
发布时间:2019-12-08 01:50:20   来源:文档文库   

§8-4情境因素与消费者行为 2004320My Hometown,My Love

经常光顾□ 偶尔会去□ 不会去□In fact,I’d like to talking about my travel experiences.The latest experience was that my 15 classmates went to the Yellow Mountain together last summer vacation,but because of the time limit we travelled too hurriedly.This travel didn’t leave a deep impression on me,so I decide to introduce my hometown.


大学生个性化消费增多是一种趋势。当前社会、经济飞速发展,各种新的消费品不断增多,流行文化时尚飞速变化,处于校园与社会两者之间的大学生肯定会受影响。目前在大学校园,电脑、手机、CDMP3、录音笔被称为大学生的“五件武器”。除了实用,这也是一种 表明自己生活优越的炫耀性的东西。现下很大一部分大学生中的“负债消费”表现的典型的超前享乐和及时行乐——其消费项目多半是用于奢侈浪费的非必要生活消耗。如举办生日宴会、打网球、保龄球、上舞厅跳舞、进夜总会唱“卡拉OK”等。“负债消费”使很多学生耽于物欲,发展严重者轻则引起经济纠纷,动武斗殴,影响同窗友谊,重则引发犯罪事件,于社会治安不利。(二)上海的人口环境对饰品消费的影响My hometown is Hefei,the provincial capital of Anhui Province.It’s not very large,not very rich,not very beautiful,but I still love her deeply because she witnessed my growth.

大学生个性化消费增多是一种趋势。当前社会、经济飞速发展,各种新的消费品不断增多,流行文化时尚飞速变化,处于校园与社会两者之间的大学生肯定会受影响。目前在大学校园,电脑、手机、CDMP3、录音笔被称为大学生的“五件武器”。除了实用,这也是一种 表明自己生活优越的炫耀性的东西。现下很大一部分大学生中的“负债消费”表现的典型的超前享乐和及时行乐——其消费项目多半是用于奢侈浪费的非必要生活消耗。如举办生日宴会、打网球、保龄球、上舞厅跳舞、进夜总会唱“卡拉OK”等。“负债消费”使很多学生耽于物欲,发展严重者轻则引起经济纠纷,动武斗殴,影响同窗友谊,重则引发犯罪事件,于社会治安不利。When I was little,every weekend my mum and dad took me outside.All those are precious memories.The impressive place is Xiaoyao Jin which is said to be a battlefield during the Three Kingdoms period,and it’s an amusement park now.There is a big white elephant slide that has stood for many years and it stands for the Hefei post-80s and post-90s’ childhood.Rowing with my parents on the lake,having a happy picnic with my friends,or just enjoying the happy time with my classmates.Xiaoyao Jin played an important role in my happy childhood,so does every child in Hefei.


据调查统计,有近94%的人喜欢亲戚朋友送给自己一件手工艺品。无论是送人,个人兴趣,装饰还是想学手艺,DIY手工制作都能满足你的需求。下表反映了同学们购买手工艺制品的目的。如图(1-4)(3 年龄优势There are many other places that become parts of my memories.For example,Dashu Mountain.It’s still an active volcano,but just relax,it’s safe.The mountain’s name includes a word”big”.To be honest,it’s just nearly 300 metres.So it provides a chance for little children that they can reach the summit not very easily.Not only children,many adults climb up every morning to exercise.The air on the top is very clear.I still remember clearly that I was very proud of reaching the peak when I climbed it first time.It’s also a part of my childhood.

为了解目前大学生对DIY手工艺品制作的消费情况,我们于己于人2004322日下午利用下课时间在校园内进行了一次快速抽样调查。据调查本次调查人数共50人,并收回有效问卷50份。调查分析如下:Because of the word limit,other places like zoo, botanical garden and marine museum can’t be introduced ong by one.Even if I have visited them many times,I would never feel bored because those are my happiness’ witnesses.

Hefei is not famous for delicious food.And she is neither a south city nor a north city,so she doesn’t have some special dishes.If you want to taste Hefei,the right way is to try snacks along streets.As a man in Hefei,I have Lahu Soup and Shen Jian Bao or Jian Jiao for breakfast.Then having a cup of drink in Ka Wang Ka that is only in Hefei.For lunch,you must have a try of Da Lao Liu’s fensi soup and huntun.When I was in primary school,I often eat them after class.They’re so delicious that I can’t pay attention to my last lesson.For supper,we can go to Ning Guo Road.There has the most famous snack in Hefei-- Hot and Spicy Crayfish.Eatting Hot and Spicy Crayfish and drinking beers with some good guys in summer,that’s a really wonderful thing.

Also,prices in Hefei aren’t very high,so she is really a good city.Maybe she isn’t as beautiful as Suzhou,or not as historic as Nanjing,but she gave me the happiest time in my life,so I love her so much.My hometown is my love.


