小学英语六年级下册unit2 课文

发布时间:2020-02-17 19:08:24   来源:文档文库   



Let's start 开始学
A hard trip in the desert 沙漠里的艰难旅程
[00:13.53]What's the matter with them?他们怎么了?
[00:17.12]The robot is tired.机器人累了.
[00:20.00]The straw man has a headache ...稻草人头痛...
[00:23.89]Let's chant 唱一唱
[00:29.12]How are you feeling?你感觉什么样?
[00:31.08]Fine.How are you?很好.你好吗?
[00:33.44]I have a headache.我头痛.
[00:35.80]I have the flu.我患流感了.
[00:38.10]How are you feeling?你感觉什么样?
[00:40.50]Fine.How are you?很好.你好吗?
[00:42.81]I'm feeling better.我感觉好多了.
[00:45.13]I'm as good as new.我完好如初.
[00:50.52]Look!He's so excited!!他很兴奋.
[00:54.48]Yes!But I'm sad.是的!可是我很伤心.
[00:58.67]How do you feel?你感觉怎么样?
[01:01.27]I feel sick.我感觉不舒服.
[01:03.94]I have a headache.我头痛.
[01:06.63]I'm angry!我很生气!
[01:09.03]Take it easy.放松些.
[01:11.47]What's the matter,Zoom? Zoom,你怎么了?
[01:14.13]Help!I hurt my leg!救命!我伤到腿了!
A Let's learn

[01:21.44]have a fever发烧
[01:23.84]hurt 受伤
[01:25.56]have a cold 感冒
[01:27.92]have a toothache 牙痛
[01:30.55]have a headache 头痛
[01:32.94]have a sore throat 喉咙痛
[01:36.76]What's the matter,Mike?迈克,出什么事了?
[01:38.77]I feel sick.我感觉不舒服.
[01:40.45]I have a fever.我发烧了.
[01:42.59]Let's play 玩一玩
[01:45.26]What's the matter?怎么了?
[01:47.40]I have a toothache.我牙痛.
[01:50.94]What's the matter?怎么了?
[01:53.34]My leg hurts.我伤到腿了.
[01:55.74]Let's try 试一试
[01:57.89]Listen and number.听一听,排顺序
[02:01.06]I have a cold.我感冒了.
[02:03.38]I have a sore nose.我鼻子痛.
[02:06.97]My throat hurts.我的喉咙受伤了.
[02:08.92]I have a sore throat.我的喉咙痛.
[02:11.89]I hurt my hand.我的手受伤了.
[02:15.30]I have a fever.我发烧了.
[02:17.69]I think I have a flu.我想我得了流感.
[02:20.77]I feel sick.我感觉不舒服.
[02:22.91]I have a headache.我头痛.
[02:26.22]Let's talk
[02:28.60]How do you feel?你感觉怎么样?
[02:30.57]I feel sick.我感觉不舒服.
[02:32.62]What's the matter?出什么事了?
[02:34.52]My throat is sore.我的喉咙痛.
[02:35.97]My nose hurts.我的鼻子受伤了.
[02:37.99]Let's play 做一做
[02:40.80]1.Make nine cards.制作十张卡片.
[02:45.36]2.Put them on the desk with upside down.
[02:51.69]3.Listen and turn over the cards.
[02:57.62]cold感冒        fever发烧       headache头痛
[03:02.29]toothache 牙痛
[03:04.26]sore throat 喉咙痛
[03:06.56]broken leg 受伤的腿
[03:08.78]earache 耳朵痛
[03:10.80]stomachache 肚子痛
[03:12.70]sore nose 鼻子痛
[03:15.19]Let's read
[03:17.57]Some people feel sick in the winter.
[03:20.97]Many people get the flu.许多人患流感.
[03:23.93]How do you know when you have the flu?
[03:27.49]Do you have a sore throat?你喉咙痛吗?
[03:30.02]Does your nose hurt?你鼻子痛吗?
[03:32.30]Do you have a headache?你头痛吗?
[03:34.79]If you have a fever,如果你发烧,
[03:36.68]you might have the flu.你可能得了流感.
[03:39.42]Don't worry!不要担心!
[03:40.94]If you are sick,如果你感觉不舒服,
[03:42.63]see the doctor.去看医生.
[03:44.90]Take some medicine and drink hot drinks.
[03:48.94]Stay in bed for a few days.在床上呆几天.
[03:51.58]You will feel better soon.你很快就会感觉好多了.

B Let's learn

[00:11.92]tired疲劳 excited兴奋 angry生气
[00:18.32]happy高兴 sad伤心 bored烦恼
[00:24.65]How does Amy feel?艾米感觉怎么样?
[00:26.58]She's tired.她很累.
[00:29.41]Pair work 结对练习
[00:31.43]How does Lisa feel?利萨感觉怎么样?
[00:34.49]She's happy.她很高兴.
[00:39.33]She's sad.她很伤心.
[00:42.33]Lisa利萨  Nick尼克  Pete皮特
[00:48.74]Mary玛丽  Ann  Tom汤姆
[00:55.31]Let's try
[00:57.31]Listen and number.
[01:00.15]1 Tom has a lot of homework.汤姆有许多家庭作业.
[01:04.97]He goes to bed very late.他很晚才睡觉.
[01:07.75]How dose Tom feel?汤姆感觉怎么样?
[01:13.00]2 Mary has to say "goodbye" to her friend.
[01:18.89]How dose Mary feel?玛丽感觉怎么样?
[01:24.24]3 Jack can't play with his friends this weekend.
[01:30.33]He has nothing to do.他没事可做.
[01:33.27]How dose Jack feel?杰克感觉怎么样?
[01:39.23]4 Larry loves ice cream.拉里喜欢冰激凌.
[01:43.31]He is eatting a big chocolate ice cream.
[01:46.97]How dose Larry feel?拉里感觉什么样?
[01:50.18]Let's talk
[01:52.74]How are you,Liu Yun?刘云,你好吗?
[01:55.26]You look so happy.你看起来很高兴.
[01:57.40]Yes.I am excited.是啊,我很兴奋.
[01:59.79]I am going on a big trip.我要去旅行了.
[02:02.33]How are you,Sarah?莎拉,你好吗?
[02:03.77]You look sad today.你今天看起来很伤心.
[02:05.86]I failed the math test.我的数学不及格.
[02:08.15]I'm sorry to hear that.听到这个消息我很难过.
[02:10.67]Pair work 结对练习
[02:12.38]Look at the picture.看看这张照片.
[02:15.54]How do I feel?我是什么样的表情?
[02:18.30]You look sad.你看起来很伤心.
[02:20.80]Yes,because I failed my math test.
[02:26.65]Look at the picture.看看这张照片.
[02:29.38]How do I feel?我是什么样的表情?
[02:32.07]You look happy.你看起来很高兴.
[02:34.74]Yes,because I got a new picture-book.
[02:40.76]Let's read
[02:43.41]It's Saturday morning.周六的上午,
[02:45.51]the weather is fine.天气晴朗.
[02:47.53]There is a football match between Class 1
[02:51.12]and Class 3.
[02:53.38]Many students are watching.许多同学都来观看.
[02:56.32]They are excited.他们兴奋极了.
[02:58.99]Now John has the ball.现在约翰控球,
[03:01.63]He passes it to Mike.他把球传给迈克.
[03:03.84]Mike kicks the ball.迈克要射门了.
[03:05.81]It's a goal!球进了!
[03:07.88]Now Zhang Peng has the ball.现在张朋带球.
[03:11.05]He kicks it.他大脚一踢,
[03:12.77]The ball flies into John's face!球飞到约翰的脸上
[03:16.15]John is a little angry.约翰有点生气了,
[03:18.17]But the ball bounces off his head.
[03:21.51]It flies into the goal.球竟然飞进了球门.
[03:24.44]Another goal!又进一球!
[03:26.57]How's john feeling now?现在约翰的心情如何?
[03:30.06]He's so happy!他太高兴了!
[03:32.26]Hooray!Class 1 won the game.1班赢了比赛.
[03:36.63]But Class 3 is not sad.但是3班的并不难过.
[03:39.54]They are laughing at John's funny goal!
[03:43.36]Group work 分组练习
[03:45.68]We are going to have a football match.
[03:50.61]I'm very happy.我很高兴
[03:53.24]My mother is going to buy me a new skirt.
[03:58.55]I'm very happy.我很高兴
[04:02.24]My mom is going on a trip without me.
[04:07.15]I'm very sad.我很伤心.
[04:09.82]I failed my Chinese test.我的语文考试不及格.
[04:13.65]I feel very sad.我很伤心.

C Task time 任务时间

1.Retell the story.复述这个故事.
[00:15.68]I feel bored.我感觉很无聊.
[00:18.48]A ghost story will be fun.看个鬼故事会有很有意思
[00:22.95]Ah!It's exciting.!太令人兴奋了.
[00:27.25]Oh,I'm so scared.,我很害怕.
[00:36.30]What's the matter,Zip?怎么了,Zip?
[00:39.40]Don't worry.不要担心.
[00:41.18]I'll sleep with you.我会和你一起睡.
[00:43.76]Thank you,Mom.谢谢妈妈.
[00:45.64]I'm so happy.我很高兴.
[00:48.25]2.Act out your story 演一演自己的故事.
[00:52.80]It's midnight.午夜时分.
[00:55.08]Zip is in her bedroom.Zip在她自己的卧室.
[00:58.30]She feels bored.她感觉很无聊.
[01:01.47]Pronunciation 发音
[01:08.98]coat外套        know知道        hole
[01:15.75]load重担        soap肥皂        rose玫瑰
[01:21.39]count数数       now现在         house房子
[01:27.22]loud大声的      south南方       arouse唤醒
[01:35.21]Read and match
[01:37.71]count数数       rose玫瑰
[01:47.42]soap肥皂        house房子
[01:55.00]Let's check 检测
[01:57.50]Good to know 了解有益
[02:01.02]Let's sing
[02:03.64]The Way I Feel 我的心情 ……
[03:04.59]Story time 故事时间
[03:07.04]Zip,let's go skating this weekend.
[03:10.16]Sorry.I am going on a big trip with my parents.
[03:14.48]I'm so happy.我很高兴.
[03:17.44]Enjoy your trip,Zip.祝你旅行愉快.
[03:19.91]I'm bored.今天很烦.
[03:22.79]Play with your computer,Zoom.去玩玩电脑吧.
[03:25.00]My computer is broken.我的电脑坏了.
[03:27.32]Why not go skating?为什么不去滑冰呢?
[03:29.08]That'll be fun.很有趣的.
[03:31.61]It's too cold outside.外面太冷了.
[03:34.49]What's wrong,Zoom?怎么了,Zoom?
[03:36.29]Do you feel sick?你不舒服吗?
[03:38.86]I'm fine.我很好.
[03:40.41]But you look unhappy.但是你看起来不高兴.
[03:42.73]I'm just bored.我只有点烦.
[03:48.24]Who's there?谁在那儿?
[03:49.64]I don't know.我不知道.
[03:51.62]Answer the door,Zoom.去开门吧.
[03:57.95]Oh!Zip!You're back! !Zip!你回来了!
[04:01.41]It's snowing heavily at the airport.
[04:04.24]They cancelled the flight.航班取消了.
[04:05.98]So we can go skating,Zoom.所以我们可以去滑冰了.
[04:08.51]That's great!太好了!
[04:10.43]Where are you going,Zoom?你们去哪儿?
[04:12.72]I'm going skating with Zip.我想跟Zip去滑冰.
[04:14.84]I'm so excited!我太高兴了!

PEP人教版小学英语六年级下册unit2 英语单词MP3+LRC

[00:05.39]have a fever 发烧
[00:10.00]hurt 疼痛
[00:14.02]have a cold 感冒;伤风
[00:19.03]have a toothache 牙疼
[00:24.75]have a headache 头疼
[00:29.90]have a sore throat 喉咙疼
[00:36.30]matter 事情;麻烦
[00:40.92]sore 疼的
[00:45.02]feel 感觉
[00:49.33]sick 不舒服的;有病的
[00:53.67]nose 鼻子
[00:58.04]people 人们
[01:02.50]flu 流感
[01:06.52]know 知道
[01:10.46]might 可以;
[01:14.59]worry 烦恼;忧虑
[01:23.83]drink 饮料
[01:27.72]stay ;逗留
[01:32.28]better 更好的
[01:36.16]soon 立刻;不久
[01:41.02]tired 疲劳的; 累的
[01:45.57]excited 兴奋的
[01:50.03]angry 生气的; 愤怒的
[01:54.26]happy 高兴的
[01:58.15]bored 无聊的; 烦人的
[02:02.61]sad 忧愁的; 悲伤的
[02:06.75]trip 旅行
[02:10.56]fail 不及格;失败
[02:14.72]test 测试
[02:18.64]hear 听见;听到
[02:22.70]match 比赛
[02:27.13]between ....之间
[02:32.55]pass 传递
[02:39.47]a little 有些
[02:43.75]goal (球赛等) 得分
[02:48.30]bounce 反弹
[02:52.49]off ;;离开
[02:56.20]another 另一个
[03:00.37]guess 猜测
[03:04.54]win (过去式won)
[03:13.25]game 比赛
[03:17.13]laugh at .....而发笑


《小学英语六年级下册unit2 课文.doc》
