
发布时间:2019-11-29 09:44:55   来源:文档文库   
社会生活类(Passage 67–88)Passage 67 字数:427The father’s role in society has changed during the last 20 years, with a trend towards acceptance of a nurturant father who is more involved in child care responsibilities. With the birth of a child, father-child issues may resurface from the family in which the father was born and raised. The healthy, adjusted father is able to put these issues in perspective and resolve them. Thus, bitterness, hostility, or resentment from the family of origin does not spill into the immediate family.While fathers contribute to their own psychosocial development, they also have an important impact on their children from infancy through adulthood. One researcher concludes that fathers who are more involved in infant care giving have infants with greater cognitive development at one year of age than fathers who are less involved in infant care giving. Infants can distinguish fathers from other adults early. Another investigator reports that fathers who are very involved with their preschool children help foster their verbal ability and a sense of being in charge of his, her fate. Researchers also point out that for school-age children, fathers are one link to the outside world.Researches find that father involvement is related to self-esteem in children. Those fathers who are more affectionate and spend time with their children contribute positively to the self-esteem of their children. Fathers who value education have children who do better in school than those children whose fathers1 / 100


