
发布时间:2011-04-08 22:37:07   来源:文档文库   

此消彼长 be growing while others are dimishing

大趋势 the overall trend

贸易保护主义明显抬头 Trade protectionism is clearly reasserting itself.

经济回升向好 economic turnaround

财政金融领域 the banking and public finance sectors

潜在风险 latent risks

忧患意识 awareness of potential risks

十七大 the Seventeenth National Congress

十七届三中全会 the third plenary session of the Seventeenth Central Committee

经济社会又好又快发展 sound , rapid economic and social development

通胀预期 inflation expectations

国债 government bonds

地方财政预算 local government budget

一次性增收措施one-off measures to increase revenue

有保有压 to maintain expenditures in some areas while reducing them in others

欠发达地区 underdeveloped areas

一般性支出 regular expenditures

公用经费 public spending

化解潜在危险 to fend off latent public finance risks

压力打击偷骗税行为 Strictly crack down on tax fraud

融资 financing

跨境流动资本 the cross-border flow of capital

人民币汇率形成机制 the mechanism for setting the renminbi exchange rate

优抚对象 entitled groups

养老 services for the elderly

家电 home appliances

民间投资 non-government investment

重复建设 redundant construction

形象工程和政绩工程 image and vanity project

刻不容缓 urgently need to do sth

内生增长 endogenous growth

技术改造 technological upgrading

行业垄断 industry monopolies

地区封锁 remove regional blockades

落后产能 backward production facilities

诚信体系 credibility system

战略性新兴产业 emerging industries of strategic importance

高端制造产业 high-end manufacturing industries

物联网 Internet of Things

中小企业 small and medium-sized enterprises

所得税优惠政策 a preferential income tax policy

服务业 service sector

面向生产的服务业 production-oriented service industries

有机融合 intimate integration

公用事业 public utilities

房地产 real estate

物业服务 property management services

社会资本 non-government capital

烟气脱硫设施 desulfurization equipment

重点流域 key watersheds

污水日处理能力 the daily sewage treatment capacity

循环经济 a circular economy

生活垃圾 household solid waste

可再生能源 renewable energy

智能电网 smart power grids


We will continue to develop the western region on a large scale, comprehensively reinvigorate the old industrial bases in northeast China and elsewhere, energize the development of the central region, and support the eastern region in taking the lead in decelopment.

革命老区 old revolutionary areas

边疆地区 border areas


