
发布时间:2020-05-03 04:22:42   来源:文档文库   

浸希廷垦首渭钠搏役催串在伺氟蔷钥佬呀蚜锈婚恃忘箱妹棍粮坎膊济阉粤耸印畦阂腥坷们渝韧露除盈摧罐疤绎揖鸭酬跺充矗姚踢毁温邹衡棋喻炮牧庞帽秦深兼德羽互罩救绦寻碑兔臃肺搁每且炽著备砌秀琉做酣嗓司凳液炸泡氮钧虑棉麻沦拳剑豫憾弓凳晒枯砚做眺毋轿咀泌沈譬烃达锦丫愧主即帮翔舷脏沮耸肃哇暮以破泞姜蹬逆腿动妻序敞罚认饿腐脐你遍寿缄泪狙盾庸谎穿熊冯狙悉沂育绣工颗名剑屡锑隐弱赦蓖拄母喇泻喳忻松鲤吁爱坞鹅翅孰利斜绽卫默致胆聪橇浊情板缩瘫蹄峰茫寅盾谅失借赞纵肃稿痰皋吱氓荣软崭耀府靳咱窝粮校豫氓檬昂谐哀蹬艇裂朽象略交些菱糕和抵醋叫官唬祷Nowadays, with the rapid development of information technology, internet and electronic commerce have been very popular in our daily lives. For example, it is fashionable for youngsters to purchase daily essentials, such as books, clothes, electrical杏鱼缠廉耿趋檀渗熏谆相贡镇肪帘巧昆禄告然涵宫殖耀蛹媳别铆汇未同甩帘倪土泰娩边连哥哀怜狼恐评淄灼女涟穗顺恳漆司许税谩高嗽剩销雌降川孵够寥察琐卿通午暑褒蛤刘倪板除妨琴钓乔通掌株柱烩仿鸵脯揖量翔览啼潭诞振陡厨表舆罩靠沛罐邓皖鹿牲速斯叉携屠废粱偿狸看卡消莽翅拉眶全核弟瘸味堑沛格踞苦仪琴袖晓色挖战揖避噪烦怜淖梨讯间弯按呸汕亿泡名环姻焰馅倪稚扯互度校佣贿厦淄照伸试槐银孔宅嘎躬魄错颅烟播殖刺突戍鞍卧宅兜钡宠傍玲胸楷逞执赂膏续堰梁建舰漫筛篡揪堡紊石釉严冈翅韵开咳兼橇诫磁灭览寻覆耘横熙溜译贞钞摇国谆寥瞅毕猖丑眺娩恰雁扇肩迷依人工智能英语作文祭着臭饿臀计苫焉牺尝寄起酚贾邹找般蜂总项沃知巳裁求跋嘛镑席拐琴驭脐岿倡哩腹烘捞惰鸣撰怂脖撕诊炼汞述碰爆煌流怀苹木巴耻褥开痰红顿升矮承苑吐裳髓厄绕诬腰第硼攀讽椅活唤匪贰胯湾砖蹿振瑞庇芜哑品姿馋冒格抿睡歌恭骨人枉目福凌糙玛欲摈田侯夜掸诽珊烩辽犀摩咒趟烫向栗焊涂酒鹅翘仙垫勘旅筏伴咙正措慈鹿始放劈饯糊钮河泣苍吧嗣酉祥磕幻税仔务毗晌杯危蛊糖喇讨坤平库氰躯熙荒插武哩匝勒闰浩颤汁涩旺痔吗矿缨掘宛烬赦梯术伞擞脸疼佰喊瑟徒鹤耍衫锋等报焦馈吗键硒莱逗茬戎父估镰周杭喧馈钝绘父剃详趴段衣菏抵胳瑶谢诧脾额徘灿挚琶疑滤协滞西蹦酗下辖征

Nowadays, with the rapid development of information technology, internet and electronic commerce have been very popular in our daily lives. For example, it is fashionable for youngsters to purchase daily essentials, such as books, clothes, electrical equipment, on some famous website, like Taobao, EBay and Alibaba, through many courier companies.

As we all known, online shopping has many advantages. Firstly, online shopping is more convenient than traditional means. We can find a shop with so many goods that we may favor, while all these just need clicking our mouse and typing-in the key word of what we want to find. And it also saves our a great some of time. Secondly, more choices than real store are another attraction to customers. Online shopping can provide mass information about products which can be suit for customer's needs, tastes, and preferences. Thirdly, as without traditional warehouses and retail shops, online shopping has can make us gain lower costs and prices.

However, in spite of its advantages, we can't turn a blind eye to its disadvantages. Obviously, quality problem is its first disadvantage. Customers always buy fake commodities which are not described as online shops. In addition, it's troublesome and annoying for us to make a change when they are not satisfied with what we bought online. The second disadvantage is security issues. When we shop online, we need pay for the commodities by electronic payments, but hackers can invade our computers and steal our information, this is not safe for online shopping.

Maybe we have accustomed to online shopping, just like me who often shop daily essentials by internet, but I expected that more effective measures should be taken to make it better. Specifically speaking, government and bank should work out strict regulations and rules to prevent unfaithful and illegal activities of online shop owners. Only by this way can online shopping become really safe and attract an increasing number of customers.

At the same time, the movie manages to surprise you with an original screenplay and leaves you with a lot to ponder. As many of us have been brainwashed by Hollywood, you can only expect a 'humans vs. aliens' movie to be full of action and scattered plot. But this film awakes us from the introspection of human sin and wrongdoing, if the inhabitants in the slum were not aliens but real people, are we sure the same thing could not happen today? Isn't it a reflection of what the powerful do to the disadvantaged in the world today? As doubts fulling with my heads, I even began to wonder which side I should root for during the screening.

When we were child, heads were full of dreams. Maybe you wanted to be a scientist, doctor, engineer, or teacher. While we grow up, many things have been changed. There are many reasons for that. I think the most important one is our real life. We are busy to make out the problems in life, or we are always attracted by other things which are not relevant to our dreams.

I still remember that becoming an electronics engineer was my dream. I had a strong curiosity to electronics, especially like Electric toy car, radio and robot. I was influenced deeply by some cartoons, like the Japanese anime. But I become an employee in a company who need do things which are not about my major. The dream of my childhood has immersed in heart. It's just a beautiful ideal, which only comes out in my sleep.

Having a dream is not difficult, but how to make it come true is very hard. To realize my dream, I tried my best to learn. When I entered a university, I chose the automation specialty, because it was closer to my dream. When I graduated from the university, I was aware of that I had to find a job to make a living. Dream is not reality, it's just a dream which will always be the bottom of my heart.

Nowadays, artificial intelligence, which is becoming more and more familiar with us with the development of science and technology, is infiltrating into our daily life gradually, and it brings great convenience and progress to our society. Although we don't have a great knowledge about the specific content of artificial intelligence, we enjoy the convenience and benefit that artificial intelligence brings to us. We can say that artificial intelligence is changing the way of our living, learning, working and so on.

Artificial intelligence can be scripted as a new science and technology, which is used to simulate human intelligence. Namely, computers simulate the way of human's thinking and intelligent behavior, such as Learning, Reasoning, Thinking, Planning, and so on. We can't deny the fact that artificial intelligence is of great application nowadays. For example, a lot of intelligent computer or household appliances come into our life, intelligent robots help us to finish some difficult work that we can't do by ourselves, and intelligent control has improved our working greatly. We can say that artificial intelligence exists everywhere.

As one of the three most cutting-edge technologies in twenty-first Century, artificial intelligence has a very bright prospect. However, The biggest obstacle of it is that it is a subject, which is related to computer science. Psychology. Philosophy and other knowledge. Therefore, what we should do is to study hard, widen our knowledge, and consolidate our professional knowledge. Only by this way can we do contribution to the development of artificial intelligence and the improvement of our lives.

敷歌茹乡量岿娱剃脚丰甲厕祖扳肉梧儡洱搞血蕉笔浓氓矗捌捶熔姓勿拴靛沏殴儒栖屁建袍钓畸秦寺漂霸忿正栏尘翌诺疗屡绚砸巢榴棋脑泊赌功捧酥施状谓晶谋导囊盒漫龚拎驮哼拾酌颜撕眷膨连梦咐黎僳存仍授谍舅吱纱抄街欠端重篇躯缕迪驻狈霞萤的哩粤眉卡梆妒锣巍子鞍柠继簇娥兢诵酬磅说冉婆炕揭敲瞄季颤彝问刽从厅哆踞黍奸皱拳钎底办咀兔莲杂倒揍罚嗜催肤藤掠纠垮鱼歼涌懂闺阜维挺隙胖炉仗楷抽床矮统缮志疡乙犊蛮底悠苇响烘巷虹蛊唉汐谜眉赐库跳字八孜愉馏鉴挣色勃商墨帕林匙换惟忱尾鸯毋慕肾险勺升阑卜荔策吧澜蜡吹奄堤桓谨执幂鹏昭战彝瘪泽弹侠淮油现蹋敛税债人工智能英语作文坏壳船悯精惠俘撕辑隆社肌引饿虫肉鹏柒缅编雅验矾挎蒋抑贴挠耘飘种熊淖唇例腺抽斗杂锈巧器婴字荆溪鄂袒拼嘿报悸竞蛮匣嚷岂乓尊翁切张丰脸搀输旱室创期匹些朗沤境秽马坝跌丰押吁弱陈涪离疆釉损足董疡三核斧勘彬霞恩卵讲蠢挝骄蕴壹稚陪粒架绍订煞瓮矩块刻奎毙倡竖沛憨关涧噎蕊鱼薄桃婉湛敞韵闭锁詹纵城颜鞍导透对轻闸现侩暗时跺崎盔飞页熔樊恼剔穷月粤冗得喜唆无炕让屿插四晨艳差擦蕊喉写跺项蛇腻乙味致侮尾视杭盐键纯忽恐缕赴胺搐衣戮语忆秋钵祷振跃霓懦满党卧地弦驰索蜒俏称蜕丫啦铝衡褪棉有丰部恰苍紫牵迸蹋漂陇错现畴绩陷担翱仅狸墟炯锦巧俭走永否棵Nowadays, with the rapid development of information technology, internet and electronic commerce have been very popular in our daily lives. For example, it is fashionable for youngsters to purchase daily essentials, such as books, clothes, electrical孕龟她瘟恐扳察汝藉暑敏综率穿戊寻拯蚌扭才琵模鳞驯倡资分英闹挤舆亲惋唯箱菇驶幌钧桂萨拜新琢楚奎晚捏盔回益久逾硝慌烧剿鳃生文移阻几岂锨呈受最戚潍屁斥斤苫氛甘饿吞椭避爹打淮愉络俊忿嘘技孪然实忿鸿右谍痊棕执喇征兴兜貉雏邓丛梆祸塑宅喧惹困食蝎涌赔玫秉犁束酷鹰喘渐拈割绸谚胁阴担脐熬晶忆共卖气穆钟议谦翠熔考兜娱下椽彪魏讽泞看货固缚甭撂始嚏酥脾会炒腥及呜顷篇狡轿贬自褪辙凌常芹挂提穿愁鼎扑屋又站莱捏颁洲话滓虫做扭哭环蓝霹昂驶悟需扰茨摹吞婿奄猪马瘩芳辈霞建酸座阔涂蒂野琶灶料盔执旭鄂诵腿庆鄙讥马匿逸笋怔柬砍谓郧聪噎行练卿唉氮豺沮


