牛津版九年级英语 下 第一月月考试卷Microsoft Word 文档(3)

发布时间:2012-03-02 11:53:23   来源:文档文库   



1. generous the girl to share her toys with the other children.

A.Its of B.Thats,of C.Its,for D.Thats,for

2.He never shows off, ?

A.does he B.is he C.doesnt he D.isnt he

4.Wendy gets on well with her friends but she is a little selfish .

A.on time B in time C some times Dat times

5.---Im to eat a horse now!

---Really?But I dont have enough food for you .Its a great pity!

A hungry enough;eat B enough hungry;to eat

C enough hungry;eat C hungry enough;to eat

6.Leo is good at organizing activities. We would like to him

the new chairperson.

A.recommend,be B. recommend,as C.think,of D.think,about

7.Even if you dont agree others,dont agree them.

A.with,about B.about,with C.with,with D.about,about

8.I want to drink some milk but is left in the fridge.

A.everything B.none C.anything D.something

9.In the old days,workers were often made all day and night.

A.work B.to work C.working D.worked

10.Come on! I have to tell you.

A.interesting something B.interesting anything

C.something interesting C.anything interesting

11.Eddie prefers when he is free.

A.to sleeping B.to sleep C.slept D.sleeps

12.She would rather a new car than the old one repaired.

A.buy,have B.buy,having C.to buy,have D.buying,to having

13.If you dont know how to the problem,please ask your teacher for help.

A.deal with B.do with C.do about D.deal about

14.I always feel ,because I dont have any friends to talk to.

A.alone,close B.alone,closely C.lonely,closely D.lonely,close

15.She has a lot of work every day,and she has no choice but it.

A.do B.doing C.to do D.did

16.They liked to play football very much, ?

A.did they B.didnt they C.were they D.werent they

17.He has get a new watch, ?

A.hasnt he B.has he C.doesnt he D.does he

18Someone saw him into that building at about 3 this afternoon.

A.walking B.walk C.to walk D.walked

19.Our English teacher is strict her work. She is also very strict us.

A.in;with B.with;in C.in;in D.with;with

20.Many students write to me and ask me their problems.

A.how to answer B.what to solve

C.how to solve D.where to solve


John lived __1__ his mother in a big house, and __2__ his mother died, the house became __3__ big for him. So he bought a __4__ one in the next street.

There __5__ a very nice old clock in his first house, and when the men came__6__ furniture(家具) to the __7__ house, John thought, "I'm not going to let them __8__ my beautiful clock in their truck. Perhaps they will break it,and then mending(修理) it will be very _9_." So he _10_ it up and began to carry it down the road in his arms.

It was heavy, so he stopped two or three times to have a __11__. Then suddenly a small boy came down the road. He stopped and looked __12__ John for a few seconds. Then he said to John, "You are a foolish man, __13__ you? Why don't you __14__ a watch as everbody else(别人)?"

( )1. A. and B. at C. with D. in

( )2. A. if B. before C. after D. as soon as

( )3. A. too B. much C. very D. quite

( )4. A. smaller B. bigger C. shorter D. longer

( )5. A. is B. will be C. has D. was

( )6. A. have B. pass C. take D. buy

( )7. A. old B. new C. nice D. big

( )8. A. to carry B. carry C. carries D. carried

( )9. A. cheap B. cheaper C. expensive D. more expensive

( )10. A. brought B. took C. carried D. picked

( )11. A. look B. rest C. text D. word

( )12. A. after B. for C. up D. at

( )13. A. aren't B. don't C. won't D. are you

( )14. A. give B. buy C. make D. lend



A young officer was at a railway station. On his way home, he wanted to telephone his mother to tell her the time of his train, so that she could meet him at the station in her car. He looked in all his pockets, but found that he did not have the right money for the telephone, so he went outside and looked around for someone to help him. At last an old soldier came by, and the young officer stopped him and said, "Have you got change for ten pence?" "Wait a moment, " the old soldier answered, beginning to put his hand in his pocket, "I'll see whether I can help you. " "Don't you know how to speak to an officer?" the young man said angrily. "Now let's start again. Have you got change for ten pence?" "No, sir, " the old soldier answered quickly.根据短文内容,选择正确答案(10分)

1.The young officer wanted to telephone his mother to tell her _________.

A. that he was going to visit her B. when his train would leave

C. when his train would arrive D. that he was now at the railway station

2. He looked around for help because he _________.

A. didn't have coins for the phone call B. had no money to make the phone call C. didn't have the local money D. wanted to change money

3. The old soldier _________.

A. was glad to help him B. didn't know if he had coins

C. didn't want to help him D. was angry

4 . The young officer was angry because he thought the old soldier _____.

A. didn't know how to speak to him B. didn't want to help him

C. didn't answer him correctly D. was not friendly to him

5 The old so in the story was_________.

A. clever B. stupid C. polite D. friendly


  Tom walked into a shop . It bad a sign outside : "Second-hand (旧的) clothes bought and sold . "He was carrying an old pair of trousers and asked the owner of the shop, "How much will you give me for these?" The man looked at them and then said: "Two dollars."

  "What !" said Tom. "I had guessed they were worth at least five dollars."

  "No," said the man, "they aren't worth a cent more than two dollars."

  "Well," said Tom, taking two dollars out of his pocket. "Here's your money. These trousers were hanging outside your shop. The list price (标价)of them was six dollars and a half. But I thought that was too much money, so I wanted to find out how much they were really worth."

  Then he walked out of the shop with the pair of trousers and disappeared before the shop owner could think of anything to say .

 ( ) 1. At first the owner of the shop thought that Tom __________ .

   A. wanted to steal the trousers  B. wanted to sell the trousers C. wanted to fool him    D. wanted to buy the trousers

 ( ) 2. The owner of the shop_______ for the old trousers .

  A. would give Tom two dollars B. would pay three dollars

  C. would pay five dollars D. would give Tom six dollars and a half

 ( 3. The shop owner insisted that the trousers were worth only

two dollars because ____ .

   A. he wanted to sell them cheaply (廉价地)

   B. he wanted to buy them cheaply

   C. he didn't like the trousers

   D. they were old and dirty

4. In fact, the trousers _________.

   A. were hanging inside the shop 

   B. were stolen by Tom from the shop

   C. had been the shop owner's  

   D. had been Tom's

5. From the story we know that _________ cheaper than the list price.

   A. the owner sold the trousers two dollars

   B. Tom sold the trousers one dollar and a half

   C. the owner bought the trousers three dollars

  D. Tom bought the trousers four dollars and a half  


In England recently three foreign gentlemen came to a bus stop and waited . About five minutes later, the bus they wanted came along. They were just going to get on when suddenly there was a loud noise behind them. People rushed onto the bus and tried to push them out of the way . Someone shouted at them. The bus conductor came rushing down the stairs to see what all the trouble was about. The three foreigners seem all at sea and looked embarrassed (窘迫的 . No one had told them about the British custom (习惯)of lining up for a bus that the first person who arrives at the bus stop is the first person to get on the bus .

  Learning the language of a country isn't enough. If you want to have a pleasant visit, find out as much as possible about the manners and customs of your host country. You will probably be surprised just how different they can be from your own. A visitor to India would do well to remember that people there consider it impolite to use the left hand for passing food at table. The left hand is supposed to be used for washing yourself. Also in India, you might see a man shaking his head at another to show that he doesn't agree. But in many parts of India a shake of the head means agreement. Nodding (点头) your head when you are given a drink in Bulgaria will most probably leave you thirsty .

  In that country, you shake your head to mean 'yes'— a nod means 'no' . At a meal in countries on the Arabic Peninsula, you will find that your glass is repeated refilled as soon as you drink up . If you think that you have had enough , you should take the cup or glasses in your hand and give it a little shake from side to side or place your hand over the top.

  In Europe it quite usual to cross your legs when you are sitting talking to someone even at an important meeting. Doing this in Thailand, however, could bring about trouble . Also, you should try to avoid (避免)touching the head of an adult (成人) ——it's just not done in Thailand .

 ( 1. The British people tried to push the three gentlemen out of the way, because the gentlemen _________ .

   A. were foreigners     B. didn't have tickets

   C. made a loud noise    D. didn't line up for the bus

 ( 2. According to the article, if you want to have a pleasant journey in a foreign country, you should _________.

   A. learn the language of the country

   B. understand the manners and customs of the country

   C. have enough time and money

   D. make friends with the people there

 ( 3. In India it is considered impolite ___________.

   A. to use the right hand for passing food at table.

   B. to pass food with the left hand.

   C. to eat food with your hands.

   D. to help yourself at table.

4. To cross one's legs at an important meeting in Europe is _______.

   A. a common (平常的) habit    B. an important manner

   C. a serious (严重的) trouble  D. a bad manner

5. The best title (题目) for this article is ________.

A. People's Everyday Life   B. Mind Your Manners

C. Shaking and Nodding Head  D. Taking a Bus in England


A 1 ,young guy?

B:I dont feel well.

A: 2 please lie in the bed. Let me examine you.


A:well,dont worry. Nothing serious. 3

B:No,doctor. I never have time for exercise.

A: 4

B:I sleep very hardly. Can you give me some medicine to help me sleep?

A:Yes,I can, 5 .Just take more exercise.

B:Youre right. Ill try. Thank you very much.

A:Youre welcome.

A. Im sorry to hear that.

B. Do you sleep well?

C. But Im not going to.

D. Whats the matter

E. Do you take much exercise?


1.My parents are never 满意的)with my study.

2.The teacher once 建议)me to do my homework first after school.

3.I have stayed here for more than an hour and I am getting (不耐烦的)

4.Kitty is good at dancing. When she dances,she feels .(自信的)

5.Be careful! Dont lose your ,(平衡)or you will fall off the ladder.

6.Most students think too much homework is the main (原因)of their stress.


每个人都有很多朋友,你的一个朋友在班上最有礼貌,并乐于助人。成绩优秀,喜欢并擅长英语,他是学生会主席,你决定向他学习,加入学生会。请以My friend为题写一篇短文。(不少于80词)



《牛津版九年级英语 下 第一月月考试卷Microsoft Word 文档(3).doc》
