裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 - 第92课学习资料

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Lesson 92 Asking for trouble自找麻烦


fast 1 adv. 熟(睡)soundly

egHe is fast asleep . He is sleeping soundly .

He is sleeping deeply . 他睡得很熟.

2 快(rapidly [ˈræpidli]ad.迅速地

egAirplanes can go much faster than trains . 飛機遠比火車快。

egHe ran to school fast . 飛快地跑到學校


egHis feet were stuck in the mud . 他的腳陷在泥裡

ladder 1 n. 梯子

put up a ladder against a tree 請把梯子靠

set up a ladder against a tree

climb up a ladder 爬上梯子 ←→ climb down a ladder 爬下梯子

egWalking under a ladder is considered bad luck .


2 (發跡、成功於)階段、手段

the ladder to success the ladder of success 成功的階梯

climb up the social ladder 踏上發跡之途

knock down the ladder knock away the ladder 過河拆橋

shed 1 n. 棚子、小屋、存放地

a cattle shed 牛棚 a wood shed 木棚子

2 v. 滴、掉落 shed shed shed

egShe shed tears when she heard the news of his death .



shed leaves 落葉 shed skin

4 v. 散發(光、熱、香氣等), 放射、帶來

egThe girl shed happiness on people around her .


sarcastic adj. 刺的,笑的

sarcasm  [ˈsɑ:kæzəm, ˈsɑr-] n.諷刺

irony  [ˈaiərəni] n.反語,冷嘲;具有諷刺意味的事,嘲弄

irony 相比,sarcasm 通常含有欲傷及對方的敵意

tone 1 n. 语气,腔

egShe spoke in a low tone . 她用低沉的口氣說話。

egShe spoke in an angry tone . 她用惱怒的口氣說話。

egHe described the new building in tones of disapproval .


2 音色、音調

the sweet tones of a clarinet 單簧管美音色

3 色調、濃淡

egThe mountains were in several tones of green .


二.Key structures

v-ing(參見KS 20, 44, 68 在巨中做主語、賓語、表語、定語

egEating is always a pleasure . 是一種享受。

egHis job is keeping the hall clean . 他的工作是保持大廳乾淨

egI hate telling lies . 我討厭說謊

a swimming pool 游泳池

Exsecises 完成以下句子

I am accustomed to ……我習慣了...

I am accustomed to staying up late .

Fancy …….想像

Fancy meeting you here

I always avoid ……我總是避免...

I always avoid going to expensive restaurants .

He accused me of ……. 他指責我的...

He accused me of telling lies .


Asking for trouble自找麻烦

make trouble 鬧事, 搗亂惹麻煩

take the trouble to do sth 費力做某事,不辭勞苦做某事

get into trouble 陷入困境, 惹上麻煩

have trouble with sb 與某人有矛盾

It must have been about two in the morning when I returned home.


must have done 對發生完得事的一種比較肯定的判斷

I tried to wake up my wife by ringing the doorbell, but she was fast asleep, so I got a ladder from the shed in the garden, put it against the wall, and began climbing towards the bedroom window.


try to do sth 試圖做某事

(主動)wake sb up wake up sb awake sb 叫醒某人

(被動)sb be woken up 某人被叫醒

wake up to 覺醒

egAt last they woke up to the seriousness of the situation .


be awake 清醒

ring the doorbell 按響門鈴

bedroom 臥室

sitting-room living-room 客廳

bath room 浴室

I was almost there when a sarcastic voice below said, 'I don't think the windows need cleaning at this time of the night.


need doing sth 需要做某事被需要做某事

want doing sth 想做,想要

egThe classroom needs cleaning . 教室需要打掃.

egThe shirt needs ironing . 這件襯衫需要熨燙

at this time of the night 夜裡這個時候

' I looked down and nearly fell off the ladder when I saw a policeman. I immediately regretted answering in the way I did, but I said, 'I enjoy cleaning windows at night.'


regret doing sth 後悔做過某事

regret to do sth 遺憾(要)做某事

I did 為定語從句,修飾 the way

enjoy doing sth 喜歡做某事

egI enjoy sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all .


so do I

so do I ,當前面一句話的謂語也適用後一句時,可用 so(肯定)或neither(否定)開頭,後面接倒裝語序

egHe reads a lot and so do I . 他讀了很多,我也是

egHe doesnt read much and neither do I . 沒有讀了很多,我也沒有

egHe can swim and so can I . 他能游泳,我

EgHe cant swim and neither can I . 能游泳,我也不

'So do I,' answered the policeman in the same tone.


'Excuse my interrupting you. I hate to interrupt a man when he's busy working, but would you mind coming with me to the station?'


excuse 原諒

excuse sb for doing sth excuse ones doing sth原諒某人做某事

egShe excused him for being late . 她原諒了他遲到

She excused his being late .

hate to do hate doing 不喜歡做

hate to do 表目前這次不想做某事

hate doing 不喜歡做某事、是一直的喜好

egI hate to disturb you , but may I come in


egI hate disturbing people when they are busy .


hate to do / hate doing 不願意……、不想做

egI hate to say it , but you are mistaken. 我不想這麼說,但你錯了

be busy doing 忙於做某事

would you mind doing sth 你是否介意做某事

would you mind ones doing sth 你介意某人做某事嗎?

egWould you mind opening the window

Would you mind my opening the window 你介意我開窗嗎

'Well, I'd prefer to stay here,'


prefer to do 更願意做某事

prefer to go the movies 更喜歡看電影。

prefer not to do 更(不)喜歡做sth

egId prefer not to go there . 我寧可不要去那裡

prefer to do + rather thanto do 寧願作某事,而不願作某事

egI prefer to go to the movies rather thanto stay home .

egI prefer going to the movies to staying home .


prefer + sb + to do sth 更喜歡某事/某人/做某事

egThey preferred their son to go to college .


I said. 'You see. I've forgotten my key.'

'Your what?' he called. 'My key,' I shouted.

Fortunately, the shouting woke up my wife who opened the window just as the policeman had started to climb towards me.

”我说,“您瞧,我忘带钥匙了。” “什么?”他大声问。 “钥匙!”我喊道。


who opened the window 為定語從句,修飾 my wife

四.Special Difficulties

So do I :肯定句中使用

neither do I :否定句中使用

1.He like classical music . I like classical music .

He likes classical music and so do I .

2.He has breakfast .I have had breakfast .

He has breakfast and so do I .

3. He doesnt like classical music . I dont like classical music .

He doesnt like classical music and neither do I .

4.She will buy a new dress . I will buy new dress .

She will buy a new dress and so will I .

5. He hasnt had breakfast . I havent had breakfast .

He hasnt had breakfast and neither have I .

6.They ran quickly . We ran quickly .

They ran quickly and so did we .

7.She wont buy a new dress . I wont buy new dress .

She wont buy a new dress and neither will I .

8.You are late . I am late . You are late and so am I .

9.They didnt run quickly . We didnt run quickly .

They didnt run quickly and neither did we .

10.He could speak French . I could speak French .

He could speak French and so could I .

11.He couldnt speak French . I couldnt speak French.

He could not speak French and neither could I .

新東方補充:【Special Difficulties



John can speak French and so can I.

I didn’t got to the meeting last night.

Neither/Nor did I.

You shouldn’t work so hard and nor should I.


1.I dont think the windows need cleaning . They dont need d .

a. to clean b. to be clean

c. to be cleaning d. to be cleaned

2. Excuse my interrupting you . Excuse b you .

a. me to interrupt b. me for interrupting

c. me for interrupt c. me in interrupting

3.Fortunaely , the shouting woke my wife . a , it woke her up .

a. Luckily 幸運地;幸虧 b. By chance 偶然,

c. By accident 偶然 d. On purpose 故意,有意

4. The evidence b me in my opinion that they are lying .

a. conforms (to)遵守,適應;相似,一致,符合

b. confirms 證實,肯定;進一步確定,確認;批准

c. confines 限制;使不外出,禁閉 n.[ pl.]界限,範圍

d. confesses 坦白,供認;承認


1. Key structures動名詞

need doing sth 需要做某事

Would you mind doing sth 介意做某事?

begin doing 開始做某事 長期的行習慣開始養成

regret doing sth 後悔(遺憾)做過某事

enjoy doing sth 喜歡做某事

excuse ones doing sth 原諒了某人做了某事

be busy doing sth 忙於做某事

2. Main Points

prefer to do sth 更喜歡做sth wake up 醒來, 叫醒

be fast asleep 酣睡, 睡熟

so do I (用於肯定句) ←→ neither do I (用於否定句)


1. A gust of wild wind whipped Will White from the wharf .

gust  [gʌst] n.一陣風;(怒,笑等的)爆發 vi.()猛刮

wild  [waild] a.野生的;荒涼的;狂熱的;野蠻的

whipped adj. 受到鞭打的 動詞whip的過去式和過去分詞

whip  [wip] n.鞭子 v.鞭打,鞭策;猛地移動;打成糊狀

whip from…….……吹走

Will White (人名)威爾懷特 wharf  [wɔ:f] n.碼頭

2. A bootblack blacks boots with a black blacking-brush .

bootblack  ['bu:t.blæk]   n. 擦鞋匠

black  [blæk]a.黑暗的;黑人的 v.(使)變黑 n.黑色()

with  [wið, wiθ] prep.和,跟,同;具有;用;關於;隨著

blacking-brush 鞋油刷子

word 相關短語

be as good as ones word 守信

by word of month 口頭上的

eat ones words 承認自己說錯話

give sb ones word 許諾 ←→ have sbs word for 得道某人的承諾

have a word in sbs ear 和某人私下 說話

have words with sb 與某人爭吵

in other words 換句話說

say a good word for sb 為某人說好話


《裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 - 第92课学习资料.doc》
