人教版英语必修4课后练:unit 4 body language section 1 课后 含答案

发布时间:2018-05-25 16:19:10   来源:文档文库   

Unit 4  Section


1.Tom opened the door for Lucy and greeted(greet) her with cries of welcome.

解析:本题考查动词时态。句意:汤姆为露西打开了门,欢呼着迎接她。由句中的cries of welcome可知“汤姆欢呼着欢迎露西”。

2.Lin Dan, who represented(represent) Chinese team, took part in the Asian Games held in Incheon(仁川).


3.She patted me on the shoulder with a smile on her face.

解析:该空考查固定结构“vt. +sb.+in/on/by+the+人体部位”,在这个结构中必须用the。句意:她微笑着拍了拍我的肩膀。

4.As I approached(approach) the house, I noticed a light upstairs.


5.Were trying to raise awareness about the environment in general and air pollution in particular.

解析:句意:我们要在总体上提高环境意识,尤其是空气污染方面。通过后半句的in particular“尤其,特别”,可知应用in general

6.Its nearly eleven oclock and my father is likely to walk(walk) in at any moment.

解析be likely to do可能,为固定结构。句意:快11点了,父亲随时可能进来。

7.He was lucky enough to avoid being caught(catch) on the spot.

解析avoid后接doing sth., hecatch之间为被动关系,因此用动名词的被动式。句意:他很幸运地避免了被当场抓住。

8.The teacher often asks us to take every chance to improve our spoken(speak) English.

解析:考查形容词。句意:老师经常要求我们抓住每一次机会来提高我们的英语口语。spoken English英语口语。

9.We have a communicative approach to teaching(teach) languages.


10.A government spokesman made a statement(state) to the press.



1.A bullet hit the soldier in leg and he was sent to hospital as soon as possible.


2.After a few weeksrest and preparation, the man is likely the game.

解析:考查固定用法。句意:经过几周的休息和准备,这位男士很有可能赢得比赛。be likely to do sth.为固定用法,意思是“很可能做某事”。

3. enough, there didnt seem to be a bank in the town.


4.There to be a mistake in this report.

解析:考查主谓一致。句意:这个报告里似乎有一处错误。分析句子结构可知,there be句型中包含了appear to be结构,又结合“a mistake”可知,空处应填appears

5.He got himself into a dangerous situation he was likely to lose control over the plane.


6.All to New York today are delayed because of bad weather.


7.Im not sick. the contrary, Im in the peak of health.

解析on the contrary正好相反。句意:我没有病。恰恰相反,我健康极了。

8.Maria looked around on the playground aslooking for something.

解析as if/though仿佛,好像。句意:玛丽亚在操场上四下环顾,仿佛在寻找什么。

9.Children are always curiousthe unknown world.


《人教版英语必修4课后练:unit 4 body language section 1 课后 含答案.doc》
