
发布时间:2023-01-19 15:51:51   来源:文档文库   

11课:不感兴趣的 - 1
迷你小对话 A: What’s wrong?
B: I’m completely tired of this class. A: I noticed you look pretty lethargic lately. B: Yes, I’m not getting enough sleep at night, and having this boring class right after lunch means we’ve studying during my naptime. A: 怎么了?
B: 我这是烦透这门课了。
A: 我注意到你最近看上去总是无精打采的。
B: 是啊,我晚上觉睡得不太够。一吃完午饭就要来上这门无聊的课,这就意味着在我午睡的时间学习。 语言点精讲
lethargic: 缺乏兴趣的;昏昏欲睡的;懒洋洋的。 naptime: 午睡时间。
11课:不感兴趣的 - 2
A: Janet just asked Jack straight out what he’s planning to do next semester. She knows he failed all his classes! B: I know. Jack has been completely apathetic since he got his grades. He doesn’t care about his future at all.
A: 刚才Janet直接去问Jack他下学期打算怎么办。她知道他一门考试都没过! B: 我知道。Jack知道他的分数后,一直无动于衷。他对自己的前途一点也不在乎。 迷你小对话2

A: Which puppy do you like? B: I like the brown one there minding his own business. He’s completely indifferent to everything going on around him. A: 你喜欢哪只小狗?
B: 我喜欢自顾自玩儿的那只棕色的小家伙。它对周围的事儿毫不理会。 语言点精讲
straight out : 直截了当地说出来。 semester: 学期。
apathetic: 缺乏兴趣的;无动于衷的;漠然的。 mind one’s own business: 不管他人的事。
indifferent: 不管兴趣的;不关心的;淡漠的;无所谓的。
11课:不感兴趣的 - 3
A: Wow, it’s really hot today!
B: I know. I feel I completely listless. Hey, let’s go to that new bar. It has air condition. A: 哇,今天真热啊!
B: 是啊。我一点精神都没有。哎,我们去那家新开的酒吧就好了。那儿有空调。 迷你小对话2
A: Bob was injured during the basketball game on the weekend, but his coach does not seem to care. B: Yes. He seems totally indifferent to the pain in Bob’s arm. A: Bob在周末的篮球赛上受伤了,不过他的教练似乎一点儿也不在乎。 B: 是啊,他对Bob胳膊的伤痛完全无动于衷。 语言点精讲


