
发布时间:2020-02-09 11:49:23   来源:文档文库   

  your  science  who’s  teacher  (?)
  you  Ms  do  know  (?)
  tall  she’s  strict  and  (.)
  she  quiet  is (?)
  like  what’s  she (?)
 that  young  who’s  teacher (?)
 very  she’s  quiet  clever  and (.)
  my  maths  new  teacher  funny  is(.)
  he  and  is  thin  short (.)
  young  is   strict  she  and (?)
  is what  like  she (?)
  you  let  show  me(.)
 a  teacher  PE is  football  our  player (?)
  you  do  on  what  have  Wednesdays (?)
  English  on  we  maths  have  Fridays  and  (.)
  bread  have  and  some  beef (.)
  I  a  have  class  your  grandma  with (.)
 read  on  I  books  Saturdays  (.)
  and  have  maths  English  Tuesdays  we  on (.)
 do  homework   too  my  I (.)
21 on  you  do  what  do  Sundays (?)
22  have  I  class  a  cooking (.)
23. favourite  Grandpa’s  drink  tea  is (.)
24. don’t  milk  orange juice  but  I like  OK  is(.)
25. are  Onions  favourite  my  vegetable(.)
26. can  what  do  you  (?) 
27. sing  can  English  I  songs (.) 
28. will  some  kungfu  we  do (.)

29. pictures  who  draw  can (?)
30. you  I  help  can (.
32.Make  you  a  can  robot (?)
33.I’ll  football  today  play (.)
34.My  be  who  friend  can ()
35.The  he  play  can’t  erhu(.)
36. me email  please  an  send (.)
37.things  you  I  do  can  for (.)
38.he  swim  can  away (.)
39.throw  into  don’t  me  lake  the (.)
40.can’t  Sarah  cartoons  draw (.)
41.pictures  can  I  draw (.)
42.have  next  we’ll  party  Sunday  a (.)
43. clock  in  is  room  there  a  my (.)

44.nice  photo  there  a  is (.)
45.rainbow  let’s  a  paint (.)
46.bed  my  I  like (.)
47.tree  there  a  in  of  house  front  is  the (.)
48.draw  well  my  can  very  father (.)
49.pictures  are  so  here  there  many (.)
50.can  beside  there  river  is  a  the (.)
51.monkey  here  a  comes (.)
52.a  cow  I  big  see (.)
53.count  ten  let’s  to (.)
54.mouse  house  is  in there  a  the(.)
55.white  bird  there  big  a  is (?)
56.river  is  there  a  mountain  front  of  in  the (.)
57.house  there  over  there  a  is (.)

58.can  pictures  we  take  some (.)
59.house  people  any  are  at  there  the (?)
60.nature  park  to  let’s  go  the (.) 


1.She is quiet.(改为一般疑问句) ________________________
2.He is very tall.(对划线部分提问) _______________________
3.Is Mr.Smith tall and strong?(作肯定回答) ________________
4.Is Mr.Carter tall?(作否定回答)_______________________
5.She is young.She is pretty.(合并为一句) ___________________
6.Is she active?(作否定回答) ______________________________
7.She's very kind and pretty.(对划线部分提问) ________________
8.That young lady is our principal.(对划线部分提问) ____________
9.Today is Saturday.(对划线部分提问) ________________________
10.We have Chinese and math on Wednesday.(对划线部分提问) ____
11.Is she young?(作否定回答)(根据提示完成句子)__________
13.I like vegetables.(改为否定句) __________________________
14.I would like the orange juice.(对划线部分提问) _____________
15.Are the apples sour?(作否定回答) _____________________
17.Pork is my favourite food.(对划线部分提问) ___________________
18.Can you play chess?(作肯定回答) ____________________________
19.He can do the dishes.(改为一般疑问句) ______________________
20.I can put away the clothes.(对划线部分提问) __________________
21.Can you set the table?(作否定回答) ___________________________
22.There is a big closet.(改为否定句) ___________________________
23.There are blue curtains.(改为一般疑问句) _____________________
24.Is this your bedroom?(改为复数形式) ________________________
25.I can see a mirror on the wall.(对划线部分提问) ________________
26.The shelf is near the desk.(对划线部分提问) ___________________
27.Is this your bedroom?(作肯定回答) _________________________
28.There are two curtains.(对划线部分提问) _____________________
29.It's a new desk.( 对划线部分提问) _________________________
30.Is it a walkman?(作否定回答) ______________________________
31.There is a small house in my village.(改为复数形式) _____________
32.Is there a lake?(作否定回答) ______________________________
33.There are some buildings in our school.(改为一般疑问句) ___________________________________________________________
34.I can run on the grass.(对划线部分提问) ______________________
35.I like this park.(改为否定句) ______________________________
36.There are some tall buildings in the city.(改为一般疑问句) ___________________________________________________________
37.Is there a river in your village?(作肯定回答) ___________________________________________________________
38.There is a bridge in my village.(改为复数形式) __________________________________________________________
40.I like my village.(改为否定句) ______________________________
41.Are there any pandas in the mountains?(作否定回答) __________________________________________________________
42.There is a village.(改为一般疑问句) __________________________________________________________
43.The flowers are red.(对划线部分提问) _______________________
44.Are there any buildings in the village?(作否定回答) ___________________________________________________________










