
发布时间:2020-05-21   来源:文档文库   

英语作文专题邀请信写作指导 第一部分 文体概述
1. 邀请对方参加活动的具体内容、时间和地点。 2. 介绍活动具体内容,并说明邀请对方参加的原因。 3. 期待对方接受邀请,并表示感谢。 第二部分 语言积累 常用语块
1. 邀请某人做某事 2. 代表某人 3. 为了做某事
4. 计划/打算做某事 5. 拓展某人的视野 6. 丰富某人的生活 7. 接受某人的邀请 8. 玩得开心 9. 在学校会议厅 10. 表演节目 11. 渴望你的到来 12. 学生会 13. 参加聚会
14. 给某人留下深刻的印象 15. 有信心
1. invite sb. to do sth.
2. on behalf of sb. 3. in order/aiming to do sth. 4. plan/intend to do sth. 5. broaden ones horizons 6. enrich ones life 7. accept ones invitation 8. have a good time/enjoy oneself 9. in the school meeting hall 10. give performances 11. long for your coming 12. the Students Union
13. participate in the party 14. make a deep impression on sb. 15. have the confidence that… 套用句式
1. 作为他们的代表,我写信是想邀请你……

2. 这是(关于这次活动的简要日程计划表。首先,……其次,……最后,…… 3. 将会有很多的活动,例如……
4. 我真诚地希望你能接受我们的邀请/加入我们,以及我相信…… 5. 方便的时候请告知我你的决定。
1. On behalf of them, I am writing to invite you…
2. Here is a brief schedule (about this activity. First andforemost, … In addition,… Last but not least, …
3. There will be many activities, such as…and so on.
4. I sincerely hope you can accept our invitation /join us and I havethe confidence that… 5. Please let me know your decision if it is convenient for you. 第三部分 满分模版 Dear_____, Im glad to tell you that there will be _____(内容)at/in _____(地点on_____(时间). We would be honored if you could come and join us. As scheduled, the occasion will start at ______(具体时间. There will be ______.This will be followed by a _____(进一步的安排which _____.At around______(时间, we will have ______(另一个安排. I really hope you can make it. Would you please let meknow if you can accept my invitation at your earliest convenience? Yours sincerely, Li Hua 模版范文 亲爱的杰夫:
晚会定于晚上7:309:00之间,在音乐厅举行。晚会上将有中国小品、魔术、中国民歌和舞蹈。我相信在晚会上你会了解更多关于中国风俗文化知识。其后是自由谈话,这将是你在一个愉快的环境中与来自全世界各地的人们相见的一个好机会。 我真的希望你能来。如果你能接受我的邀请,请在你方便时告诉我。 李华
Dear Jeff, Imglad to tell you that our school will throw a party for the internationalstudents this Saturday. We would be honored if you could come and join us. Asscheduled, the party will be held in the concert hall from 7:30 p.m.to 9:00 p.m. There will be Chinese comedies, magic acts, and some Chinese customs andculture there. Besides, there will be followed by a free conversation, whichwould be a good chance for you to meet people from around the world in anenjoyable environment. Ireally hope you can make it. Would you please let me know if you can accept myinvitation at your earliest convenience? Yours sincerely,
Li Hua 第四部分 实战突破
Hi Susan,
Werethrowing a surprise party for Lauras birthday. Wed like to invite you to theparty. We want to give her a surprise, but please keep quiet about it. Wellgather at the Students Club at 8:00 p.m. in this Friday, after the eveningclasses. And itwill last about an hour. We each will prepare for a little present. When shecome, well light the candles and sing “Happy Birthday” together for him. Thenthe cake will be cutting and well sing songs and play game. Itll be nice tosee how exciting she will be. Im surely youll have good time at the party,too. Yours,
Li Hua 1. but →so, 此处表示因果关系,故用并列连词so 2.去掉in, this Friday前不必加介词。
3.去掉prepare后的for, 此处prepare是及物动词,无须加介词。 4. come →comes, 因为主语是第三人称单数,故用comes
5. him →her, 根据上下文的人称可知这是Laura的生日,故用her 6. cutting →cut, 此处是被动,故用过去分词。 7. game →games, 表示玩游戏,常用复数。 8. exciting →excited, 主语是人,故用excited 9. surely →sure, 作表语用形容词。
10.good前加a, 表示玩得开心have a good time,属固定搭配。 好题调研
1. 晚会开始、结束时间以及举办地点。 2. 表演内容。
3. 邀请对方参加的原因以及询问对方的意向。 注意:1. 词数100左右。
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
DearTom, How are you doing? Currently, in order towelcome the new students, an evening party will be held in our school. As thechairman of the Students Union, Im writing to invite you to join us. Here is a briefschedule. First, it will be held in the school meeting hall from 7:00 to9:00 p. m. next Sunday. Additionally, there willbe many wonderful performances presented by the teachers and students, such assinging, dancing, performing plays and so on. Everyoneis longing for your coming, and it would be more cheerful if you could give a performance. I sincerely hopethat you can accept our invitation and I havethe confidence that we students would beextremely delighted to see you. Please let me know your decision if it is convenient for you. I am looking forward to your reply. Yours,
LiHua 第五部分 升华练习 假定你叫李华,是高三(1班的班长,计划和同学们在儿童节那天去儿童福利院(Children Welfare Institute献爱心。请你给外教Kate写一封邮件,邀请她一同前往。要点如下: 1. 出发与返回时间。

2. 活动:赠送礼物、表演节目、玩游戏等。 3. 邀请对方参加的原因以及询问对方的意向。 注意:1. 词数100左右。
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 第六部分 总结反馈 好险那,12级台风擦肩而过!(暗自窃笑,嘻嘻)台风那个吹~~~~~~大树那个摇~~~~~” 胖胖牛回想起去年9月透过窗子看着12级台风过境的样子,send shiver up my spine,想起《白毛女》中喜儿唱过的那句······ 听着呜呜的风声,又不能出去,只好开始瞎掰喽。虽然墨汁喝得不多(比牛奶难喝多了!牛皮还是能吹的!说什么呢?就写作吧。我从来不认为自己的写作水平高,事实也是如此,唉!发现英语现在的应试作文都是三段论大结构抓住了,再添枝添叶,弄个正反对比什么的,考虑一下层层第进,论证分明、连贯,首尾呼应,最后来个画龙点睛,升华主题,肯定能及格! 真的那么简单吗?

写作是讲究细致的,即使你再满腹##,写下来都是拼错的单词,别人看了也会摇头的,欣赏的兴致荡然无存!因此要想写得好,基本的东西要高标准掌握。多注意比如I am 不要写成I’m之类的小规则。写作是讲究结构的,天马行空地采用stream of consciousness手法,会让人觉得不知所云的。很多指导写作的书都会谈到这一点。
写作是一种艺术,我们都不喜欢看见用词太general,没什么创意的文章。这才是重点。 用词一定要准确,具体,如何具体呢?不要老用总括性的词,比如,别老想到cow!bull,ox,calf(我就是plumpcalf)等等,也有很多种,什么giggle,grin等,我要说的是写文章时尽量具体点,用词具体! 怎么才能做到这一点呢?多看看小说!我们能从小说中学到不少具体的词。用的句子要地道,谈何容易啊!我的方法就是拷贝!不要说么,那多难听,是不是。我copy后就paste象在资源管理器中复制文件一样,呵呵。要是你是存着应付的心理,抄了也白抄!借鉴别人的句子,对于学习者是无可厚非的。效果好不好,就要看你如何了。不是要讲抄的技巧,我是在强调把你抄的东西转化为自己的东西,消化吸收。
平时背背范文。要认真研究一下别人是怎么写的,看你自己写会遵循什么思路,用什么例子和句型。把别人好的句子,好的论证手段融入你的文章中,你的就会有不小的心得!我看了别人的好文章,都会赞叹不已,想着自己能写出这样的就好了,然后就有背下来的冲动,口里默默念着,就记住了。然后一有机会就试试,主要是强化自己对原句的理解,在参透了范句的精华后,那个句子就是我的啦,呵呵,狠吧! 所以要想真写得好,多背背好文章!
另外就是多掌握几种构思的技巧,我们都说开头很重要,不妨多花点时间在开头上。 还有的就是公文体的写作,什么通知啊,报告啊,商业文书会不会?itinerary呢?英语的论文会写吗?啊呀,五花八门的。其实只要多注意一下格式,多操练一下,就没什么问题,这些都是实用的文体,我们会经常接触的。

A beautiful form is better than a beautiful face; a beautiful behavior than a beautiful form. merson

People want to know how much you care before they care how much you know. ames Hind

There are lots of people who mistake their imagination for their memory. osh Billings
To err is human, to forgive, divine. ope
What we all tend to complain about most in other people are those things we don”t like about ourselves. illiam Wharton

The greatest of faults is to be conscious of none. homas Carlyle
Optimism is a good characteristic, but if carried to an excess it becomes foolishness. heodore Roosevelt
It”s the nature of folly to see the faults of others and forget his own. icero
Fools admire, but men of sense approve. ope

The miracle is this-the more we share, the more we have. eonard Nimoy
Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed. ope
There is a limit at which forbearance ceases to be a virtue.
dmund Burke
He who loses wealth loses much; he who loses a friend loses more; but he who loses courage loses all. ervantes

On the very first day of my very first class as a teacher, I asked my students a very NAIVE question: Why is writing such a difficult thing to do?
The complaints came bubbling out of my students, and I was not prepared for the volume or substance of their GRIEVANCES. In a lather, I spent the entire class hour writing their concerns on the blackboard. When the black board was filled, we wrote more complaints on pages torn out of my notebook, which I thumb-tacked to a wall of the classroom. When the hour was up, we all sat numbly still, staring at this overwhelming sea of bad news. After the students had filed MEEKLY out of the classroom, I wrote down the contents of the blackboard in my notebook, collected the pages we had tacked to the wall, then went back to my office where I locked myself in. Suddenly, teaching students how to improve their writing seemed like an impossible task. In many ways it is impossible, because the learning never ends. There is no such thing as the
perfect writer because there is always something more to learn, another skill to master. Even now, no matter how hard I work to strengthen my writing, there is always something I can’t do as well as I would like. My GRAMMAR skills are still weak and I still struggle to find the best structure for each of my writing efforts. Until very recently, my writing was horribly disorganized.
But my writing has improved and most of that growth can be ATTRIBUTED to this embarrassing confession: I started to practice the process skills I had been preaching to my students. I started to listen to my own advice.
Writing is so much more than simply taking a piece of paper and a pencil and SCRIBBLING away. There are so many things I need to take into consideration before I make my scribbles.
I have repeated the exercise I did in that first class in every writing course I have taught. I find it interesting that there are a few core complaints my students have about writing which show up on the blackboard every time I do the exercise. What I would like to do now is introduce these core GRUMBLINGS to you and talk about how this course and this computer program intend to make these concerns more manageable. Do you recognize these? Do you HARBOR some of the same complaints about writing?


