
发布时间:2011-10-19 15:10:33   来源:文档文库   



International Hot Topics Heart Forum

Beijing 2009



(416 星期四 3层第四会议室)

持:霍 吴永健 彭建军

13301400  最新PCI治疗指南解读

Interpretation of the Latest PCI Guideline

14001430 冠脉复杂病变导引导管的选择策略及操作经验 彭建军

The Selection Strategy of Guiding Catheter in Complex Coronary Artery Lesions

and Operation Experience

14301500  冠脉复杂病变导引导丝的选择策略及操作经验 刘海波

The Selection Strategy of GuideWire in Complex Coronary Artery Lesions

and Operation Experience

150015: 30 球囊及支架的选择及操作要领

The Selection Criteria of Balloon and Stent as well as the Operation Checkpoints

15301540  休息

Coffee Break

15: 401610 IABP的使用策略和时机 李建平

The Strategy and Indications for IABP Application in PCI

16101640  急诊PCI处理策略及操作要点 吴永健

The Strategy and Operation Checkpoints in emergent PCI

16401700  药物洗脱支架时代支架断裂的再认识

Recognition of Stent Fracture in DES era

17001730 CTO 的基础与临床 李建军

Basic Research and Clinical Practice in CTO

1800—2000 开幕式晚宴

Opening Ceremony and Dinner Party



(416 星期四 3层第五会议室)

主持:胡大一 郭静萱 杨水祥

13301400  2008 ESC 心力衰竭指南解读   郭静萱

Interpretation of 2008 ESC Heart Failure Guideline

14001430  2008 AHA 顽固性高血压治疗指南 郭丹杰

2008 AHA Guideline for Refractory Hypertension

1430—15: 00 2008 ESC 急性肺栓塞指南解读 马迎民

Interpretation of 2008 ESC Guideline for Acute Pulmonary Embolism

15001530  2008 ESC ST 抬高心肌梗死指南解读   杨水祥

Interpretation of 2008 ESC Guideline for STEMI

15: 30—1540 休息

Coffee Break

15401610  中国心血管疾病的未来与发展 胡大一

The Progress and Future of Cardiovasology in China

16101640  ACC/AHA不稳定性心绞痛/ST段抬高心肌梗死治疗指南解读  徐成斌

Interpretation of the ACC/AHA Guideline for Unstable Angina

Pectoris/Non-ST segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction

16401710 ACCF/AHA/负荷超声心动图适应症指南解读 

Interpretation of ACCF/AHA Guideline for the Indications of StressEchocardiography

17101730 抗高血压新药研究进展 孙宁玲

The Progress of Novel Anti-hypertensive Medicine

1800—2000 开幕式及晚宴

Opening Ceremony and Dinner Party



(416 星期四 3层第三会议室)

主持:马长生 曹克将 葛堪忆

13301400  心脏再同步治疗心衰最新进展

The Progress of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Heart Failure

14001430  室上速特殊径路的射频消融术

Radio Frequency Ablation of Special Pathways in Supraventricular Tachycardia

14301500  室速的射频消融术

Radio Frequency Ablation of Ventricular Tachycardia

15001530  室性心律失常的危险分层及治疗策略 曹克将

The Risk Stratification and Treatment Strategies for Ventricular Arrhythmia

15301540  休息

Coffee Break

15401610  室上速射频消融术需注意的几个问题 刘书旺

Radio Frequency Ablation for Supraventricular Tachycardia: Several Questions

16101640  房颤射频消融的术式选择与策略 单兆亮

The operation style Selection and Strategy of Radio Frequency in Atrial Fibrillation

1640—1720 降低猝死率,我们能够做什么 葛堪忆

To Bring Down the Incidence of Sudden Death, What can we do?

1800—2000 开幕式及晚宴

Opening Ceremony and Dinner Party


417 星期五 1层大会议室)


主持:胡大一 杨跃进 杨水祥

08000820 2009 ACC 亮点荟萃   胡大一

2009 ACC Highlights

08200850 无复流临床处理策略 彭建军

The Strategy of Clinical Management for No-Reflow

08500910  慢性心血管疾病的分级管理 李瑞杰

The Hierarchical Management of Chronic Cardiovascular Diseases

09100930 2009 冠状动脉介入治疗展望 杨跃进

The Interventional Therapy in Coronary Artery Diseases: 2009 Prospective

09300950  压力导丝在冠脉介入诊疗中的应用价值 郭丽君

The Value of Pressure Wire in PCI

09501000  休息

Coffe Break

主持:杨水祥 陈步星 吴立群

1000—1020 冠状动脉内生物可吸收支架进展 杨水祥

Update in Bioabsorbable Coronary Stent

1020—1040 2009 桡动脉PCI治疗进展

2009 Progress in Transradial Cardiovascular Intervention

1040—1100 OCT 成像在冠状动脉支架植入术中及术后的应用 陈步星

The Application of OCT Imaging during and after PCI

1100—1130 心血管疾病:日益壮大的学科 James K.Liao

Cardiovascular Disease: Emerging Science

1140—1230 卫星会(步长集团药业)

Satellite Conference


主持:陈韵岱 颜红兵

13301350  IVUS 在支架内再狭窄评估中的应用进展

The Application Progress of IVUS in Evaluation of in-stent Restenosis

13501410  造影剂肾病临床及研究的最新视点 陈韵岱

The New Perspectives in the Basic Research and Clinical Practice

of Radiographic Contrast Nephropathy

14101430  2009ACC&i2 临床研究结果荟萃 颜红兵

2009ACC&i2 Meta-analysis of the Clinical Researches

14301450  桥血管病变介入治疗进展 宋现涛

The Interventional Therapy for Bypass Graft Vascular

1450—1510 急诊PCI术后亚急性血栓形成 曾玉杰

Sub-acute Thrombosis after Emergent PCI

1510—1520 休息

Coffee Break


主持:杨庭树 王伟民

1520—1540 慢性闭塞性病变介入治疗并发症及治疗策略 陈韵岱

Complications and Management Strategy of PCI in CTO

1540—1600 左主干病变的介入治疗新视点 王伟民

New Perspectives of PCI for Left Main Coronary Artery Disease

16001620 OCT 操作技巧

OCT Operative Techniques

1620—1640 如何更好地处理冠脉分叉病变 杨庭树

How to Better Manage Bifurcation lesions

1640—17: 00 复杂病变询证医学证据与个体化策略 柳景华

Evidence Based Management and Individualization Strategy of Complex Lesions

17001720 复杂冠脉病变介入治疗进展 李田昌

Update of PCI in Complex Coronary Artery Lesions

1720—1800 卫星会(勃林格英格瀚药业)

Satellite Conference


417 星期五 2层第十一会议室)


主持:吴学思 陈炜 刘雪玲

08: 00—0830 ESC 心力衰竭精粹   吴学思

Essential Abstract of ESC Heart Failure Guideline

08300850 BNP 在心力衰竭诊治中的最新进展   杨水祥

Update of BNP in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Heart Failure

08500910  血管活性药物在心力衰竭中的合理应用

The Optimized Application of Vasoactive Agents in the Management of Heart Failure

09100930  射血分数正常的心力衰竭的诊治进展   丁文惠

The Progress of the Diagnosis and Treatment of Heart Failure

with Normal Ejection Fraction

09300950  高血压急症的个体化治疗 党爱民

Individualized Care for Hypertensive Emergencies_

09501000  休息

Coffee Break


主持:李小鹰 杨新春 史旭波

10001020 对血栓形成的新认识  史旭波

New Light of Thrombosis

10201040  急性冠脉综合症合并房颤的抗凝治疗 杨新春

The Anticoagulation in the Management of Acute Coronary Syndrome

with Atrial Fibrillation

10401100  深静脉血栓的预防和治疗现状 李小鹰

The Current Prophylaxis and Treatment of DVT

11001120  新型抗凝药临床应用进展   许俊堂

An update of the Application of Novel Anticoagulation Agents

11: 20—1140 如何防治阿司匹林引起的消化道出血

How to Prevent and Treat Aspirin-induced Hemorrhage in the Digestive Tract

1140—1230 卫星会(万生药业)

Satellite Conference


主持:朱 吴海英 周北玲

13301350 高血压药物联合治疗 吴海英

The Combined Therapy of Hypertension

13501410  贫血与慢性心力衰竭    严晓伟

Anemia and Chronic Heart Failure

14101430  药物致长 QT: 药物安全性的热点

Drug-induced Long QT: Drug Safety

14301450  心力衰竭的合理用药 刘晓惠

The Rational Medcine Treatment of Heart Failure

14501510 胺碘酮的临床评价   杨艳敏

The Clinical Evaluation of Amiodarone

1510—1520 休息

Coffee Break


主持:叶 李广平 严晓伟

15201540  Jupiter的启示:他汀类药物治疗的优势 James K. Liao

Inside Jupiter: Benefits of Statins Therapy

15401600  他汀类药物在房颤防治中的地位和作用 李广平

The Role of Statins in the Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation

16001630  2008 血脂临床试验解读

An Interpretation of the 2008 Blood Lipid Clinical Trial

1630—1650 从降脂到抗炎: 他汀22年历程的新启示  杨水祥

The Inspiration of the 22-year history of Statin: from Lipid-Lowering

to Anti-inflammation

16501730  调脂历程困惑与期望  陆宗良

The Perplexities and Anxieties in the Treatment of Dyslipidemia

1730—1800 卫星会

Satellite Conference


417 星期五 2层第十二会议室)


主持:李光伟 肖新华

08000820 高血糖防治对心血管疾病的影响   李光伟

The Effects of Hyperglycemia Management on the Cardiovascular Diseases

08200840  代谢综合征与心血管疾病    肖新华

Metabolic Disorders and Cardiovascular Diseases

08400900  糖尿病与心血管疾病发生发展的新视点 杨金奎

Novel Perspectives of the Pathogenesis of Diabetes and Cardiovascular Diseases

09000920  糖尿病合并心血管疾病的药物选择  郭晓蕙

Selection of Drugs in the Management of Diabetes in Combination

with Cardiovascular Diseases

09200940 休息

Coffee Break


主持:潘 刘新民 许文兵

09401000 肺动脉高压分类

The Classification of Pulmonary Hypertension

10001020  睡眠相关性肺动脉高压

Sleep-related Pulmonary Hypertension

10201040  血栓性肺动脉高压 刘新民

Thrombotic Pulmonary Hypertension

10401100  肺间质病合并肺动脉高压 徐文兵

Pulmonary Interstitial Diseases in Combination with Pulmonary Hypertension

1100—1120 右心导管检查术

Cardiac Examination via Right Heart Catheter

1140—1230 卫星会(百事贸易药业)

Satellite Conference


主持:武阳丰 赵冬 张维

13301350  抑郁症与冠心病 刘梅颜

Depression and Coronary Artery Diseases

13501410  血脂异常流行病学新发现  张维君

Epidemiological Discoveries of Dyslipidemia

14101430  脑卒中二级预防的降压治疗   贺茂林

The Pressure-Lowering Treatment and the Second Stage Prevention of Stroke

1430—1500 中国儿童与青少年中肥胖与心血管危险因素的聚类分析 Alice P.S. Kong

Obesity and Cardiovascular Risk Factors Clustering in Chinese Children and Adolescents

15001520  心血管病综合危险因素与心血管病防治新视点 武阳丰

The Integrative Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Diseases and the Latest Update of Treatment Strategies

15201540  2008 心血管病研究进展

The 2008 Update of Cardiovascular Disease


主持:惠汝太 James k.Liao 杨水祥

15401600  基因与冠心病 惠汝太

Genomics and Coronary Artery Diseases

16001620  ROCK活性:代谢综合症和血管炎症的新标识物 James K. Liao

ROCK Activity: A Novel Marker of Metabolic Syndrome and Vascular Inflammation

16201640  冠心病的生物学治疗进展 高连如

Update in Biological Treatment of Coronary Artery Diseases

1640—1700 风湿免疫病与心血管危险因素从机制到临床 赵绵松

Rheumatic Immunological Diseases and Cardiovascular Risk-From Mechanism to Clinical Practice

1700—1720 干细胞治疗心律失常----应用、问题与展望 任晓庆

The Treatment of Arrhythmia with Stem Cells-Application, Problems and Future

1720—1800 卫星会(辉瑞公司)

Satellite Conference


418 星期六 1层大会议室)


主持:高 周玉杰 杨庭树

讨论者: 宋现涛 曾玉杰 彭建军

08000820 冠脉介入治疗术前评估

The Preoperative Evaluation of PCI

0820—0835 圆锥支闭塞致心脏骤停一例报道 曾玉杰

Case Report: Cardiac Arrest Caused by Obstruction of the Conus Branch

0835—0850 病例报告 宋现涛

Case Report

0850—0905 病例报告

Case Report

0905—0920 病例报告

Case Report

09200935 病例报告

Case Report

0935—0950 病例报告 王国宏Case Report

0950—1005 复杂闭塞病变介入一例

Interventional Therapy for One Patient with Complex Obstructive Lesion

1005—1010 休息

Coffee Break


主持:盖鲁粤 杨水祥 何作祥

10101030 心脏舒张功能的超声诊断

The Ultrasonic Diagnosis of Cardiac Diastolic Function

10301050 09 欧放会议冠心病影像学检查最新进展 王仁贵

The Latest Update of the Radiographic Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Diseases:

09 European Conference of Radiology

10501110 CT 在心脏检查方面的应用进展 盖鲁粤

Update of CT in the Diagnosis of Heart Diseases

11101130  核素在心脏检查方面的应用进展 何作祥

The Latest Update of Nuclide in the Diagnosis of Heart Diseases

113011:50 心脏同步化治疗的超声评价

Ultrasonic Evaluation after Cardiac Synchronization Therapy

1150—1230 卫星会(赛克药业)

Satellite Conference




主持:王 何耀 郭艺芳

13301350 被动吸烟与心脑血管病   耀

Passive Smoking and Cardiocerebrovascular Diseases

13501410 高血压优化治疗方案

The Optimized Treatment of Hypertension

14101430 从最新研究证据重新思考β-受体阻滞剂在降压治疗中的地位 郭艺芳

The Effects of Beta Blocker in the Treatment of Hypertension: Reconsideration

with Latest Evidence

14301450 慢性肾脏病高血压控制的策略方法

Strategy and Management of Blood Presure Control in Chronic Kidney

1450—1510 脑卒中急性期的降压治疗  黄旭升

The Management of Blood Pressure in the Acute Phase of Stroke

15101530 ROCK抑制介导脑卒中治疗中他汀的基因多效性 James K. Liao

Inhibition of ROCK as Mediator of Statin Pleiotropy in Stroke


主持:杨水祥 James K.Liao

1530—1540 干细胞移植治疗急性心肌梗塞的4年随访与启示 杨水祥

The 4-year Follow-up of Stem Cell Transplantation in the Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction and Implications

1540—1600 Akt/mTOR: 肥胖与血管老化的关系 James K. Liao

Akt/mTOR: A Link Between Obesity and Vascular Senescence

1600—1630 优秀论文交流

Presentation of Excellent Papers

1630—1700 闭幕式

Closing Ceremony




主持:马长生 董建增 杨杰孚

08000820  导管射频消融治疗房颤十年的共识与问题   马长生

Consensus and Controversy of Radio Frequency Ablation in Atrial Fibrillation

08200840  房颤的微创外科治疗  

The Minimally Invasive Surgery in the Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation

08400900  房颤研究展望   董建增

An Prospective Insight into the Research of Atrial Fibrillation

09000920  房颤药物治疗研究新进展    杨杰孚

Update of Drug Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation

09200940  房颤消融后房性心律失常治疗  商丽华

The Treatment of Atrial Arrhythmia after Radio Frequency Ablation

of Atrial Fibrillation

09400950  休息

Coffee Break

主持:杨延宗 王玉堂 方丕华

0950—1020 器质性心脏病室速的电生理机制和导管消融术 

The Electrophysiological Mechanisms of Ventricular Tachycardia in Organic

Heart Diseases and Catheter Ablation

10201040  胺碘酮在房颤节律控制策略中的地位和问题  杨延宗

The Effects of Amiodarone in the Management of Atrial Fibrillation

10401100  特发性室速的射频消融进展 方丕华 Update of Radio Frequency Ablation in the Treatment of Idiopathic

Ventricular Tachycardia

11001120  房颤发生机制研究进展 王玉堂

The Progress of the Research in the Mechanism of Atrial Fibrillation

11201140  房颤患者脑卒中的预防    屈晓霞

The Prevention of Stroke in AF Patients

1140—1230 卫星会(施贵宝公司)

Satellite Conference


主持:丁燕生 李学斌 商丽华

13301350  心律失常的发生机理及治疗进展  浦介麟

The Latest Update of the Treatment and Mechanism of Arrhythmia

13501410  持续性房颤导管消融治疗进展 刘兴鹏

Update of Treating Continuous Atrial Fibrillation with

Catheter Atrial Fibrillation

14101430  2009 房颤药物治疗的新视点 杨水祥

New Perspectives of 2009 Guideline for Atrial Fibrillation

1430—1440 休息

Coffee Break

1440—1500  心律失常心肌病研究进展   李学斌

The Progress of Myocardiopathy induced by Arrhythmia

15001520  心衰合并房颤的非药物治疗 丁燕生

The Non-drug Treatment of Heart Failure in combination with Atrial Fibrillation

15201540  室早的射频消融治疗 刘惠亮

The Treatment of Ventricular Premature Beats with Radio Frequency Ablation

1630—1700 闭幕式

Closing Ceremony


