
发布时间:2016-08-22 08:32:17   来源:文档文库   

1 purpose:

To identify, record, evaluate (statistical analysis), quarantine, disposal, and notification of nonconforming product to prevent misuse of nonconforming product and prevent recurrence.

2 range:

Including  s,  , finished product and customer return after testing found unqualified.

3 responsibilities and authority

3.1 QC department

3.1.1 inspector responsible for the s, production processes, product inspection, determination and found defective after notification..

3.1.2 QC supervisor responsible for the approval of the test results, substandard product approval process.

3.1.3 quality inspector in charge of the unqualified goods by rework, rework the state, such as quality inspection and processed.

3.1.4 quality inspector is responsible for tracking the improvement countermeasure and improve the effectiveness of evaluation.

3.1.5 quality inspector responsible for statistical materials, production process and product of unqualified products.

3.2 production department: responsible for the processing of the production process of the identification of the quarantine, identification of the quality inspection confirmed, and not

For rework, repair, etc.

3.3 purchasing department: responsible for purchasing and supplier contact with suppliers.

3.4 General Manager: responsible for the approval of the batch of finished products, bulk raw materials, semi-finished production of semi-finished applications.

4 content

4.1 identification of nonconforming product:

In the process of 4.1.1 production, it is found that the unqualified raw materials are returned to the warehouse to mark the unqualified reason on the raw material and put in the area of the nonconforming product or returned to the raw material warehouse.

4.1.2 production process in the WIP: production process appear unqualified products, fill out the "feed back" and in single or substandard goods marked the unqualified reason.

4.1.3 plant inventory of finished goods: the product is not qualified and customer returns placed in the finished product warehouse "nonconforming product area" or in the product as a substandard identification card.

4.1..4 raw material supply is not qualified or due to inventory changes: from raw material warehouse to unqualified products are marked unqualified identification and separate placement.

4.2 nonconforming record:

 4.2.1 procurement of materials and semi-finished products: recorded in the " material inspection report";

      4.2.2 Products in the production process: quality inspector recorded on the relevant inspection record.

      4.2.3 The factory finished: Records related to the "product inspection report";

   4.3 Assessment of nonconforming product

      4.3.1 procurement of materials: When material inspection if they can not accurately formulated by the inspector by the competent QC refer to "feed inspection reports," the test results of non-conforming product to assess and propose measures to deal with.

      4.3.2 In the article: When the production process inspection found anomalies produced by the inspector will produce defective pick and recorded on a "single production process." It must immediately suspend production as large quantities of the same phenomenon occurs on the production process when the failure and notify the supervisor of production, quality control supervisor common reason for failure is processed.

      4.3.3 finished inside the factory: quality inspector by the relevant inspection reports QC competent assessment and propose measures to deal with.

   4.4 defective isolation: substandard goods stored in the defective region and qualified product separation.

   4.5 defective Remedy: unqualified after assessment can adopt the following ways:

4.5.1 Rework:

a. In the production testing process, the product minor shortcomings, by producing their own improvement.

b. To appear in the article failed rework, production quality inspector notice of the problem for consultation, analysis and asked whether they are man-made problems, material problems, results of the analysis by the responsible departments are required to make improvements to the production department for the cause of the problem propose viable method to improve, if necessary, fill out the "corrective and preventive action form" post production department.

c. After rework must be re-examined by the inspector of the results recorded in "corrective and preventive action form" "Effectiveness Evaluation" column describes the results of re-examining, judging by after passing warehousing, shipping or transfer order.

4.5.2 Purchasing: purchasing material adverse supply-side contact with the product or return it for use when the defective products used for other purposes shall be subject to general manager of consent to use, and the suppliers of goods downgraded post purchase after receiving make up.

      4.5.3 Scrap List: defective and need not be scrapped with the above-described manner, the Production Department that "Scrap List", after the approval by the general manager before retirement.

4.6 Customer Returns processing:

1 purpose:

Control of key components, components, materials and structure changes in the certification of products.

2 range:

This procedure is applicable to the control and management of the change of the certification products.

3 responsibilities:

Quality inspection department is the Department in charge of product certification change control.

4 procedures

4.1 suppliers of key components and materials, test its performance does not meet the requirements of relevant standards cannot be put to production of product certification, by the purchasing department is responsible for return, the implementation of the "nonconforming product control procedure";

4.2 4.2 QC Certification in accordance with the relevant standard design product structure must be implemented, to ensure that certified products is consistent with the sample form in the production process;

4.3 quality inspection departments timely grasp of product certification standards related to the information using the standard effective version, when the reform of product certification standards, timely adjustment of product structure to meet the certification requirements.

4.4 certification of production equipment, process parameters change may affect the consistency of product certification requirements, there are quality inspection departments and personnel organization and personnel on the production equipment, process parameters for recognition.

4.5 certification mark by the quality control department to control and use, shall not be without the approval of the certification has been implemented in the product certification mark








4.1供应商提供的关键元器件和材料,经检验其性能不能满足相关标准要求时,不能投入到认证产品的 生产中,由采购部负责办理退货,执行《不合格品控制程序》;

4.2质检部根据认证产品相关标准设计的产品结构必须在生产过程中得到贯彻执行,保证认证产品与形式 试样一致;

4.3质检部门及时掌握认证产品的相关标准信息使用标准的有效版本,当认证产品标准发生变法时,适时 的调整产品结构,使之符合认证规定要求。

4.4认证产品的生产设备,工艺参数发生变更可能影响到认证产品一致性要求时,有质检部组织相关部门和 和人员对生产设备,工艺参数进行认可。



