
发布时间:2014-12-09 12:08:20   来源:文档文库   





2 旅游翻译



3 翻译的倾向

1) 以原作者为中心(author-centered,强调译文要忠实于原文,包括原文的内容和风格,



4 旅游文本翻译的基本原则和策略





/ 指出翻译方法


清蒸鳊鱼   steamed limande

炒鳝片     stir-fried eel slices     

牛肉     simmered, beef 


蟹粉鱼肚  stewed fish tripe with crab meat

腐乳汁烧肉  braised pork with fermented 酵母,酵素;发酵 bean curd

辣子炒肉丁  stir-fried diced pork with chili

3)烹调法+主料(形状)+(with, in)调料

红烧鲤鱼头   braised carp鲤鱼 head with soy sauce

辣味烩虾球   braised prawn balls with chili sauce

清炖猪蹄     stewed pig hoof in clear soup

(1) 主料(形状)+(with)辅料

鸡丝凉面    cold noodles with chicken shreds

杏仁鸡丁    chicken cubes with almond

牛肉豆腐    bean curd with beef

(2) 主料(形状)+(with, in)调料

椒盐排骨    spare ribs with chili and salt

米酒鱼卷    fish rolls with rice wine

糖醋      fish with sweet and sour sauce

(1)  口感+烹法+主料

水煮嫩鱼    tender stewed fish

香煎鸡块    fragrant fried chicken

(2) 形状(口感)+主料+(with)辅料。

陈皮兔丁    diced rabbit with orange peel

时蔬鸡片    sliced chicken with seasonal vegetable

(3) 形状(口感)+主料+(with) 调料。

茄汁鱼片    sliced fish with ketchup

黄酒脆皮虾仁  crisp shelled shrimps with yellow rice wine


1Please Stand On the Right 请右侧站立(自动扶梯)

Caution: Wet Floor 小心地滑

Right Lane Closed Ahead 前方右侧车道关闭

Please Give this Seat to Anyone in Need 请让座予有需要人士

Mind the Platform Gap 上下车时,小心空隙

F&B 餐饮

IDD 国际直拨电话

Lost and Found 失物招领

Information 问询服务

Police Line Do Not Cross 禁戒线 超越

Speed Limit 30km 限速30公里

No U Turn 禁止掉头

Dont Drive under the Influence,禁止酒后驾车

Drunken Driving Prohibited

No Entry 严禁驶入

Dont Walk  禁止通行

Do not trespass on the railway! Penalty $ 200 严禁超越路轨,违者罚款200美元!

Construction Site Keep out 施工现场禁止入内

Keep Clear of the Edges 勿靠两侧

Handicapped Only 残疾人通道

Toll Gate 收费站

Caution Pedestrians 注意行人

No parking 严禁停车

Meter Parking 计时收费停车场

Caution Maintenance in Progress 注意: 正在维修


No Through Route For Pedestrians 禁止行人通行

Detour 绕行

Childrens Crossing, 儿童过街道

Taxi Pick-Up Point 出租车乘车站点

Give Way To Buses 公交优先

 Dont Drive When Tired 严禁疲劳驾驶

2 降下车窗 通风空气 Lower Window For Ventilation

  注意行人 Beware Pedestrian

 危险 Danger

公共汽车和长途汽车 Bus and Couch Station

洗车场 Washing Bay

减速慢行 Slow Down

机场休息室 Airport Lounges

弯道危险 Dangerous Bend

交叉路口 Diverted Traffic

严禁停车 No Parking

小心地滑 Caution Wet Floor

3 汽车行驶中请勿与司机交谈。

When the bus is moving, do not speak to the driver.


Please drive carefully.


Please keep gateways clear.


Please retain your ticket for inspection.


Please leave your luggage with you all the time.

4 Please do not park. Garage in use.


The light indicates the door is not secured.


The law requires you to wear a seatbelt.


The couch is for holders of full fare.


You will be required to leave a deposit when you pick up the car.


Footpath Closed 边道封闭

Parking permitted 允许停车

Restricted Area 严禁进入

Alcohol Free Zone 禁酒区

No Visitors 游人止步

Ramp Speed 斜坡限速

Garage 车辆修理

Pedestrians 行人绕行

Buses Only 公共车专用道

Detour 请绕道行驶

/ 译文分析

1Wavwari 译为“唯我”,与原文中的读音相同,表明年轻人“走自己的路,让别人去说吧”的标新立异、独立自主的心态

2. BEST 译为“百饰特”,译名与原音相近,其中,“饰”表明该店主要经营饰品,“百”字表明商品种类齐全,字表明款式新颖。

3. 这是运动品牌,译为“乐图。在音译的同时兼顾了“乐在其中,图我自在”的品牌内涵。

4. 衣频道 是一家服装店英文“Channel One”的汉译文,明确地说明该店是服装的集中地,种类繁多,便于消费者挑选。

5. 嘉华饼屋 意译为JOY BAKERY,其中“嘉华”二字没有音译,而是读取了汉语意思,用英文词汇joy来替代,别有一番风味。

6. SOEASY 这是一家服装店,被音译为“搜衣廊”。“搜衣”,既点明该店的经营项目,又暗含店铺的衣服乃是经过精心搜索而得来的精品。“廊”字的意译添加则使该店平添了几分中国特色。

7. FORENT 是英国连锁洗衣店的名称,译文被音译为福奈特。其中的字表明该店的服务让消费者感觉他们身在福中。

8. Tupperware 这是一家美国家居用品连锁店名称,被音译为“特百惠”。其中“惠”字体现货真价实,互利互惠的商业美德,符合诚信为本,义利结合的儒家经济伦理,让消费者信任。译文既融入中国传统文化,又含蓄体现该店的经营方式与产品质量,让人印象深刻。


上海市 Shanghai Municipality

山东省 Shandong Province

锦江区[] Jinjiang District

青城山[] Qingcheng Mountain

嘉陵江[川、渝] the Jialing River 

成都平原[] the Chengdu Plain

青海湖[] the Qinghai Lake  

台湾海峡[闽、台] the Taiwan Straits

三潭印月[] the Three Pools Mirroring the Moon

平湖秋月[] the Autumn Moon on the Calm Lake

长城 the Great Wall

大运河 the Grand Canal

大观园[] the Grand View Garden

颐和园[] the Summer Palace

石林[] the Stone Forest

成都市[] Chengdu City

祁连山[甘、青] the Qilian Mountains

清水河[] the Qingshui River

四川盆地[] the Sichuan Basin

辽东半岛[] the Liaodong Peninsula

云贵高原[滇、黔] the Yunnan Guizhou Plateau

京杭运河 the Beijing Hangzhou Canal

淮河[豫、浣、苏] the Huaihe River (不可译作:the Huai River)

太湖[] the Taihu Lake

泰山[] Mount Tai, the Taishan Mountain

洱海[] the Erhai Lake

郫县[] Pixian County

勃海[冀、鲁、津] the Bohai Sea

天池[内蒙古] the Tianchi Lake

五指山[] Wuzhi Mountain

九龙江[] the Jiulong River

西沙群岛[] the Xisha Islands

西安市[] Xian City

黄浦江[] the Huangpu River

红山峡[] the Hongshan Gorge

新都区[] Xindu District

大龙洞水库[·昭通] the Dalongdong Reservoir

小凉山[] Xiaoliang Mountain

黄河[鲁、豫] the Yellow River

黄海[辽、鲁、苏] the Yellow Sea

东海[] the East China Sea

东岳[] the Eastern Sacred Mountain

东北平原[辽、吉、黑] the Northeast Plain

西湖[] the West Lake

新界[] New Territories


大兴安岭[黑、吉] the Da Hinggan Mountainsthe Greater Hinggan Range

小兴安岭[] the Xiao Hinggan Mountainsthe Lesser Hinggan Range



Aa.都江堰[] the Dujiang Weir

  b.都江堰市[] Dujiangyan City (不可译作:Dujiang Weir City)

Ba.九寨沟[] Jiuzhai Valley

  b.九寨沟县[] Jiuzhaigou County (不可译作:Jiuzhai Valley County)

C a.麦积山[] Maiji Mountain

  b.麦积山石窟[] the Maijishan Grottoes (不可译作:the Maiji Mountain Grottoes)

Da.白水江[川、甘] the Baishui River

b.白水江自然保护区[] Baishuijiang Nature Reserve (不可译作:Baishui River Nature Reserve)

E a.青铜峡[] the Qingtong Gorge

b.青铜峡水利枢纽[] Qingtongxia Key Water Control Project (不可译作 Qingtong Gorge Key Water Control Project)

F a.黑龙江[] the Heilong River

b.黑龙江大学[] Heilongjiang University (不可译作:Heilong River University)

G a.嘉峪关[] the Jiayu Pass

b.嘉峪关市[] the Jiayuguan City


1. Ladies and gentlemen, today we’re going to visit Zhouzhuang. It is praised as the “No. 1 water town of China” by the oversea press. Geographically, Zhouzhuang is located between Hangzhou and Suzhou, the only two paradise cities in the country. The town is surrounded and crisscrossed by rivers and lakes. It offers a peaceful environment. Strong local colored traditions and customs, and well-preserved ancient residential house. It has been called the “Small Venice of the East”. It did not attract the world’s attention until 1984 when Chen Yifei, a noted Chinese-American artist, held an exhibition in a New York gallery. One of his paintings, entitled “Memory of Hometown”, depicted the Twin Bridges in Zhouzhuang. What can the town offer? Now, let find it out .


2. 女士们,先生们,欢迎大家来到开罗旅游。在今后的几天里,将由我来带大家游览各个景点并为大家具体介绍开罗这座美丽的城市。首先我要为大家简要地介绍一下开罗

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Cairo. In the coming few days, I will show you around the famous scenic spots on the itinerary[aɪ'tɪnərərɪ] and give you a detailed introduction to this beautiful city. First of all, a word or two about Cairo.

3. 开罗, 意为胜利者,是埃及的首都和最大的城市。它不仅是全球第16个人口最多的都市,也是阿拉伯世界最大的城市以及非洲人口最稠密的城市。此外,它还是整个中东地区政治、经济和商业中心。

Cairo, which means “the Triumphant”, is the capital and largest city of Egypt. It is not only the sixteenth most populous metropolitan in the world, but also the Arab World’s largest and Africa’s most populous city. Besides, it is known as the political, economic and commercial center of the entire Middle East region.

4. Cairo is an amazing city full of life and movement. Here, the Egyptians are most at home in this powerful, modern and ancient city. Today, Cairo homes(拥有) various historic towns and modern districts. It is nicknamed “The City of A Thousand Minarets(千塔城)” . It is near the site(遗址) of the first capital of unified(统一的) Egypt, Memphis(孟菲斯).


5. As one of the natural wonders of the world, the Great Barrier Reef off the east coast of Australia is the world’s largest coral reef. It has the distinction of being placed in the World Heritage as well as the National Heritage lists.

作为世界上自然奇迹之一,大堡礁(the Great Barrier Reef位于澳大利亚的东海岸,是世界上最大的珊瑚礁( coral reef ),被列入世界遗产名录(list)和国家遗产名录。

6 City of diverse Cultures, The Garden City, The Fun City, City for the Arts and Gateway(通道) City—these are some of the names given to Singapore to show visitors what this exciting destination(终点站) can offer to visitors who want to indulge their senses(尽享其美) on a holiday(前来度假) as well as who have a wish to stay in Singapore.



