
发布时间:2011-07-09 21:19:28   来源:文档文库   



Unit Eight  Environment

2. A Convenient Truth, Sadly Ignored

  If all goes well, in 2011, a year before the Kyoto protocol expires, a new opera will open at La Scala in Milan. It will be based on “An Inconvenient Truth”, the book and film about global warming by Al Gore, the former vice-president. It is easy to see the drama in the story of the failed American presidential candidate turned green crusader (although not in the thickets of statistics into which be sometimes strays). But whether the opera in Milan will end happily or tragically, the composer has not yet revealed.



Unit Nine  Sports

1. A Place of Legend

  The lowest of these categories is partisanship: us lot beating them lot, our bloke beating their bloke –and it’s the most wonderful fun, especially when you win. Partisanship is the bread and butter of the sports industry: loyalty, identification, cheering for your team, your man, feeling absurdly glad when you win and suffering the most ridiculous pain when you lose. One world, one dream, and that dream is to beat the crap out of everybody else.     Partisanship is Tim Henman at Wimbledon: agonizing desperation for a mere result, glorious and painful to experience because of the extreme identification of audience and athlete.

    这些分类中最低层次的是派别对立:我们一伙打败了他们一伙,我们支持的小伙子打败了他们的小伙子——这是最妙的乐趣,尤其是当你们获胜的时候。派别意识是体育界的面包和黄油:忠诚,认同,为你的队伍、你的人欢呼,当你们获胜的时候感到不同寻常的喜悦,当你们失败的时候遭受最异乎寻常的痛苦。同一个世界,同一个梦想,而这个梦想就是把其他所有人都打败。    派别对立就是蒂姆·亨曼在温布尔顿说的话:仅仅为了一个结果而苦恼绝望,由于观众和运动员偏激的认同而使他们共同经历着光荣与痛苦。

2. China loves its soccer. its team? don’t ask.

Big money is part of the problem, he said, with most Chinese male soccer players making annual salaries of more than one million yuan, or $146,000, in a country where the average citizen’s income is less than $3,000. It goes to their heads, he said.


The Chinese news media often report on the flashy lives that many soccer players lead. Players have been caught with drugs and prostitutes. Such behavior is not that unusual for international soccer stars, but is out of the norm for Chinese athletes.


Unit Ten  People

1. The Birth of the Beatles

  Like Shakespeare, another provincial Englishman who produced greatness from nowhere, the Beatles surpassed their modest beginnings. They wrote in imitation of the American icons they loved, but they were more than slavish mimics. They drew on the rhythms of their childhoods, the nursery rhymes, sea shanties, working-class ballads and music-hall routines that made up the fabric of everyday English musical life.

  Like all great artists, they transcended their immediate historical circumstances. Perhaps nobody has come closer to capturing the vigor, optimism and sheer possibility of being young.




2. Gordon Brown

  Friends say he has been softened by marriage. He wed the public relations executive Sarah Macaulay in Fife in 2000 after a four-year courtship. In January 2002, their 10-day-old daughter, Jennifer, died after being born two months prematurely. At her funeral Mr. Brown declared that Jennifer had transformed his and Sarah’s lives twice. “Once by entering our lives, then by leaving.” He later told an interviewer that he could not listen to music for a year afterwards as he grieved.



Unit Eleven  Psychology

2. The Creative Personality

Creative people trend to be both extroverted and introverted. We’re usually one or the other, either preferring to be in the thick of crowds or sitting on the sidelined and observing the passing show. In fact, in current psychological research, extroversion and introversion are considered the most stable personality traits that differentiate people from each other and that can be reliably measured. Creative individuals, on the other hand, seem to exhibit both traits simultaneously.



Unit Twelve  Social Issues

1. Unhappy America

  And it’s not just the downturn that has caused this discontent.    Many Americans feel as if they missed the boom. Between 2002 and 2006 the incomes of 99% rose by an average of 1% a year in real terms, while those of the top 1% rose by 11% a year, three-quarters of the economic gains during Mr. Bush’s presidency went to that top 1%. Economic envy, once seen as a European vice, is now rife. The rich appear in Barack Obama’s speeches not as entrepreneurial role models but as modern versions of the “malefactors of great wealth” denounced by Teddy Roosevelt a century ago: this lot, rather than building trusts, avoid taxes and ship jobs to Mexico.

并且,导致这次不满情绪的不仅仅是经济的衰退。    许多美国人感觉好像它们错过了经济繁荣时期。在20022006年间,99%的人的工资平均每年实际只增长了1%,然而那处于顶端的1%的人的工资每年却增长了11%。在布什先生就任总统的期间,四分之三的经济增长都给了那顶端的1%。经济嫉妒,曾一度被看作是欧洲的缺点,现在(在美国也)非常普遍了。出现在巴拉克·奥巴马演说词中的富人们没有成为模范企业家,而是成了现代版的为富不仁。正如在一个世纪之前泰迪·罗斯福说的那样:这帮人,不是在建立信任,而是在逃税并向墨西哥输出劳务。 

Unit Fourteen  Art

1. In the Gloom, Seeing Rembrandt With New Eyes

I’m not saying hard times alone produced this painting. Rembrandt and art are so much more complicated than that. But when he was put to the test by circumstance, he somehow turned catastrophe into opportunity; turned his weakness into strength. From almost nothing — a little paint, a stretch of cloth, a freed-up mind and an unembarrassed heart — he made this.



