
发布时间:2018-06-29 22:57:33   来源:文档文库   
如何让我的自由时间丰富多彩的,有意义? A:你好,很高兴见到你!(Hello, nice to meet you!) B:很高兴见到你!(Nice to meet you too!) A:最近心情好么?(Recently in a good mood?) B:不好。(I got the short end of the stick) A:你怎么了?(What's wrong with you?) B:我在为我的自由时间的支配问题而烦恼。(I worry because of my free time control problem.) A:原来是这样。那我们讨论一下关于自由时间的支配问题怎么样?(Oh, so that's it. Then we talk about free time control problem?) B:太好了,我想你能够帮到我。(Too good, I think you can help me.) A:在我看来,我们的自由时间应该多运动,多看书,多出去和同学散心,不要迷恋网络游戏。(In my opinion, we should exercise more free time, read a book, go for a walk with classmates , don't be addicted to network game. ) B:我也这么认为,对了,还要多给父母通电话,少喝酒,多交好朋友。(I think so, oh, besides,we should give parents talking on the phone, drinking less alcohol, being more friends.) A:不错,你这不是知道的挺多的么,还这么苦恼。(Well, since you know pretty much, why are you still so upset?) B:我也是在你提醒下才想起来的。(I am also in you remind to come to) A:我想只要我们这样做我们的自由时间一定会多彩并且有意义。(I think as long as we do ,our free time will be colorful and meaningful.) B:我也这么认为。(I think so, too.) A:很高兴和你讨论这个问题,我收获了很多。(Nice to talk to you about the problem, I have learned a lot.) B:谢谢你给我的意见,我想我会支配好我的自由时间的。(Thank you for giving my opinion, I think I will dominate good my free time.) A:再见。(Goodbye.) B:再见。(Goodbye.)


