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影像与介入・ 3年9月第10卷第27期 

摘要】目的探讨心电图在急性下壁心肌梗死相关动脉中的预测价值。方法选取2010年2月~2012年2月西 安市第五医院收治的80例初步诊断为急性下壁性心肌梗死患者,根据患者的梗死相关动脉分为左回旋支动脉 组18例和右冠状动脉组62例,两组患者均给予心电图检查。比较两组患者心电图改变与梗死相关动脉的关系 及心电图各指标的灵敏度和特异度。结果严重慢性心律失常、合并右室梗死、ST 压低、sT 压低、ST1压低≥ 0.5 mm、ST1抬高≥0. mm、STm抬高≥STⅡ、ST L压低≥O. mm、ST L抬高≥0.5 mm、STv1抬高≥O. mm、STv w>0 在右冠状动脉组发生率高于左回旋支动脉组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05):而V3/II≤1.2在两组间差异无统 计学意义(P>0.05)。在有冠状动脉组中,合并有室梗死、ST ,抬高≥0.5 mm、STI压低≥0.5 mm的阳性预测值和 特异度均为100.0%;STⅢ抬高≥STⅡ的灵敏度最高;ST 压低≥0.5 mm的阴性预测值最高。在左回旋支动脉组 中,ST肌抬高I0.5 mm的阳性预测值和特异度均为100.0%;STf抬高/0.5 mm的灵敏度最高;ST 抬高/0.5 mm、 STⅢ抬高≤STⅡ的阴性预测值为最高。结论急性下壁心肌梗死以右冠状动脉为主要的梗死相关动脉,不同梗死 相关动脉在心电图的表现上存在一定的差异。心电图在急性下壁心肌梗死相关动脉预测中有重要的价值。 关键词】心电图;急性下壁心肌梗死;梗死相关动脉;预测价值 
中图分类号1 R540.41 文献标识码]A 文章编号】1673-7210(2013)09(c)一0084—03 
Predictive value of electrocardiogram in acute inferior wall myocardial 
infarction related artery 
GENG Xiaoling SUNLei ZHANG Yongchao 
The Fih Hospital of Xi an City Shaanxi Hospital of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine,Shaanxi Province, Xi an 710082,China 
Absract】Objective To explor the predictve value of electocardiogramECG)in acute inferior wal myocardial 
nfarction related artery.Methods 80 cases of primar diagnosis for patients with acute inferior wall myocardial 
nfarction were selected in the Fih Hospital of Xi'an City from Februar 2010 to Febrar 2012,they were divided nto lef circumfex branch group in 1 8 cases and fght coronar arter group in 62 cases according to patients arter 
nfarction related artery,two groups of patients were given ECG examination.Two groups of patients with ECG changes and relationship of infarction related arer and ECG and the sensitivity of various indicators specic degrees were compared.Results The severe chronic arrhythmia,with right ventfcular infarction,ST I down up≥0.5 innl,ST 1 down up≥0.5 mm,STm raised≥STI1,ST枷 down up≥0.5 mm,STIvl raised≥0.5 him,STv1 raised≥0.5 nlm, STv2 vF>0 in right coronar arer group was higher than that of lef circumfex branch arer group,the difference 
was satstcaly sgnicant <0.05);The V3/II≤1.2 dierence between the two groups had no satstcal 
signicance fP>0.05).In the right coronar arer group.the posve predictve value and speci degrees of ght 
ventricular infarction merger,STv1 raised≥0.5 mm,ST 1 down up≥0.5 mm was 1 00.0%;the sensitivity of STⅢ raised≥ST  was the highest;the negative predictive value of STm down up≥0.5 mm was the highest.In lef 
cicumfex arer group,posve predictve value and specic degees of S%v down up≥0.5 mm was 100.0%;the 
sensitivity of ST 1 raised≥0.5 mm;the negative predictive value of ST 1 raised≥0.5 mm and ST m raised≥STⅡ. 
Conclusion The acute inferior wall myocardial infarction,primarily in the right coronar arer infarction related arer,the expression of infarction related arer on the electrocardiogram there exist cerain differences. 
Electrocardiogram in acute inferior wall myocardial infarction related arter prediction has important value. 
Key words】Electocardiogram;Acut inferor wa myocardial nfarcton;Infarcton related arer;Predictve value 
急性下壁性心肌梗死主要由于左回旋支动脉或右冠 状动脉闭塞所致,左回旋支动脉闭塞的预后相对较好,右 
以探讨心电图在急性下壁心肌梗死罪犯血管中的预测价 值。 
1资料与方法 1.1一般资料 
冠状动脉近段如果完全闭塞易合并右室梗死l,引起血流 动力异常和慢性心率失常。早期诊断急性下壁性心肌梗 死,对临床治疗有重要的意义【。本研究对80例初步诊断 
所选研究对象为201 1年2月~2012年2月西安市第 五医院(以下简称“我院”)收治的80例初步诊断为急性下 


