
发布时间:2014-03-14 08:13:23   来源:文档文库   

莫奈是法国画家,印像派创始人和主要代表人物。小时候,他学习成绩不怎么样,但很喜欢画画。15岁时,他在诺曼底海滩上遇到Eugene Boudin,学会画油画。他在巴黎读的大学,加入了夏尔.格莱尔画室,与另外三名成员创立了印象派。他一生中共有两任妻子,第一任是他作画时的模特,从1870年到1879年,最终死于肺结核;第二任从1892年到1911年。他在60岁时患上了白内障,之后由于妻子的去世和长子的相继去世,视力越来越差,晚年时几近失明,但到死他都在坚持作画,可见他对作画的热爱。他的代表作有《印象.日出》、《鲁昂的圣母院系列》、《睡莲系列》。值得一提的是,他晚年时很喜欢画睡莲,院子的水塘里种满了睡莲。86年来他一直热情倾注于印象派,1874年到1886年间,巴黎共举办了8次印象派画展,但他有三次没有参加,因为他觉得那些画有悖于原来的创作手法。最近作为中法建交50周年的庆典活动之一,“印象派大师.莫奈特展”在上海k11购物艺术中心chi k11艺术空间开幕,展品包括40幅莫奈真迹,72幅其他印像派画家大师作品,3件莫奈生前所用物品(眼镜、烟斗、调色板)。据悉,展期自38日至615日,前期门票预售已接近10万张。可见大众们的热情。所以,如果你也想看莫奈的真迹,那就抓紧时间订票吧!

Monet is a French painter,the founder and the main representative of impressionist. When he was young, his study result was not so good, but he liked painting very much. At the age of 15, he met Eugene Boudin on the Normandy beaches , and learned to draw the oil painting. He went to university in Paris, joined the shire. Lyle studio,and established the impressionist with three other members. There are two wives in his life.The first is a model while he is painting from 1870 to 1870.Eventually she died of tuberculosis. Second, from 1892 to 1892. He suffered from cataract at the age of 60.After the death of his wife and son, his eyesight became worse and worse.And in his later years it’s almost blind, but he had been painting to death, for his love of painting. His representative works are “the impression. Sunrise ", "Notre Dame DE rouen series", "lotus series".What is worth metioning, he liked drawing water lily in his old age,and the water lily covered the pond in the yard.In his 86 years’ life, he had been enthusiastic about the impressionist.From 1874 to 1886, there were eight times impressionist paintings’ exhibition held in Paris , but he did not attend three times, because he felt those paintings was contrary to the original creation technique. Recently as one of the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and France, impressionist masters. Monet exhibition’s opening ceremony is held in Shanghai k11 shopping art center chi k11 art space. The exhibits include 40 Manet’s authentic works, 72 other impressionist painter masters’ works, three pieces of objects that Monet had used (glasses, pipe, palette). The exhibition is said to be held from 8th March to 15th June , and the previous booking ticket is close to 100000 copies. You can see the enthusiasm of the masses from it. So, if you also want to see the authentic works of Monet, hasten to book the ticket!


