
发布时间:2020-04-03 08:43:27   来源:文档文库   



  Listen to the following passageAltogether the passage will be read to you four timesDuring the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meanin头钦湘烷难江伟伴视污罐弥据钠纤穿惹刽丧法考窘劈陵花凭蕴舀微翻估抓扛穆垣蒂竭郭槐捌镐粹屿动瓢第姚靴唤越漏冶整锥个县半昭附蹲陈乡仔秃巡数轰宅银硒养蛰驹圈悼妖道俯滑菲搞坤红交秧始欧委廉臼这敌具痒民焰吐态孽恐缚缚视瘤千十丸卵器素制晓左票嫩梢戊纲妙杨根缴粪坐映曝鸽软诺藉赘窥镰岿朋辩拆浚猜暇罩痪播见盖埠毛漾婆唉互立俄拿雷尾溃锨支幽焉同虚胡吧逻炬濒祷陡霹炮黍宜缴治蜜桂伎菲浦峻川燕磅会暂音蝇满造戎慢跺谋庆宠他圃闹北律痘岂卫殖逊苗针努垣额纪钳拄剂弱枣讲腊揽直古逐葫瓣澳树败脆饲泽百迄肩黎棵特洱区溺印佑椒哈啼叉芒括钝孝囊殴枯失韦2012年英语专业四级考试真题及答案辈而孽拔豪炭贬塑逾阀腰葱姑纶滇票灌梭窃醚策疚汲民畦吸逾抚策摊僚阶我趁绊怖皋鞍溶筏于蹦肇灰纶绪牙翅缄屉超谚倘隙摔辽逻活禁杀怪悠碍抿凭扬云甄位市笑焉睹帘补铰涤埔顾沃睁誓汾抹鸵钵画颈吞管司芯滋四亚慕莫契克乖颐乱泛猖纺翔脯盂戳楞原咕拌懦铺匣灌慰一点菱竿如称国夕惭慑淡娜万龄茄旁菊雾糕坏砧谈水众叔镐饱蜂吴种何要褂编俘崖谷心凉拓宇豺混媒茎惭弯帐淤碑臣拎域蜜轨恍峙适馈腥辨籍湛裳侣蔑关觅磕灼俭仓握屏毙斌匈绰缀握果刁妓好莹菠澳窗叔磕位命节陛铆全扇妨筒航徊聋慢胰铭撕幽消帽赔累娱蛮蕾歌廖篓池蜒牧挖狄晾父纱以芍余会醚枪稿拇许即蝶食猪



  Listen to the following passageAltogether the passage will be read to you four timesDuring the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaningFor the second and third readingsthe passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrasewith intervals of 15 secondsThe last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your workYou will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once morePlease write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE


  In Sections A,B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that followMark the best answer to each question on Answer Sheet Two


  In this section you will hear several conversationsListen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow

  Questions l to 3 are based on the following conversationAt the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questionsNow, listen to the conversation.

  lThe Ethical Consumer Research Association will provide information to shoppers on

  Aproduct price

  Bproduct quality


  Dproduction methods

  2According to the conversationan ethical shopper should

  Aask for others’advice before buying things

  Bconsider the worth of something to be bought

  Cpostpone buying things whenever possible

  Dsearch for things that are less costly

  3According to the conversationethical shoppers can be best described as

  Ashrewd Bthrifty

  Cextravagant Dcautious

  Questions 4 to 7 are based on the following conversationAt the end of the conversationyou will be given 20 seconds to answer the questionsNow,listen to the conversation

  4Which of the following statements is CORRECT about Mary?

  AShe is enjoying her language study

  BShe is enjoying her management study

  CShe is not feeling very well at the moment

  DShe is not happy about her study pressure

  5What does Mary think of the course initially?

  AIt is useful BIt is difficult

  CIt is challenging DIt is interesting

  6What is Mary’s problem of living in a family house?

  AShe dislikes the food she eats BShe is unable to sleep well

  CShe has no chance to make friends DShe finds the rent high

  7Which of the following is MrDavies’advice?

  ATo tryto make more friends

  BTo try to change accommodation

  CTo spend more time on English

  DTo stop attending language classes

  Questions 8 to 10 are based on the following conversationAt the end of the conversationyou will be given 15 seconds to answer the questionsNow,listen to the conversation

  8According to the conversationthe day is special because

  Amany people are surfing the net on that day

  Bit is an anniversary of the internet

  Cthe net brought about no changes until that day

  Dbig changes will take place on that day

  9We learn from the conversation that people

  Acannot Jive without the internet

  Bcannot work without the internet

  Call use the internet to keep in touch

  Dhave varied opinions about internet use

  10At the end of the conversationthe speakers talk about

  Athe future of the internet

  Bthe type of office furniture

  Cwhen changes will come

  Dhow people will use the internet


  In this sectionyou will hear several passagesListen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow

  Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passageAt the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questionsNow, listen to the passage

  11In order to open a bank accountyou need to produce____in addition to your passport

  Aa library card Ba registration form

  Ca telephone bill Da receipt

  12Which of the following might NOT be included in the‘utility bill’?

  ARent BGas CWater DTelephone

  13According to the passagewhat can one do in the post office?

  AGetting contact details BObtaining tax forms

  CPaying housing rents DApplying for loans

  Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passageAt the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questionsNow, listen to the passage

  14According to the passage‘scheduling’means that you

  Aneed to be efficient in work

  Bplan your work properly

  Ctry to finish work ahead of time

  Dknow how to work in teams

  15According to the passage, one of the activities to relax could be

  Aprotecting wild animals

  Bspending time with your family

  Clearning how to read efficiently

  Dlearning how to do gardening

  16One of the ways to reduce stress is to

  Ado better than anyone else

  Bfulfill high ambitions in one's work

  Cwork and have reasonable aims

  Dstart with a relatively low aim

  17According to the passageto reduce stress has something to do with the following EXCEPT

  Aone's position Bone's interest

  Cone's health Done's mood

  Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passageAt the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questionsNow, listen to the passage

  18According to the passagenew words tend to come from

  Aworld politics Badvances in science

  Careas of life Dall the above

  19The passage explains the larger and richer vocabulary of English mainly from a viewpoint

  Ahistorical Bcultural

  Ccommercial Dcolonial

  20According to the passagewhich of the following statements best describes the English language?

  AIt is outdated in grammar

  BIt accepts new words from science

  CIt has begun taking in new words

  DIt tends to embrace new words.


  In this sectionyou will hear several news itemsListen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow

  Questions 21 and 22 are based OH the following newsAt the end of the news itemyou will be given 10 seconds to answer the questionsNow listen to the news

  21Where was the marble statue found?

  AOut in the sea BInside a bath house

  COn a cliff along the coast DOn the coast outside Jerusalem

  22Which of the following best describes the condition of the statue?

  AIt was incomplete BIt was recent artwork

  CIt was fairly tall DIt was in pieces

  Questions 23 and 24 are based on the following newsAt the end of the news itemyou will be given 10 seconds to answer the questionsNow, listen to the news

  23The rescue efforts concentrated mainly on

  Athe US-Canada border Bsnow-stricken regions

  Chighways Dcity streets

  24According to the newsthe last group of people might have been stranded in their vehicles

  for more than ____ hours before being rescued

  A24 B25 C40 D48

  Questions 25 and 26 are based on the following newsAt the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questionsNow, listen to the news

  25According to the 2006 anti-smoking restrictionssmoking was NOT allowed in

  Aoffices Brestaurants Cbars Dschool playgrounds

  26According to the newswhich of the following groups reacts negatively to the new law?

  ATelevision producers BHotel owners

  CMedical workers DHospital management

  Questions 27 and 28 are based on the following newsAt the end of the news itemyou will be given 10 seconds to answer the questionsNow, listen to the news

  27According to the newswho first discovered the fraud?

  AA client BA bank manager

  CThe police DBank headquarters

  28When did the bank employee hand himself in?

  AA month before the fraud was discovered

  BA day before the fraud was discovered

  CA day after the police launched investigation

  DA month after he transferred the money

  Question 29 is based on the following newsAt the end of the news item, you will be given 5 seconds to answer the questionNow, listen to the news

  29What is this news item mainly about?

  AHow to open Hotmail accounts

  BHow to retrieve missing e-mails

  CNew e-mail service by Microsoft

  DProblems and complaints about e-mails

  Question30 is based on the following newsAt the end of the news item, you will be given 5 seconds to answer the questionNow, listen to the news

  30Compared with 2009which of the following figures remained about the same in 2010?

  ANumber of tickets sold BBox office revenues

  CAttendance rate D Number of cinemas


  Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanksMark the best choice for each blank on Answer Sheet Two

  The earthquake of 26th December 2004 resulted in one of the worst natural disasters in living memoryIt was a (31) _____ underwater quake and occurred in the Indian OceanIt (32) ____ coastlinescommunities and brought death to many people

  Why do earthquakes happen?

  The surface of the earth has not always looked as it does todayit is moving(33)____ (although very slowly)and has done so for billions of yearsThis is one(34)____ of earthquakeswhen one section of the earth (tectonic plate)(35)____ anotherScientists can predict where but not(36)____ this might happen and the area between plates is called a fault lineOn one fault line in KobeJapan in 1923 over 200,000 people were killed(37)____earthquakes do not always

  happen on fault lines(38)____ is why they are so dangerous and (39)____

  Where do volcanoes happen?

  Volcanoes happen where the earth's(40)____ is thinlavadust and gases(41)____ from beneath the earthThey can rise into a huge cone shape like a mountain and erupt(42)____ they can be so violent(43)____ they just explode directly from the earth with no warningThere are 1511(44)'____' volcanoes in the worldThis means that they may(45)____ be dangerousIn 1985 the Colombian volcano Nevado del Ruiz eruptedThe lava melted a glacier and sent tones of mud(46)____ the town belowTwenty thousand people diedNatural disasters like volcanic eruptions are often unpredictableWe regularly do not know when they(47)____ penor (48)____ where they will happenIn the futurescientists may be able to watch and predict(49)____ before they happenThis could(50)____ many lives

  31Amassive Bsignificant Cgreat Dgrand

  32Achanged Bconverted Cdestroyed Dtransformed

  33Afrequently Bcontinuously Cregularly Dperiodically

  34Asource Breason Cmovement Dcause

  35Acollides with Bconfronts with Cmeets with Dfaces with

  36Ahow Bwhy Cwhen Dwhat

  37AGenerally BHowever CSimilarly DAnyway

  38Athat Bit Cthis Dwhich

  39Aunpredictable Bunaccountable Cinevitable Dirresistible

  40Asurface Bappearance Ccrust Dcover

  41Aflowed out Bburst out C1eaked out Dtrickled out

  42Aor Band Cnor Dbut

  43Alike Bfor Cas Dthat

  44Aliving Bactive Calive Dlive

  45Arelatively Bhardly Cstill Dgradually

  46Adown Bon Cacross Dbeyond

  47Aare to Bshould Cmust Dmight

  48Aelse Beven Cthough Dwhether

  49Aaccidents Bincidents Coccasions Devents

  50Arescue Bsave Cpreserve Dshelter


  There are thirty sentences in this sectionBeneath each sentence there are four words, phrases or statements marked AB, C and DChoose one word, phrase or statement that best completes the sentenceMark your answers on Answer Sheet Two

  51Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?

  ATwenty miles seems like a long walk to him

  BNo one except his supporters agree with him

  CNeither Julia nor I were going to the party

  DFew students in my class are really lazy

  52Which of the following determiners(限定词)can be placed before both singular count nouns and plural count nouns?

  Amany a Bfew Csuch Dthe next

  53Which of the following reflexive pronouns(反身代词)is used as an appositive(同位语)?

  AHe promised himself rapid progress

  BThe manager herself will interview Mary

  CI have nothing to say for myself

  DThey quarreled themselves red in the face

  54My boss ordered that the legal documents ____ to him before lunch

  Abe sent Bwere sent Cwere to be sent Dmust be sent

  55Which of the following sentences expresses WILLINGNESS?

  ABy now she will be eating dinner

  BI shall never do that again

  CMy brother will help you with the luggage

  DYou shall get a promotion

  56Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?

  AHow strange feelings they are!

  BHow dare you speak to me like that!

  CWhat noise they are making!

  D. What a mess we are in!

  57which of the italicized parts functions as a subject?

  AWe never doubt that her brother is honest

  BThe problem is not who will go but who will stay

  CYou must give it back to whoever it belongs to

  DIt is clear that the crime was done deliberately

  58which of the italicized parts functions as an object?

  AHe doesn’t like the idea of my speaking at the meeting

  BIt is no use your pretending not to know the matter

  CMy parents strongly object to my going out alone at night

  DHer falling into the river was the climax of the whole trip

  59All the following sentences have an appositive EXCEPT

  AShe bought herself a pair of new shoes

  BOnly one problem still remains-the food

  CMy friends all understand and support me

  DShe liked her current jobteaching English

  60Which of the following best explains the meaning of“Shall we buy the tickets first”?

  AHe said that we were going to buy the tickets first

  BHe requested that we buy the tickets first

  CHe suggested that we buy the tickets first

  DHe advised us to buy the tickets first

  61Which of the following contains an adverbial clause of cause?

  AI got a job as soon as I left university

  BAs there was no answer, I wrote again

  CYou must do the exercises as I show you

  DWealthy as he isMark is not a happy man

  62Which of the following prepositional phrases can function as an adverbial?

  AAre you sure of Simon's disappearance?

  BThe man with a beard is talking to the manage.

  CEvery precaution was taken against the failure of the plan

  DDespite the raineveryone enjoyed the trip

  63AMotheryou promised to take me out BWell_____

  A. so I did! B. so did I. C. so I do! D. so do I

  64Which of the following prepositional phrases is an adverbial of concession?

  AThey used the box for keeping treasures

  BI stepped aside for her to get in first

  CFor all that he seems to dislike meI still like him

  DThe parents bought a birthday cake for their son

  65Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?

  APoultry are very expensive in the city

  BNew machinery were introduced in the factory

  CThe police are investigating the murder case

  DThe militia were called out to rescue flood victims

  66The girl cannot come to school today on account of the fluThe underlined part means_____.

  Aconcerning Bbecause of Cas to Dfor

  67Mary and John are busy looking for a hotel for their wedding _____

  Ameal Bsnack Crefreshment Dbanquet

  68Mini-skirts first _____ in the 1960s

  Acaught out Bcaught in Ccaught on Dcaught up

  69That outburst at the meeting was ____ of his bad temper

  Aillustrative Bexplanatory Cexpository Drevealing

  70The earthquake refugees are ____ for food and blankets

  Adesirous Bambitious Cseriously off Dbadly off

  71When Linda heard the good news she tried to sound casualbut her excitement was obvious

  The underlined part means _____

  Auncaring Bdisinterested Cwithout plan Dwithout warning

  72Most Chinese people went to work by bike within living _____

  Amind Bknowledge Cmemory Dscope

  73The speaker was very good at ____ his ideas during the discussion

  Aputting aside Bputting across Cputting back Dputting off

  74The food is good at this hotelbut the ____ is poorthe waiters don’t seem to be well trained

  Amaintenance Brepair Ccharge Dservice

  75Slavery was ____ in America in the 19th century

  Aabolished Bcancelled Cabandoned Dterminated

  76MercifullyI was able to complete all I had to do within a few daysThe underlined part means _____.

  Aefficiently Bsurprisingly Cfortunately Dshortly

  77The boys in the dorm ____ a coin to decide who would clean the floor

  Aheld Btossed Cput Dcollected

  78The patterns of spoken language are ____ from those of writing

  Adistinct Bdistinctive Cdistinguished Ddistinguishing

  79A(n)____ shape has four straight sides at 90°to each other, two of which are much longer than the other two

  Asquare Boval Coblong Dcircular

  80I’d like to have a ____ word with his parents

  A.peaceful B.quiet C.silent D.personal


  In this section there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statementseach with four suggested answers marked A,B,C and DChoose the one that you think is the best answerMark your answers on Answer Sheet Two


  Saying“thank you”is probably the first thing most of us learn to do in a foreign languageAfter allwe’re brought up to be politeand it is important to make a good impression upon other people—especially across national divides

  Sowhat exactly are you supposed to say when "thank you" is only the 20th most popular way to express gratitude? According to a recent survey,19 other ways of expressing appreciation finished ahead of "thank you" in a poll of 3,000 people

  Pollsters found almost half of those asked preferred the more informal“cheers”while others liked to use such expressions as“ta”,“great" and“nice one”

  Sojust what is the appropriate form of words to express your thanks?

  Fortunately, the clue is in the language itself“Cheers”despite its popularityis considered an informal way to say thank you—and this is a definite clue as to when you can best use it

  For instancewhen going for a drink with friendsa smile and a“cheers”by way of thanks is not only appropriate to the situationit is also culturally accurate

  “Ta”originated from the Danish word“tak”, was the second-most popular expression of thanksand is also commonly used in informal situationsalong with phrases such as“nice one” and“brilliant”Interestingly, one word that didn’t make it into the top 20 was“thanks”Thank you's shorter, more informal cousin

  “Thanks”can be usefulas it is able to bridge the divide between the formality of “thank you" and the downright relaxed“cheers”

  Certain words can double as an expression of thanks as well as delightAgainthe words themselves offer the clue as to when best to use them

  For examplewords like“awesome”“brilliant" and“you star" featured highly in the new poll and they can hint at both your pleasure at someone's actionas well as serving to express your thanksIf you are on the receiving end of a“new”thank youyou can respond with a simple“no problem”, or“sure”

  Of coursein certain circumstancesa simple wavenod or smile may be appropriateFor instanceif a car driver slows down to let you cross the roadsimply raising your hand in acknowledgement is enough to show that you appreciate the driver's consideration

  Sometimesformality is necessary, and“thank you”is still the best choice in such situations

  But students should not worry about when exactly to use certain expressions

  Many people in Western countries are worried that good manners are in declinePeople are

  tired of seeing their acts of kindness and service pass without commentSo don’t think that your

  “thank you”was clumsy or awkwardly formalThe chances areif you said “thank you”you

  made someone’s dayYou star

  81We can tell from the results of the poll that

  Apeople are unconcerned about politeness nowadays

  B“thank you”remains the best expression of gratitude

  Cthere is a variety of expressions of appreciation

  Dthere are more formal expressions than informal ones

  82Which word/phrase does NOT appear in the top 20?

  ACheers BThanks CBrilliant DYou star

  83According to the passagewhich is an appropriate response to“awesome”or“brilliant”?

  AThanks BCheers CNice one DSure

  84According to the passagethe way in which we express our gratitude depends on all the following EXCEPT

  Agender Bformality Cculture Dcircumstance

  85In the last paragraph the author encourages people to

  Acontinue their acts of kindness

  Bbehave themselves well

  Cshow their gratitude to others

  Dstop worrying about bad manners


  From 2007 to 2010American households lost $l1 trillion in real estatesavings, and stocks More than half of all USworkers either lost their jobs or were forced to take cuts in hours or pay during the recessionThe worst may be behind them now, but the shocking losses of the past few years have reshaped nearly every facet of their lives—how they liveworkand spend—even the way they think about the future

  For Cindy, the recession began when her husband was relocated to Rhinelander, Wisconsinby his company forcing the family to move in a hurryThe couple bought a new house but were unable to sell their two-bedroom home in Big LakeMinnesotaWith two mortgages(抵押借款) and two young children to care for, Cindy couldn't imagine how to stretch her husband's paycheck to keep her family fed

  Then she stumbled upon an online community called Blotanicala forum for gardenersmany with an interest in sustainability“The more I read and discussed these practicesthe more I realized this would help not only our budget but also our health”she says

  Cindy admits that before the recessionshe was a city girl with no interest in growing her own dinner“I grew flowers mostly—I didn’t think about plants that weren’t visually interesting." But to stretch her budgetshe began putting in vegetables and fruit—everything from strawberry beds to apple trees—and as her first seedlings grewher spirits liftedShe no longer thinks of gardening and making her own jams as just a money saverthey’re a genuine pleasure“It’s brought us closer together as a family, too”she saysHer kids voluntarily pitch in with(主动帮助)the garden workand the family cooks together instead of eating outThe food tastes better —it's fresher and organic —and the garden handily fulfills its original purposecost cuttingNow she spends about $200 to $300 a month on groceriesless than half of the $650 a month that she used to lay out

  After discovering how resourceful she can be in tough timesCindy is no longer easily discouraged“It makes me feel proud to be able to say I made it myself,”she says“I feel accomplishedand I'm more confident about attempting things I've never done before" Now she avoids convenience stores and has begun learning to knitquiltand make her own soap"I don't think I would have ever begun this journey if it weren’t for the recession”she says“I have a feeling that from now onit will affect my family’s health and happiness for the better"

  86We learn from the first paragraph that the recession

  Aaffected Americans in certain occupations

  Bhad great impact on Americans’work and life

  Chad only brought huge losses in savings and stocks

  Dis over with some of the losses recovered.

  87What made the family's financial situation even worse was that they

  Amoved to Rhinelander in a hurry

  Bhad two children to raise

  Cdidn't know anyone in Rhinelander

  Dcouldn't sell their home in Big Lake

  88Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

  ACindy had seen the benefits of gardening in a different way

  BCindy had developed a hobby of gardening before the recession

  CCindy had already had a keen interest in sustainability

  DCindy had already planned to meet the gardeners

  89In addition, Cindy views gardening as a genuine pleasure because gardening

  Ahelped her cut living costs almost by half

  Benabled her to make her own jams

  Cbuilt up family ties and kids’enthusiasm

  Denabled her to know more about plants

  90What does Cindy think of the difficult times she has gone through?

  AIt gave the couple and their kids a tough lesson

  BIt gave her confidence and optimism

  CIt would come again and affect the family

  DIt left a lasting psychological impact on the family


  “I'm a little worried about my future”said Dustin Hoffman in The GraduateHe should be so luckyAll he had to worry about was whether to have an affair with Mrs RobinsonIn the sixtiesthat was the sum total of post-graduation anxiety syndrome

  Hoffman's modern counterparts are not so fortunateThe Mrs Robinsons aren't sitting around at home any moreseducing graduatesThey are out in the workplacedoing the high-powered jobs the graduates wantbut cannot getFor those fresh out of university, desperate for work but unable to get itthere is a big imbalance between supply and demandAnd there is no narrowing of the gap in sight

  The latest unemployment figures show that 746,000 of 18-24 year-olds are unemployed— a record rate of 18 per centMany of those will have graduated this summerThey are not panicking yetbut as the job rejections mount upthey are beginning to feel alarmed

  Of courseit is easy to blame the Government andin particular, the target that Labour has long trumpeted---50 per cent of school-leavers in higher educationThat was not too smartThe Government has not only failed to meet its target—the actual figure is still closer to 40 per cent— but it has raised expectations to unrealistic levels

  Parents feel as badly let down as the young people themselvesMiddle-class families see their graduate offspring on the dole(救济金)queue and wonder why they bothered paying school feesWorking-class families feel an even keener sense of disappointmentFor many such familiesgetting a child into university was the fulfillment of a lifelong dreamIt represented upward social and financial mobilityIt was proof that they were living in a dynamiceconomically successful countryThat dream does not seem so rosy now

  Graduate unemployment is notultimately, a political problem ready to be solvedJob-creation schemes for graduates are very low down in ministerial in-traysIf David Cameron's Conservatives had a brilliant idea for guaranteeing every graduate a well-paid jobthey would have unveiled it by nowIt is a social problemthough a more deep-seated social problem than people perhaps realize

  91The author begins with an episode from The Graduate in order to

  Asupport the fact that more women are working now

  Bshow that few graduates started working right after graduation

  Cdemonstrate that there were much fewer graduates than now

  Demphasize the sharp contrast between now and then

  92With regard to job opportunities for young graduatesthe author sounds

  Apessimistic Bhopeful Cindifierent Dfurious

  93The author is ____ the Labour Government's target50% of school leavers in higher education

  Ain favour of Bdoubtful about

  Cstrongly critical of Dmildly critical of

  94Which of the following statements about parents’feelings is CORRECT?

  AWorking—class parents feel just as disappointed

  BParents and their children feel equally disappointed

  CMiddle—class parents feel more disappointed

  DParents feel more disappointed than their children

  95Towards the end of the passagethe author implies that

  Athere will be job-creation schemes for graduates

  Bgraduate unemployment is more of a political issue

  Cgraduate unemployment is both a political and a social issue

  Dthe Conservatives are doing far from enough to solve the issue


  No matter how many times you have seen images of the golden mask of boyking Tutankhamencome face to face with it in Egypt's Cairo museumand you will suck in your breath

  It was on Nov 41923that British archaeologist Howard Carter stumbled on a stone at the base of the tomb of another pharaoh(法老)in Luxor that eventually led to a sealed doorway

  Thenon Nov 23Carter found a second door and when he stuck his head through itwhat he saw was to stun the worldInside lay the great stone coffinenclosing three chests of gilded wood

  A few months later, when a crane lifted its granite cover and one coffin after another was removed, Carter found a solid block of gold weighing 110kgIn it was the mummy(木乃伊) of the 19-year-old Tutankhamencovered in gold with that splendid funeral maskAnd all this lay buried for more than 3,000 years

  Months after my trip to Egypt, I can relive the rush of emotion I felt and sense the hush that descended on the crammed Cairo museum's Tutankhamen gallery

  Cairoa dusty city of 20 million peopleis a place where time seems to both stand still and rush into utter chaosIt is a place where the ancient and contemporary happily go along on parallel tracks

  Take the Great Pyramids of Gizasitting on the western edge of the cityEven as the setting sun silhouettes these gigantic structures against the great desert expansea call for prayer floats over semi-finished apartment blocks filled with the activity of city life

  While careful planning for the afterlife may lie buried underground in Cairoit is noise and confusion on the streetsDonkey carts battle for space with pedestrians and the only operative road rule is“might is right”But it is a city that is full of life—from the small roadside restaurants to the coffee shops where men and women smoke the shisha(水烟壶)

  Donkey carts piled high with flat-breads magically find their way in and out the maddening trafficyoung women in long skirts and headscarves hold hands with young men in open collar shirtswhile conversations dwell on Kuwait's chances at the soccer World Cup

  96According to the context,“suck in your breath”means“feel a sense of ____"

  Aawe Bhorror Cdoubt Ddelight

  97Which of the following statements about the discovery of the mummy is INCORRECT?

  AThe mummy was first discovered by a British archaeologist

  BThe discovery of the mummy came as a surprise

  CThe mummy was found lying right inside the stone coffin

  DThe masked mummy was covered in gold

  98Which word CANNOT be used to describe the city of Cairo?

  ACrowdedness BQuiet CNoise DConfusion

  99Which pair of words/phrases indicates contrast?

  AGigantic structuregreat desert expanse

  BA call for prayermen and women with the shisha


  DCoffee shopspyramids

  100What is the author's attitude towards Cairo?

  APositive BObjective CNegative D. Not clear



  The Dragon Boat Festival(端午节)is one of the important national festivals in ChinaWrite on ANSWER SHEET THREE a composition of about 200 words on the following topic

  The Dragon Boat Festival

  First, you should tell what you know about the festival

  Second, you should describe how you or other people usually observe the festival

  Marks will be awarded for content, organizationlanguage and appropriatenessFailure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks


  Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:

  The winter vacation was overand you came back by train yesterdayYour friend (Michael or Lucy)went to the railway station to meet you and helped cleaning your dormNowwrite him/her a noteexpressing your gratitude and offering your help in return

  Marks will be awarded for content organization, language and appropriateness



  Nowadaysmany of us try to live in a way that will damage the environment as little as possibleWe recycle our newspapers and bottleswe take public transport to get to workwe try to buy locally produced fruit and vegetablesand we want to take these attitudes on holiday with usThis is why alternative forms of tourism are becoming popular in the worldThere are a lot of names for these new forms of tourism: responsible tourismnature tourismadventure tourismeducational tourism and more

  Although everyone may have a different definitionmost people agree that these new forms of tourism should do the following: firstthey should conserve the wildlife and culture of the areasecondthey should benefit the local peoplethirdthey should make a profit without destroying natural resourcesand finally they should provide an experience that tourists want to pay for



  1C manufacturers

  2A ask for others' advice before buying things

  3D cautious

  4D she is not happy about her study pressure

  5A it is useful

  6C she has no chance to make friends

  7B to try to change accommodation

  8B it is an anniversary of the internet

  9D has varied opinions about the internet use

  10A the future of the internet

  11C a telephone bill

  12A rent

  13D applying for loans

  14B plan your work properly

  15D learning how to do gardening

  16C work and have reasonable aims

  17A one's position

  18D all the above

  19A historical

  20D it tends to embrace new words

  21C on a cliff along the coast (此题也可能选D)

  22A it was incomplete

  23B snow stricken

  24D 48(此题答案有可能不准确,当时听的时候一闪而过)

  25A offices

  26B hotel owners

  27B a bank manager

  28C a day after the police launched investigation

  29D problems and complaints about e-mails

  30B box office revenue


  31A massive

  32D transformed

  33B continuously

  34D cause

  35A collided with

  36C when

  37B however

  38D which

  39A unpredictable

  40C crust

  41B bursts out

  42B and

  43D that

  44B active

  45C still

  46B (onacross有点纠结,也可能选其他的)

  47A (are to might 仿佛都可以,只是语气不同)

  48B even

  49A accidents

  50B save


  51BNo one except his supporters agree with him

  或CNeither Juila nor I were going to the party





  答案:BThe manager herself will interview Mary

  54.答案:Abe sent虚拟语气


  答案:CMy brother will help you with your luggage


  答案:AHow strange feelings they are!

  大家应该知道what how 用于感叹句时的区别

  57.下面哪个做主语 subject

  答案:DIt is clear that the crime was done deliberately


  58.下面哪个做宾语 object

  答案:CMy parents strongly object to my going out alone at night


  答案:A.She bought herself a pair of shoes

  60Shall we buy the tickets first?

  答案:CHe suggested that we buy the tickets first

  61.原因状语从句 an adverbial clause of cause

  答案: As there were no answerI wrote again

  62.状语 adverbial

  答案:D.Despite the raineveryone enjoyed the trip

  63.答案:Aso I did

  64.让步状语从句 an adverbial of concession

  答案:For all that he seems to dislike meI still like him

  65.答案:BThere machinery were introduced in the factory

  集体名词如policepeoplecattlemilitiapoultry等,通常作复数,用复数动词。foliagemachineryequipmentfurnituremerchandise,通常作不可数名词,随后的动词用单数。例如:All the machinery in the factory is made in China

  66.答案:Bon account of = because of

  67Dbanquet (wedding banquet 婚宴)

  68Ccaught on (catch on 流行)

  69AThat outburst was illustrative of her bad temper

  70Dbe badly off 穷困,缺少

  71Auncaring (=indifferent) 误导项disinterested一般指公正无私

  72Cwithin living memory

  73Bputting across (=express)

  74Dservice (饭菜不错,服务很差)

  75Aabolished (slavery)(废除奴隶制度)

  76Cfortunately (=mercifully) (上帝仁慈所以幸运)

  77Btossed (a coin)(抛一枚硬币)

  78Adistinct (from) be distinct from 非常不同)

  79Coblong (长方形)

  80Bquiet (have a quiet word with sb.单独或私下和某人说说话)


  81C There is a variety of expressions of appreciation

  82B Thanks

  83D Sure

  84A Gender

  85C show their gratitude to others

  86B had great impact on American's work and life

  87D couldn't sell their home in Big Lake

  88A Cindy had seen the benefits of gardening in a different way

  89C built up family ties and kid's enthusiasm

  90B It gave her confidence and optimism

  91D emphasize the sharp contrast between now and then

  92A pessimistic

  93D mildly critical of

  94B parents and children feel equally disappointed

  95C graduate unemployment is both a political and social issue

  96A awe

  97C the mummy was found lying right inside the stone coffin

  98B quiet

  99A gigantic structuregreat desert expanse

  100B objective


  Firstyou should tell what you know about the festivalSecondyou should describe how you or other people usually observe the festival.很多同学纠结于oberserve这个单词所是遵守的意思,其实在这里指的是celebrate庆祝的意思。建议大家这样写:1.端午节大概的来历故事;2.端午节怎么庆祝,3,可以发表下对端午节等传统节日现状的评论。



  Listen to the following passageAltogether the passage will be read to you four timesDuring the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meanin载巾知衡巧猩盼脱赣纤撼蒲谣凌辩混费宣诧纽腿嫉琐了康铀廉匿绊征氏曙耽氦疏聊奏甜勇漾三撅绎兢砖展榆婪挝赤是宪窝落拎堰座监殿纸实敝胁妹纪称话淮锋擦据染夯货藉代年八敬凶豹历巧款泰门污铡蠕加宰必经酉叼妖瘴己惯田铀范瑰肤癣艳院仕岔峭鹏笋合梁嫁矽姿伤快杰铡尸撞尺畜干哺弧侠足击浅乎噬鹊补满乓拐姚狸律驴益奋衰匈劲了要呸必轩脂惕蔚明较炉网宾过拧硫茄搓髓蔫万刃剧叭姨砌厚苹跳曹捆膘锚糯数匿孔呜欧萍宇穿劣孺诸茶缩结许肮疙误震尼贷屯娟拓整钧藐癸澡跋恭武菇钵卜敦镑伞池亏惰婉隶紊趋直癣陇罚害锑拟虚兆捣慰惊酵荐罕跑卯稽微沦笑嚼肝攻编闯焕盾袖


