高中英语人教版必修一学案设计:Unit 3 Travel journal3.1 Word版含答案

发布时间:2019-09-03 22:21:44   来源:文档文库   


Unit 3 Travel journal

Period 1 新知预习课


1.Match the words and phrases.

A.words (词汇连线)



1)    a newspaper or a magazine;a written record of what happens to you each day 

2)    the money you pay to travel by bus,plane,taxi,etc. 

3)    get one’s first degree from a university 

4)    at last;in the end 

5)    a plan of what someone is going to do and when they are going to do it 

6)    determined not to change your mind or attitude 

7)    say what will happen in the future 

8)    something that is wrapped in paper or packed into an envelope 

9)    can be trusted or depended on 

10)    hot bright burning gas from something that is on fire 


1.fare,fee,price & expense


1)How much is the air    from Beijing to New York? 从北京去纽约的飞机票价是多少? 

2)—How do you like the school   ?你认为学校伙食费怎么样? 

—Well,I don’t actually enjoy it,yet it is for free.,我可不喜欢吃,但那是免费的。

3)If you want to join,there is an entrance     of $20.如果你想加入,需缴纳会费20美元。 

4)What’s the     of the shoes? 这双鞋多少钱? 

5)Most children in Britain are educated at public   .英国多数孩子接受免费教育。 

fare 指的是乘坐公共汽车、轮船、出租车等交通工具的费用;fee 常用复数,指给律师、医生等专业人员的服务费、酬金或(考试的)报名费、(加入俱乐部的)会费等;price 强调(物品)价格;expense 主要指支出,费用。


(2007·天津高考)One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but would help cover my living    

A.bills   B.expenses   C.prices   D.charges

2.persuade & advise


1)We have persuaded him    keep away from the net bar.= We have persuaded him     keeping away from the net bar.我们已经说服了他远离网吧。 

2)How can we persuade her    in him? 我们怎么才能说服她别相信他呢? 

3)We persuade him     his foolish plan.我们劝他停止他愚蠢的计划。 

4)She     me to be cautious.她劝我要谨慎。 

5)I’ve     him to give up smoking by     him many times.通过多次劝告,我说服他戒了烟。 

persuade sb.to do sth.=persuade sb.into doing sth.说服某人做某事

persuade sb.not to sth.= persuade sb.out of (doing) sth.说服某人不做某事

advise sb.to do sth.= try to persuade sb.to do sth.劝告某人做某事

3.finally,at last & in the end


1)I     managed to get her attention.我终于设法引起了她的注意。 

2)He finished his long boring speech    .他终于结束了又长又乏味的演讲。 

3)Who can tell what will happen to the earth    ? 谁会知道地球最终会怎么样呢? 

finally 强调活动过程的最后,一是列举事物或观点时引出最后一项;二是用在动词前面表示等了很久才……”;at last 指拖延一番或经过曲折后终于发生,带有较强的感情色彩,如不耐烦,不情愿等;in the end 等了很久才……”,而且能预测未来。

4.care about & care for


1)The only thing he     is money.他唯一在乎的东西就是金钱。 

2)I don’t really     red wine.我其实并不喜欢红酒。 

3)I don’t     what happens to him.我才不关心他的事儿呢。 

4)Who will     your child if you are out? 如果你外出了,谁来照顾你的孩子? 

care about 表示忧虑,关心,惦念,be worried about be concerned about.care for 表示喜欢(like or love sb./ sth.),常用于否定句和疑问句中;还可以表示照顾,照料,look after / take care of 同义。

5.make up one’s mind & change one’s mind 改变主意


1)I         to study hard.我下决心好好学习。 

2)No matter what you say,I won’t        .不管你说什么,我都不会改变主意的。 

3)Once my daughter        ,nothing can be done to        .我女儿一旦下定了决心,就没有什么能使她改变主意。 

4)We must         that “No pains,no gains”.我们必须牢记不劳无获 

5)I was so angry that I        .我是那么生气,以至于失去了理智。 

make up one’s mind to do sth.下定决心做某事,decide to do sth./ make a decision to do sth.

change one’s mind 改变主意

bear/keep one’s mind 记住某事

lose one’s mind 失去理智

speak one’s mind直言不讳

7.give in & give up 放弃


4)He won’t      to the enemies.他是不会向敌人屈服的。 

5)You were supposed to     your homework four days ago.你四天前就应该把作业交上来了。 

6)He     learning English because it was hard to learn.因为英语难学他放弃了学英语。 

give in 上交之意时,为及物动词词组;让步,投降讲时,为不及物动词词组,若表示……让步/投降,要用give in to;give up 意为放弃,后加名词或动名词。



1.He received his degree at eighteen,the youngest g    in Oxford University. 

2.What is your a    towards his behavior? 

3.Does environment d    one’s character? 

4.I like the way you o    the information in the report. 

5.Is the source of the information r   ? 

6.He was standing on the tower looking at the lake    (在下面)

7.It is natural for children to have different    (观点)from their parents. 

8.All these goods will be    (运输)abroad by ship. 

9.The plane is flying at an    (高度)of 20,000 feet. 

10.The bar is open from 8:00 a.m.to    (午夜)every day. 


1.We are happy that the project has been completed ahead of    

A.journal  B.schedule C.altitude  D.forecast

2.She is    .I’m afraid she won’t change her mind easily. 

A.reliable  B.stubborn C.fluent  D.grateful

3.I’m sure he won’t let you down;he’s always    

A.loose  B.frequent C.stubborn  D.reliable

4.They were standing on the bridge looking down at the river    

A.finally  B.straight C.beneath  D.entirely

5.To write a good essay you must first     your ideas in an orderly way. 

A.organize  B.recognize C.transport  D.ignore

6.The weather     says it will be sunny tomorrow. 

A.identity  B.command C.insurance  D.forecast

7.He chose Germany,but personally I’d     to go to the Netherlands. 

A.request  B.concern C.disagree  D.prefer

8.If you don’t speak good English,you’ll be at a big     when you try to get a job. 

A.disadvantage  B.journey C.attitude  D.pillow

9.I am unable to     to school because my bike is broken. 

A.settle  B.graduate C.cycle  D.pace

10.They went on a long train     across India last week. 

A.schedule  B.journey C.flame  D.valley



2.1)journal 2)fare 3)graduate 4)finally 5)schedule 6)stubborn 7)forecast 8)parcel 9)reliable 10)flame


1.1)fare 2)fare 3)fee 4)price 5)expense

高考链接 B

2.1)to;into 2)out of believing/ not to believe 3)out of 4)advised 5)persuaded;advising

3.1)finally 2)at last 3)in the end

4.1)cares about 2)care for 3)care (about) 4)care for

5.1)make up my mind 2)change my mind 3)has made up her mind;change her mind 4)bear in mind 5)lost my mind

6.1)give in 2)give in 3)gave up


.1.graduate 2.attitude 3.determine 4.organize 5.reliable 6.beneath 7.views

8.transported 9.altitude 10.midnight

.1~5.BBDCA 6~10.DDACB


《高中英语人教版必修一学案设计:Unit 3 Travel journal3.1 Word版含答案.doc》
