
发布时间:2015-01-12 14:27:38   来源:文档文库   

排水工程 wastewater engineeringsewerage

排水系统 wastewater engineering system

排水体制 sewerage system

排水设施 wastewater facilities

合流制 combined system

合流制管道溢流 combined sewer overflow

分流制 separate system

城镇污水 urban wastewater sewage

城镇污水系统 urban wastewater system

面源污染 diffuse pollution 通过降雨和地表径流冲刷,将大气和地表的污染物带入受纳水体

低影响开发(LID) low impact development

城镇污水污泥 urban wastewater sludge

旱流污水 dry weather flow 合流制晴天时的污水

生活污水 domestic wastewater sewage

综合生活污水 comprehensive sewage

工业废水 industrial wastewater

入渗地下水 infiltrated ground water

总变化系数 peak variation factor

径流系数 runoff coefficient

暴雨强度 rainfall intensity

重现期 recurrence interval

降雨历时 duration of fall

汇水面积 catchment area

内涝 local flooding

地面集水时间 inlet timeconcentration time

截留倍数 interception ratio

排水泵站 drainage pumping station

污水泵站 sewage pumping station

雨水泵站 storm water pumping station

合流污水泵站 combined sewage pumping station

一级处理 primary treatment

二级处理 secondary treatment

活性污泥法 activated sludge process

suspended growth progress

生物反应池 biological reaction tank

活性污泥 activated sludge

回流污泥 returned sludge

格栅 bar screening

格栅除污计bar screening machine

固定式格栅除污机 fixed raking machine

移动式格栅除污机 mobile raking machine

沉砂池 grit chamber

平流式沉砂池 horizontal flow grit chamber

曝气沉砂池 aerated grit chamber

旋流沉砂池 vortex-type grit chamber

沉淀 sedimentationsettling

初次沉淀池 primary settling tank

二次沉淀池 secondary settling tank

平流沉淀池 horizontal

竖流沉淀池 vertical flow

辐流沉淀池 radical flow

斜管沉淀池 inclined tube/plate sedimentation tank

好氧 aerobic oxic 缺氧 anoxic

厌氧 anaerobic

生物硝化 bio-nitrification

生物反硝化 bio-denitrification

混合液回流 mixed liquid recycle

生物除磷 biological phosphorus removal

缺氧/好氧脱氮工艺 anoxic/oxic process

厌氧/好氧除磷工艺 anaerobic/oxic process

厌缺好 anaerobic/anoxic/oxic process

序批式活性污泥法 sequencing batch reactor

充水比 fill ratio

总凯式氮 total kjefdahl nitrogen

总氮 total nitrogen

总磷 total phosphorus

好氧泥龄 oxic sludge age

泥龄 sludge age sludge retention time

氧化沟 oxidation ditch

好氧区 oxic zone

厌氧区 anaerobic zone

生物膜法 attached-growth process biofilm process

生物接触氧化 bio-contact oxidation

曝气生物滤池 biological aerated oxidation

生物转盘 rotating biological contactor

塔式生物滤池 biotower

低负荷生物滤池 low-rate trickling filters

高负荷生物滤池 high-rate biological filters

五日生化需氧量容积负荷 BOD5-volumet

表面负荷 hydraulic loading rate

固定布水器 fixed distributor

旋转布水器 rotating

石料滤料 rock filtering media

塑料填料 plastic media

污水自然处理 natural treatment of wastewater

土地处理 land treatment

稳定塘 stabilization pond/lagoon

灌溉田 sewage farming

人工湿地 artificial/constructed wetland

污水再生利用 wastewater reuse

深度处理 advanced treatment

再生水 renovated/reclaimed water

膜过滤 membrane filtration

颗粒活性碳吸附池 granular activated carbon absorption tank

紫外线 ultraviolet

紫外线剂量 ultraviolet dose

污泥处理 sludge treatment

污泥处置 sludge disposal

污泥浓缩 sludge thickening

污泥脱水 sludge dewatering

污泥干化 sludge drying

污泥消化 sludge digestion

好氧消化 aerobic digestion

厌氧消化 anaerobic digestion

中温/高温消化 mesophilic/thermophilic digestion

原污泥 raw sludge

初沉污泥 primary sludge

二沉污泥 secondary sludge

剩余污泥 excess activated sludge

消化污泥 digested sludge

消化池 digester 消化时间 digest time

挥发性固体 volatile solids

挥发性固体去除率 removal percentage of volatile solids

挥发性固体容积负荷 cubage load of volatile solids

污泥气 sludge gas/marsh gas

污泥气燃烧器 sludge gas burner

回火防止器 backfire preventer

污泥热干化 sludge heat drying

污泥焚烧 sludge incineration

污泥综合利用 sludge integrated application

污泥土地利用 sludge land application

污泥农用 sludge farm application


