
发布时间:2019-04-28   来源:文档文库   

1. 你的朋友Jack由于晚上经常玩电脑游戏、看电视而感到很累,现在经常头痛、腰背酸痛、眼睛不舒服,并且睡不好觉.由于爱吃垃圾食品有点发胖,而且经常感冒,导致学习成绩下降.请以Jack's Problems为题写一篇短文介绍一下他的情况,并给出你对他的建议. 要求:1词数:80-100词;

2 包含上述提示要点,可适当发挥,以使行文连贯; 3 文中不要出现真实校名和人名. Jack's Problems

2. 诚信是中华民族的传统价值观.英才国际学校英语广播台正在进行"我诚实,我守"系列人物介绍.请你根据下列表格提示和要求,写一篇介绍陈信同学的文字稿.

九(2 诚信

希望 做一个诚实守信的人
参考词汇:integrity 诚信,honesty 诚实,get on well with…和睦相处,make a promise 许诺,keep a promise 守诺,overcome 克服,reliable 信赖的 写作要求:1.词数不少于80,短文的开始语以给出,不计入总词数; 2.内容要完整,语言流畅,不要逐句翻译,可适当发挥; 3.短文中不得出现真实的姓名及校名.

Good morningeveryone!Today I'm glad to introduce a teenagerHis name is Cheng Xin ______

3. 意外随时可能发生,当发生火灾时,我们应该采取哪些措施才能进行自救?请根据图片提示,"How to Protect Yourself in a fire"为题,写一篇80词左右的英语短文. 要求:
1.包含所有提示的要点,可以适当发挥,开头已给出,不计入总词数; 2.意思清楚,表达通顺,行文连贯,书写规范.


How to Protect yourself in a fire
Every yearmany people get hurt or lose their lives in the fire______

4. 习大大在2018年新年贺词中引用了“九层之台,始于累土”,比喻做事要从最基本开始(start with the basics),必须一步一个脚印(take one step at a time),才能有所成就。相信每位同学都有自己中考前的努力方向,请以“How can we make our dreams come true ?”为题写一篇短文谈谈你的想法。词数在80词左右。 提示:

1. 合理安排时间,制定学习规划 2. 找到正确的学习方法 3. 注意锻炼身体、劳逸结合
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. 一日三餐你吃什么食物来补充能量,以保证每天紧张的学习生活.
"Three Meals A Day" 为题,介绍一日三餐的食物和饮食地点,写一篇短文,让大家了解你的饮食习惯. 70 左右.
温馨提示:1 书写工整,字迹清晰、整洁; 2 文中不得使用真实在姓名.

Three Meals A Day ______

6. 假设你是Lucy ,请根据提示,以"My good friend" 为题写一篇短文,介绍你的朋友Jim Green.要求:字迹工整,语句通顺,可适当发挥.词数:70词左右.
name age birthday Telephone number balls food subject

Jim Green 13 August 8th 879-5682 Five baseballs two volleyballs four soccer ballsthree basketballs tomatoespearssaladchicken Chinese history PE
7. 某英文杂志社正面向九年级毕业生征文,请从以下要点中选择一至两个方面,并结 my teacher!"的短文参加此次活动.合具体事例,用英语写一篇题为" Thank you点如下: 1)严格要求 2)耐心指导

注意: 1)词数80100 2)可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯 3)文中不得出现真实姓名及学校名称. 4)…
注意: 1)词数80-100
2)可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯 3)文中不得出现真实姓名及学校名称

8. 假如你们学校的演出需要招聘一些学生参加,请你为学校写一则招聘广告.要求如下:
1.拥有一种特长:唱歌、跳舞、弹吉他或弹钢琴; 2.有意者请联系张老师; 3.联系电话:345-2493

9. 假如你是Lily下列表格中是你和朋友Jack两人的资料,请根据表格中的信息,My Friend and I为题写一篇短文,介绍你们两人的情况。要求60-70词。文中不要出现真实的人名或学校名。


The color/food/animals we like(我们喜欢5页,共14
Get up Go to bed
Usually do



sing songs dance
I Japan
pink, jiaozi, monkeys
Jack Canada
gray, hamburgers, lions
6:45 10:00
go to the zoo

10. 假设联合国教科文组织正在举行"拯救地球"征文活动,请根据提示,以"Save the Earth!"为题,用英语写一篇短文. 现状:1.地球变脏变暖 2.自然灾害频发
原因:1人口急剧增长 2.大量砍伐森林 3.滥杀野生动物
建议:1.人人呢保护地球 2.禁止砍伐森林 3.考生自拟(至少一点) 要求:
1.所写内容必须包括表格中所有的信息,并作适当的发挥; 2.词数80左右.开头已给出,不计入总词数; 3.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名、地名等相关信息. 提示:砍伐cut down Save the Earth! Our earth was beautiful in the pastHowever

1.【答案】Jack's Problems
Jack is my friendHe likes playing computer games and watching TV at nightNow he always feels tiredHe has a headachea sore back and sore eyesHe can't sleep wellHe likes to eat junk food and he is a little heavy nowHe often has a coldHis grade is becoming worse and worse【高分句型一】.(他的情况)

I think he should go to bed earlyHe shouldn't spend too much time playing computer games or watching TV because it's bad for his eyesHe should take more exercise and 高分句型二】stop eating junk food.(对他的建议)

I think if he does sohe can become healthy and he will get good grades 【解析】


His grade is becoming worse and worse他的成越来越差. 较级+and+较级:越来越

He shouldn't spend too much time playing computer games or watching TV because it's bad for his eyes他不应该长时间电脑电视,因为对眼睛有害.


Good morningeveryone!Today I'm glad to introduce a teenagerHis name is Cheng 【答案】2.Xin who is from Class TwoGrade NineHe is a boy full of integrity and honestyWhenever he meets all people aroundhe is always very friendly and gets on well with themWhat's morehe is an honest boy who never tells a lie at school or at home As long as he makes a promisehe will never break it even when he is in troublehe always tries his best to overcome it to keep his promise

One nightwhile Cheng Xin was doing his homework at homehe remembered that it's time to give back a book to his classmateHoweverit was very late and was raining heavily outside"I must return it now!"He said to himselfWithout thinking twicehe put down his pen quickly and rode his bike to his friend's homeWhen he came back homehe was all wetHe did his homework until midnightAlthough he was tiredhe was very happy!

It's really important for everyone to be honestCheng Xin has given us a good exampleIf everyone can be honestwe believe our world will be more wonderful 【解析】
Good morningeveryone!Today I'm glad to introduce a teenager(高分句型).(引出话题His name is Cheng Xin who is from Class TwoGrade NineHe is a boy full of integrity and honesty Whenever he meets all people aroundhe is always very friendly and gets on well with them.(基本情况)What's morehe is an honest boy who never tells a lie at school or at home As long as he makes a promisehe will never break it even when he is in troublehe always tries his best to overcome it to keep his promise.(主要表

One nightwhile Cheng Xin was doing his homework at homehe remembered that it's time to give back a book to his classmateHoweverit was very late and was raining heavily outside"I must return it now!"He said to himselfWithout thinking twicehe put down his pen quickly and rode his bike to his friend's homeWhen he came back homehe was all wetHe did his homework until midnightAlthough he was tiredhe was very happy!(介一次具体事例) It's really important for everyone to be honest(高分句型).Cheng Xin has given us a good exampleIf everyone can be honestwe believe our world will be more wonderful.(我的希望) 高分句型:

Today I'm glad to introduce a teenager.今天我很高一个十几的孩子.be glad to do sth表示高做某事.

It's really important for everyone to be honest每个人来说诚实是很重要的.句子考It's important for sb to do sth表示某人来做某事是重要的. 提示性作文.要仔细审题,抓住重点,把所信息条理清楚的表达出来,要求句通法,时态正确;范.
3.【答案】When a fire happens rememberthe most important thing is to stay calm
You should call 119 at onceIf the fire is not very serious Turn off all the lights and gas Find some clothes and make them wet Put on the wet clothes cover your face and run out of the building Do not jump out of the window or take a lift It is dangerous If you can not run out of the room remember the safest place is close to water like washroom.. Remember these suggestions above you must protect yourself from a fire 【解析】

How to Protect yourself in a fire
Every yearmany people get hurt or lose their lives in the fire
When a fire happens rememberthe most important thing is to stay calm【开点明主 【高分句型一,注意时间从句的使用】.You should call 119 at onceIf the fire is not very serious turn off all the lights and gas【高分句型二,注意if的条件状从句的使用】. Find some clothes and make them wet Put on the wet clothes cover your face and run out of the building Do not jump out of the window or take a lift It is dangerous If you can not run out of the room remember the safest place is close to water like washroom 【正文部分详细火灾中如何逃生】 Remember these suggestions above you must protect yourself from a fire 扣主
When a fire happens rememberthe most important thing is to stay calm.当火住,最重要的是保持冷静.when时间从句,……候. 高分句型二
If the fire is not very serious turn off all the lights and gas.如果火不是很,关掉所有的灯和煤气.if的条件状从句, 如果…… 本篇写作需注意要求中所提供的要点,不可漏.需在平时积累相关的词汇写作中注意语义,符合逻辑关系.上下文之可以适当使用.如but sothen等.
4.【答案】 How can we make our dreams come true? As we all know, everyone has dreams. Now our dream is going to a good high school after three years study. But how can we make this dream come true? Here is some advice. First, we should make a plan for study and finish all the tasks according to the plan, manage time properly and don`t waste time. Second, we should find correct study method. Start with the basics and take one step at a time. Third, find time to relax. We should do more exercises and keep healthy. We`d go to bed early, get up early and have enough sleep. 9页,共14

Follow the advice above, and our dreams are sure to come true.

是一篇命作文,大大在2018年新年贺词中引用了之台,始于累,比做事要从最基本开始,必一步一个脚印,才能有所成就。相信每位同学都有自己中考前的努力方向,“How can we make our dreams come true ?”为题写一篇短文谈谈你的想法。数在80左右。 人称采用第一人称主,时态以一般时为主。因此,该类型的面表达具有一定的灵活性,好地体考生的英能力。考生需要注意句子的正确使用,注意词语的丰富和句型的多性,以增加文章的采分点。
5.【答案】I usually have three meals a day They are breakfast lunchand supper
I like tohave eggs and milk for breakfast at homeAfter breakfastI go to school and I have lunch at school I usually have rice with chicken and vegetablesfor lunch I have supper at home I usually have some porridge and vegetables for supper I want to lose weight because I am a little fat 【解析】
Three Meals A Day I usually have three meals a day They are breakfast lunchand supper I like to have eggs and milk for breakfast at home (早餐)【高分句型一】After breakfastI go to school and I have lunch at school I usually have rice with chicken and vegetables for lunch.(午餐) I have supper at home I usually have some porridge and vegetables for supper I want to lose weight because I am a little fat.(晚餐)【高分句型二】 【高分句型一】
I like to have eggs and milk for breakfast at home 在家,我早餐喜蛋,喝牛奶.
like to do sth想做某事. 【高分句型二】
I want to lose weight because I am a little fat.我想减肥,因我有点胖. want to do sth想做某事;because原因状从句.

根据提示面表达,能够围绕准确使用一定的法、词汇、短和句型等,清楚连贯地表达自己的思想,而完成写作任 6.【答案】My good friend
I have a good friendHis name is Jim GreenHe is AmericanHis birthday is on August 8th.(基本信息)His favorite food is tomatoespearssaladchicken(饮食)He loves sportsHe has five baseballs two volleyballsfour soccer balls and three basketballs His favorite sport is baseballHe plays it at school with her friends after classHe has two blue coats because he likes blue very much.【高分句型一】What's his favorite subjectIt's historyHe thinks it's difficult but interesting.【高分句型二】He also like Chinese and PE.(喜好) 【解析】


He has two blue coats because he likes blue very much.他有两件色的外套因他非常喜欢蓝色.

because的原因状从句. 【高分句型二】

He thinks it's difficult but interesting.他认为但是有趣. think后是省略了that宾语从句.
根据提示面表达,能够围绕准确使用一定的法、词汇、短和句型等,清楚连贯地表达自己的思想,而完成写作任 7.【答案】 My Good Friend
I have many friends , but my good friend is Li Min. She is 14 years old and she is a smart and healthy girl. She is fond of running and she never eats junk food . She is interested in playing volleyball , so we often play it together. She shares happiness and sadness with me. She has a wonderful memory, and she can remember all the things that we have experienced. She always encourages me to work hard . She is my good friend, and I hope we will keep in touch with each other. 【解析】


要注意一些短的表达:be fond of , be interested in , encourage sb. to do sth.等。

My Good Friend
I have many friends , but my good friend is Li Min. She is 14 years old and she is a smart and healthy girl. She is fond of running and she never eats junk food . She is interested in playing volleyball , so we often play it together. She shares happiness and sadness with me.
She has a wonderful memory, and she can remember all the things that we have experienced. She always encourages me to work hard . She is my good friend, and I hope we will keep in touch with each other. 考点:写作-作文

8.【答案】Thank you my teacher!
Leaving you-lovely junior school lifeI have so many words from my heart to sayI still remember that you became our English teacher three years agoYou always work hard and treat us wellYou are strict with us in study and also take care of us kindlyIt is easy and interesting for us to learn English well because your class is very interesting and lively.(严格要求)【高分句型一】

During my school lifewe can get along well with each otherWhen I failed in an examyou encouraged me to keep trying.【高分句型一】When I had trouble in lifeyou told me to be brave.(耐心指导)

Because of your help and encouragementmany studentsincluding meare more and more interested in English and make much progresstooYou have given me so much.(热情鼓励)

Thank you again for what you've done for us!All the best to you!(表示感谢) 【解析】


It is easy and interesting for us to learn English well because your class is very interesting and lively.因你的非常生有趣,学好英简单有趣.

句中"because your class is very interesting and lively"原因状从句,主句"it is+形容+for sb to do sth 某人来做某事…"构. 高分句型二:

When I failed in an examyou encouraged me to keep trying.当我考候,你鼓励我不断努力.


句中"When I failed in an exam"条件状从句,主句"you encouraged me to keep trying"中有短"encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事""keep doing sth 一直做某事"
纲类作文的要点都了出来,在写作的候需要使用合适的要点接成一个整体.同注意使用高级词汇和句式文章更有亮点. 9.【答案】Students Wanted for School Show We want students for the school show【开头点明主题】.Can you sing【高分句型一,注意情态动词的使用】Can you danceCan you play the guitar or the pianoPlease talk to MrZhang after schoolYou can call him at 345-2493【高分句型二,注意固定句型的使用】.【正文部分详细介绍招聘内容】 【解析】


Can you sing?你会唱歌是情态动词can的一般疑句,你会 高分句型二

You can call him at 345-2493.你可以他打电话,号345-2493call sbat+,是固定句型.某人打电话,号
10.答案】 My Friend and I
I'm Lily. I come from Canada. I like pink very much. I also like jiaozivery much. When I am free, I usually sing some songs and see monkeys. They are my favorite animals. I usually get up at 6:30 and go to bed at 9:40. Jack is my good friend. He is from Canada. His favorite color is gray. He likes eating hamburgers. In his free time, he likes dancing and going to the zoo to see lions. He likes lions very much. He often gets up at 6:45 and goes to bed at 10:00. We are good friends.

本文要求以“My friend and I”为题写一篇短文,是一篇命作文;同又用表格形式出了详细的写作要点,所以又是表作文和提作文。写作之前,阅读表格,写清楚我和我的朋友来自哪个国家、最喜色、什么候起床或睡和通常做什么。写自己候用第一人称;写我的朋友用第三人称。时态用一般,特注意主是三人称谓语动词行恰当的三单变化。要求60-70。文中不要出的人名或学校名。 11.【答案】Save the Earth! Our earth was beautiful in the pastHoweverit's getting dirtier and warmer nowNatural disasters happen more often than before.(现状)
Why does this happenFirstthere are more and more people on the earth.【高分句型一】Secondpeople cut down forests and kill too many animals.(原因)
What can we do thenI think everybody can do something to help save the earthFor examplewe shouldn't eat wild animalsWe can also use both sides of the paper and plant more trees.(建议)I hope our earth will become more and more beautiful、【高分句型二】 【解析】

there are more and more people on the earth地球上有越来越多的人. 较级+and+较级:越来越 【高分句型二】
I hope our earth will become more and more beautiful我希望我地球将会越来越美



