
发布时间:2020-04-29 02:12:46   来源:文档文库   

1. 1952.2.22(1950.4.6)




1. S2P

Certain disabled people, and carers, who are treated as if earning 11,600 pa (even if they actually have no earnings at all).

Individuals who are entitled to Invalid Care Allowance or Severe Disablement Allowance.

Thos who are entitled to Long Term Incapacity Benefit

People whose earnings are below the LEL, but are in receipt of CB for a child under six.

Those receiving Income Support as a result of caring for a sick or disabled person.

2. DB and DC

3. Inland Revenue Limit

A. Controlling Directors: These are directors who own or control at least 20% of the voting capital of a limited company. The implication is that they can exercise significant control over both remuneration and pension contributions. The Inland Revenue limits referring particularly to controlling directors are mentioned under the relevant headings below.

B. Normal Retirement Date: NRD is usually between 60 and 75, that is, the date at which the individual is expected to retire. However, certain occupations are accepted by the Inland Revenue as being ones where early retirement is considered to be the norm.

5.A). Returned to them in cash: This applies where an employee leaves a scheme before completing two years of qualifying services. The cash will only be equivalent to the contributions that they have paid into the scheme.

B). Preserved in the scheme that they are leaving: If a member leaves a scheme after 1 January 1991 they are entitled to a preserved pension known as a protected rights pension in the scheme that they are leaving. The preserved pension may also be known as a frozen or a deferred pension.

C). Invested in a personal or stakeholder pension: Under the 1985 Social Security Act, any preserved or deferred pension in a money-purchase personal or stakeholder pension scheme must receive the same treatment in terms of inflation-indexing and investment returns as active pensions remaining in the scheme.

6.Investment is made in a PPS

Income tax relief is available on the premium

The fund grows and is tax exempt

On retiring, 25% of the fund can be taken as tax-free cash


The individual can change the shape of their retirement income to reflect personal circumstances in the future.

The remaining pension fund, representing the policies not cashed in or vested, can normally be returned to an individuals beneficiaries free of Inheritance Tax on their death

An individual can use the tax-free cash as income and thus, for a given level of income, reduce their liability to income tax.


There is no guarantee that income will be as high as that offered under the compulsory purchase annuity

Not all of the tax-free cash may be received as a lump sum at the outset, as this cash may be used to supplement income

If an annuity has not been purchased by age 75, an annuity will have to be purchased at the rates current at that time.


