
发布时间:2019-09-25 07:11:52   来源:文档文库   





1. 介绍青海的天气,饮食等;

2. 介绍12个景点;

3. 来青海旅游时的注意事项或建议。




Dear Tom,

I am very glad to know that you want to travel around Qinghai. _____________________________________


I am looking forward to meeting you soon.


Li Ping


One possible version:

Dear Tom,

I am very glad to know that you want to travel around Qinghai. I think it’s a good idea to go on a trip to Qinghai in summer. It’s not too hot in summer. The weather is comfortable. You can see the blue sky and white clouds. You can enjoy many different kinds of delicious food. There are many places of interest to visit in Qinghai. Qinghai Lake attracts a large number of tourists all over the world every summer. You can see many kinds of fish swimming in the clean lake. There are many birds flying up and down over the lake. You will find a large of grassland with groups of sheep and yaks (牦牛) around the lake. You will have a good time there.

Here is some advice for you. You’d better take warm clothes. You are supposed to take sunglasses and an umbrella with you.

I am looking forward to meeting you soon.


Li Ping












67. 学校英语报社正在开展题为“The Greatest Help”的征文活动。什么人或物给了你最大的帮助?你取得了哪些进步?有什么感想或受到了哪些教育?请写一篇80词左右的英语短文进行投稿,文中不得出现真实校名和姓名。

The Greatest Help


【答案】The Greatest Help

I have got lots of help, but my father gives me the greatest help of all.

Though my father is a very kind man, he is very strict with me. He always pushes me to study hard and tries to find mistakes in everything I do. Sometimes, I doubt if he is my father. He leads me to read plenty of books. He says, "The more books you read, the better person you will be." He also says that health is the most important thing for everybody. So I am made to do lots of exercise. Anyway, we have left our happiness and laughter everywhere, on the playground, in the swimming pool, on the mountains and so on. When I meet any difficulties, he encourages me and helps me out. He is always there for me.

As I grow older, my thoughts change from misunderstanding to understanding. He is not only my father and a sincere friend but also my guide and helper. I will never forget the greatest help and deepest love from his strictness and exceptions because they make some big difference in my life.


【详解】这篇作文要求我们以The Greatest Help为题,介绍一下在你的生活里,什么人或什么事给了你最大的帮助,并说一说你的感受。审题可知,这是一篇话题作文,题目中只给出了题目,具体的内容需要学生们自己发挥想象力,来组织语言,串联成文,因此写作前,要仔细思考,确定具体的写作内容。然后再确定文章的时态和人称,这篇短文应以一般现在时态或者一般过去时态为主,第三人称来叙述,要注意谓语动词形式的变化。写作时,应注意英语句式表达和汉语习惯的不同,不要逐词翻译,而应使用恰当的词汇、短语和句式结构,以简单句结构为基础,穿插使用并列句或者复合句。为提升文章水平,应选用一些较高级的词汇和复杂结构,成为文章的亮点。语句之间使用恰当的连接成分,使整篇文章意思连贯。

【点睛】这是一篇优秀的作文。首先短文内容符合题目要求,文章中作者介绍了对自己帮助最大的一个人父亲,具体介绍了父亲如何对自己严格要求,促使自己不断进步的。也介绍了自己的感受,从开始的误解到后来的理解。整篇文章内容充实、完整,叙述也很有条理。其次短文中使用了正确的时态、人称,语法规范,语言得体,句式表达符合英语的习惯。文章中长短句结合,简单句和复合句穿插使用,使文章富有节奏感,表达也很流畅。短文中使用了较丰富的短语和句型,如Though my father is a very kind man, he is very strict with me.He says, "the more books you read, the better person you will be." He also says that health is the most important thing for everybody.When I meet any difficulties, he encourages me and helps me out.He is not only my father and a sincere friend but also my guide and helper. I will never forget the greatest help and deepest love from his strictness and exceptions because they make some big difference in my life.等等。



87.(15分)今年是西宁市创建全国文明城市的攻坚之年,我市中小学正在开展以"提升文明素养,做文明礼仪的倡导者"为主题的英语作文比赛.请写一篇80 词左右的短文( 文中不得出现真实校名和姓名;首句已给出,不计人总词数).要求包括以下要点:






Be A Student With Good Manners

Nowadays we are trying our best to make Xining become a civilized cityAs sudentswe must

know what we should do and what we shouldn't do I think we should take an active part in this activityFirstwe are supposed to speak politelyWe can say"thank you""Excuse me…?"or"Could you please…?"as often as possibleThenwe should cross the road when the traffic light is greenThirdplease don't step on the grass or pick flowersDo remember no matter where we gobe sure not to throw litter everywhereWhat's morewe shouldn'ts peak loudly in public

It's our duty to do what we can to make our city more beautifulI believe if everyone makes everyonemakesaneffortXiningwillbeoneofthemostbeautifulcitiesinourcountry 


I think we should take an active part in this activity.我认为我们应当积极参加这个活动.

think+宾语从句;should应当,表示建议; take an active part in积极参加


It's our duty to do what we can to make our city more beautiful.做我们力所能及的事情让我们的城市更加美丽是我们的责任.

It's one's duty to do做某事是某人的责任;what引导宾语从句;make sb/sth+形容词,使某人或某物处于某种状态.

【解答】Be A Student With Good Manners

Nowadays we're trying our best to make Xining become a civilized cityAs students we must know what we should do and we shouldn't do.(引起下文)

I think we should take an active part in this activity.【高分句型一】Firstwe are supposed to speak politelyWe can say"thank you""Excuse me…?"or"Could you please…?"as often as possibleThenwe should cross the road when the traffic light is greenThirdplease don't step on the grass or pick flowersDo remember no matter where we gobe sure not to throw litter everywhereWhat's morewe shouldn't speak loudly in public.(建议)

It's our duty to do what we can to make our city more beautiful.【高分句型二】I believe if everyone makes an effortXining will be one of the most beautiful cities in our country.(展望未来)



