
发布时间:2020-04-15 22:51:36   来源:文档文库   



一、 单项选择 20%

1.标准站姿要求不括 ( )

A 端立

B 身直

C 肩平

D 腿并

2.穿着套裙的四大忌不包括( )

A 穿黑色皮裙

B 裙、鞋、袜不搭配

C 穿白色套裙

D 三截腿

3.女士穿着套裙时做法不正确的是( )

A 不穿着黑色皮裙

B 可以选择尼龙丝袜羊毛高统袜或连

C 袜口不能没入裙内

D 可以选择肉色、黑、浅灰、浅棕的

4.对手部的具体要有四点:清洁、使用醒目甲彩、蓄长指甲和 ( ) A 腋毛不外现

B 不干燥

C 不佩戴繁琐的首饰

D 以上都不对

5.公务式自我介绍要包括以下四个本要素( )

A 单位、部门、职务电话

B 单位、部门、地址姓名

C 姓名、部门、职务电话

D 单位、部门、职务姓名

6.介绍他人时,不合礼仪的先后顺是 ( )

A 介绍长辈与晚辈认时,应先介绍晚,后介绍长辈

B 介绍女士与男土认时,应先介绍男,后介绍女士

C 介绍已婚者与未婚认识时,应先介已婚者,后介绍婚者

D 介绍来宾与主人认时,应先介绍主,后介绍来宾

7.握手时 ( )

A 用左手

B 戴着墨镜

C 使用双手与异性握

D 时间不超过三秒


8.关于握手的礼仪描述不正确的有( )

A 先伸手者为地位低

B 客人到来之时,应主人先伸手。客离开时,客人先手。

C 下级与上级握手,该在下级伸手之再伸手;

D 男士与女士握手,士应该在女士伸之后再伸手。

9.以下不符合上饮的规范顺序的是 ( )

A 先宾后主

B 先尊后卑

C 先男后女

D 先为地位高、身份的人上饮料,后地位低、身份低人上饮料

10.送名片的方式( )

A 双手或者用右手

B 双手

C 右手

D 左手

11.以下做法不正的是 ( )

A 一男士把自己的名递给一女士。该士走向女士,右从上衣口袋取出名两手捏其 上角,正面微倾递

B 一女士把自己的名递给一男士。该士双手接过,认默读一遍,然后道王经理, 很高兴认识您!”

C 一男士与一女士见,女士首先伸出来,与男士相握

D 一青年男士与一中男士握手,中年士首先伸出右手青年与之相握,双笑,寒暄。

12.在没有特殊情时,上下楼应 ( )行进

A 靠右侧单行

B 靠左侧单行

C 靠右侧并排

D 靠左侧并排

13.一般而言,上下楼宜( )行进,以( )为上,但男女通行,上下楼宜令( ) 局后 ( )

A 单行、前、男

B 并排、后、男

C 单行、前、女

D 并排、后、女

14.以下做法错误是 ( )

A 一女士陪三四位客乘电梯,女士先,后出

B 一男一女上楼,下,女后,男先

C 一男一女在公司门迎候客人。一客至。男女主人将夹在中间行进。至之处,令 客人先行


D 室内灯光昏暗,同接待人员要先,后出

15.公务用车时,座是: ( )

A 后排右座

B 副驾驶座

C 司机后面之座

D 以上都不对

16.接待高级领导高级将领、重要企时人们会发现,轿车的上座往往是 ( )

A 后排左座

B 后排右座

C 副驾驶座

D 司机后面的座位

17.对于座次的描不正确的有( )

A 后排高于前排

B 内侧高于外侧

C 中央高于两侧

D 两侧高于中央

18.会客时上座位排列的几个要点是( )

A 面门为上、以右为、居中为上、前为上、以远为上

B 面门为下、以左为、居中为上、前为上、以远为上

C 面门为上、以左为、居中为上、后为上、以远为上

D 面门为上、以右为、居中为上、前为上、以近为上

19.以下不属于会室常见的摆台是:( )

A 戏院式

B 正方形

C 课桌式


20、当您的同事不,您代他接听电时,应该( )

A 先问清对方是谁;

B 先记录下对方的重内容,待同事回后告诉他处理;

C 先问对方有什么事

D 先告诉对方他找的不在。



二、 定义 10%

1 涉外礼仪基本原

根据礼仪原则和涉交往活动实践概形成的涉外礼仪基本原则是:1护国家利 益原则;2)尊重则;3)热情有度尊重隐私原则;4入境问禁、入乡俗原则;5)爱 护动物、保护环境则。


2 涉外谈话五不

涉外谈话的内容是:不问入;不问年龄;不婚否;不问健康不问个人经 历。

3 餐巾使用礼仪

在女主人打开餐巾,才可以打开自的餐巾;应把餐铺在膝盖上;餐巾以用来 擦刀叉和餐具,若现餐具刀叉不洁,可以请求调换间离开时,应该把放在椅子上;


4 制服、西服和裙的禁忌

制服的禁忌:随便穿;又脏又破、脏过乱;随意搭。西服的禁忌:袖的商标 没有拆;在非常正的场合穿着夹克领带;男士在正场合穿着西服套装子出现了问 题。裙服的禁忌:穿黑色皮裙;裙、、袜不搭配;光;三截腿。

5 涉外交往中安排会的 5M 原则

按照国际礼仪的惯,安排宴会主要 5M 原则。5M 则是指安排宴会时五大基 本问题需要兼顾,为这五个基本问的英文第一个字都是 M,所以称 5M 原则: meeting media 环境money 费用;menu 单;manner 举止。

三、 简答题 30%

1 涉外着装的 TPO 原则有哪

“TPO是英语 Time(时间)、Place(地点)、Occasion(场合)三个单词的英文缩写 “TPO原则要求人们着装要充分考虑以下个因素:(1)穿服装的时间、时T); 2)到什么地方,即地点(P);3)是什么场合,干事(O)。“TPO原则是目前国 际通行的着装原则涉外人员在着装更要综合考虑这个因素,力求使自服饰因时因 地而异,与环境整协调、美观大方

2 礼仪的本质是什

礼仪是人类内心情的外在表现,就追求和创造真、、美,,“礼”无非“示敬” ,礼物、礼貌、礼,都必须是出于意的。“论是一声询问,一次拜访都要发自内心, 体现真诚的爱心和良的道德情感,决不能口是心非礼仪受社会意识形约,它反映 一个时代人与人之关系的基本特征并随着社会的发而不断变化。社会礼仪的实质 除了“敬”这一共以外,还有它特的内容,这就是平等待人,尊重别言行文雅, 表里一致。

3 穿西装有何讲究

重大礼节性场合着色西装,上下班娱乐和会友时则穿浅色、暗格、小花装,领 带 一般稍长 于裤子的腰带即可在非式场合,穿西装以不系领带,但衫的第一个扣子 一定要解开。西装,穿双排扣西装扣子要全部扣上单排两粒扣西装,第一粒,也 可以全不扣;单排粒扣西装,只能中间一粒或全不;单排一粒扣西装与不扣均可; 如果穿三件套西装则应扣好马甲上有的扣子,外套扣子不扣。

4 握手礼仪需要注什么?

握手时,距离受礼约一步,上身稍前倾,两足立正伸出右手,四指并拇指张 开,向受礼者握手握手的时间以 1~3 不可一直握住别的手不放,握手的要 掌握好;男士在握前先脱下手套,下帽子,女士可例外;多人相见时意不要交叉 握手;握手顺序:人、长辈、上司女士主动伸出手客人、晚辈、下属士再相迎握 手。

四、问答题 30%

1. When someone new enters a room, would you stand?


When someone new enters a room, you should rise if introductions are to be made. Should you be seated with others and it would be awkward for everyone to stand, you should remain seated. Many experts suggest men should always rise when a woman or special guest enters the room or return to a table at a meal. When arriving at a table for a meal, generally you should stand until all who will be seated at the table have arrived or until the host sits.

2. When passing food at the table, in what direction should you send it?

Food should be passed to the right. When passing, reach across your chest with your right hand, accept the dish, place it in your left hand, and pass it across your chest and hand it to the person next to you. Hold the dish until it is accepted. By reaching across your chest, you avoid knocking elbows with your neighbor.

3 How should you receive a special guest or an alumnus who is visiting?

A special guest or alumnus should be assigned a host in advance of his/her visit. The host should be responsible for introducing the special guest or alumnus and escorting him/her to the meal and/or event. You should always rise when a special guest is introduced or enters a room.

4 When you order a bottle of wine in a restaurant, what do you do when the server brings the bottle to your table?

When a server brings a bottle of wine you have ordered, you will be asked to approve the bottle after it is presented to you. Simply nod or voice your approval. The server will then open the bottle and may ask you to inspect the cork. Only reject the bottle if the cork appears damaged or crumbles/flakes in your hand. Finally, the server will pour a small amount of wine for you to taste and indicate your approval prior to the other guests being served.

5 When you receive an invitation that requests an RSVP, what does that mean?

An invitation that requests an RSVP is asking for you to indicate whether or not you are able to accept the invitation. You should always respond within two weeks of receiving the invitation or as quickly as possible. An invitation marked “regrets only” needs no response if you will be able to attend.

6 How should you dress for an interview?

Dress for an interview should be professional and whatever is considered currently appropriate for the job. Different industries have different standards for what is considered appropriate attire. You should research this standard in advance of your interview and dress accordingly. What ever you choose to wear, it should be neat and clean in appearance.

7 At a business lunch, who should pay for the meal?

At a business lunch, the host typically pays for the meal. However, you should be prepared to pay for your portion after giving the opportunity for the host to take the check.

8 Who should go through a revolving door first?


A man is no longer required to open a door first or to go through a revolving door first. The first person to the door usually should go first. However, you should enter first if you can help push the door for someone elderly or someone with you whom otherwise would have difficulty.





