
发布时间:2019-10-29 01:33:22   来源:文档文库   

附录二 十大话题


1.compulsory education 义务教育

2. vocational education 职业教育

3. academic performance 学业表现

4. non-academic affairs 与学习无关的事情

5. puppy/ calf love 早恋

6. corporal punishment 体罚

7. tuition fee 学费

8. parents’ supervision 父母的监督

9. individual tutorship 个人辅导

10. turning point 转折点

11. the pursuit of knowledge 对知识的追求

12. maintain / disrupt classroom order 维护、扰乱课堂秩序

13. coeducational /single sex establishment 男女共校、单一性别学校

14. generation gap 代沟

15. indulge in 沉迷 (表示溺爱后面直接加宾语)

16. play truant 逃学

17. school shootings 校园枪击

18. broaden one’s horizons 开阔视野

19. the hardship and bitterness of life 生活的艰辛和苦难

20. appropriate advice and guidance 恰当的建议和指导

21. cultivate independence 培养独立性

22. a good habit of frugality 节约的好习惯

23. distinguish right from wrong 明辨是非

24. shoulder the responsibility of 肩负…… 的责任

25. be prone to do 容易做某事

26. go astray 误入歧途

27. violate social conventions and laws 违反社会习俗和法律

28. cast a shadow on one’s heart 在心中留下阴影

29. resist the temptation of 抵制……的诱惑

30. interpersonal skills 人际交往的技巧

31. peer pressure 同辈的压力

32. formative years 性格形成期

33. physically and emotionally immature 身心不成熟

34. a sense of superiority 优越感

35.socially adaptable 能适应社会的

36. adjust teaching methods 调整教学方法

37. exert a negative impact on 产生消极影响

38. juvenile crime=juvenile delinquency 青少年犯罪 juvenile delinquent 青少年犯罪者

39. a sense of belonging 归属感

40. qualified and experienced teachers 称职、有经验的老师

41. first class teaching facilities 一流的教学设施

42. education reform 教育改革

科技类(science and technology

1. artificial intelligence 人工智能 artificial 人工的、人造的、非天然的

2. side effects 副作用

3. technological revolution 科技革命

4. nuclear weapons 核武器

5. soil degradation 土壤退化

6. industrial mass-production 工业化大生产

7. enhance working efficiency and productivity 增强工作效率和生产力

8. substitute for humans 替代人类

9. intelligent machines 智能机器

10. humanization 人性化

11. unnerving problems 令人不安的问题

12. eye-friendly 对眼睛无害的

13. electronic innovation 电子革新

14. global village 地球村

15. industrial revolution 工业革命

16. mechanization 机械化

17. automation 自动化

18. scientific discovery 科学发现

19. cloning technology 克隆技术

20. replica of an individual organ 人体器官的复制品

21. organ transplant 移植器官

22. genetic defect 基因缺陷

~ engineering 基因工程 ~ code 基因密码 ~ variability 基因变异

23. ethically and morally wrong 有悖伦理道德

24. space exploration 太空探索

25. Global Positioning Systems 全球定位系统

26. nanotechnology 纳米技术

27. impersonal device 非人性化的设备

环境资源类 environment and resources

1. environmental protection (conservation)环境保护 environmental conservationist 环保主义者

2. human activities 人类活动

3. city dwellers 城市居民

4. traffic congestion /traffic jam交通堵塞 heavy traffic 形容交通拥挤

5. disposable products 一次性用品

6. landfill 垃圾填埋场

7. litter collection and disposal 垃圾收集和处理

8. deforestation 砍伐森林

9. greenhouse effect 温室效应

10. acid rain 酸雨

11. sand storm 沙尘暴

12. solar energy 太阳能

13. ban on plastic bags 禁塑令

14. maintain the ecological balance 维持生态平衡

15. eco-friendly/environmental friendly环保的

16. natural disaster 自然灾害

17. a natural evolutionary process 自然进化的过程

18. short-term profit 短期利益

19. sustainable development 可持续发展

20. food chain 食物链

21. diversity of life 生物多样性

22. endangered species 濒危灭绝

23. ozone layer 臭氧层

24. forceful law and regulations 有力的法律法规

25. raise people’s environmental awareness 增强人们的环境意识

26. non-profit advertisement 公益广告

27. dispose of the rubbish 处理垃圾

28. the deterioration of the environment 环境恶化

29. animal right activists 动物权益保护者

30. wildlife preservation 野生动物保护

31. survival of the fittest 适者生存

32. turn a blind eye to 视而不见 turn a deaf ear to 充耳不闻

政府类 government

1. government administration 政府管理

2. national defense 国防

3. high levels of secrecy 高度机密

4. financial strength 财力

national revenue 国家财政收入 national purse support 国家财政支持

5. expand domestic demand/ need 扩大内需

6. social undertaking 社会事业

7. national public health system 全国公共卫生体系

8. infrastructure 基础设施

9. pilot project 试点项目

10. feasible plan 可行的计划

11. institutional innovation 体制创新

12. economic return 经济效益

13. financial crisis 金融危机 (economic downturn / slowdown/ slump/ depression/)

14. foreign direct investment 外商直接投资

15. supporting measures 配套措施

16. income gap 收入差距

17. promote all-round, balanced and sustainable development of the economy and society 推动经济社会全面、协调、可持续发展

18. government mechanism 政府机制

19. reduce expenditure 减少开支 curtail (vt) 削减

20. a beneficial economic cycle 良性经济循环

21. expand intra-county economics 壮大县域经济

22. carry out the process of urbanization 推动城镇化

23. public fitness program 公共健身运动

24. combat the threat of violence to the general public 与对公众产生暴力的威胁斗争

25. the true portrayal of what is happening around 是发生在周围事件的真实描绘

26. strict regulation严格控制

27. non-government sources 非政府渠道

28. unshakeable duty (工作上)无法逃避的责任

29. both financially and spiritually 经济上和精神上的

30. put forward a number of possible solutions 提出一些可行的解决方法

31. satellite towns 卫星城镇

32. preferential policies to promote the construction of high-rise apartment buildings 优惠政策推动高层公寓住房的修建

33. rapid depletion of social security fund and strained financial resources 社会保障资金的快速消耗和紧张的财政资源

34. be overly financially dependent 过度的经济依赖

35. physical inferiority 体力不支

36. pension fund 养老金

pension scheme 养老计划

37. to downsize government budget 缩减政府预算

38. shoulder the share of responsibility 承担共同的责任

39. be better off 情况更好

40. medical and educational service 医疗和教育服务

41. to give top priority 列为重点

42. a fair shake 一视同仁

43. low-hanging fruit 容易实现的目标

44. authorities 当局

45. regulate/ administer/ oversee (vt.) 规范,管理

46. implement 实施 vt.

47. legislatevi/ make laws 立法

48. a democratic and progressive government 民主与开放的政府

49. strictly prohibit/ ban v 严禁

50. Stringent laws/ legislation 严格的法律

51. rules and regulations 规章制度

52. allocate money to sth/ subsidize (vt.)/ be a patron of / invest in/ finance(vt)/ fund(vt.)/ dedicate money to sth 为。。。 拨款

53. tax revenue(n.) 税收

媒体类 media

1. couch potato 电视迷

2. screen time 荧屏时间

3. severe addiction 严重的迷恋 be addicted to / be obsessed with / have obsession with

4. misbehavior 不正当举止、粗鲁的行为

5. long-lasting isolation 长时间的隔离

6. provide laughter and joy 提供欢笑

7. blur distinction between fantasy and reality 模糊幻想和现实

8. turn away from the real life 对现实生活不闻不问

9. be unwilling to engage in social activities 不愿参加社交活动

10. media violence 媒体暴力(如 serial killers, gun battles, brutal fighting

11. show vivid depiction of cheat and hatred 展示对欺骗和憎恨形象的描述

12. adolescent 青少年 teenager /juvenile

13. sedentary lifestyle reduces healthy outdoor activities 久坐不起的生活方式减少了健康有益的户外活动

14. suffer from obesity and vertebral disease患上肥胖和脊椎疾病

15. to lead a more informed and entertaining life 过上更丰富、更有乐趣的生活

16. deviant behaviors 不正当的行为

17. be fueled by the widespread advertising 受大量广告的推动

18. cater to every particular taste 迎合每一种独特的口味(to 后加名词)

19. shopping spree 疯狂购物,购物狂潮

go out on a spree 外出狂欢一番

20. a channel to relieve the stresses and strains of modern life 释放现代生活压力和劳累的渠道

21. resist the allure of possessing the advertised products 抵抗购买广告产品的诱惑

22. stimulate purchasing impulses 刺激购买欲望

23. shapely models 形状、样式很好的产品

24. gain the attention of the public 获得大众的注意力

25. expose one’s privacy 曝光某人的隐私

26. become the laughingstock shared by all 成为所有人的笑柄

27. an immoral conduct of nosing into other’s privacy 查探他人隐私的不道德行为

工作生活类(work and life

1. career plan 职业归化

2. career ladder 职业发展道路

3. compensation 薪酬待遇

4. job satisfaction工作满意度

5. promotion and raise 晋升与加薪

6. job hopping/ jumping ship 跳槽

7. branch into other areas 扩展到其他领域

8. interview technique 求职技巧

9. internal restructure 内部改组

10. hapless job-seeker 运气不好的求职者

11. the sprouting advertising billboards for recruitment agencies 出现了求职中介的广告牌

12. the exploding number of books and websites on work and work-related issues 大量关于工作和相关问题的书籍和网站

13. financial independence经济独立

14. balance work and life 平衡工作与生活

15. an important personal identity tag 一个重要的个人身份标识

16. bring personal fulfillment 带来个人成功

17. labour market 劳务市场

18. graduate job fair 应届升招聘会

19. being the vanguard of the DIY career-makers 自制职业规划的先锋

20. be highly stressed at work 工作压力非常大

21. a US-style workaholic culture 美式工作狂文化

22. a spell of unemployment 失业期

23. to freeze recruitment 停止招聘

24. advance the career with an advanced degree 靠更高的学历来提升工作

25. income/ pay gap 收入、薪水差距


1. globally 全球地 world widely

2. international tourism 国际旅游

3. cultural exchange 文化交流

4. national identity 民族特色

5. multicultural 多文化的

6. diversity and inclusivity 多样性和包容性

7. a blend of 混合

8. cooperation and trade 合作和贸易

9. undermine 破坏、损害

10. cultural preservation 文化保护

quintessence 精粹

11. linguistically diverse 语言的多样化

12. distinct culture 独特的文化

13. misunderstanding and conflict 误解和冲突

14. taboo 社会禁忌

15. annoying and unpleasant 令人反感的与令人不愉快的

16. cultural gap 文化冲突

17. the vehicles to bridge the gap 缩小差距的渠道

18. build up an extensive resource 建立一个广泛的资源渠道

global issue 全球化的问题

19. cultural landscape 文化景观

20. the advocates of globalization全球化的提倡者

21. the reawakening of the local culture 本土文化的再度觉醒

22. free and open trade 自由、开放的贸易

23. an expansion of commercial relationship 开拓商业往来

24. behavior norms 行为规范

25. promote communication 促进交流

26. maintain the distinctiveness 保持独特性

犯罪类(crime and punishment

1. law-abiding 守法的

2. defendant 被告

3. jury 陪审团

4. offender 违法者

5. victim casualty 受害者

6. barrister 律师

7. judge 法官

witness 证人

8.commit a crime 犯罪 break the law, law breaking, violate the law, against the law,

9. prosecute 起诉 sb is prosecuted for sth charge sb with 指控某人犯有

10. appear in court 出庭

11. plead innocence 做无罪辩护

12. acquit 宣告无罪

13. apply for parole 申请保释

14. be sentenced to 10 years in prison 被判十年监禁

15. a guilty verdict 有罪宣判

16. retribution 无期徒刑

17. capital punishment 死刑

18. burglary 入室行窃

19. robbery 抢劫

20. shoplifting 商店行窃

21. vandalism故意破坏公物

22. murder 谋杀

23. hijack 劫持=highjack

24. terrorism 恐怖主义

25. pick-pocketing 扒窃

26. smuggling 走私

27. serious crime 严重犯罪

28. petty crime 轻微犯罪

29. embezzle 盗用,挪用(公款公物)

30. rehabilitation (罪犯的)改过自新 rehabilitate 改造

31.罪犯: criminal, law offender, law breaker,law violator, villain, vermin, convict

32.守法:abide by the law, comply, compliance with the law, conform to the law, abidance by law, keep the law

33.滥用法律: abuse of law, stretch the law

34.监狱/关押:jail, prison, imprisonment, imprison, incarcerate, lock up

35.死刑: capital punishment, death penalty, death sentence

36.无期徒刑: life sentence, life prisonment, lifelong punishment

37.无辜的: innocent, harmless

38.威慑力: deterrent

39.逮捕: arrest, apprehend

40.武装抢劫: armed robbery ; .敲诈勒索: blackmail; .非法闯入: break-in;

窃听: bug; .伪造: counterfeit; 赌博: gamble; 纵火: arson .贩卖违禁品: bootlegging;

行贿受贿:bribery; 劫持: hijack; 虐待儿童: child abuse; 入室盗窃: burglary; .

逃税: tax evasion

41.集团犯罪:organized crime;

42. 强奸犯:rapist;

43. 扒手: pickpocket;

44..开明的: enlightened, 文明的: civilized, 仁慈的:humane lenient, merciful;

和谐的: harmonious 同情的的: sympathetic  残忍的: cruel,brutal, merciless, inhumane, dispiteous


1. decline in fertility 生育能力的下降

2. interracial marriages 跨国婚姻

3. population ageing 人口老龄化

4. life expectancy 寿命

5. domestic conflict 家庭纷争

6. domestic violence 家庭暴力

7. domestic chores 家务

8. material comforts 物质享受

9. strengthen the family ties 强化家庭关系

10. money-oriented 拜金的

11. commit suicide 自杀的

12. stumbling block 绊脚石

13. rapid pace of life 生活的快节奏

14. stereotypical attitude 迂腐的态度

15. chronic and complex social problem 长期复杂的社会问题

16. root cause 根源

17. tightened job markets 紧张的就业市场

18. latch-key kids 被锁在家里的孩子

19. balance work and family 平衡工作和家庭

20. effective time management 有效的时间管理

21. in-between generation 上有老,下有小的一代人(sandwich generation)

22. job security工作稳定性

23. job hopper 跳槽的人

24. curriculum vitae 简历

25. gun control 枪支管理

26. law-abiding citizens 守法的公民

27. legal ownership of guns 合法拥有枪支

28. self-defense 自卫

29. filial piety 孝心

30. sexual harassment 性骚扰

31. sexual discrimination 性别歧视

32. feminism 女权主义

33. social status 社会地位

34. mutual benefits 共同的利益

35. unemployment rate 失业率


