
发布时间:2019-06-10 23:36:27   来源:文档文库   
文学翻译英译汉:FuneralSermon for Mammy Caroline BarrWilliam FaulknerCaroline has known me all my life. It was my privilegeto see her out of hers. After my father’s death, to Mammy I came to representthe head of that family to which she has given a half-century of fidelity anddevotion. But the relationship between us never became that of master andservant. She still remained one of my earliest recollections, not only as aperson, but as a fount of authority over my conduct and security for myphysical welfare, and of active and constant affection and love. She was anactive and constant precept for decent behavior. From her I learned to tell thetruth, to refrain from waste, to be considerate of the weak and respectable tothe age. I saw fidelity to a family which was not hers, devotion and love forpeople she had not borne.She was born in bondage and with a dark shin and mostof her early maturity was passed in dark and tragic time for the land of herbirth. She went through vicissitudes which she had not caused; she assumedcares and griefs which were not even her care and griefs. She was paid wagesfor this, but pay is still just money. And she never received much of that, sothat she never laid up anything of this world’s goods. Yet she accepted thattoo without cavil or calculation or complaint, so that by that failure sheearned the gratitude and affection of the family she had conferred the fidelityand devotion upon and gained the grief and regret of the aliens who loved andlost her.She was born and lived and served, and died and now ismourned; if there is heaven, she has gone there.汉译英:这种年节序幕,由腊月初八起,就都带有文化色彩,说轻松一点,带有很大的游戏性。腊八这天,要煮粥喝粥,叫做腊八粥。本来年底一切庄稼都收获了,好像要刻意展览一下全年收成的丰富多彩,便发明了这么一种腊八粥。其实,原本佛教早有腊八熬粥供佛的规矩,用大锅熬,装数石米,供佛之后施舍给远近的穷人。皇帝还有赐粥百官的习惯。传入民间,更具欢乐性,一年辛苦之后来个庆丰收大锅熬,岂不欢快,挺好。最具戏剧性的要算二十三祭灶了。老年间家家供奉着一位老神仙,他叫灶王爷,此公每年腊月二十三要升天,向老天爷汇报一年里人间的好坏。于是,家家都买些麦芽糖,用糖把老神仙的嘴糊上,极尽“贿赂”之能事,让他到天上只说好话不说坏话,报喜不报忧。这种近乎开玩笑的祭神仪式,家家却都以极严肃的态度去操作,更显得极富人情味儿,孩子们的嘴则是供桌上的糖瓜儿的真正归宿。答案及翻译分析:文化翻译英译汉:为卡洛琳·巴尔大妈所致的悼词卡洛琳自我出生以来一直跟我相熟,能为她送终是我莫大的荣幸。家父去世后,我在大妈眼里就成了一家之主(to her I…“在她眼里”比“对她来说”要更有表达意义,the head of the family,“主人”或“领导”来指head 都有所欠佳,表达不出对大妈的敬意,“一家之主”就好多了。),大妈为这个家庭忠心耿耿地奉献了半个世纪(fidelity和devotion两个名词进行了改译处理。“忠心耿耿地奉献”既表达出了原文的意思,也很符合中文的表达。注意“的地得”的区别。)。然而,我们之间从来都不是主仆关系。她至今还依然留在我最早的记忆中,不仅是作为一个人,而且是作为指导我的行为和保障我身体健康的源泉,也是积极而持久的深情厚爱的源泉(注意一个词fount,怎么样才能把这个意思顺通是最关键的。)。她还是正直行为的积极而持久的典范。从她那里,我学会了说实话,不浪费,体贴弱者,尊敬长者(注意短语中间没有用顿号,这是一种强调。另外注意“不浪费”怎么用英文表达。)。我见到了一


