SWAP Ontology-based Knowledge Management with Peer-to-Peer Technology

发布时间:2011-06-29 13:33:47   来源:文档文库   
SW AP:Ontology-based Knowledge Management withPeer-to-Peer Technology1Marc Ehrig1Christoph Tempich2Jeen Broekstra 2Frank van Harmelen2Marta Sabou2Ronny Siebes1Steffen Staab2Heiner Stuckenschmidt1{meh,cte,sst}@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.deInstitute AIFB,University of Karlsruhe,76128Karlsruhe,Germany2{jbroeks,frankh,marta,ronny,heiner}@cs.vu.nlVrije Universiteit Amsterdam,De Boelelaan1081a,1081HV Amsterdam,The Netherlands1IntroductionIn today’s knowledge-based economy,the competitiveness of enterprizes and the qualityof work life are directly tied to the ability to effectively create and share knowledge both within and across organizations.Many enterprizes have therefore spent huge amounts of money to implement centralized knowledge management systems(KMSs).Ontologies have shown to be the right answer to knowledge structuring and modelling by providing a formal conceptualization of a particular domain that is shared by a group of people in an organization[O’L98].However,KMSs based on centralized ontologies needa long development phase and are difficult to maintain.[BBT02]suggest a distributed approach to Knowledge Management which betterfits the true situation in organizations and the processes people are used to.From a technological point of view peer-to-peer(P2P)solutions are particularly well suited,because they makeit possible for different participants(organizations,individuals,or departments)to main-tain their own knowledge structure while exchanging information.However,today’s P2P solutions are extremely limited(they mostly rely on keyword search)and not appropriate for the high requirements of a KMSs.The creation of ontologies is still the bottleneck for a fast development.Emergent Se-mantics[Mae02]builds on lightweight(e.g.afile structure withfiles as instances)and/or heavyweight ontologies that different participants have created.It considers the overlap between simple ontology definitions in order to build shared ontologies.As new seman-tical structures emerge from known structures,knowledge management can occur in a distributed fashion without overhead through central administration.The Semantic Web and Peer-to-Peer(SW AP)project1demonstrates that taking the suc-cessful technologies of the above research areas,will allow support for decentralized envi-1funded by EU under contract No.IST-2001-34103;http://swap.semanticweb.org


《SWAP Ontology-based Knowledge Management with Peer-to-Peer Technology.doc》
