中国人说英语最容易说错的15句 快来看看你中招了吗?

发布时间:2015-04-15 14:14:36   来源:文档文库   

中国人说英语最容易说错的15句  快来看看你中招了吗?

1. 我很喜欢。I very like it.

  应为:I like it very much.

  2. 这个价格对我挺合适的。The price is very suitable for me.

  The price is right.

  3. 你在工作吗?Whats your job?

  Are you working at the moment?

  4. 用英语怎么说?How to say?

  How do you say this in English?

  5. 明天我有事情要做。I have something to do tomorrow?

  Sorry but I am tied up all day tomorrow.

  6. 我没有英文名。I havent English name.

  I dont have an English name.

  7. 我想我不行。I think I cant.

  I dont think I can.

  8. 我的舞也跳得不好。I dont dance well too.

  I am not a very good dancer either.

  9. 现在几点钟了?What time is it now?

  What time is it, please?


《奇速英语精品签约提分各年级网班》正在招生,本期签约班是100分以下保证涨20-40分,100分以上10-30分,签正规合同(公正),不达目标全额退费。我们方法独特,学生能快速涨分,对学生家长老师学校我们都有好处。 详询QQ2835745855,159********陈老师,实力见证网站另小伙伴们盼望已久的奇速英语24个故事神奇记忆中学3500词汇特训班开班啦!为庆祝奇速英语诞生五周年,现在报班,3折优惠,庆典即将结束恢复原价,词汇QQ2236845575。各年级签约班也在滚动开班中!奇速英语24个故事速记高中3500词汇视频链接:

10. 我的英语很糟糕。My English is poor.

  I am not 100% fluent, but at least I am improving.

  11. 你愿意参加我们的晚会吗?Would you like to join our party on Friday?

  Would you like to come to our party on Friday night?

  12. 我没有经验。I have no experience.

  I dont know much about that.

  13. 我没有男朋友。I have no boyfriend.

  I dont have a boyfriend.

  14. 他的身体很健康。His body is healthy.

  He is in good health. You can also say: Hes healthy.

  15. 价钱很昂贵/便宜。The price is too expensive/cheap.

  The price is too high/ rather low.


《中国人说英语最容易说错的15句 快来看看你中招了吗?.doc》
