
发布时间:2018-11-17 15:34:10   来源:文档文库   


摘要: 赵树理创作的《小二黑结婚》一直是文学评论领域的热点。作为二十世纪四十年代的文摊畅销书,它不仅对当时的社会文风,也对后来文学的创作有深刻的影响作用。这些年来,很多作家都围绕着由它改编的戏剧展开研究,因此,数量相对较少的文本研究也就显得更为珍贵。而这些对小说的研究作品大都从不同的角度分析整理。本文将把这些不同角度作为着眼点,并将这些学者的观点做一些简单的梳理分析。试图从全方位的角度更深入地了解《小二黑结婚》,从而补充并完善自己的论文。

关键词: 赵树理小二黑结婚综述语言特点叙事结构

The analysis on the situation of the research about Peasant takes a wife

Abstract: Shuli Zhao's Peasant takes a wifehas been a hot spot in the field of literary criticism. As the best seller of the "Lunar New Year" in the 1940s, it not only has a profound influence on the literary style of the time, but also on the later literary creation. Over the years, many writers have studied the drama adapted from it, so the relatively small number of text studies are even more precious. And these research works on the novel mostly from different angles analysis and finishing. This article will focus on these different angles, and these scholars point of view to do some simple comb analysis. Trying to get a deeper understanding of the "small two black marriage" from the perspective of all directions, so as to complement and improve their own papers.


