剑桥英语you and i预备级B UNIT 3

发布时间:2011-10-23 19:05:10   来源:文档文库   

Unit 11  You and I

  Teaching aims and demands:

  1.       使学生初步学习和掌握人称代词的用法;

  2.       使学生会说各种人称与动词搭配的句子;

  3.       使学生听懂所学的句子并能做出正确的选择

  Key points:

  句型:I’m a pupil. He’ a cook.

  She’s a nurse. It’s a dog.

  We’re brothers. They’re sisters.

  词汇:I, you, he, she, we, they, you, it, pupil, cook, nurse, brother, sister

  Difficulty points:


  Teaching aids:


  Teaching procedure:

  The 1st period

  Step 1 Preparation

  1. Greetings.

  2. Sing a song

  3. Game: Simon says

  Step 2 Learning

  1.       Lead in

  T: Now, everybody. Please look at my action carefully. You can do it as I do. Now, I, yes, I.

  S: (手指自己) I.

  T: The next one is “You”.

  S: (学生互指) You.

  T: Good. Li Ming, please stand up. Everybody, “He”, Right! Wang Ping, stand up. “She”. Now, Wang Jun and Li Ming come to the front. (教师用手搂住他们说) “e” . (然后,他们站到一旁说)“hey”, (指门说) “It”.

  S: …

  2.       Work in groups

  3.       Ask somebody to say it

  Step 3 Practices

  1.       Game: Point and say

  2.       Chant it (Part 3)

   (Show the sentences)Listen to the tape.

  You and I, you and I.    You and it, you and it.

  You and he and she.     You and they and we.

   Clap the hands/desks and say it.

   Jump up and say it .

   Ask somebody to say it.

  The 2nd period

  Step 1 Warming up

  1. Listen and do actions

  2. Chant the Part 3

  Step 2 Learning

  1.       Lead in课件  家范文 频道WWW.KEJIANHOME.COM>

  T: (教师运用手势和图片) e’ s a cook. She’s a nurse. I’m a teacher. You’re pupils. It’s a dog.

  S: …

  T: We’re brothers. They’re sisters.(图片加板书)

  S: …

  2.       Work in pairs

  3.       Point and say

  Step 3 Practices

  1.       Read the Part 4 together

  2.       Game1: Toss the ball and say the sentence

  3.       Game2: Guessing

  A: Who am I ?

  B: You’re Tom.

  C: No, He’s Jack.

  The 3rd period

  Step 1 Preparation

  1. Sing a song

  2. Say these sentences. (Part 4)

  Step 2 Learning

  1.       Let’s play

  T: Now, everyone, I want you 5 people to sit in a circle, 5 people in a circle. (手势) When you sit around, each of you say, I, you, she, he, it, they, we, you, but you need to point and use your hands. Let’s see who does them correctly

剑桥少儿英语预备级教案() unit3 YOU AND I

Step 1
1. Greetings.
Hello,nice to meet you! glad to meet you!
What's the weather like today?
2. Ask and answer:
Hello, ....nice to meet you!
Can you run/ fly/ jump/ swim/ read/ write/ draw/ hop/ skate?
3.T: Excellent! Now, let's sing a song "Walking walking" together.
Step 2
1.T: We have learnt many verbs, right? Can you tell me some of them? Let's play a guessing game:
2. T:Great! Let's drive a big train. You read "hop hop I can hop." row by row.
3. T: Can you draw?
   Ss: Yes!
   T: Yes, you can draw and I can write.
   T: Mark, what can you do?        T: You can ____and I can _skate. (4Ss)
4. T: Good, let's play a game,ok? you do the actions and saythe sentence like" You can run and I can hop." one by one.
Another game: 两边的同学背对背站好,一边的学生做一个动作,然后另一边的学生猜: You can dance and I can run?
5. Make a chant:
You and I, you and  I.
You can draw and I can write.
6. T:Well done! You can draw and I can write. What can the bird do ?
Let's look at the picture:  a bird   T:What can the bird do ?
                                     Ss: fly.
                                     T:Yes,the bird can fly.
                                     T:The bird has many friends.They are coming.Look! What can they do?
                   They can fly.
a duck             It can swim.
some ducks         They can swim.
a rabbit           It can jump.
two zebras         They can run.
7. Make a chant:
                It and they, it and they.
                It can jump and they can run.
8. Let Ss make chants like this.
9. T:The bird can fly, the duck can swim. Can you tell me, what can bill do?               
              He can jump/skate/hop.
What can Molly do?  
              She can swim/run/kick the ball.
10. Read the chant after the T:
             He and she, he and she.
             He can dance and she can read.
Chant with their partners.( Clap their hands)
11.Let a boy and a girl come to the front and do some actions. Other Ss chant together.(3 pairs)
Step 3
1. T: It's easy to make a chant. Now,let's make a long chant together:
                  You and I, you and  I.
               You can draw and I can write.
                  It and they, it and they.
                It can jump and they can run.
                  He and she, he and she.
               He can dance and she can read.
2. Back to the book. Look at the chant in the book. Chant it after the tape.
3.Chant together.
4. Sing the song with the tape.

"YOU AND I " 说课稿

    “YOU AND I” 是剑桥少儿英语预备级下册第三单元的教学内容。课文通过以四个小CHANT,以不同的人物和动物所做的动作呈现出代词:you I he she it you(你们)they we 等以及一些较为常用的动词。学生通过学习,能够熟练的运用代词:you I he she it you(你们)they we 来代替具体的人名或物名并能够对上一个单元所学的动词进行巩固和复习。我上课的内容是“YOU AND I”的第二课时。在这一课时中,学生在已经掌握了使用人称代词的基础上再学习一个句型:You can skate and I can fly.并能够运用已经学过的动词来造句。
    根据教材的特点和一年级学生的认知规律,我将听、说、玩、演溶于一体,使学生在课堂上学会正确的使用句型:You can skate and I can fly. 并激发学生学习英语的兴趣和愿望。
1. 学生能够熟练地运用代词 you I he she it you(你们)they we 等代词具体的人名和物名。
2. 学生复习和巩固上一个单元所学习的一系列动词。
3. 学生通过学习和练习,能够运用代词和相关的动词造句。例如:You can skate and I can fly.
4. 通过做相关的游戏,进一步培养学生学习英语的兴趣。
    在低年级英语教学中,游戏是培养学生兴趣最好的方法。通过游戏,学生能够简单快乐地掌握所学内容。在呈现动词时,我通过一个小游戏:猜猜我在干什么,来使学生复习已学动词。在教授新句型时我又通过"you say I do " 猜猜背后的他在干什么等帮助学生更好的接受新知识。
2. 多媒体辅助
3. 拓展延伸
4. 编写CHANT(有节奏的朗读)
    1. 学生通过小组合作学习方式,让学生在小组学习中互帮互助、互评互学,实现生生互动。
    2. 学生通过自主编写CHANT来巩固新学句型。
    然后,通过一首关于动作的英文儿歌WALKING WALKING将学生带如整堂课的核心部分。
    之后,我通过询问学生CAN YOU DRAW?引出句型 YOU CAN DRAW AND I CAN WRITE.通过两个游戏:"YOU SAY I DO" "猜猜背后的他在干什么"来巩固这一句型。
    接下来,我用一些可爱的小动物以及班级里的同学的名字一一带出句型:It can talk and they can play.  He can skate and you can read.

Tag标签: 剑桥少儿英语,教案,预备级


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