新编实用英语综合教程第二册 Unit 1答案

发布时间:2018-06-29 15:05:17   来源:文档文库   

Unit 1

P4 1.

(1)What are you doing tonight (2)I was wondering (3)I wish I could

(4)write a term paper (5)some other time (6)That’s right


(1)are you doing anything special tomorrow evening

(2)I’d like to invite you to come to my birthday party. Would you like to join us

(3)Good. Will you come at 7:00

(4)Lemonade if you must bring something


(1)What are you going to do this weekend

(2)Thunderstorm is on at the Friendship

(3)The early show or the late show?

(4)Maybe go to KFC or a Coffee Shop.

(5)I'd rather go to KFC.

(6)When and where shall we meet?

(7)Thats very kind of you.

P5 Being all ears


1. Tomorrow 2 ball game 3 skiing 4 for a long time 5 very warm 6 agree


1.No, she doesnt.

2.Going to the ball game and skiing.

3. She heard it on the radio.

3.No, he doesnt.

4. He will give Claire a call.


1.the time and place 2.fine 3. formal written 4. in writing 5. at the bottom 6. attend 7. in person or by phone 8.comfortable


A.d 2. C 3. A 4. B


2. instances informal entertain host casual suggestion


1. invent an excuse later 2. present problems 3. explicit 4. specific time mentioned

5. Yes, that would be nice.


Instance present hostess appropriate invent entertain explicit identify



For convenience, the photos will be shown in time sequence.


You are required to stop your car after an accident


The conceptions and practices of child education vary from culture to culture.


He is more of a poet than a musician


My father has kindly offered to take us to the airport


We really should meet sometime soon to discuss the details.


He didn't have a girlfriend until he was thirty.


Don't leave until I tell you to.
 The truth turned out to be stranger than we had expected.
  It turns out that she had known him when they were children.
3. 很抱歉,我现在不能帮你的忙。
  .I'm sorry I'm not in a position to help you right now

  .I'm sure they'd like to help her out financially but they're not in a position to do so.
4. 很多情况下是老师在讲,但在某些情况下则是学生讲。
  In many instances it is the teacher who talks, but in some instances the students talk.


In many instances it is the husband who pays, but in some instances the wife pays her own bill.
5. 与其说他是位制片人,倒不如说他是位导演。
  . He is more of a director than a producer.

  .She is more of a composer than a singer.
  .There are also houses that seem warm but in fact are not.

  .There are also music pieces that sound like light music but in fact are not.

P 12-9

1. 似乎很长时间没有收到你的来信了,从你到中国工作时算起,到现在就更久了。  

2.所以我马上写信 —— 好让你离开上海之前肯定能收到这封信 —— 希望你们俩在英格兰逗留期间能和我们一起住几天。

3. 我们还有两个朋友和我们一起度新年的周末,所以,到时候你也能来的话就太好了。

4. 而且如果我们遇上好天气的话,我们可以找一天一起出去拜访卡特一家 —— 我们一定可以让阿瑟叔叔把他的面包车借给我们。

5..玛丽很好而且喜欢她的教学工作(至少我这样认为);孩子们长得飞快;我还在桑德森公司工作,而且工作很称心 --- 虽然偶尔我也会渴望从前自由自在的日子。


 5 1who he is 2. it began 3I had enjoyed 4 You will have time 5 how old I was 6he would marry her 7we should 8 I could

6 Correct the errors in the following sentences.

  1  Jane told her not to worry where might be her son.
     . Jane told her not to worry about where her son might be.
  2 She said I am going to the cinema.
     . She said she was going to the cinema.
  3 She wanted to know what was his job.
     . She wanted to know what his job was.
  4 I wondered did he really mean it.
     . I wondered if he really meant it.
  5 He asked which chair should he take.
     He asked which chair he should take.
  6 He asked why hadn't I stopped the car.
     . He asked why I hadn't stopped the car.
  7 He remarked what it was a lovely house.
     . He remarked what a lovely house it was.
  8 He said how the garden was beautiful.
     He said how beautiful the garden was.
  9 He asks when will they leave.
     .He asks when they will leave.
10 I don't know where is he.
     .I don't know where he is.


Translate the following sentences into English.

1 你能告诉我在哪儿可以买到口香糖吗?
   .Can you tell me where I can buy some chewing gum?
2 警察想知道她长得什么样儿?
The police wanted to know what she looked like.
3 你知道她穿的是什么衣服吗?
   .Do you know what she was wearing?
4 在报告中他们问到是银行有几架安全摄像机。
   .In the report, they asked how many security cameras there were in the bank.
5 面试官问他已经工作几年了。
   .The interviewer asked him how many years he had worked.
6 你想了解他什么时候去上海吗?
   . Do you want to know when he will leave for Shanghai?
7 我只是想知道你喜欢什么颜色,红色还是黄色。
   . I want to know which color you prefer — red or yellow.


《新编实用英语综合教程第二册 Unit 1答案.doc》
