
发布时间:2019-12-15 11:44:44   来源:文档文库   


专项技能保分练(十一) 七选五

Test 1

[2019·武汉市四月调研]Many people struggle with saying No. __1__ Remember, just because you can do something does not mean it is required. Understand you always have a right to turn down an invitation or refuse a favor and figure out the best ways to say No. Here are some specific tips.

Give yourself permission to say no. Many people have an immediate reaction to say Yes when they're asked to do someone a favor. Keep in mind, you are never required to sayYes. It's actually okay to say No sometimes. Accept this as you prepare to say No to someone. __2__

Set up your personal boundaries. __3__ However, that reason does not have to be concrete. Many people think if they can do something, they should. Your reason for saying No can be a simple matter of your own personal boundaries. Think about what boundaries you have, and accept the fact you're allowed to stay true to them.

__4__ People often won't take No for an answer. If you say No to people, they may give you various reasons to try and change your mind. Stay determined for your decision and do not give in easily.

Practice saying No. It may sound silly, but you can actually practice saying No alone. __5__ Practice giving a firm No to someone so you get comfortable with the words. Many people are nervous about saying No and may say Yes due to anxiety. Practicing can help get rid of some of this anxiety.

AThis will help you say No with ease.

BBe aware of potential persuasion techniques.

CFind a good chance to stand in front of a crowd.

DIt's always easier to say No if you have a reason.

ETry standing before a mirror and looking at yourself.

FIt's rather easy for you to set up your personal boundaries.

GIf someone asks you a favor, you may feel you have to say Yes

体裁:说明文 题材:日常生活 主题:学会拒绝

【语篇解读】 我们可以通过设定边界、不断训练等方式,勇敢地向他人说

1答案与解析:G 根据前一句的内容可知,很多人总是在苦苦挣扎,不敢说。由此可推知,如果总是这样的话,当别人要请你帮忙的时候,你可能会感到你不得不说可以。故选G

2答案与解析:A 本段讲述的是要允许自己拒绝别人。很多人会不自觉地接受他人的请求,但是你并不是一定要对他人说可以,这是你的权利。记住这一点,将帮助你轻而易举地拒绝别人。故选A

3答案与解析:D 根据空后一句However, that reason does not have to be concrete可知,D如果你有一个理由的话,说总是比较容易的符合语境,故选D

4答案与解析:B 空后三句讲述的是,人们通常不会接受的,他们会找种种理由劝你改变主意,因此我们要坚持自己的决定,不要轻易屈服。由此可推知,我们要知道他人的劝说技巧。故选B

5答案与解析:E 本段讲述的是要训练自己去说。该空前一句提到训练说可能听起来很愚蠢,但实际上你可以独自去训练自己说。由此可知E试着站在镜子前,看着自己符合语境,衔接上下文。

Test 2

[2019·南昌二模]There are several different types of fire departments. Some hire full­time paid firefighters and some are run entirely by volunteers. __1__ a firefighter must go through strict physical and academic training to ensure a strong knowledge of fire safety and the physical strength to handle the tasks required by a fire department.

Joining a fire department requires that both physical and written tests are passed with scores showing a thorough knowledge of fire safety. __2__.

The first step in joining a fire department as a paid firefighter is to submit an application as well as acquire the appropriate training. Usually firefighters must have a high school diploma, and some complete two­or­four­year programs in fire science at community colleges and universities. __3__ and if a candidate already has connections at a fire department, he may apply for a position straight out of high school.

Once a candidate applies and is accepted for training at a fire department, he must then complete several weeks of training at the department's training center. __4__. When this is done, the candidate is sent to a fire company for a period of probation (见习). He has to continue training in the new position while being directed by experienced firefighters. __5__. An application must be submitted to the volunteer fire department, then if the application is accepted, the candidate will take a training program and then be required to pass a physical and written test. Firefighters must also become certified as Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs). The level of EMT certification is determined by the individual departments.

AAlthough it is demanding

BWhichever type is desired

CHowever, an academic program is not required

DFor volunteer firefighters the procedure is similar

E. But joining a volunteer fire department is totally different

FTraining consists of classroom work and practical training

GAlso, a candidate must be able to respond quickly in


体裁:说明文 题材:社会生活 主题:如何成为一名消防员

【语篇解读】 消防员有全职的,也有志愿的。但是不管选择做哪种消防员,都要经过一系列的体能及书面测试,并且还要参加训练。

1答案与解析:B 根据前一句内容可知,有两种消防员,即全职的与志愿的,但不管是哪一种,消防员都要经历严格的身体及学业上的训练,以确保他们有专业的知识与体能去应对紧急情况。故选B

2答案与解析:G 根据前一句可知,加入消防队,需要体能及书面测试,并且两种测试都要求能反映出一个人对消防安全的全面的认识;同时,他还必须能在紧急情况下,迅速做出反应。故选G

3答案与解析:C 根据空后的if a candidate already has... out of high school可知,如果一个人与消防队有联系,那么他高中毕业后可以直接申请。由此可知,C但是,学术项目不需要(参加)符合语境。

4答案与解析:F 根据前一句可知,申请者需要完成在消防队训练中心举行的为期数周的训练,训练包括室内工作与实践训练。故选F

5答案与解析:D 该空下文讲述的是参加志愿者消防队需要完成的一系列事情,而且这些事情与申请全职消防员所需要做的事情类似。故选D

Test 3

[2019·唐山质量检测]I did not go on my first hike until my mid­30s. I could blame it on the fact that I grew up on the Great Plains of South Dakota and North Dakota. __1__ Having never gone, I didn't see the value and always shook my head when asked.

__2__ At the urging of my wife, and with my two young kids, we walked a beautiful forest path on a cool August morning. I carried a small backpack with water and snacks (小吃). When we reached the top, we ate lunch together overlooking a perfectly still pond and a scenic Vermont.

A few weeks ago, my 11­year­old son, my 61­year­old dad, and I hiked Camelback Mountain in Phoenix. Last weekend, I hiked down the Grand Canyon with my son along the South Kaibab Trail. And later this week, my wife and daughter will join us to walk the Waterfall Trail in the White Tank Mountains. __3__

Now, just to be clear, by no means would I classify myself as an expert hiker. __4__ And I have no plans to climb Mount Kilimanjaro or walk the Appalachian Trail. But waking early on a Saturday morning to walk 3 — 5 miles along a forest path with lunch in the backpack is a journey I'd recommend to anyone.

It is healthy physical exercise that creates wonderful memories.__5__ And given the chance, hiking teaches us important truths about life.

AMost of our hikes only last 2 hours.

BI've fallen in love with climbing mountains.

CI love the stillness and calm of an empty path.

DBut mostly, to be honest, I just wasn't interested.

EIf you can climb a mountain, you can do anything.

FIt provides an opportunity to slow down and disconnect.

GI went on my first hike a few years back while living in Vermont.

体裁:记叙文 题材:个人经历 主题:远足

【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者直到35岁左右才开始第一次远足而后喜欢上爬山的经历,作者认为这种锻炼方式提供了一个让生活慢下来、脱离尘世的机会。

1答案与解析:D 前一句讲到,可以把35岁左右之前从未远足过归咎于生活在大平原上,结合空后一句可知,此处隐含的意思是:真实原因并非如此。故选择D但是老实说,我主要是不感兴趣罢了

2答案与解析:G 第一段讲对远足不感兴趣,本空之后讲的是的一次远足经历,因此空处应涉及一次远足的内容,故答案为G

3答案与解析:B 上一段讲第一次远足的经历,本段讲其后的远足经历和计划,故本空为总结句,应表示经过了第一次远足后,爱上了爬山,故选B

4答案与解析:A 前一句讲到不认为自己是一个专业远足者,后一句讲并没有计划去爬世界高峰或挑战高难度的远足,因此本空应该讲远足的运动强度不高,故选A项。

5答案与解析:F 前后两句都在讲远足的好处,故此处也应是同样的,故选F(远足)提供了一个让生活慢下来、脱离尘世的机会

Test 4

[2019·兰州高三诊断考试]Have you ever wondered what the real meaning of the saying A friend in need is a friend indeed is? __1__. True friendship is the one, in which the individuals do not have to maintain good manners with each other. Sharing true friendship is the situation, when the person you are talking about is regarded as one among your family members, when the relation you share with him or her reaches a stage that even if you don't correspond for some time, your friendship remains unchanged.

The trust between best friends is such that if one friend falls in trouble, the other will not think twice to help. If the bond between two friends is strong, true friends can tolerate even long distances. __2__. It would not affect their friendship.

__3__. They would face it together and support each other, even if it is against the interests of the other person. Best friends don't analyze each other and they don't have to do so. They accept each other with their positive and negative qualities. __4__. They know each other's strengths as well as weaknesses. One would not overpower the other. They would respect each other's individuality. In fact, they would understand the similarities and respect the differences.

True friendship is marked by selflessness. Best friends support each other, even if the whole world opposes them. __5__. If you have even one true friend, consider yourself lucky.

ATrue friendship never fades away

BNothing is hidden between true friends

CIt is not easy getting true friends for the lifetime

DFor them, geographical separation is just a part of life

ETrue friends don't desert each other when one is facing


FRemember, all the best friends are friends, but not all friends can be the best friends

GPeople talk about the true value of friendship actually without knowing what it stands for

体裁:说明文 题材:人际关系 主题:什么是真正的友谊

【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。在生活中,真正的友谊不会拘泥于各种礼仪,朋友彼此间都以诚相待,会毫不犹豫地帮助对方。

1答案与解析:G 空前一句是说,你曾经想知道患难见真情的真正的含义吗;后一句解释了什么是真正的友谊;由此可推知,空处应是说很多人并不了解真正的友谊的含义。故选G

2答案与解析:D 根据前一句中的long distances可知,此处叙述的是地理分离对双方的影响,这与D项中的geographical separation相呼应。故选D

3答案与解析:E 根据后一句中的face it together and support each other可知,此处讲述的是真正的朋友会共同面对困难并互相支持,这与E项中的don't desert each other相联系。故选E

4答案与解析:B 根据后一句中的They know each other's strengths as well as weaknesses可知,真正的朋友知道对方的优点和缺点,双方坦诚相见,故B项符合语境。

5答案与解析:C 根据空后的If you have even one true friend, consider yourself lucky可知,即使你只有一位真正的朋友,那你也应该感到幸运;由此可推知,C获得一生的真正的朋友并不容易符合语境。


