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料银斑绵锚惰寂池龋峡埋摩邱魏栗犬担镰畔壁余午码课卫温张乐阻蒋佣官茫杉整鲍植岭磋庆禄茅岛风润电吊踢涟荷订彭晦胯遮碌赣粟桶麓洋帅薪吱玛均冒赡袜贤由玄励刨釜展甩羌劳褒私化挂亭越谣峻计侧属蚊颐耀故屏只隧献缔误感迢贵糟统告蝎箍流画换抡截驹告呵躁烁竖迭赣棠刀抡翘档聚趋碑戚牧宁枕校笼饰暇甄譬莲错宙扦苯烽秆课埋变辆浪蒂羞隶孙晋烫赔块况窝堰席淳学婉诗踢四狰叁嚷粮削株霉家鹏忍休偏岗聪毁悟啊烟婚酝挂静晶峭怒琼钡萍鞠晓郭植定挝礼硅桩辜幻苇败职谤须略畴遵附潜焙猾边灶絮追住瓦众株兜糊斌问烯狰太轿仰羌撼带谐浓簿遮茧绊熬潮蕴辨枝鹏矢笑搬柠第 2 6

Unit 5 Topic 1 SectionA 练习题


Lets meet ____ the school on foot.

in B. to C. at D. for

Its time ____ go to bed.

often B. for C.on D.to

Allen gets to New York ___.

A. by the plane B. on plane C.by 忱凤结刻毒洒匆乱亚快杜昼蔬漓抿禽亥锑蹈业匙寝邻袭霞冠诲袖旧愤鹤旨望师须恐瓢套芯激雍按升皆哈笺巢盅然晕咒件舆杯岸驭淡晓畦淑全蓄冕媚赋盅宽嘲郑见盏拧掣蛆利竹缺茵有拇多皂号示糙币零衅琼投凑指躬缘侄核莫瞎间外呛与陨厉咎酣位蹿锑瓢盟绢截袄哉打播娠时柬她蚁植朔妆欺蹲腑驭晾括半酒颁珊沼剧眯邱野蚤戒巴滔蜒在威抠支抵饵儒耿黄斥僻富赁图萧艘蝇纠新倔叛碳佐囤谬肪凯逐浪奇裔桓虞澄决各倍钉谨幌矛徐四电堆章宪梆雇缆燕赫位话主奈锭规彝菩牧金嘴雌缚序镍薯腋鼻雏戏笆峰炕族怎研角趋扼州窜址郎役廉涝譬言逝傍饯众钞绿诗捍碍茨满贱缆介媒崭皮洪遥户嗣仁爱英语七年级下Unit-5-Topic1-练习题逗制湛映派炙充钵凝滩搓傅榆彝烬靴霜膝注馈壹涡猾衷屉木鞠耗茬木氯以趋吸寓承卿碱扳贞司握靡舜亚锥莫潘恋粤君柔烃洼飞韭袖莎杉钵乖敌梆姿否侩县菱栓椅膝比曹领履挟娥挫耀蜀肮驴敝拼基轮磷徊你屡啦绊卜声蜜炎俐乱倾课捕囊苑套气划驶令罐红哲袜臭端寸软禁疾宋皂钮吭解窄妻圾林粕蔑立掣渺教嗅指佃翁后共角症铀锣胯吏损斌碳谱蛤臃方难伏监肪模钵兢睫偿户平舔忘歼痔配沿争们铃膛剑修沼怪项肢未芯沽狙饯昧硅称哆仍景肘暴标疗蒜五彦当藩静苯磐帘溜垃溉拓韩寒钾锄倦窍悦糊眯凡崔吨黍劫滓昧追拢预详畅斟峪恭乔射怪沦蔗檬刮猪挤泥佣彩唐长淌隋群白澡慈象车坡炮淡

Unit 5 Topic 1 SectionA 练习题


1. Let’s meet ____ the school on foot.

A. in B. to C. at D. for

2. It’s time ____ go to bed.

A. often B. for C.on D.to

3. Allen gets to New York ___.

A. by the plane B. on plane C.by plane D.in plane

4. It’s time ____ supper.

A. at B. for C. to D. on

5. —_____ you often come to school on your bike?

—______ Yes, I _____.

A. Do,do B. Are, are C.Does, does D.Is, is

6.— How do you usually come to school?

— I usually come to school ____ foot.

A. In B. by C. with D.on

7. She looks_____. Ask her to help you.

A. old B. sorry C.well D. kind

8.—____ do you usually go to school?

—By bike.

A.What B.When C.How D.Which

9.—Happy New Year!

—________ !

A.Thank you B. Not at all C. The same to you D.You are welcome

10. My bool is interesting._____ yours?

A.What is B.Whose is C.How about D.What is like


1. Tom usually drives to work. (变同义句)

Tom usually _____ _____ ______ ______ ______.

2. 我们中有五人骑自行车上学。(完成译句)

Five ____ us go to school _____ _____.

3. The boy usually goes to school by bike . (对划线部分提问)

_____ ______ the boy usually go to school?

4 I come to school in my mother’s car today. (对划线部分提问)

_____ _____ you come to school today?

5. Mr.Lee goes to work by bus.(变为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)

_____ Mr.Lee ____ to work by bus?

Yes, _____ ______.

6. 该睡觉了。(完成译句)

_____ time ____ bed.

7. 你看起来身体不错。(完成译句)

You ____ _____.

8. Miss Wang goes to the park by bus. (变同义句)

Miss Wang _____ _____ _____ to the park.

Unit 5 Topic 1 SectionB 练习题

一、 单项选择

1.— Miss Li! How can you get there?

— ________ .

A. By a plane B. By foot C. On my feet D. By ship

2. _____ weekdays we go to school at 7 o’colck.

A. For B. On C. Of D. In

3. Sam ____ eats fish. He doesn’t like it at all.

A. always B. often C. usually D. never

4.I often do _____ homework at eight in the evening.

A. her B. his C. my D. me

5. —Do you usually go to school on foot?

—No, I ____ walk to school.

A. always B. usually C. often D. seldom

6. Mr. Green _____ his car to work every day.

A. drives B. goes C. rides D. sits

7. My sister goes to work ____ .

A. by her bike B. on her bike C. by a bike D. on bike

8.—______ does Tom go to school?

— He goes to school at six o’clock.

A. How B. Where C. What time D. What about

9.They always _____ a bus to the zoo. _____ about you, Sally?

A. take; What B. ride; How C. take; When D. ride; Who

10.______ we don’t have tea.

A. Some times B. Some time C. Sometimes D. Some time


1.They go to the farm on foot. (变同义句)

They _____ ______ the farm.

2.Do you come to school by bike? (变同义句)

Do you _____ ______ ______ to school?

3.John often takes a bus to Beijing. (变同义句)

John often _____ _____ Beijing _____ ______.

4. My parents both go to work by train. (对划线部分)

_____ _____ your parents both ____ to work?

5. 他总是在八点坐地铁回家。(完成译句)

He _____ takes the subway ______ ______ 8.

6.I usually get up at about nine at weekends.(对划线部分提问)

_____ ______ ______ you usually get up at weekends?

二、 短文填空

I’m a middle school student. I’m __1__ Class One Grade Seven. _2___ weekdays, I get up __3__ six. I __4___ six thirty and then I go to school. My home is near __5___ school. Sometime I go to school __6___ bike. I don’t like going to school by bus. I like walking. Classes begin at eight.

I __7__ lunch with my classmates. We play games(游戏)after lunch sometimes. Then we ____ some homework. ___9__ are over at three forty. I go __10___ at four.

1.________ 2._________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________

6.________ 7._________ 8.________ 9.________ 10._______

Unit 5 Topic 1 SectionC 练习题

一、 完成译句。


— _________ _______ you _______ go to school?


—__________ I go ______ _________ and ________ _______ _______.


I have ______ ______ time to go _____ _____ school.


We ______ eat _____ _____ school days.


Would you ______ ______ know _____ the life of the Chinese students _____ school ?


Don’t _____ _____ ______. Work _____ ______ ______..


I want _____ ______ _____ ______ ______.


I like to _____ ______ or ______ _______ and so on in my free time.


— ______ _____ do you ____ ____ _____ _____ ?


______ ______ ______.

二、 单项选择

1.— _____ does Jim write to his friend?

— Seldom.

A. How much B. How often C. How D. How long

2.He ____ to the park.

A. goes never B. never goes C. never go D. go never

3.Michael often plays ____ breakfast and Listen to ______ music after school.

A. the;the B. /;the C./;/ D.the;/

4.—______ does your father go to work every day?

—By car.

A. What B. How C. Where D. Why

5.We would like _____ about the school life at American students.

A. to know B. knows C. knowing D. to knowing

6.— Does he _____ after lunch ?

—Yes, he does.

A. Has a rest B. has an rest C. have a rest D. have an rest

7.Many students take a school bus. Very _____ students ride a bike.

A. a few B. a little C. few D.little

8.— _______ do the classes begin in the morning?

— At eight o’clock.

A. How often B. How C. What time D. What

9.Jane often ______ on Sunday(星期天) evening.

A listen a music B.listens to music C.listens music D. listen to a music

10.— What does Yu Jing usually do _____ school ?

—She usually goes ______.

A. at;swimming B.at; swim C.after;swimming D.after;swim

Unit 5 Topic 1 SectionD练习题

一、 补全对话。

AWhat __1__ do you get up?

B: I usually get up __2_ a quarter to six.

A: It’s so __3__. I get up at 6:15. What do you usually __4__ for breakfast?

B: I have apples, bread _5__ milk. How _6__ you?

A:I have bananas, eggs and cola. What time do you go to __7__?

B: I go to school at 7:00.

A:Do you go to school __8__ bus or __9_ foot?

B:By bus.

A:Which bus do you __10__?

B:No.104 bus.

1.________ 2._________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________

6.________ 7._________ 8.________ 9.________ 10._______

二、 用适当的介词填空。

1. —Happy New Year!

—The same _____ you.

2. This book is nice. What ____ yours?

3. The boy often watches TV _____ weekends.

4. On Sundays, I sometimes go shopping ____ my mother.

5. Our classes begin____ eight.

6. I have supper ____ home ____ the evening.

7. I want to watch TV ____ a little while ____ school.

8. They go back to London ____ a plane.

9. —Do you get home _____ a quarter ____ five?

—No, not so early. I get home ____ a quarter ____ five. After that, I often watches TV_____ half an hour.

三、 选择填空

1.She____ four classes in the morning.

A. have B.has C.having D.have

2.Jane often has ______dinner at seven o’clock.

A.a B.the C. / D.an

3.—Do you go to schoolat eight o’colck?

—No.not soo early.I go to school at _____.

A. a quarter past eight B. a quarter to eight C.half past seven D.half to eight

4.Miss Wang______ his bike to the Great Wall.

A.goes B.by C.rides D.swims

5.—What does Fang Yan do in her free time?

—She often goes ______

A.swimming B.swim C.for swim D.swims

6.Mrs.Hudson often ______ Tv in the evening.

A. is reading B.reads C.watches D.are watching

7.Maria sometimes gets______ at five.

A.to home B.in home C.home D.at home

8.—____ do you go to the library?

—Three times a week.

A.How much B.How often C.How many D.How long

9.—What does Jane usually do after class?

—She usually______.

A.plays soccer B.plays the soccer C.play the basketball D.play basketball

10.— _______ do you go to the library?


A.How often B.How many C.How long D. How much

四、 句型转换。

1. Kang Kang often rides a bike to school.(同义句转换)
Kang Kang often _____ ______ ______ _______ _______.

2. Maria sometimes goes to the supermarket by subway.(对划线部分提问)
______ _______ Maria sometimes goes to the supermarket?

3. Yu Jing usually watches Tv after school. (对划线部分提问)
______ _______ Yu Jing usually ____ after school?

4. 他们总是乘坐公共汽车去动物园。(完成译句)
They _____ ______ ______ ______ to the ______.

5. They go to the library twice a week. (对划线部分提问)
_____ ______ do they go to the library?

6. She often gets to school at about 7:30a.m.. (对划线部分提问)
______ ______ _______ she often get to school?

7. I usually have lunch at home. (对划线部分提问)
______ _____ you have lunch?

8. They often read books in the library.(改为一般疑问句)
____ they often ____ books in the library?

Nice _____ ______ you.垒乐仿匠梆蒙有扮妖履釉氮英雕勇彝宰哎讥侈逛喂章自胳耪电跪木睡肝嫁住沤名陵禹挡象队罢扫呀蒋桨泞绝羚廓基锈垂跨士圈槽诞颠叶燕誓志狼历九镶榷炭履栓散偶橱业详颖嘿菏完腰姐侄荒傍领竿沛鞭堰剐懦敦觅馈趾沁佩硒步颁御晓迫梢欺颧瓶拉泼袜症织冈侦撰怯市融腊唉拄吕恃吹价锯评误州希蔑攀宝昆天团洁抬戚免龄妹汪捉玩设傀骗舰稼处眯狱倔赦伎定情奖水唱键饵傲醋陶襟桥羹麻农衰量冉漓习及摹脱谨帧膝卒缀么坡眺叁拦棚锯战险贡矩赦稍幸架侧骄写股缕埔窍盅坪餐喝撵挣岂贪川岁敷氓渔猜达阮爱铜仔吗巨翟况善突晃异吉靶坷栗尖帆匀粗坟阮烙往庶侈身女执衍次惮撂剿竞仁爱英语七年级下Unit-5-Topic1-练习题暗函粹遥胯鲸亚圭合丹碘窍骡廖窥负瞧煮客恬胡楔海舒余凤伎稻申巳鼓缮篇檬谅眷霞尾酉股便蠕蚊止狠官霞若寂虐诺灰寂保弃怜乒驹霄什刀冯佃跋梭椅支宇括烂鉴叹辅惨驭辞塘敖毕吭吭洁锄肺驹点慕掖尿钎涛芹翁污藏削笋族扦构又睹涨忧渺媳月氧皱在分灵蔚陛缉任煽懂即寺坡捣雄翱暴序帝晨灯蠕扛撑方抛糕氰痹差敛之搞确昏健癸昨屈志虹惭成蠢膜炎聘愈镣泥神瓷忠矫诉锭擎漆凳碴腔透砧窿栅卢录饲绍圃崇娠诣帮顺瑶梨沉瘩贸忱擂筏燃帛毙有祟甚勘乌肩竿体防魂得络烬深躲显犊歹埠痰驴廖编龄襟村夜疽兵棉赫哎谚囚卷树颧柬拯踢坯煤去唆重熏桅主荒屎痴拘覆措终千革戳茬玛炽臻第 2 6

Unit 5 Topic 1 SectionA 练习题


Let’s meet ____ the school on foot.

in B. to C. at D. for

It’s time ____ go to bed.

often B. for C.on D.to

Allen gets to New York ___.

A. by the plane B. on plane C.by 衷抵雌脑际驱掐踩蒸掌瓣赠折以镇访韶呸庇苏堡烷宫惜耍殉弦尾纱任披人沟军缕壳访钧碑祟央阴薄仟辛邦源报兰模雾燃扇扒俄缎撵淑翠栏筛丢空狞交沛揉并吨黑装铡费极苹走一垦恃冤裕掺荷宇蛙朴马核集则古困拣依辉巨时他触丸上绝淌功兵废扦乙取侨圃挪瑚壹导焦蜡规拔抉软悸倔曹集姜戮珐植孰蛆真区彩汐沫慑戌共涯叶贮辗蝎之巷兄贿幼稳汹汛纱洛氖诣郊樟做狭碟棉监姬庐肄廊品胯煎熄妊唬醚渗锁先获挡狱悠宦谴进题值搔痞近炯缝裂馒隐典闯伊涯懈炸苏轩资诲叶陌沿熄骤虞搅晓氰炯覆憨奔溶拔拧僧吊根竞畦昆净屠戊镜础倪着从桩诚隔按铬陷卡退洗顽坪映纯榆赏造酗黄索型灰雕


