
发布时间:2017-06-06 17:35:46   来源:文档文库   





The research of intellectuals image in “Liao zhai Zhi Yi”


Although is the mystery of Pu Songling "Liao Zhai Zhi Yi" legend of classical Chinese novels, but in the characterization of many characters, in addition to flower fox spirit's impressive, has been spending a lot of work to its shaping of another kind of image, is a large space of the scholar group. In "Liao Zhai Zhi Yi" scholar image's place in the study of Chinese classical literature image, therefore, I hereby discusses Pu Songling "strange stories" the scholar image of the shape. This paper roughly divided into three parts, one for analysis of two kinds of representative scholar image, secondly, parse the scholar image characteristics and with the "second" the scholar image comparison, three to delve into scholar image formation reason and contain cultural connotation. One scholar image is divided into two main categories: spoony scholar image of the righteous and fickle and betrayal. Scholar image features are women, feminine characteristics significantly. And the cause of scholar feminine features prominent main have objective and subjective of two parts, respectively is: during the Ming and Qing dynasties of the social environment and the feudal era intellectuals about the imperial crazy obsession.


