
发布时间:2019-05-23 23:44:57   来源:文档文库   

仁爱版八年级英语下册Unit8 Topic3 Section A (第一课时) 备课人: 李晓玲 审核人: 班级: 学生: 【学习目标】 1. 知识目标:掌握单词model(n.)&(v.)和一些句型如:Kangkang said he watched it./He said it was wonderful./Do you know when it’ll start?/The poster says it will start at 7:30p.m. 2. 技能目标:能够熟练掌握宾语从句的用法 【知识链接】 回顾在使用宾语从句时应注意三项:引导词、语序和时态 如:The teacher said that the earth moves round the sun.(注意:若宾语从句所表达的是客观真理或客观事实时,从句中动词的时态不受主句的谓语动词时态的限制) 【预习达标】 时装秀_____________ 购物中心_____________ 模特________________ 海报_________________ Sounds interesting_______________ woolen dress____________ leather____________ wonderful___________ 【学习流程】 1. 熟读1a并能翻译 2. 我能独立完成1b 3. 我在1a 和1b 中都存在哪些疑惑或不懂的呢?但我能和伙伴讨论解决。 预习指导 请同学们在文中找出这些句子并翻译 A.Kangkang said he watched it.___________________________. B.He said it was wonderful._________________________. C.She asked Kangkang what he was doing.________________________. D.He said he was doing his homework.___________________________. 思考:(1)这些句子的从句我们是否可以更换成其他时态?理由是什么? (2)第三题的语序是否有误? 练习:(1)Maria asked the saleswoman _________________________________(How much is it?)(改成宾语从句) (2) He asked she ___________________________(What sizes do you have?)(同上) 合作探究 任务一:听录音模仿语音语调,并了解文章大意 任务二:分小组朗读课文或根据1a表演对话 任务三:讨论大家不理解的地方并写在黑板上(如:宾语从句) 任务四:我能和伙伴合作完成1c 任务五:听录音完成2 Work alone 展示提升 尝试用学过的句型(如宾语从句)来复述1a 【当堂检测,点击中考】 1. 我会翻译这些句子 A. 明天在购物中心将有一场时装秀 B. 你知道它何时开始吗? C. 她问康康他正在做什么。 D. 他说他在写作业。 2. 单选 ( )1. Jim said the book ____ very interesting. A. be B. is C. was D. are ( )2. There ____ a stamp collection show in the museum this afternoon. A. is B. is going to have C. has D. is going to be ( )3. The policeman asked the child ____ so that he could take him home. A. where did he live B. where he lived C. how did he live D. how he lived ( )4. ―Harbin is really a beautiful city and there’re many places of interest. ―So it is. Why not stay here for ____ two days? A. other B. others C. another D. more 【自我总结】 1. 我都学会了那些单词、短语和句型 2. 我还有那些疑惑 3. 我最大的收获是什么 教师复备栏/学生笔记栏

课题: 仁爱版八年级英语下册Unit8 Topic3 Section B (第二课时) 备课人: 李晓玲 审核人: 班级: 学生: 【学习目标】 1. 知识目标:熟读这些单词:cheongsam, Tibetan, Mongolian, Korean. 掌握这些单词和短语:catwalk, traditional, minority, backstage, signature, as for sb./sth. /another+数词+复数可数名词=数词+more +复数可数名词 2. 技能目标:Know about minorities and their special costume. 【知识链接】 “又来几个“Another +数词+复数可数名词=数词+more +复数可数名词 习题:再来三个鸡蛋_____ _______ ____________ 又来了二个模特________ _______ _________ 【预习达标】 我认识这些词和短语 In the center of the catwalk______________ common___________ cheongsam__________ traditional____________ in the world of high fashion_________________少数民族______________ 再来2个鸡蛋_____________就我而言_____________ 了解更多关于________________ 【学习流程】 1.我能熟读1a并会翻译 2.听录音找出这些句子 a.Here come the models!译:________________________________ 思考:这是__________句。正常的语序是______________________. b.What a nice dress! 译:_________________________ 思考:这是_____________句,它分为哪两类结构分别是__________________________! ___________________________________! 习题:________ a beautiful girl! ________ bad weather! ________ interesting it is! c.But as for the others,I am not sure.译:_____________________________. 思考:有个短语是____________,意思是____________ 习题:至于比尔,他现在的日子过得不错。译:____________________________. 就我而言,我认为你是对的。译:______________________________. d.Here come another three models,and they are all in minority costumes.译:________________________________________. 思考:another three models=________ _________ __________ all 应放在_________之前和________________之后。 习题:Would you like another one?(同义句) __________________________________. 3.你能举出一些关于宾语从句的一些例句吗?如: She asked the model what kind of costume you were wearing . 4.相信你能和你的同伴完成2 Pair work 5.我在1a 中存在的疑惑会和伙伴讨论解决。 合作探究 任务一:听录音模仿语音语调,并了解文章大意 任务二:听录音回答问题 任务三:你对少数民族了解多少?你能说出每个民族的服装吗? 任务四:小组合作交流,把彼此不理解的请写在黑板上。 展示提升 你能合上书完成下面的短文吗? Jane and Sarah were watching a wonderful fashion --------. The models looked so ---- ------. The first model ---------- a cheongsam. It is a --------- ----------- for Chinese women .The second one wore a minority costume. What did the third one wear? Oh ,she wore a --------- ----------- costume. Sarah didn’t know as much as Jane about fashion . She said Jane --------- a lot about fashion. 【当堂检测,点击中考】 1.连词成句 A. a, dress, what, nice ! B. come, two, models, more, here . C. we, your, can, have, signature? D. he ,she ,what, was ,asked, doing ? 2.单选 ( )1. Cheongsam is one of ____ dresses in China. And many foreigners also like it very much. A. traditional B. a most traditional C. more traditional D. the most traditional ( )2. China is an ____ country. A.European B. Asian C. American D. African ( )3.―What did you say just now?    ―I asked _______.   A. that I could open the door B. could I open the door C. how could I open the door D. how I could open the door ( )4.―Do you know ________, Mike?    ―On May 12th,2008   A. when the earthquake took place in Wen Chuan   B. when did the earthquake take place in Wen Chuan   C. when the earthquake will take place in Wen Chuan ( )5. Please tell me_____. I have some good news for him.   A. where Robert lives B. where does Robert live   C. where Robert lived D. where did Robert live

【预习总结】 1.你都学会了那些单词、短语和句型 2.你还有那些疑惑 3.你最大的收获是什么 教师复备栏/学生笔记栏

课题: 仁爱版八年级英语下册Unit8 Topic3 Section C(第三课时) 备课人: 李晓玲 审核人: 班级: 学生: 【学习目标】 1. 知识目标:掌握单词和短语:dynasty, Asian, decoration, either…..or…… , express, wearer, personal, attractive, western-style,be full of , stand for , from then on , be different from, not only….. but also….., such as , design….. as…. , both…..and…… 2. 技能目标:能够很流利的说出关于服装的一些常识 【知识链接】 我知道这些词 Decoration(n.)--(v.)____________ express(v.)---(n.)___________ wearer(n.)--(v.)________ personal(adj.)---(n.)______________ attractive(adj.)----(v.)___________(n.)_____________ 【预习达标】 Let students read the passage and find out the skill of reading. 【学习流程】 1. 我能熟读课文并会翻译 2. 我能和同伴共同解决1b的问题 3. 我和同伴还能找出其他的短语或句型 4. 预习指导 Read the passage and find out these phrases. a. Fashion is full of culture.译:____________________________. 思考:be full of意思为:___________________. 衔接:be filled with 习题:We should ___ ____ _____ confidence. Our home will then ____ _____ _____ love b. The Tang costume stands for Chinese history and fashion culture.译:___________________________________. 思考:stand for 译:_______________ 习题What dose "ISO" ___ _____? c. It got its name when China became known to other countries during the Han and Tang dynasties.译:_____________________________________________. 思考:get one’s name 译为:____________________. 习题:这个村庄因村内的湖泊而得名。译:___________________________________. d. Chinese fashion is different not only from western fashion ,but also from that in other Asian countries.译:____________________________________________. 思考:(1)be different from 意思为:_____________________. 衔接:different 反义词是same ,same 使用时一般是the same 习题:Your life will ____ ____ _____this moment.[ (2)not only ....but also.....译:___________________. 他不但有丰富经验,而且有知识.译:_________________________. e. Today people can design the Tang costume as either formal or casual clothes .译:______________________________ 思考:(1)design ….as…..译:______________ 习 习题:.A control system ________with reliability _____ a guideline (以可靠性为准则的控制系统设计) (2)either….or…..译:_______________________ You may ______ telegraph ____ telephone. (你可以打电报或打电话。) 衔接:neither….nor….译:既不。。。也不。。。 Neither use ful nor attractive (既不实用,也不美观) f. It express both the wearer’s personal style and China’s rich traditional culture .译:_______________________________________________. 思考:both… and… 译:___________________ 习 习题:Save______ material _____ labour. (既省料又省工) 合作探究 1. 小组讨论把课文熟读并会翻 2. 把你们小组不会的与其他组进行交流 3. 请各小组把疑惑写在黑板上 展示提升 请根据2 的提示,尝试口述一篇小短文 【当堂检测,点击中考】 我能独立完成下面各题 1. People call Kunming the Spring City. It ______ _____ ______ (得名) because there were many flowers in it. 2. China ,Korea and Japan are all A______. 3. None of the shoes in the shop fit me well. They are ____ too big ____ too small. A. both; and B. either; or C. not only; but also D. not; but 4. The Great Wall is known ____ the world. A.for B. as C. on D. to 5.I don’t know ______. A. where the shop is B. where is the shop C. how do you get there D. how can I get there 【自我总结】 4. 我都学会了那些单词、短语和句型 5. 我最棒的地方在哪里? 3. 我还有什么疑惑 教师复备栏/学生笔记栏

课题: 仁爱版八年级英语下册Unit8 Topic3 Section D(第四课时) 备课人: 李晓玲 审核人: 班级: 学生: 【学习目标】 1知识目标:掌握单词和短语:widely, choice, well―known, hardly, except, marriage, outside, celebration 2 技能目标:在语言运用上有所提高 【预习达标】 Let students read the passage and can translate it into Chinese。 【学习流程】 1.尝试写出这些词 a. widely ---(adj.)__________ choice----(v.)______________ b. well―known(意思相近的是)_______________________ c. celebration----(v.)_____________ marriage―(v.)_____________ d. outside (反义词)______________ 2.区分except, but 和 besides 练习题:(1)Everyone _______ John came. 。 (2)We go to school every day _____Sunday. (3)He had other people to take care of _________ me. 思考:except 把…作为例外;把…除外,不包括…在内; but: 常用于 nobody, no one, all, who 等词后面, 除…以外,除…外,除了 besides表示排斥)除…之外(还有) 合作探究 任务一:分小组朗读课文并翻译 任务二:讨论大家不理解的句型并写在黑板上 任务三:我能和伙伴合作完成1b 任务四:听录音完成2并矫正答案 【当堂检测,点击中考】 我会翻译这些句子 1.最著名的美国服装是蓝色牛仔裤 2.那位老人几乎不能走路了 3.除了约翰之外,大家都累了。 4.At one time ,Japanese people wore kimonos for casual and formal occasions. 单 选 ( )1. The children were so excited that they could ____ speak. A.nearly B. almost C. hardly D. usually ( )2. All my classmates are Tibetans ____ me. A. except B. besides C. with D. on ( )3. ―We don’t know________.   ―It is said that he was born in Canada.   A.what he is B.when he was born C.where he comes from D.if he lives here ( )4. ―May I come in? I’m sorry I am late.   ―Come in, please. But could you please tell me ______?   A. why you are late again B. what were you doing then   C. who you talked with D. how do you came to school ( )5. Could you tell me________?   A. When will Mary come back B. When Mary comes back   C. When Mary will come back 【自我总结】 1.我都学会了那些单词、短语和句型 2.我还有那些疑惑 3.我最大的收获是什么


