
发布时间:2020-04-19 20:32:07   来源:文档文库   


现在是新学期的开始It's the beginning of the new term.

你们都充满了活力You are all full of energy.

假期太短了是不是,你们希望假期再长些吗?The holiday is too short, isn't it? Do you want it to be longer?


我们看一下教材好吗? Shall we look at the textbook?

这是我们的教材,我们将学习这本书,有配套的练习册This is our textbook, we will study this book, there are matching exercise books

该书对于你门学习语法很有帮助。This book is very helpful for your study of grammar.

咱们看看书里的内容吧。Let's see what's in the book.

学习本书你门将会全面提高听说读写能力。Learn this book and you will improve your listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.


咱们今天都起个英文名吧。Let's all make English names today.

你们都知道些什么英文名字?Are there any English names you know

告诉我所有你们所知道的英文名。Tell me all the English names you know.

让我们给自己想个英文名吧。Let's think of an English name for ourselves

这张纸上列出了一些英文名。Some English names are listed on this paper.

咱们看看是否有适合你的好名字。Let's see if we have a good name for you.

女孩名字在第一页上,男孩名字在第二页上。The girl's name is on the first page and the boy's name is on the second page.

选一个名字吧。Pick a name.

选一个你喜欢的名字。Choose a name you like.

你们都选好了吗? Have you all chosen yet?

选了什么名字?Which name did you choose

你的选择是什么? What is your choice?

你选了个可爱的名字。You picked a cute name.

那个名字很适合你。That name suits you very well. / That name goes well with you.

尽量记住彼此的英文名字。Try to remember each other 's English names


大家都来了吗? Is everybody here?

咱们看一下是否大家都到齐了。Let's see if everyone is here.

我要点名了。I am going to call the roll.

当我点到的名字,请回答When I call your name, please say "here".

今天所有人都出席了。Everybody is here today.

咱们看看是否有人缺席。Let's see if anyone is absent.

今天有人没来吗? Is anyone absent today?

谁没来? Who's absent?

我发现两名同学没来啊。I noticed two students didn't come.

有進知道陈阳为什么没来吗? Do you know why Chen Yang didn't come?

你知道陈阳哪儿去了吗? Do you know where Chen Yang is?

谁能告诉我他去哪儿了吗? Can anyone tell me where he is?

尽量不要缺课。Try not to miss class.

不要没有事先请假就缺课。Don't miss class without asking for leave first.

如果不得不缺课,请事先给我打电话。If you have to be absent from class, please call me in advance.

上次你为什么没来? Why didn't you come last time?

你为什么上次课缺课了? Why were you absent from class last time?


咱们快速回顾一下学过的知识好吗?Shall we review it quickly?

咱们快速回顾一下上次课学过的东西。Let's quickly review what we learned last time.


Before we go on, let's have a short review of our previous lesson.

请翻到第33页,复习一下学过的内容。Please turn to page 33 and review what we learned.

我们都学了什么了?What have we learned

还记得上次课我们学过什么了吗? Remember what we learned last time?

谁能告诉我上次课我们学了什么? Who can tell me what we learned last time?

上课最重要的知识点是什么? What is the most important point in the class?

对于上次课的学习内容有什么问题吗? Do you have any questions what we learned last time?

谁还不明白上次课学过的内客? Who doesn't understand what we learned last time?

你们很多人不记得上次课学过的内容了。Many of you don't remember what we learned last time.

你们在家根本没有复习,是不是? You didn't review at all at home , did you?


检查作业的时间到了。It's time to check your homework.

完成作业了吗? Have you finished your homework?

作业都带来了吗? Did you bring your homework?

请把作业拿出来。 Please take out your homework.

请把你们的作业给我看看。Please show me your homework.

我现在要检查大家的作业。I'm going to check your homework now.

看看你们作业完成得怎样了。Let's see how you're doing with your homework.

不要借阅别人的作业。Don't borrow other people's homework.

请把作业交上来。Please hand in your homework.

请现在就交上来。Please hand it in now.

请把你们的作业传到前面来。Please pass your homework to the front.

请把作业放在我的桌子上。Please put your homework on my desk.

放学前必须交作业。You must submit your homework before you go home.

别忘了按时交作业。Don't forget to turn in your homework on time.

从现在起我不接受任何作业了。I won't receiving any homework from now on.

你为什么没完成作业? Why didn't you finish your homework?

告诉我你为什么没带作业。Tell me why you don't have your homework with you.

谁忘记带作业了。Who forgot his homework?

没带作业的请明天带来。If you don't have your homework, please bring it tomorrow.

下次我还会检查你们的作业。I'll check your homework again next time.

放学后留下来做作业。 Stay behind after class and do your homework.


快要下课了。It's nearly time to finish.

今天就学这些了。That's all for today.

这一课就到这儿了。That's all for this lesson.


请翻到第20页。Please turn to page 20.

把教材拿出来,并翻到第15页。Take out your textbook and turn to page 15.

咱们门看看第20页和第21页。Let's look at pages 20 and 21.

找到第30页了吗?Have you found page 30?

请翻到下一页。Please turn to the next page.

咱们再回到第30页。Let's go back to page 30.

咱们回到上次学过的那一页。Let's go back to the page we learned last time

在左上角。It's on the upper /'ʌpɚ/ left-hand side.

在右下角。It's on the lower /'ləʊə/right-hand side.

在右上角。It's in the upper right corner.

在左下角。It's in the bottom left corner.

我们正在学习第13页的第五行。We are studying line 5 on page 13.

找到这页的第三行。Find the third line on the page.

从开头数第三行。It's three lines from the top.

倒数第五行。It's the 5th line from the bottom.


现在先休息一会儿 Now take a break ./ It's break time. / Time for a break.

我们要休息十分钟。Let's have a ten-minute break.

我们十分钟后继续。We'll continue in ten minutes.

我们十五分钟后再进行。We'll do it in fifteen minutes.


大家现在注意了。Now pay attention.

别往后看。Don't look back.


坐直了。Sit straight.

坐直了,别乱动。Sit up straight. Don't move.

停下手里的活动。Stop what you're doing.

先做到这儿,都回到座位上。Stop what you were doing, come back to your seats.

我能听见有人在制造噪音。I can hear someone making noise.

你们非要现在说话吗? Do you have to talk now?

有什么事儿那么重要非要现在说? What's so important?

什么事儿比我的课还重要吗? Is it important than my lesson

那边的同学,什么事儿那么有趣? Over there , What's so interesting ?

告诉我你为什么一直在笑。Tell me why you keep smiling.

后面的同学,你们怎么那么吵? Back there, why are you so noisy?

谁忘了我们正在上课吗? Who forgot we're having class?

出来讲。让我也听听你们都讲什么呢。Come out. Let me hear it,too.

别以为我不知道你们在交头接耳。Don't think I don't know you're chatting.


