人教版八年级英语下册Unit 1 What is the matter? 测试卷

发布时间:2020-04-25 21:37:28   来源:文档文库   

Unit 1 测试

(100, 90分钟)


一、听力(15小题, 满分25)

第一节: 听小对话, ABC三个选项中选择正确选项。对话读一遍。(每小题1, 满分5)

(  )1. What did the boy do on the weekend?

A. He played football.

B. He played computer games.

C. He did his homework all the time.

(  )2. What should the girl do now?

A. She should watch TV.

B. She should do her homework.

C. She should lie down and rest.

(  )3. How old is the driver?

A. 24.      B. 34.      C. 42.

(  )4. What happened to John?

A. He hurt himself playing basketball.

B. He hurt himself playing soccer.

C. He hurt himself playing tennis.

(  )5. How often should the boy take the medicine?

A. Once a day.    B. Twice a day.

C. Three times a day.

第二节: 听长对话, ABC三个选项中选择正确选项。对话读两遍。(每小题2, 满分10)

听下面一段长对话, 回答67小题

(  )6. What is wrong with Lily's sister?

A. She has a bad cold.

B. She has a fever.

C. She has a sore throat.

(  )7. Where should Lily be tomorrow?

A. At the party.   

B. At home.

C. At work.

听下面一段长对话, 回答810小题

(  )8. What's the matter with the young man?

A. He has a toothache.

B. He has a stomachache.

C. He has a headache.

(  )9. When did it start?

A. Two days ago.

B. Three days ago.

C. Three weeks ago.

(  )10. What shouldn't he do?

A. He shouldn't take any medicine.

B. He shouldn't eat too many ice creams.

C. He shouldn't go to work.

第三节: 听独白, ABC三个选项中选出正确的选项。独白读两遍。(每小题2, 满分10)

(  )11. Where did Mr. Smith work?

A. In a company.

B. At a police station.

C. In a restaurant.

(  )12. Who did Mr. Smith live with?

A. His wife and two children.  

B. His friend.

C. Nobody but himself.

(  )13. What did Mr. Smith do in a restaurant one evening?

A. He borrowed some money from his friend.

B. He had dinner with his friend in the restaurant.

C. He drank a little with his friend in the restaurant.

(  )14. How did Mr. Smith go home?

A. In his car.

B. In his friend's car.

C. By taxi.

(  )15. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Mr. Smith was drunk that day.

B. The policeman thought Mr. Smith was a thief.

C. The taxi driver helped Mr. Smith open the door of his house.


二、完形填空(15小题, 每小题1, 满分15)

When I was 13, my only purpose(目标) was to become the star on our football team. That meant ______16 Miller King, the best ______17 at our school.

The football season started in September, and all summer long I carried my football everywhere for ______18. Just before September, Miller was ______19 by a car and lost his right arm. I went to see him after he came back from the ______20. He looked very ______21 , but he didn't cry.

That season, I ______22 all of Miller's records while he ______23 the home games from the chair. We went 10­1 and I was named the best player, ______24 I often had crazy dreams in which I was to blame for Miller's accident.

One afternoon, I saw Miller in great trouble when he was going over a short wall—which wasn't ______25 to climb if he had both arms. I was sure I was the last person he wanted to accept help from. However, he agreed. ______26 , he moved slowly over the wall. When we were finally ______27 on the other side, he said to me, “You know, I didn't tell you this during the season, but you did ______28. Thanks a lot!

His words freed me from my bad ______29. Disabled but not defeated(被击败的), he was ______30 the most excellent one. To me, he was more than a winner.

(  )16. A. winning   B. beating C. encouraging  D. comparing

(  )17. A. leader B. student C. teacher D. player

(  )18. A. decision B. show C. practice D. excitement

(  )19. A. knocked down B. cheered up C. cut off D. taken out

(  )20. A. school B. vacation C. hospital D. training

(  )21. A. weak B. quiet C. relaxed D. shameful

(  )22. A. held   B. broke C. set   D. kept

(  )23. A. reported B. counted C. played D. watched

(  )24. A. and   B. then C. but   D. or

(  )25. A. strange B. hard C. fun D. fit

(  )26. A. To my surprise B. With my help C. In my opinion D. On his own

(  )27. A. happy   B. ready C. silent  D. safe

(  )28. A. well B. quickly C. fast D. normally

(  )29. A. memories B. ideas C. situations D. dreams

(  )30. A. yet   B. also C. still  D. never

三、阅读理解(每小题2, 满分20)


Sing a Song of People

by Lois Lenski

Sing a song of people

Walking fast or slow;

People in the city

Up and down they go.

5 People on the sidewalk,

People on the bus;

People passing, passing,

In back and front of us.

People on the subway

10 Underneath the ground.

People riding taxis

Round and round and round.

People with their hats on,

Going in the doors;

15 People with umbrellas

When it rains and pours.

People in tall buildings

And in stores below;

Riding elevators

20 Up and down they go.

People walking singly,

People in a crowd;

People saying nothing,

People talking loud.

25 People laughing, smiling,

Grumpy people too;

People who just hurry

And never look at you!

Sing a song of people

30 Who like to come and go;

Sing of city people

You see but never ________!

(  )31. The poem is about a __________ city.

A. beautiful B. busy  C. rainy  D. small

(  )32. In Line 21, the word “singly” means “__________”.

A. alone  B. fast

C. slowly  D. quietly

(  )33. According to the poem, the best word for the blank is “__________”.

A. borrow  B. throw  C. know   D. allow


By Anna Matteo

28 January, 2019

A 3­year­old boy who was lost in the woods for two days is now safe at home with his family. But Casey Hathaway told his rescuers (救援者) that he was not alone in the rainy, freezing cold woods. He said he was with a friend—a bear.

The child went missing on January 22 while playing with friends near his grandmother's house in North Carolina. When the other children returned but Casey did not, the family searched the area for almost an hour before calling the police.

Police formed a search team to look for the young boy in the nearby woods. But two days went by and—no Casey.

Then on January 24, someone called the police saying he heard a child crying in the woods. Police followed up on the information and found Casey at about 9: 30 that night. He was in good health.

Casey told the rescuers he had hung out with a black bear for two days, a bear he called his “friend”.

The police officer Chip Hughes spoke with reporters from several news agencies. He said Casey did not say how he could survive in the woods for two days in the cold, rainy weather. “However, ” the police officer said, “he did say he had a friend in the woods that was a bear with him.

Hundreds of people helped in the search and rescue efforts, including some 600 volunteers, police and members of the army. Doctors at the medical center gave Casey some examinations. He was then sent to his family on January 25.

His mother talked with reporters and thanked everyone who joined the search for her son. “We just want to tell everyone that we're very thankful that you took the time out to search for Casey, ” said his mother. “He is up and talking. He's already asked to watch cartoons.

(  )34.The underlined word “survive” in Paragraph 6 probably means “________”.

A. give up B. get lost

C. fall asleep D. remain alive

(  )35. What is the correct order in which these happen?

a. Someone heard a child crying.

b. The family started to look for Casey.

c. Casey played with his friends.

d. The police found Casey was in good health.

A. bcad  B. bcda

C. cbad  D. cbda

(  )36. After Casey was sent back home, he was ________.

A. scared  B. nervous

C. relaxed  D. surprised


A young couple decided to go camping in the mountains to celebrate their first year of marriage. They took with them all the things they would need to go camping—warm clothes, food and a tent.

They went up to the mountains and found the perfect place to put up their tent. After that, they decided to go for a hike (远足) to see more of the mountains.

After a long hike, they went back to their camp, built a fire and cooked dinner. Finally, it was time to go to sleep.

Sometime in the middle of the night, the wife woke her husband up and said, “Look up at the sky. What do you see?

Her husband answered, “I see millions of stars.

His wife said, “That's right. What does that mean to you?

The husband said, “Well, if there are so many stars out there, that means there might also be a planet just like the planet we live on. And if that's true, then there could be life on one of those planets. That's kind of exciting!

His wife said, “You are wrong. It means that someone has stolen our tent!

(  )37. The young couple went to the mountains to________.

A. go fishing

B. have a party

C. go camping

D. celebrate birthdays

(  )38. The husband could see ________ in the sky.

A. many nice birds   B. lots of planes


《人教版八年级英语下册Unit 1 What is the matter? 测试卷.doc》
