
发布时间:2019-02-25 19:54:05   来源:文档文库   



1. they don t neglect their careers.


firstly, strong, independent girls have their careers always at the forefront of their lives. working hard is something everyone should do, regardless of age, gender or other factors. strong, independent girls always work hard, keep their eyes to the future, and strive to work on their careers.


2. they don t overreact to bad situations or mistakes.


strong, independent girls have the ability to let mistakes roll off their backs and to learn from their bad choices. if you re a strong, independent girl, you let yourself make these mistakes and you learn from it. you don t overreact to bad stuff that happens . you see these negative scenarios as a learning process and a way in which you can grow.


3. they don t stop learning.


strong, independent girls never stop learning about the world or subjects. strong, independent girls move on to people whose opinions they care about and never let anyone stand in the way of their passions or their education.


4. they don t let other people affect their confidence.


one of the fundamental things that a strong, independent girl does not do is let other people hold sway over her confidence and self-esteem. strong, independent girls do not let themselves become affected. they carry their heads high and no matter their shape, skin color, gender identity or form of self-expression, they own themselves. the things that make them stand out become their greatest assets.


5. they don t have unrealistic expectations.


having unrealistic expectations is one of the quickest ways to being an unhappy camper. fortunately, if you re a strong, independent girl, that s not an issue for you as you have your expectations in check and are realistically optimistic about the future. strong, independent girls accept and enjoy these brief interludes but never let them truly affect their lives; they keep grounded and realistic, while never dampening down on their dreams and goals.



in the 1970s hippiedom led to the freaks,

and that kind of thing hasnt stopped happening.

modern kids are into strange hair styles,

weird hair colors, tattoos and body piercing,

and among the greatest appeal of all those things

is the simple fact that their parents disapprove.

the 1950s also saw the beatniks.

beatniks were non-conformists.

they were independent; they were into cool

and jazz and obscure poetry and modern art.

and there was an amazing degree of uniformity

amongst them in styles of clothing,

and in ways of talking, and in attitudes and values;

it was almost like there was some official

non-conformist way of dressing

and an official non-conformist set of attitudes

and values to which these non-conformists

all closely conformed.

there was a lot of ridicule about

their presumption of nonconformity .

the beatniks were lampooned quite a lot by mad magazine,

for instance. because, of course,

it was not the case that they were non-conformists.

they just conformed to a different standard.

that basic drive to rebel,

and to prove rebellion by doing things parents condemn,

is something most of us outgrow eventually.

but that isnt really independence.

if you can do those things,

it proves that you are free in the sense of

not being externally constrained.

it doesnt mean you are free inside your head.

real independence means making your own decisions

about things without being unduly influenced by

what others think you should decide.

for example, a woman who chooses

to be a wife-and-mother is liberated.

a woman who is forced into that role is not.

whats critical is who made the decision,

not what decision was made.

thats what most of us learn as we mature,

as we outgrow youthful rebellion:

i can agree with others and retain my independence,

as long as i am the one making the decision.

it isnt demeaning, or a sign of slavery,

to feel respect for the achievements of others,

as long as it is you who evaluates

what they did and decides that it is worthy of respect.

being independent doesnt require you to

automatically reject and condemn everything

ever done by dead white males ,

or indeed to automatically reject anything whatever.

in fact, you are just as much an intellectual slave

if you automatically oppose everything

that a certain other thinks and does as you are

if you automatically support and agree.

for when you automatically oppose them,

you still let them control your position.

内容来自 听力课堂网:



18631119日,正值美国内战中葛底斯堡战役结束后四个半月,林肯在宾夕法尼亚州葛底斯堡的葛底斯堡国家公墓(gettysburg national cemetery)揭幕式中发表是之演说,哀悼在长达5个半月的葛底斯堡之役中阵亡的将士。林肯的演讲于当天第二顺位发表,修辞细腻周密,其后成为美国历史上最伟大的演说之一。出乎意料的是,尽管这场演说名垂青史,声震寰宇,其确切之措辞却颇受争议。五份已知的演说稿,与当时新闻报导中的誊抄本,于若干细节上彼此互异。




