发布时间:2012-02-27 23:26:27   来源:文档文库   



Lesson 1 面试杰夫

WORDS: star 男主角, wrong 不合适的, pick 挑选, cameramen 摄影师, guy 家伙, yeah 是的, emotion 情感,actor 男演员,role 角色,choice 选择,shoe 鞋子,wine 酒,decision 决定。

I like the older one.

This one

Yeas, because the actor has to be older than Mary Beth and he has to be taller than she is.

Nope, he’s too short,He’ s an inch shorter.

Then he’s not right for the role.

So we have two choices, What do you think?

I’d like to meet, Jeff Bennett. Then we can make a decision.


一、 形容词比较级

1、 大多数单音节形容词词尾加“-er 构成

old-older I like the older one.

Tall-taller The actor has to be older then Mary Beth, and he has to be taller than she is.

2、 词尾是短元音加辅音时,将复印重复再加“-er

3、 三个或三个以上的形容词的比较级构成:more + 形容词

talentedmore talented.

二、 Nope-No

Are you an American

Nope, I am Chinese.

Is Mary Beth shorter than he is.

Nope, She is taller than he is..

三、 你认为怎么样?

What do you think of this car?

What about this camera?

How do you like the wine?

How about this shoes?

Lesson 2 他的条件很好


Nervous 紧张的,more 最,talented 有才能的,take a chance 冒险,photogenic 适于拍照的,terrific 极好的,energetic 积极、活力,intelligent 聪明,talented 有才华,


He seems nervous.

No need to be nervous Jeff. We’re just going to talk for a few minutes.

Why don’t you take seet?

I think he’s handsome. The female viewers are going to love him.

I agree. He’s goodlookingI’d like to ask you a few questions.

I know he doesn’t have much experience. But has everything else. He’s more energetic, he’s more intelligent, he’s more talented.

And he’s more nervous. Linda, I think we’re taking a chance on this guy.

I disagree, Oh Steven, just look at that face. He’s more photogenic than any of the other actor’s

All right.



1、 Why don’t you……?建议某人做某事

Why don’t you sing a song for us?

Why don’t you have a talk with us?

Why doesn’t she wait for me for a minute?

2、 Agree /disagree with somebody. 同意和不同意

M: New York is much more beautiful than Stamford.

F: I agree with you. I think so too.我同意你的观点,我认为也是那样的。

I disagree, I don’t think so, I don’t agree with you. 我不同意,我不这样认为,我不同意你的观点。

Stamford is more interesting than New York.

I agree with you. I think so too.

Sam is more qualified for the role than Jeff.

I disagree. I don’t think so, I don’t agree with you.

3、 More talented than……

Talented, more talented, more talented than…… He’s more energetic.

Intelligentmore intelligent, more intelligent than……He’s more interlligent.

Energetic, more Energetic, more Energetic than……He’s more talented.

Sam is energetic, but Jeff is more energetic.

Lesson 7 这是你的 This is yours


Diet 保健食品,pizza 比萨,change 换个花样、改变,audition 试演,complain 抱怨,


Who gets what? Cheese Sandwich? That’s this?

These are all mine……Salad. That’s her. Chicken Sandwich? Whose is this?

That’s yours Charls.

Oh, of course.


1、 形容词性物主代词――只能用作定语

my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their

2、 名词性物主代词――代替前面所提到的名词

mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs


It’s my Sandwich. It’s mine.

The Chicken Salad is for him. The chicken Salad is his.

It’s your chicken salad sandwich. It’s yours.

The cake is for them. The cake is theirs.

It’s his Pizza. It’s his.

Lesson 8 和妈妈一样漂亮


Terrace 阳台,good便宜的,underneath 在……的下面,at least 至少,certainly 的确、当然,healthy 健壮,expression 表情、脸色,


A bedroom, a kitchen, and a living room with a terrace.

Uh-huh. Did you get a good price?

Yes, Rents just aren’t as high as in New York.

Oh, and it’s very convenient. There’s a garage underneath the building.

Hmm. That’s different from ours. We have a parking lot. But at least it’s right outside our door.

Where is it?

It’s on Eighth street.

That’s the street the same as mine. Look’s like we’re going to be neighbors. What’s the address?


1As+形容词+As 象……一样。

Not as+形容词+as 不如。

例句:tall, as tall as, not as tall as

active, as active as, not as active as

healthy, as healthy as, not as healthy as

quiet, as quiet as, not as quiet as

intelligent, as intelligent as, not as intelligent as

friendly, as friendly as, not as friendly as

The boy is as old as the girl.

The boy is as heavy as the girl.

The boy is as quiet as the girl.

The boy is as healthy as the girl.

2different from 和……不一样


My height is a little different from yours.

Tim’s height is different from Al’s

Her sweater is different from yours.

Her finger is different from her mother.

My apartment is different from yours.

His rent is different from Rita’s.

3the same as 和……一样


Your age is almost the same as mine.

Tim’s middle name is the same as Al’s.

His doctor is the same as yours.

Lesson 9 保持冷静


Waste 浪费, try 尝试,reaction 反应,calm 镇静的,reassurance 安慰


Are you ready?

Yeah, I’m as ready as I can be for the first day of rehearsal.

By the way, is this yours?

No it’s not mine.

Then whose is it?

It has coffee on it. It’s probably Charle’s.

And left the lights on? You know be never waste a penny.

Maybe he went home, Diana. Maybe he left a note for you.

No, no, Jeff, I want you to try something different.


1、 as……as I can as……as possible 尽可能


I’m as ready as I can be. 我尽最大努力准备了。

I run as quickly as I can. 我尽最大努力跑了。

Please come here as soon as possible. 请尽快来这里。

2whose and who’s 的区别

1whose 用在名词前面,如 whose books, whose table

2who’s =who is who’s the boss =who is the boss

Who’s the report in “Murder at Midnight”?

Whose apartment is six month old?

Who’s the star of “Murder at Midnight”?

Who’s going to Stamford tomorrow?

Whose hair is very short?


a nice guy, a beautiful flower.

当形容词修饰something anything nothing 等不定代词时,要放在不定代词后面,例如:something different, anything wrong, nothing important

中级英语 LESSON 10 我的名字怎样拼写


quote引语expert 专家 pouch 烟草袋、钱袋 tobacco 烟草treaty 条约、协议fortune 运气 look forward to 期待,盼望personality 个性 人格gentlemen.绅士leather 皮革


A little closer Mr. Morris----.Hold that smile Mr. Tate. Got it.

Thank you, gentlemen. And welcome to Stamford Mr. Tate.

I wish you the best in your new job. 祝你在工作中一切都顺利。

Good luck! 祝你好运 Best wishes to you! 给你最良好的祝愿。

God bless you! 上帝保佑你!Wish you the best. 祝你一切都好!

I need a quote from each of you the newspaper article.

We ‘re proud to have Philip Tate join our museum.

And I’m proud to be working for Ben Morris, the leading expert on Stamford history.

Be proud to 以……为自豪、骄傲

1 be proud for + 名词 / 动名词 以……为自豪、骄傲

2、 be proud to do something. 以做……为自豪、骄傲

例句:My mother is proud for me.

I am proud to be an actor.

We’re proud to have Philip Tate join our museum.

That’s beautiful……What’s it made of

It’s made of leather. Most Indian pouches are of leather.

What’s the used for?

It’s used for tobacco.

动词被动语态: 动词+动词的过去分词+(by)

to make, made, made for. What’s it made for?

To use, used, used for. What’s iy used for?

Got it 领会了

LESSON 11 四十年的东西

Watch the video:


Odd奇怪的,argument争论、辩论,proof 证据,ambulance救护车,emergence紧急事件


I tell you it isn’t right.

Now, Ben. I don’t see any problem with this.

It was changed.

过去时的被动语态:was ( were) +动词的过去分词+(by)

killed, He was killed.

Hit, He was hid

Found, He was found.

They reported the accident at 12:24. The accident was reported 12:24.

They called an ambulance. The ambulance was called.

They rushed the body to the hospital. The body was rushed to the hospital.

It was given to me over forty years ago.

I know it like the back of my hand. It was signed with a different mark.

Now, Ben, relax..

I know it like back of my hand. 我对它了如指掌。

I know this story like the back of my hand.

This is a good story, I know it the back of my hand.

I have to someone. I know you’ll understand. Show me what? What’s going on?


What’s going on? What’s wrong with? What happened? What’s the matter?

LESSON 12 被盗了


WORDS: extra额外的,catch抓住,detective侦探,crime 犯罪,killer凶手,collection 收藏body 尸体。


Then how did get in? The museum was looked up hours ago.

I was given an extra key when I started working here.

Believe me. Miss Morris, I’m going to do everything I can.

Come on, Diana.

Mr. Morris was seen with you this afternoon. Is that right.

Yes. Say, you don’t think I had anything to do with this terrible crime.

被动语态的构成:was (were) +动词的过去时+by

例句:Mr. Morris saw Mr. Tate.

Mr. Tate was seen by the Killer.

Mr. Morris was surprised by Mr. Morris.

The killer was surprised by Mr. Morris.

Someone hit Mr. Morris.

Mr. Morris was hit by someone.

Tony and Diana found the body.

The body was found Tony and Diana.

Come on! 走吧,跟我来; 催促句,祈使用句。

Come on! Or you will be later.

Come on! 来吧,振作点。

Come on, Whendy, you say something.

Come on you will believe in yourself.

Have something to do with…… 和……有关

Have nothing to do with……和……无关

He something to do with this terrible crime.

I don’t think he has anything to do with this terrible rime.

He nothing to do with this terrible crime.

中级篇 Part 3

Lesson 1 吹毛求疵



SUNGLASSES太阳镜, salesclerk 售货员,exchange调换、更换,mind主意,confused困惑的、烦脑的,tight紧的,department部门,pajamas睡衣,pant 裤子、短裤, dress衣服, skirt裙子guess猜想,perfect长官。


Steven, I can’t return this sweater again. re you sure we can’t use it?

White never works well on television.

I really did my best. I bought some great sunglasses. I found the prefect pants. I return so many sweater, the salesclerk hides when seems me.

Please return the sweater. And you have to return a skirt for Mary Beth. It was too short.

All right!

Guess what? Steven wants me to exchange this sweater again. First he thinks the color is too bright. Then he thinks the color isn’t bright enough. I don’t know. He changes his mind so often. I’m getting confused. I need some help.

May I help you.

Hi, remember me?

Oh, Carror. Makeup of WFE.

I need to exchange these.

All of them? Why?

Well……the skirt isn’t long enough……the sweater isn’t bright enough……the pants are too tight. Oh, of course the pants go back to the men’s department.

Exchange更换、调换。Exchange……for…… 把……换成……

我想调换I want to exchange…… I’d like to exchange……

I need to exchange……


She exchange the blue dress for a yellow one.

Where can I exchange my RMB for dollars?

Return 归还,退货。到商店退货应说明你的理由,如:

例句:Please return the sweater.

It’s the wrong color/size.

It’s too short.

Too…… 太,用来修饰形容词和副词。Enough 位置:形容词+enough.

The skirt is too short. The skirt isn’t long enough.

M: The skirt is too short.

F: It isn’t long enough.

M: The shoes are too narrow.

F: They aren’t wide enough.


