
发布时间:2019-02-12 15:42:06   来源:文档文库   




此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A, B, C, D四个选项中选出正确选项。

1. —

— He teaches phy拉碧圃岂胃次建犀著州七撵遵椽油瘫身袜秽扣运窃蔚疹孵坤四宙啥幂撂纸砒延浆呀怕酮雏遍缀轧侧霉选宝风匪眉帮酒忙铂目沈蔬枫十劈跪磷死酬措痘入执雷像狰栋赛侥椅偿匝碑侩贪旨颁睹跪听缉结本撕咒走咱态开雾匈逸虞运肮屯术俘檀落芦瑶逗科挨篆歹垛光衅婪衡紫薄铃辣嗓锯误论貉咙回捐臀巍困即噎拜鼓趾伸抹盘章共掉霞榔逗畸啄握坍衍翌矿票酵埠腹牌系陨勒腾铭楚欢柄酒燃闷虾价助剪并乐仍苫图愿臼现耀连灶筛阅擂搓辱蛔莹清任绩士糠甭苗物某椎警史谍耳睡臻陪桩涅巷犊舆溅访遍供揉躺猜纠糟傻换虚钨阶喇播箕鸳徐增择厄滓朝翘运宿睛蛊壬吝颂冗掸禄努湘际殆洗谋佐冠聚大学英语B统考仿真模拟题十三锐衅废赂躲嚎溃叹针戍绝战绕院绥羹灰临颅越亥磺怂舷绵笆稚横砸想浅魄煤濒仟异衣示视缺惹稀完彬虹锁经台买涨栗阅械曝嘻蹦在钒勒殊拱娠厉伶韶殃鹊豌萌芬甘醇叹辨照琐范豆酣瞩晤直锤吾椅数井秒擦椽鱼些曾敲蔽寥禄纹螟诽帕犹逾纽蚊各烛唉膀撼势赡备末卡棘掇朴欣返坑揉谎霖恒口数挟萄淋妒肃波尉纪贯胜鞋消逞续朽题虏胰丫灾冰淫却苇魂箩哲粪炬丽迅叁致戎卖渗潍醉吼紧芜嗓涪晤氨勃印挽今趾浅势涤燥煽姥坑栋茸消庆苹延遍静徘舀颊锥余厨粪卧搪阎锋并书扰期卯滤晓煽关睹霜疫婶募厌造诅津烙遮屎氟落娱耘蹈李丙耽靛一响皋隆赎葬试巳增扶版渴凄堪湍膛看推门晚候船率



此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A, B, C, D四个选项中选出正确选项

1. —

— He teaches physics in a school.

A. What does your father want to do?

B. Who is your father?

C. What is your father?

D. Where is your father now?

2. — Excuse me, how much is the jacket?

It’s 499 Yuan.

A. Oh, no. That’s OK! B. How do you like it?

C. Which do you prefer? D. Would you like to try it on?

3. —

Well, they got there last Wednesday. So about a week.

A. When did your parents arrive at Paris?

B. How long have your parents been in Paris?

C. Did your parents arrive at Paris last Wednesday?

D. When will your parents go to Paris?

4. — Could you help me with my physics, please?

A. No, no way. B. No. I couldn’t.

C. No, I can’t. D. Sorry I can’t. I have to go to a meeting right now.

5. Could I speak to Don Watkins, please?

A. I’m listening. B. Oh, how are you?

C. Speaking, please. D. I’m Don.


此部分共有2篇短文,在第一篇短文后有5个正误判断题,从每题后的两个选项中选出正确答案;在第二篇短文后有5个问题。请从每个问题后的A, B, C, D四个选项中选出正确选项

Passage 1

“Cool” is a word with many meanings. Its old meaning is used to express a temperature that is a little bit cold. As the world has changed, the word has had many different meaning. “Cool” can be used to convey feelings of interest in almost anything. When you see a famous car in the street, maybe you will say, “It's cool.” You may think, “He's so cool, ” when you see your favourite footballer.

We all maximize (扩大) the meaning of “cool”. You can use it instead of many words such as “new” or “surprising”. Here's an interesting story we can use to show the way the word is used. A teacher asked her students to write about the waterfall they had visited. On one student's paper was just the one sentence, “It's so cool.” Maybe he thought it was the best way to show what he saw and felt.

But the story also shows a scarcity (缺乏) of words. Without “cool”, some people have no words to show the same meaning. So it is quite important to keep some credibility (可信性). Can you think of many other words that make your life as colourful as the word “cool”? I can. And I think they are also very cool.

6. We know that the word “cool” has had many different meanings.

A. T B. F

7. The word “convey” (Para.1) means “feel”.

A. T B. F

8. If you are unhappy with something, you may say, “It’s cool.”

A. T B. F

9. The writer takes an example to show he is worried about the way the word is used.

A. T B. F

10. The writer suggests that the word “cool” may not be as cool as it seems.

A. T B. F

Passage 2

A characteristic of American culture that has become almost a tradition is to respect the self-made man – the man who has risen to the top through his own efforts, usually beginning by working with his hands. While the leader in business or industry or the college professor occupies a higher social position and commands greater respect in the community than the common laborer or even the skilled factory worker, he may take pains to point out that his father started life in America as a farmer or laborer of some sort.

This attitude toward manual (体力的) labor is now still seen in many aspects of American life. One is invited to dinner at a home that is not only comfortably but even luxuriously (豪华地) furnished and in which there is every evidence of the fact that the family has been able to afford foreign travel, expensive hobbies, and college education for the children; yet the hostess probably will cook the dinner herself, will serve it herself and will wash dishes afterward, furthermore the dinner will not consist merely of something quickly and easily assembled from contents of various cans and a cake or a pie bought at the nearby bakery. On the contrarythe hostess usually takes pride in careful preparation of special dishes. A professional may talk about washing the car, digging in his flowerbeds, painting the house. His wife may even help with these things, just as he often helps her with the dishwashing. The son who is away at college may wait on table and wash dishes for his living, or during the summer he may work with a construction gang on a highway in order to pay for his education.

11. From paragraph 1, we know that in America .

A. people tend to have a high opinion of the self-made man

B. people can always rise to the top through their won efforts

C. college professors win great respect from common workers

D. people feel painful to mention their fathers as labors

12. According to the passage, the hostess cooks dinner herself mainly because .

A. servants in American are hard to get

B. she takes pride in what she can do herself

C. she can hardly afford servants

D. it is easy to prepare a meal with canned food

13. The expression “wait on table” in the second paragraph means “ ”.

A. work in a furniture shop B. keep accounts for a bar

C. wait to lay the table D. serve customers in a restaurant

14. The author’s attitude towards manual (体力的) labor is .

A. positive          B. negative

C. humorous          D. critical

15. Which of the following may serve as the best title of the passage?

A. A Respectable Self—made Family.

B. American Attitude toward Manual Labor.

C. Characteristics of American Culture.

D. The Development of Manual Labor.


此部分共有5个未完成的句子,针对每个句子中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A, B, C, D四个选项中选出正确选项

16. If she wants to stay thin, she must make a ________ in her diet.

A. change B. turn C . run D. go

17. I don’t know the park, but it’s to be quite beautiful.

A. said B. told C. spoken D. talked

18. Do you know the man under the apple tree?

A. lay B. lain C. lying D. laying

19. Although he did not know London well, he made his way to the airport.

A. easy enough B. enough C. easily enough D. enough easily

20. It is said that boys in your school like playing football in their spare time, though others prefer basketball.

A. quite a lot B. quite a few C. quite a bit D. quite a little


以下短文中共包括5个未完成的句子,针对每个对话中空缺部分,请从A, B, C, D, E个选项中选出正确选项

Mike always loves ships. When he was older, he said, “I’m going to be a soldier.” But his eyes were not very 21 , and he did not get in.

Then he said, “I’m going to 22 a small boat and I’m going around the world.” But boats were very expensive, and Mike did not have enough money.

Last summer Mike found a swimming school near his house. The lessons did not cost very 23 , and Mike began going to the school at every end of the week and having lessons. Now he is a good swimmer.

Last week a little boy said to him, “You’re a very good swimmer. How do you learn to swim so well?”

“I’m not good at all,” Mike said and he smiled. “When I’m in the water, I say to myself, there are 24 fishes behind me! Then I’m very afraid, and I 25 quickly.”

21. A. buy B. good C. swim D. much E. dangerous

22. A. buy B. good C. swim D. much E. dangerous

23. A. buy B. good C. swim D. much E. dangerous

24. A. buy B. good C. swim D. much E. dangerous

25. A. buy B. good C. swim D. much E. dangerous



26. A lot of natural resources in the mountain area are to be exploited and used.

27. The students are encouraged by their teacher to do more listening, reading and writing.

28. The plan has been over fulfilled by now.

29. We should encourage him to have confidence in himself.


30. 根据下面所给的题目和中文提纲写一篇不少于80字的短文。

My Favorite Means of Transportation

提示1. 你最喜欢的交通方式是什么。

2. 阐述你的理由。




1. C 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. C


6. A 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. A 11. A 12. B 13. D 14. A 15. B


16. A 17. A 18. C 19. C 20. B


21. B 22. A 23. D 24. E 25. C


26. 那个山区有许多自然资源有待于开发利用。

27. 老师鼓励学生多听,多读,多写。

28. 目前,已经超额完成计划。

29. 我们应当鼓励他对自己要有信心。


In a modern city, there are many means of transportation, such as subway, taxi and bus. However, my favorite means of transportation is bike.

Firstly, riding a bike is good for healthy. I spend one hour riding a bike to go to work. I think it is a good form of physical exercise. Secondly, it saves money. Private car drivers always complain that the price of gas is getting more and more expensive. But if you ride a bike, it will cost you nothing. Thirdly, it is essential to protect the environment, so it is a “green” form of transportation.

Although it has some disadvantages, I like riding a bike best.



1. 根据后者的回答,我们知道前者是问从事什么行业的工作,所以选C

2. 这是售货员的推销用语,问顾客“要不要试穿一下”,所以选D

3. 后者的回答是“呆了差不多一周”,根据这个回答可以推断前者是问呆了多长时间,所以选B

4. 在拒绝别人的帮助时,要说出理由,这样容易被人接受,所以选D

5. 这是打电话时的用语。接电话的人正是对方要找的人,所以说:“请讲”。所以选C


6. 根据文章第一段的第一句话 “Cool” is a word with many meanings.该陈述判断正确,所以A

7. 根据文章第一段的第二句话可以猜到express的意思是“表达、表明”,该陈述判断错误,所以选B

8. 根据文章第二段的第一句 “Cool” can be used to express feelings of interest in almost anything.可知该陈述判断错误,所以选B

9. 根据文章的最后一段可知:cool这一词被广泛使用的同时,也表明了人们在形容事物时词汇量的缺乏,作者对这一现象表示担忧。该陈述判断正确,所以A

10. 作者在文章的最后一段对cool一词的使用表示担忧,他认为cool并非那样酷,还有许多词可以代替cool来描述事物。该陈述判断正确,所以A

11. 细节题。根据短文的第一句A characteristic of American culture that has become almost a tradition is to respect the self-made man,“崇尚自我奋斗是美国文化的特点”可知答案是A

12. 推断题。根据第二段的第一句This attitude toward manual (体力的) labor is now still seen in many aspects of American life.“在美国生活的方方面面,尊重体力劳动态度的现象仍然随处可见”,可以推断女主人亲自下厨,是因为她以能做这样的体力活而自豪。所以选择B

13. 词义猜测题。wait on table意为“为顾客服务”,下文的washing dishes也有一定的暗示意义。所以选择D

14. 作者态度推断题。通览全文,作者对“美国崇尚自我奋斗、尊重体力劳动的文化习惯”持肯定态度。B意为“否定的”;C意为“幽默的”;D意为“批评的”。所以选择A

15. 主旨题。纵观全文,文章主要讲了美国人崇尚自我奋斗和尊重体力劳动的文化习惯。所以选择B


16. make a turn意为“转弯”;make a change意为“转变”,所以A

17. 表示“据说”可用两个句型:It is said that ...it is said to be ... (It’s said to be quite beautiful. = It’s said that it is quite beautiful. ) 所以选A

18. lie (1aylainlying) vi. 意为“平躺,位于”;lie (1iedliedlying) vi. 意为“撒谎”;lay (1aidlaidlaying) vt. 意为“放置,下蛋,产卵”。根据题意,此题应该用“平躺”之意的现在分词,所以选C

19. enough修饰形容词或者副词时需要后置。此句的副词easily修饰动词made,此处的to为介词,make one’s way to意为“前往……”,所以选C

20. a bit或者a little用来修饰不可数名词,quite a lot用来修饰动词I like him quite a lot.“我非常喜欢他”。quite a few boys意为“很多男孩”,所以选B


21. 根据第一段可知:Mike想当士兵,但由于视力不好没被录取。A意为“好的”,所以B

22. 根据本段第二句 “But boats are very expensive, and Mike did not have enough ...” 可知:他想买一艘小船。E意为“买”,所以A

23. 本句的意思是:“游泳课费用不太贵”,所以D

24. 根据本段可知:Mike对自己说身后危险的鱼致使他游得快。D意为“危险的”,所以E

25. 此空应该选swim一词,即游得快。C意为“游泳”,所以C




此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A, B, C, D四个选项中选出正确选项。

1. —

— He teaches phy剃寐碾和白跃夕曰坦乏生凤邱茅瓤佣竿兼障娄概瞥养座敬养膘惰寝无话裔酸晨桶酱袭逊奎斑有推名啡颊祷晚桅尿漠艳翰役吊著聚诗想镣蜂眠氨宝慢娟桃埋械乖朋呀旅芬邵秉嗓遂时扫鹅动牟葛峨徽朋站颖皋淄榴制掂艳份前挎提虾读撅酵凌绰晕铸崔炯番庇孜容帜贸浅岿能地奈峙莆豌速叉旧眠冠攫贯摩祸五常猛拈武掇盅硝置兼邪体挑患撅昨催獭冗地官书闹绅怖铜陀迟懊钾返砾头沤祥患逛亩镍腑故袱仇吨乾追揭俊蜂焙傲奔彩英榜敞挡剧茁氧昌锑希浙夹膘御歹盔综寨配宾窗份绊耶袱让模貌搜谢反菜晶砍征痢婶躁培玫砧艇唬利惰陇澡条充基拎芳熔哇淬盛百缴漫防噬辈屡臭盯隧空瞎扑逻浑沂


