
发布时间:2018-06-27 18:13:38   来源:文档文库   


一、Part Ⅰ(A)(共10小题,20.0分)Listen to the following passage and then decide whether the statements below are true or false. After hearing a short passage, tick the circle of "True" on the answer sheet if you think the statement is true, or tick the circle for "False" if it is false. There are 10 statements in this part of the test, with 1 point each. You will hear the passage only once. At the end of the recording, you will have 2 minutes to finish this part.


The acids in acid rain are the only reason that forms urban smog alone.


【正确答案】: X




The acids in acid rain are corrosive chemicals that leach nutrients from the soils, slow the growth of trees, poison lakes and combine with other chemicals to form urban smog. The simplest way to curtail acid rain is to use less energy from fossil fuels.

[难点] combine with other chemicals to form urban smog”含动词不定式,结构较复杂,对理解构成一定难度。


Chinese government is ready to accept public-private partnerships in order to provide the healthcare service for all segments of society.


【正确答案】: √




China has realized the great importance of healthcare, and this has been shown in the government documents...They are ready to look at public-private partnerships in the health area, realizing that there is no way the government can provide the service across the board to all segments of society. So I think what is at issue is the best delivery model.

[难点] there is no way the government can provide”中的否定形式增加理解困难,所以尤其需要注意。


Scientists know more about competing theories of uncertainty, so they are closer to solving a problem.


【正确答案】: X




Wofsy says that politicians and scientists use different definitions of uncertainty. For example, a scientist might disprove one of several competing theories or even learn something entirely unexpected -- but still not be any closer to solving a problem.

[难点] several competing theories”是指关于uncertaintytheories,要结合上下文。


The contact group is a group of nations that concern the future status of Kosovo.


【正确答案】: √




The United Nations is hoping for a resolution to the last hot spot in the Balkens -- Kosovo. On Friday, UN special envoy, Martie Artie Sari presented a proposal on the future status of the province to a group of concerned nations, called the contact group.

[难点] called the contact group”为同位语结构,解释前面的名词。


UN Partition Resolution in 1947 divides Palestinian territory into two states.


【正确答案】: √




Nov. 29th is observed by the United Nations as the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. The date was chosen because on that day in 1947, the General Assembly adopted what came to be known as the Partition Resolution. That resolution provided for the establishment in Palestine of a Jewish state and an Arab state.

[难点] 需要有背景知识,知道“Palestinian”就是“Arabian”,所以他们的国家就是“Arab State”。


Besera Kostava is the master of ceremonies for the concert.


【正确答案】: X




To welcome the new UN Secretary General Ban Kin-Moon, renowned Italian composer Alio Maricoli held his first American concert at the United Nations. In this report by Besera Kostava, the master of ceremonies, UN media chief Ahmad Southi, takes us through the highlights of this historical event.

[难点] In this report by Besera Kostava, the master of ceremonies, UN media chief Ahmad Southi”中提到了两个人名,很容易把“Besera Kostava”,误解为“the master of ceremonies”。


The economy is very healthy because all of the economic numbers look good.


【正确答案】: √




We forget sometimes we have some good news to report on now and again. The good news is the economy is robust strong, moving in the right direction, and all of the numbers look good. We have the privilege now to talk with Alan Holbert, who is the assistant to the President for economic policy.

[难点] The good news is the economy is robust strong, moving in the right direction, and all of the numbers look good Robust strong”就是指经济健康运行,“all of the numbers look good”可理解为推导出经济健康运行的根据。


The funds to expand alternative energy research are 2,700 million dollars, a 53 percent increase over the 2006 funding level.


【正确答案】: X




The budget proposes $2.7 billion to expand alternative energy research, a 53 percent increase over the 2006 funding level. These funds will support further research into cellulosic ethanol, which can be produced from sources like wood chips and grasses.

[难点] The budget proposes $2.7 billion to expand alternative energy research, a 53 percent increase over the 2006 funding level.”一句中,关键是理解数字。


An original mechanism to deal with conflicts is established in order to prevent overspilling of conflicts from one country into another country.


【正确答案】: √




There are countries that are stable and have no conflicts. But we all know that if there is conflict in one country, and that conflict overspills to another country, so it's an achievement that we have set in place an original mechanism to. deal with this.

[难点] 在“an original mechanism to deal with this”中,重点是知道“this”指前面句子所说的战乱从一国蔓延到另一国的事实。


The new LIN Secretary General is already on the mission before he takes office.


【正确答案】: √




The former foreign minister of South Korea, Ban Kin-moon was sworn in as the next UN Secretary General on Thursday morning. Even though he takes office on January 1st, Mr. Ban said he was already on the mission.

[难点] Even though he takes office on January 1st, Mr. Ban said he was already on the mission.一句中,“even though”隐藏的含义结合“already”的词义,我们可推测出“take office”这个事实发生在“on the mission”这个事实之后。

二、Part Ⅱ(共20小题,40.0分)Listen to the following passages and then choose the best answer to each question by blackening the corresponding circle. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to answer the questions satisfactorily. There are three passages in this part, each with five questions. And each question carries two points. You will hear the passages only once.


What is East Timor famous for as an emerging tourism destination?

a. One of the newest countries in the world.

b. Unspoiled natural beauty.

c. Hundreds offish species.

d. A former war zone.





Welcome to East Timor, one of the world's newest countries, and for the intrepid few, an emerging tourism destination with unspoiled natural beauty.

Hundreds of fish species have been recorded in East Timor's waters, a diversity that's enhanced by having very deep water so close to shore. East Timor is a former war zone and lacks a lot of basic infrastructure. After East Timor's vote for independence in 1999, Indonesian militias rampaged through the island. The subsequent recovery effort has been painfully slow. There are many changes to be made if tourism run by expatriates is to boost East Timor's meager economy. The government is anxious that new tourism developments don't rain East Timor's greatest asset, its natural beauty.

So, as this new nation struggles to build its economy, it faces an age-old predicament, how to make the most of its natural assets without destroying them in the process.

[难点] 本题较为简单,主题是讲East Timor(东帝汶),首次听可能会有一种陌生感和跳跃感,只要克服这种感觉,很容易捕捉到答案。


What happened in East Timor in 1999?

a. East Timor voted for independence.

b. The Indonesian-militaries occupied East Timor.

c. The subsequent recovery was slow.

d. Tourism failed to boost East Timor's economy.




[难点] 本题比较有迷惑性,因为短文中提到1999这个时间的前后提到了很多内容,需要考生对各个选项做出推理,一一排除,才能准确选出答案。


What is the government of East Timor worried about?

a. A lack of basic infrastructure.

b. The recovery efforts are too slow.

c. The tourism will not boost East Timor's economy.

d. The tourism development will ruin East Timor's natural beauty.




[难点] 此题只是将原文的“anxious”转换为“worried”,其他内容均保留了原文的形式,比较容易。


What is the predicament that faces East Timor?

a. How to boost economy while building infrastructure.

b. How to develop tourism with a lack of infrastructure.

c. How to develop tourism without destroying its natural beauty.

d. How to develop tourism while boost economy.




[难点] 这是上题的关联题,考查学生是否明白“predicament”的意思。不过,即便不知道也能从上下文找到线索如:“”。


Which of the following statements is not true?

a. East Timor is an island.

b. East Timor used to belong to Indonesia.

c. East Timor has a strong economy because of its tourism development.

d. East Timor will not develop its tourism at the expense of its natural beauty.




[难点] 最后一题是对文章的综合考查,要求学生领会整个篇章的大意。


What special tasks were not the first dogs bred for?

a. Hunting and protection.

b. Chasing prey.

c. Herding livestock.

d. Keeping accompany.





It's not known exactly bow or why humans domesticated the first dogs. But once tamed, people found them useful and they learned how to selectively breed for certain traits to create animals fit for specific task. Most likely, the first dogs were used for hunting and protection. Some were bred to chase down prey, others to herd livestock. Today's most popular breed, the Labrador, was originally bred by fishermen to haul nets and retrieve fish. But at some point, humans also started to breed dogs for looks and for companionship. Brian has wondered why of all domesticated animals, dogs seem closest to their owners.

Somehow during the long relationship together, dogs learn how to communicate with humans. And they pass the skill down to each succeeding generation. It turns out puppies can understand human gestures even if they've been raised in the wild, while wolves raised in captivity just don't get it. It's a unique skill that perhaps only dogs possess.

[难点] 最初驯养狗的目的那部分内容比较有难度。原文用较快的语速回顾猜测了种种目的。现代人较为熟悉的“keeping company”偏偏没有出现,容易混淆。学生需要很仔细做好细节笔记才能选出正确答案。



What was today's most popular breed of dog, the Labrador was originally bred for?

a. For chasing prey.

b. For herding livestock.

c. Hauling nets and retrieving fish for the fishermen.

d. For keeping accompany.




[难点] 本题较为容易,原文直接讲述了题目答案。


At some later point, what did humans start to breed dogs for?

a. For looks and companionship.

b. For hunting and protection.

c. For herding livestock.

d. For fun.




[难点] 这也是一道容易的题目,原文直接给出答案,只要学生认真听取细节即可。


What is perhaps the unique skill that dogs possess?

a. Dogs can be domesticated.

b. Dogs can communicate with wolves.

c. Dogs can communicate with humans.

d. Dogs can be raised in the wild first and later still be domesticated.




[难点] 此题较难,所给的选项有三个属实,只有一个不对,考生需要很仔细审题,抓住重点“unique skill”才能做出正确的选择。


Which of the following statements is false?

a. People know exactly how and why humans domesticated the first dogs.

b. People learned to selectively breed dogs for certain specific tasks.

c. Of all the domesticated animals, dogs seem closest to their owners.

d. Wolves raised in captivity still fall to understand human gestures:




[难点] 需要把握细节信息,运用排除法。


Who are not mentioned in the passage those doing yoga nowadays?

a. Movie stars.

b. Sports starts.

c. Judges in the highest courts.

d. People in the entertainment industry.





Ladies and gentlemen, I am glad that we are together to understand the power of yoga. Nowadays, movie stars do it; sports stars do it; even judges in the highest courts do it: that yoga thing. A path to entertainment that winds back 5,000 years in its native India, yoga has suddenly become so hot, so cool, so very this minute.

In America, people rush from their high pressure jobs and tune in the authoritatively mellow voice of an instructor, gently urging them to solder a union between mind and body. 15 million Americans, include some form of yoga in their fitness regimen, 75% of all US health clubs offer yoga classes.

Yoga relaxes you, and by relaxing, heals. When you do yoga -- the deep breathing, the stretching, the movement that release muscle tension, the relaxed focus on being present in your body -- you initiate a process that turns the fight, or fight system off and relaxation reponse on, that has a dramatic effect on the body.

[难点] 这篇短文词汇简单。内容也是大家熟知的“yoga”,所以这道题目难度相对较小。



How many years does yoga wind back?

a. 500 years.

b. 5,000 years.

c. 50,000 years.

d. 55,000 years.




[难点] 本题涉及数字,文中出现了几个数字,不仔细辨听则容易混淆,所以数字是这篇的难点。


How many Americans include yoga in their fitness regiment?

a. 5,000,000

b. 15,000,000

c. 50,000,000

d. 150,000,000




[难点] 本题的关键是辨认“fifteen million”和“fifty million”。


How many US health clubs offer yoga classes?

a. 50% of those clubs

b. 65%

c. 75%

d. 95%




[难点] 此题很简单,原文直接给出于“75%”的数据。


Which of the following statements is not tree?

a. To do yoga is to solder a union between mind and body

b. Yoga heals you by relaxing you.

c. Your deep breathing can release your muscle tension.

d. People in the US rush from their high-pressure jobs to yoga classes.




[难点] 本题乍一看全部选项都是正确的,但是仔细看的话,选项c很具欺骗性,能够使肌肉放松的是瑜伽中的动作,而不是呼吸。考生要非常仔细才能做出正确的选择。


What is this lecture mainly about?

a. Usual Species of fish.

b. Characteristics of a unique sea animal.

c. The harvest of fish eggs.

d. Unusual species of horses.





Today we are going to talk about a species of fish that is rather unique: Today's lecture is about sea horses, if you've seen a sea horse, you may have noted that it has a horse-like head attached to its body. The sea horse has a long snout that is good for sucking. Instead of scales like most fish, sea horses have skin that is stretched over bony plates. The body extends to a prehensile tail, meaning that the tail can be used to grasp. The sea horse may grasp sea grass or coral to keep it stable in a moving current.

The sea horse has fins on its back that it can use to propel it through the water. However, sea horses aren't very good swimmers. They do not move quickly over great distances. The sea horse also has chest fins that it uses for stabilization. The chest fins help the sea horse float in an upright position.

One particularly unique feature of sea horse is that only the male becomes pregnant. The female inserts ripe eggs into the male' pouch, where they are fertilized. The eggs become embedded in the pouch wall.

[难点] 本题考查的是考生是否充分理解了文意。在通观了解全文后,不难选出答案是选项b


What is the sea horse's prehensile tail used for?

a. Propelling it through moving currents.

b. Grasping sea grass or coral to stabilize it.

c. Fending off attacks form predators.

d. Moving food to its mouth, like an elephant's trunk.




[难点] 本题考查的是事实细节。另外对题干出现的关键词“prehensile tail”可能不熟悉。选项a并不符合题意。选项cd在逻辑上说的过去,若考生没抓住准确细节的话很容易误选。


What is the purpose of the sea horse's dorsal and pectoral fins?

a. They allow it to maneuver effectively in a small areas.

b. They allow it to swim quickly over long distances.

c. Dorsal and pectoral fins have no function in sea horse.

d. Their multi-colored fins attract shrimp and other food.




[难点] 该题难度较大。题干关键词“dorsal and pectoral fins”对于考生来说不熟悉,但其实就是文中所提及的“fins on the back”和“chest fins”,需要考生自.己推理。另外正确选项a也并不是从原文可以直接听取的,是需要依靠逻辑推理的。选项b只是涉及了部分内容。


What is especially unique about sea horse?

a. They make attractive ornaments in seashell shops.

b. They can be kept as pets in home aquariums.

c. They have much smaller scales than most fish.

d. Only the male sea horse becomes pregnant.




[难点] 该题涉及到最后一段。选项abc均不符合原文内容,d为正确选项。


Among the following statements, which is tree about sea horse?

a. The sea horse has a long snout that is not convenient for sucking.

b. Sea horses have no scales at all.

c. The sea horse is unable to grasp sea grass or coral.

d. Sea horse can move very fast over long distance.




[难点] 该题需要综观全文。如果听出“海马的嘴就是利于吸食”,则容易判断选项a错误。听出“海马尾巴的作用就是抓取物体”,则可以判断选项c错误。听到“海马并不是游泳健将”,可以判断海马移动并不很快,因此选项d错误。选项b正确。

三、Part Ⅳ(本大题1小题.每题20.0分,共20.0分。Listen to the following passage. Write a short English summary of around 150 words of what you have heard. You will hear the passage only ONCE and you will have 25 minutes to finish you English summary at the end of the rec



Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected President in November 1932. When he took the presidential oath, the banking and the credit system of the nation was in a state of paralysis. The new president brought an air of confidence that rallied the people to his banner. Roosevelt's New Deal brought to the individual citizen a sharp revival of interest and brought recovery to business and agriculture and relief to the unemployed. Congress passed an effective Farm-Relief Act, Providing that the government make up money payment to farmers who would devote part of their land to soil conserving crops. Although the New Deal met vehement criticism, he still won decisive victory in presidential election against his opponent for three times. He also directed the organization of national manpower and resources to confront Japan's invasion in 1941. He also had devoted much thought to the planning of a United Nations. He died of a cerebral hemorrhage in 1945.


Franklin D.Roosevelt was the thirty-second president in America history. Franklin Roosevelt was born in 1882 at Hyde Park, New York. He attended Harvard University and Columbia Law School. In 1905, he married Eleanor Roosevelt. Franklin Roosevelt entered public service through politics, but as a democrat. He won election to the New York Senate in 1910. President Wilsoll appointed him assistant secretary of the navy, and he was the Democratic nominee for Vice President in 1920.

In the summer of 1921, when he was 39, he was stricken with poliomyelitis. Demonstrating indomitable courage, he fought to regain the use of his legs, particularly through swimming.

Roosevelt was elected president in November 1932. When he took the presidential oath, the banking and credit system of the nation was in a state of paralysis. By March there were 13,000,000 unemployed, and almost every bank was closed. At the depth of the Great Depression, the new President brought an air of cheerful confidence that quickly rallied the people to his banner. Be- fore long, the complex of reforms known as the New Deal was well on its way. He brought hope as he promised prompt, vigorous action, and asserted in his Inaugural Address, "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

During the entire New Deal period, despite its speed in decision and execution, public criticism was never interrupted or suspended; in fact, the New Deal brought to the individual citizen a sharp revival of interest in government and brought recovery to business and agriculture and relief to the unemployed. With astonishing rapidity the banks were reopened, and a policy of moderate currency inflation was adopted in order to start an upward movement in commodity prices and to afford some relief to debtors. New governmental agencies brought generous credit facilities to industry and agriculture. Savings bank deposits up to $5,000 were insured, and severe regulations were imposed upon the sale of securities and the stock exchanges. In agriculture, far-reaching reforms were instituted. Congress passed a more effective Farm-Relief Act, providing that the government makes money payment to farmers who would devote part of their land to soil-con- serving crops or otherwise cooperate in long-range agricultural goals. By 1940, nearly six million farmers were receiving federal subsidies under this program.

New Deal efforts were carried on, generally, against vehement criticism, not only from the Republican Party but often from within the Democratic Party itself. Nevertheless, in the 1936 election, Roosevelt won all even more decisive victory over his republican opponent -- governor Alfred E. Landon of Kansas than in 1932. The 1940 Presidential election yield another majority for Roosevelt. For the first time in American history, a President was elected to a third term.

When the Japanese attached Pearl Harbor in December 1941, Roosevelt directed organization of the Nation's manpower and resources for global war.

Feeling that the future peace of the world would depend upon relations between the United States and Russia, he devoted much thought to the planning of a United Nations, in which, he hoped, international difficulties could be settled.

As the war drew to a close, Roosevelt's health deteriorated. And on April 12, 1945, while at warm Springs, Georgia, he died of a cerebral hemorrhage.






四、Part Ⅱ(共10小题,20.0分)Listen to the following short passages and then choose one of the answers that best fits the meaning of each passage. The passages will be read only ONCE. There are 10 passages in this part of test, each with 1 question, which carries


According to Alan Greenspan, which part of the market could spread to other sectors of the economy?

a. The capital market could spread to other sectors of the economy.

b. The stock market could spread to other sectors of the economy.

c. The sub prime mortgage market could spread to other sectors of the economy.

d. The future market could spread to other sectors of the economy.





The reality is that the level of distress here definitely knocked down a couple of notches today. Stocks ended slightly higher, investors paid little attention to a worse-thah-expected inflation report, and comments from former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, who said problems in the sub prime mortgage market could spread to other sectors of the economy. So details now, the Dow Industrials as you can see at the Big Board adding 26 points and firmly back above that 12,000 level, the NASDAQ composite are up more than a quarter of a percent, the S&P 500 adding more than a third of a percent.

[难点] 这篇文章是经济方面的,里面有专业术语,可能会影响理解,而且其中有数字的混淆,考生可能会将注意力放在数字上,但题目出在了一个很细微的地方,如果考生不知道“sub prime mortgage”的含义,这个题目将会较难。


What lead to the resistance to treatment of the parasite?

a. The use of antibiotics.

b. People's negligence.

c. The wrong way of using drugs.

d. The treatment with antibiotics and quinine drugs.





The spread of malaria is like a two-way street. The disease is spread to humans through the bite of mosquitoes infected with malaria parasites, the most dangerous of these being plasmodium falciparum. Uninfected mosquitoes become infected with the parasite by biting infected animals. In sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Asia an estimated 300 million people are infected every year, more than one million of them are children, many of whom die. Years of attempting to cure the disease with antibiotics and quinine drugs have caused the parasite to become resistant to treatment. Scientists are trying to come up with novel strategies for conquering malaria. One idea that has been around for a number of years is the creation of genetically altered mosquitoes that could be released into the environment.

[难点] 这篇文章属于医疗卫生方面的,是谈对于疟疾的抗生素治疗,虽然有“quinine”这个生词,但整篇文章不是很难,题目比较细微,答案的选项中混淆性比较大,因为其 他几个选项也在文中提到了。


Which of the following statement is closest in meaning to the passage you have just heard?

a. China has never hidden its desire to become a major force in the aviation in airspace industries.

b. China made an announcement that plans to make its own passenger jet.

c. China can develop its own aircraft in a short time due to its great economic power.

d. It would take possibly several decades for China to make its own aircraft that make dent in the market.





China has never hidden its desire to become a major force in the aviation in airspace industries. And Sunday's announcement that plans to challenge Airbus and Boeing's current duopoly by building big passenger jets isn't it exactly a shock.

I don't think there is any surprise that the Chinese are saying that they are good to build their own aircraft in due course. But I think it would at least a couple of decades before they have an aircraft that makes any meaningful dent in the market: and quite possibly several decades.

[难点] 文章信息量较大,而且是涉及中国的航空事业,可能对于一部分考生来说很陌生,问题的设置也属于归纳全篇中心的类型,这就要求译员对全文都要有一个全部的理解和把握。


What is the main problem with Sony?

a. Sony has lost touch in terms of design and innovation.

b. Sony can not be able to make a Hitchcock film.

c. Sony can not operate well under the new foreign CEO.

d. Sony had many competitors like the iPods, the Samsungs, and competitors in different industries





The trouble with Sony. It's not a Hitchcock film, but the last few months have been a thriller for the world's No. 2 consumer electronics firm, with battery recalls, product delays, and analyst and market disappointment. The creator of the Walkman hopes to rebound under foreign CEO Howard Stringer, but brand analyst Martin Roll says Sony has lost its way. "Sony definitely has a myth, but of late, the last couple of years they have been overrun by realign the iPods, the Samsungs, a lot of different competitors in different industries. And it seems like they have lost the touch in terms of design and innovation. They used to be a trendsetter, and now they have become a trend follower."

[难点] 文章出现了一些技术性词语,主要是讲索尼在技术开发时所遇到的困难,题目的设置其实也就是全文的中心,所以要抓住中心思想。答案中的混淆系数相对较小,因为除了第一个选项外,其余几个只是文章的细枝末节。


Which of the following is not true of the report from British climatologists?

a. It is possible that the stronger typhoons, more flooding in low lying regions and deepening drought will occur in the future.

b. 2007 has a percent of 80 percent of being the hottest year on record.

c. Ten warmest years since 1850 have occurred in the past decade.

d. The year 2006 is set to be file sixth warmest year globally.





Stronger typhoons, more flooding in low lying regions, deepening drought -- all possible, if not likely, according to a report from British climatologists. They say 2007 has a 60 percent probability of being the hottest year on record, citing high levels of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, and El Nino, now underway in the Pacific and expected to last until May. Temperature studies for 2006 are not yet complete. But the new study, noting that the world's ten warmest years since 1850 have occurred in the past decade, says 2006 is set to be the sixth warmest year globally, and 2007 is likely to set a new all time high.

[难点] 文章中有很多年份,这可能对某些考生造成误导,会把精力投入到数字中,但是问题的设置却是一个偏离数字的问题,而且这个题目主要考查对于细节的把握,采取的形式又是提问哪一项是不正确的,有很大的难度。


What does the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games plan to do to solve the problems caused by car boom?

a. Reduce the number of cars by increasing the relevant tax.

b. Reschedule some endurance events to avoid the traffic jam.

c. Limit the number of vehicles by using odd-and even-numbered license plates.

d. Prevent cars from entering Beijing from other provinces.





China's car boom is presenting the country of 1.3 billion with a dilemma. The Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games, for instance, is experimenting with a plan to limit the number of vehicles entering the city during the two-week sports extravaganza next summer by using odd-and even-numbered license plates. Traffic gridlock and air pollution have been haunting organizers. International Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge even hinted at the possibility of rescheduling some endurance events if air quality doesn't improve. The country's car population has been growing due to an emerging middle class that desires personal mobility. Already, China has become the world's second largest consumer of auto- mobiles and the third biggest maker of automobiles.

[难点] 本题较简单,录音速度较慢,并且内容是关于考生耳熟能详的北京奥运会。本题的关键在于选项。考生必须仔细审清题目和选项。关键句中的“extravaganza”一词较生僻,会分散考生的注意力。


Which of the following statements is closest in meaning to the passage you have just heard?

a. There is plenty of grain in the world and people need not to worry about it.

b. The world's population is estimated to explode from over 6 billion now to 19 billion by 2050.

c. The population increase is mainly in undeveloped countries.

d. World demand for foods is predicted to rise 50% by 2030.





We've been living through times of plenty in recent decades, but no more. World grain sup- plies are low, there's just forty days' worth in stock and the long-term future looks bleak. Our demand for foods predicted to rise 50% by 2030. The statistics are startling. The world's population is set to explode from over 6 billion now to 9 billion by 2050. The increase is mainly in the developing world. In countries like China and India, an economic boom is increasing their wealth and dramatically altering the traditional diet. New western habits are taking hold, the McDonald's wave becoming a familiar sight in unexpected places. More meat and dairy products require more land and water. All the ingredients are there for a future food crisis. And it's the first priority of the UK's new chief science adviser.

[难点] 这篇短文中出现了三个数字,并且都出现在选项中,这给考生解题带来了一定的负担,分散了考生有限的注意力。此外,本题的选项较难,正确与否主要看考生是否能发现选项中的细节。


What is the main idea of this passage?

a. Seven sins refer to lust, greed, sloth, wroth, envy, pride and gluttony.

b. Introduction to new views of seven sins.

c. Hieronymus Bosch's view of seven sins.

d. The differences between traditional and new views of seven sins.





The Catholic church is worried that people aren't taking sins seriously enough. So the Vatican has decided to update its list of the seven deadly sins. But whereas the focus of traditional sins--LUST, GREED, SLOTH, WROTH, ENVY, PRIDE, and GLUTTONY is individual, those which we will consign today is seen as the hellfire and more social than nature. In the days when the artist Hieronymus Bosch gave us his view of the sins they said the earth was flat. Now the Vatican says its new sins will take into account the after effects of globalization. New sins on the block could be Abusing drags or selling them to others, Genetic manipulation such as embryo research which the Vatican opposes, Morally dubious experiments think Dolly the sheep, Polluting the environment, Creating social inequalities and social injustice, Causing poverty and which some would say goes with it, Accumulating excessive wealth£┐wealth, something the church itself has been known to do.

[难点] 整篇文章的信息量较大,并且内容是大多数考生都不熟悉的。另外,题目要求考生能抓住中心思想,这又给本题增加了难度,因为这要求考生全面理解整篇文章。


Which of the following statements is closest in meaning to the passage you have just heard?

a. City Bank is actually in good operation.

b. Banking regulators are willing to comment on city group's problems.

c. The stock's price of City Bank remains high today.

d. Bank's new CEO insisted City is in good operation.





City has raised the most 14.5 billions dollars in January from foreign governments and wealthy investors. In November, it sold a 4.9% stake to the Abu Dhabi investment authority for 7.5 billion dollars. This week, a Dubai government fund manager said city group would need a lot more and may have trouble getting it. A sentiment reflected on Wall Street, the stock's price cut in half in a year and now trades at its lowest price in ten years. The bank's new CEO Vikram Pandit in a company Memo today described what he calls a challenging economic environment but insisted City is financially sound well-capitalized and focused on the strength of our balance sheet. The company does have enough money to meet federal requirements. Banking regulators won't comment on city group's problems. Despite several years of record bank earnings, bank failures are on the rise.

[难点] 本题未将数字列入考查范围,但这些数字不可避免会影响考生的注意力。四个选项都较复杂,特别是第一个和第三个,看似相似,其实不然。并且,只有全面领会文章的内容,才有可能做出正确的选择。


Which of the following is not true of Intel?

a. Intel is one of the biggest tech companies in the world.

b. Recruiters of Intel have a strong interest in students majored in engineering, management and linguistics.

c. Intel makes many products, such as semi-conductor and chipsets.

d. Intel offers a variety of internships and rotational programs to give students a taste of various departments.





"Making super-small microchips", has made Intel one of the world's biggest tech companies, and has led college students to rank the company 34th on the ideal employer list.

Headquartered in Santa Clara, California, Intel is the world's largest semi-conductor company. But they also make motherboards, chipsets, network cards, ICs, flash memory, graphic cards, embedded processors and other devices related to communications and computing.

Intel has more than 1,000 career opportunities posted on its website under a topic called "jobs just for students". Their recruiters have a strong interest in students with backgrounds in engineering, science, and business majors. And they offer a variety of internships and rotational programs to give students a taste of various departments.

Intel also has a recent college graduate network, designed to help students make connections with tech-professionals both inside and outside of Intel.

[难点] 整个篇章虽然涉及的内容较简单,但信息量较大,并且较分散,不利于考生抓重点。而题目主要考查考生对于细节的把握。


