
发布时间:2023-01-21 01:25:42   来源:文档文库   

信用卡业务因其突出的利润实现能力及在获取客户信息、竞争优质客户等方面的独特优 势,成为商业银行强化客户关系管理的重要载体和手段。随着我国国民收入的增长以及外资 银行信用卡业务进入中国,信用卡业务成为各商业银行业务发展的重中之重。但规模扩张的 同时,信用卡业务所面临的风险也逐渐凸显。信用卡业务对商业银行而言是一柄双刃剑,在 带来利润的同时也可能会引致该银行流动性危机乃至波及全行业。信用卡业务风险及风险管 理问题成为管理部门、学者及业界广泛关注的焦点。因此,本文对合理构建中国银行股份有 限公司(以下简称中国银行)信用卡业务的全面风险管理体系的问题进行了分析,以期为中 国银行信用卡业务风险管理的实践提供建设性的思路。
首先,文章对中国银行信用卡业务风险管理现状的进行了描述,归纳了中国银行信用卡 业务风险管理的特征。然后从风险管理思路、组织体系、制度建设、内控机制、受理环境以 及人员素质等方面提出了中国银行信用卡业务风险管理仍然存在的问题,并对产生这些问题 的原因进行了剖析。最后文章结合中国银行信用卡业务风险管理体系的特点,就合理构建信 用卡业务全面风险管理体系有针对性地提出了一些初步设想。 关键词:中国银行;信用卡;风险
Abstract Credit cards for its outstanding implementation of profit ability and to access to customer informationcompetitive quality customers unique advantage, become important carriers and means of enhancing customer relationship management in commercial banks.With the growth of national income in China as well as foreign bank credit card business into China, credit cards become the most important business of commercial banks.But the expansion of scale, while gradually highlight the risk of facing the credit card business.Credit cards for the commercial bank is a two-edged sword, in the profitability but also may cause the Bank's liquidity crisis and spread to the whole industry.Credit card business risk and risk management issues become the focus of management departments, academics, and industry-wide concem.Therefore, this article on the construction Bank of China Limited (hereinafter referred to as Bank of China of credit card business analysis on issues of a comprehensive risk management system, with a view to for the risk management of Bank of China credit card business practices provide constructive ideas. First of all, article on the Bank of China credit card business describes the status of risk managementsummarized the characteristics of Bank of China credit card business risk management.From ideasorganization, system construction of risk management, internal control mechanisms, accepting environment, and people have raised the quality of the Bank of China credit card business risk management problems that remain, and analysis of the causes of these problems.Last article combining the characteristics of Bank of China credit card risk management system, building comprehensive risk management system targeted credit card business has put forward some tentative. Keywords: Bank of China and credit card; risk


