions on gun control. His measures take effect immediately and include: an update and expansion of background checks (closing the "gun show loophole"); the addition of 200 ATF agents; increased mental health care funding; $4 million and personnel to enhance the National Integrated Ballistics Information Network (used to link crimes in one jurisdiction to ballistics evidence in another); creating an Internet Investigations Center to track illegal online gun trafficking; a new Department of Health and Human Services rule saying that it is not a HIPAA violation to report mental health information to the background check system; a new requirement to report gun thefts; new research funding for gun safety technologies; and more funding to train law enforcement officers on preventing gun casualties in domestic violence cases.



全国即时犯罪背景检查系统(NICS)2007改进修正法案颁布的布雷法案的条件和提供奖励的状态(包括由总检察长补助)他们网卡包括那些禁止购买枪支的信息提供信息。NCIS 1998年11月30日实施后修改响应于2007年4月16日拍摄,弗吉尼亚技术大学总检察长可以更容易地获得背景检查如淘汰的心理状况相关信息2008年1月8日。

2016年1月5日,奥巴马总统宣布了新的关于枪支管制的执行行动。他的措施立即生效,包括:更新和背景检查膨胀(关闭“枪展漏洞”);200 ATF的代理商加入;增加精神卫生保健资金;400万美元,人员提升国家综合弹道信息网络(用于连接在一个管辖权的犯罪在另一个弹道的证据);创造了一个互联网调查中心跟踪网上非法贩卖枪支;新的卫生和人类服务部的规则说,它不是违反HIPAA对背景检查系统报告心理健康信息;报告枪盗窃案有了新的要求;对枪支安全技术新的研究经费;和更多的资金来培养执法办公室防止家庭暴力案件中的枪支伤亡。


《Gun control 枪支管控.doc》
