
发布时间:2015-05-02 11:25:44   来源:文档文库   

1 What is your opinion on the popularization of Chinese young people celebrating Western festivals?


2. Why do you think many people are crazy about leaning English?

3. How do you prepare for a job interview?

4. Some people like to travel with a tour group while others to travel alone. Which do you prefer most?

5. Which country would you choose if you study abroad and why?

6. Do you prefer living in the countryside or in the city?

7.What are the reasons why one should not be driving a car?

8. Do you want to pursue a higher degree or find a job after you have finished your undergraduate study?

9. Which is more important: knowledge from books or from personal experience

10. What would be your major consideration in choosing a job and why?

11. After graduation, do you prefer to start your own business or work for a company?

12. How can we prepare ourselves to minimize loss of lives and property before earthquake hits?

13. What is your opinion on many children being sent to different (like what?) training schools these days?

14. In your point of view, what makes a straight-A student?

15. Do you think colleges should give more emphasis on preparing students psychologically?

16. Who do you think is more responsible for pollution, individual people or the government?

17. How can we reduce carbon emission in our daily life?

18. Do we need so many television channels?


