(课标通用)2018版高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 5 The power of nature课时作业 新人教版选修6

发布时间:2019-10-26 20:24:16   来源:文档文库   

Unit 5 The power of nature



From my earlier memory of Motherit somehow seemed quite natural to think of her as differentnot of everyday things as Father was.In those days he was a younglooking man.He did not hesitate to make friends with children as soon as they were able to talk to him and laugh at his stories.Mother was older than he was.She must have been a woman of nearly fortybut she seemed even older.She changed little for a long timeshowing no indication of growing old at all untiltowards the end of her lifeshe suddenly became an old lady.

I was always inquisitive about Mother's age.She never had birthdays like other peoplenor did anyone else in our family.No candles were ever lit or cakes made or presents given in our house.To my friends in the street who talked delightfully about their birthday partiesI would repeat my Mother's words that such celebrations were only foolish.

Nothing but deception” she would say.As though life can be marked by birthdays.It's deedsnot yearsthat matter.

Although I often repeated her words and even prided myself on not having birthdaysI once could not help asking Mother when she was born.

I was born.I'm alive as you can seeso what more do you want to know” she repliedso sharply that I never asked her about her age again.

In so many other ways Mother was different.Whereas all the rest of the women I knew in the neighboring houses took pride in their housewifely abilitiestheir new furniturethe neat appearance of their homesMother regarded all those things as of little importance.Our house always looked as if we had just moved in or were about to move out.

1How did Father impress the author?

AHe liked writing stories.

BHe loved making friends.

CHe was a very young man.

DHe was popular with children.

2Before the end of her lifeMother__________.

Alooked quite young

Blooked like an old lady

Clooked younger than she was

Dlooked like a fortyyearold woman

3What does the word inquisitive in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

ACertain. BCurious.

CCautious. DConfident.

4What do we learn about Mother?

AShe was lazy. BShe was strict.

CShe was proud. DShe was special.


1D 解析:推理判断题。根据文章第一段第三句He did not hesitate to make friends with children as soon as they were able to talk to him and laugh at his stories.可知,作者的爸爸非常愿意和孩子交朋友,由此可推断爸爸很受孩子们欢迎。故选D项。

2C 解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句She changed little for a long timeshowing no indication of growing old at all untiltowards the end of her lifeshe suddenly became an old lady.可知,作者的妈妈很长时间以来都没变化,一点变老的痕迹都没有。故选C项。

3B 解析:词义猜测题。根据画线词后的一句She never had birthdays like other peoplenor did anyone else in our family.可知妈妈从不过生日,由此可以推断出作者对妈妈的年龄一无所知,应是好奇的。故选B项。

4D 解析:推理判断题。根据全文理解和最后一段第一句In so many other ways Mother was different.可总结出,妈妈是个特别的人。故选D项。



Many years agoI went to__1__my mother from work in the afternoon.I got there a little early so I parked the car by the road and waited for her.

As I looked outside the car window to my rightthere was a small park where I__2__a little boyaround one and a half to two years old__3__freely on the grass as his mother watched from a short distance.The boy had a big smile on his face__4__he had just been set free from some sort of prison.The boy would then fall to the grassget upand without__5__or without looking back at his motherrun as fast as he couldagainstill with a smile on his face.It seemed__6__had happened!

For kids__7__at an early agewhen they fall downthey don't regard their falling down as a__8__ insteadthey treat it as a learning experience.They feel compelled to try and try again until they succeed.The answer must be that they have not__9__ falling down with the word failure yetthus they don't know how to feel the state which accompanies failure.Thereforethey are not__10__in any way.In additionthey probably think to themselves that it's perfectly okay to fall downand that it's not wrong to do so.__11__they give themselves permission to make mistakes.Thus they remain energetic.

Touched as I was by the boy's__12__I was equally touched by the manner in which he ran.With each attempthe looked so__13__and natural.No__14__of fear and nervousness.

His only aim was to run freely and to do it as__15__as he could.He was just being a child—just being himself—being completely in the moment.He was not looking for__16__or was not worrying about whether someone was__17__or not.He wasn't concerned about being judged.He didn't seem to be bothered by the fact that maybe someone would see him fall (as there were others in the park apart from him and his mother) and that it would be__18__if he did fall.Noall that__19__to him was to accomplish the task or activity at hand to the best of his ability.To run and to feel the experience of running fully and freely.I__20__a lot from that observation and experienceand have successfully brought that lesson with me in my many pursuits in life.

1.A.take up Bpick up

Cbring up Dlook up

2A.realized Bunderstood

Csaw Dhelped

3A.marching Bwalking

Crunning Dmoving

4A.even if Bonly if

Cif only Das if

5A.hesitation Bcompetition

Csituation Dmotivation

6A.everything Bsomething

Canything Dnothing

7A.especially Bspecially

Cgenerally Dnormally

8A.success Bfailure

Cshame Dpity

9A.announced Babandoned

Cassumed Dassociated

10A.encouraged Bshocked

Cdiscouraged Dexcited

11A.In other words BIn conclusion

CFor another DOn the contrary

12A.faith Bhonesty

Cpersistence Dloyalty

13A.upset Bcalm

Centhusiastic Dconfident

14A.symbols Bsigns

Csignals Dmarks

15A.effectively Bimaginatively

Crelatively Dnegatively

16A.explanation Bapproval

Ccuriosity Dopinion

17A.listening Bglaring

Cwatching Denjoying

18A.embarrassing Bamazing

Cconfusing Dthrilling

19A.referred Bcame

Ccontributed Dmattered

20A.won Blearned

Cmade Dknew


1B 解析:根据空后...I parked the car by the road and waited for her.可知,作者是开车去接母亲下班的。pick up意为 “开车接 (某人)”,符合语境。故选B项。take up意为 “开始从事;占据bring up意为 “抚养;提出looked up意为 “向上看;查询

2C 解析:根据前文looked outside可知,此处为同义词 (see) 复现,故选C项。句意:当我从右边的车窗往外看时,看到一个一岁半到两岁的小男孩,在一个小公园的草地上自由自在地奔跑,而他的母亲在不远处看着。realize意为 “意识到understand意为 “理解help意为 “帮助

3C 解析:句意见上一题解析。根据第5空后的...run as fast as he could...可知,此处为原词复现,应选择running,故选C项。march意为 “前进;行军walk意为 “走路;散步move意为 “移动;搬家

4D 解析:句意:小男孩脸上露出了灿烂的笑容,好像刚刚从某个监狱被释放出来一般。此处用虚拟语气 (小男孩并不是真的从监狱被释放出来) 来突出小男孩的喜悦,as if意为 “好像,其后的从句常用虚拟语气,符合原文,故选D项。even if意为 “即使only if意为 “只有;只要……if only意为 “要是……多好

5A 解析:根据后文并列的without looking back at his motherrun as fast as he couldagain可知,小男孩摔倒后,毫不犹豫地站起来继续跑。without hesitation意为 “毫不犹豫,符合语境,故选A项。competition意为 “竞争situation意为 “情况;形势motivation意为 “动机

6D 解析:根据前文小男孩摔倒依然自己站起来继续奔跑可知,小男孩表现得就像什么事情都没有发生过一样。everything意为 “所有事物;一切something意为 “某物;某事anything意为 “任何事情nothing意为 “没有事;没有任何东西。故选D项。

7A 解析:specially意为 “尤其;特别地specially意为 “特别地;专门地generally意为 “大体上;总体上normally意为 “通常地;正常地。句意:对小孩而言,尤其是在很小的时候,当他们摔倒的时候,他们并不会把摔倒当成是一种失败。故选A项。

8B 解析:句意见上一题解析。根据后文 “相反,他们把摔倒当成一种学习经验可知,前文表示 “年纪尚小的孩子不会把摔倒当成不好的事情 (failure “失败”),而是当成学习的机会,故选B项。根据第9空后的failure也可知答案。success意为 “成功shame意为 “羞耻;遗憾pity意为 “同情;遗憾

9D 解析:句意:答案肯定就是他们尚未把 “摔倒 “失败联系起来,因此也就不知道如何体会伴随有失败的情形。associate...with...意为 “把…………联系起来;符合语境。故选D项。announce意为 “宣布;宣告;预示abandon意为 “遗弃;放弃assume意为 “假设;承担

10C 解析:根据前文,在小孩子眼里,不会把摔倒与失败联系在一起,因此设空处表示 “也就不会感受到失败带来的挫败感,即感到气馁。encouraged意为 “受到鼓舞的shocked意为 “感到震惊的discouraged意为 “感到气馁的,沮丧的excited意为 “感到激动的。故选C项。

11A 解析:前文提到 “他们自己可能认为摔倒是自然的,摔倒并没有错,后文提到 “他们允许自己犯错,这两句所表达的意思相近,所以in other words (换句话说) 符合语境。故选A项。in conclusion意为 “总之for another意为 “另一方面on the contrary意为 “相反

12C 解析:根据前文虽然小男孩摔倒了一次又一次但还是靠自己站起来可知,小男孩十分有毅力 (persistence),故选C项。faith意为 “信仰;信念;信任honesty意为 “诚实loyalty意为 “忠诚

13D 解析:根据后文的fear (害怕) nervousness (紧张) 可知,前文应指小男孩勇敢、不紧张。confident意为 “自信的,符合语境。故选D项。upset意为 “烦恼的;心烦的calm意为 “平静的;镇定的enthusiastic意为 “热情的

14B 解析:根据前文摔倒又站起来及natural可知,小男孩没有展露出害怕和紧张的迹象 (sign),故选B项。symbol意为 “象征signal意为 “信号mark意为 “标记;符号

15A 解析:根据前文中的run as fast as he could可知,此处应选与fast含义相近的词,指小男孩尽可能有效地做到自由奔跑。effectively意为 “有效地imaginatively意为 “想象地relatively意为 “相对地negatively意为 “消极地。故选A项。

16B 解析:根据前文中的He was...just being himself及下文的He wasn't concerned about being judged.可知,他是在做自己,而不是在作秀给他人看以获得他人的赞许 (approval) 。故选B项。explanation意为 “解释curiosity意为 “好奇心opinion意为 “观点

17C 解析:根据空后一句中的someone would see him fall...可知,该空为同义词复现,用watch表示 “有人在看着。故选C项。listen意为 “听glare意为 “怒视enjoy意为 “喜欢;享受

18A 解析:根据常识,公园里还有其他人在看着,摔倒会容易让人感到难堪 (embarrassing) 。故选A项。amazing意为 “令人惊讶的confusing意为 “令人困惑的thrilling 意为令人激动的;毛骨悚然的

19D 解析:根据前后逻辑可知,小男孩不在乎旁人的注视,也不害怕摔倒,他在乎的是尽自己最大的力量完成眼前的任务。matter意为 “有关系;要紧,符合语境。故选D项。refer to意为 “参考;查阅;涉及come to意为 “想起;共计contribute to意为 “导致;有助于;捐献

20B 解析:根据下文的...have successfully brought that lesson with me...可知,作者从这次的观察和体验中学到了很多。learn sth.from意为 “从/……学习。故选B项。win意为 “赢;获胜make意为 “制作know意为 “知道;了解


Several years ago I was at a train station in Amsterdam waiting in line to buy a ticket.As I stood there I saw a young man asking people for money so that he could buy his breakfast.Most of the travelers simply 1.__________ (ignore) the young man or gave 2.__________ (he) a dirty lookyet a welldressed middleaged man reacted differently.When 3.__________ (approach) by the young manthe gentleman looked 4.__________him and quietly asked, How much will you need” I couldn't hear 5.__________the young man said but watched as the gentleman pulled several 6.__________ (note) from his wallet and 7.__________ (calm) placed them in the young man's hands.

I don't know whether the young man actually used the money for his breakfast or for 8.__________purposes.What I do know is that I witnessed two different reactions to the same situation.I saw people who 9.__________ (be) either afraid or annoyed.And then I saw the gentleman who was not afraid and treated the homeless young man as though he were a brother.I decided then and there thateven though we have to be 10.__________ (care) in this worldI would rather be like the gentleman.


1ignored 解析:考查动词的时态。句意:大多数旅客只是不理那个年轻人,或者是给他一个嫌弃的表情,但是一位穿着讲究的中年男子却表现得不一样。根据文章开头的时间状语Several years ago可知,事情发生在过去,应用一般过去时。故填ignored

2him 解析:考查代词。句意见上一题解析。设空处作及物动词give的间接宾语,指代上文的the young man,应用宾格代词。故填him

3approached 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:当这个年轻人靠近时,那位绅士看着他,轻声地问: “你需要多少钱?根据句意可知,approach的动作是由the young man发出的,与主语the gentleman之间为逻辑上的被动关系,故用过去分词表被动。故填approached

4at 解析:考查介词。句意见上一题解析。look at为固定短语,意为 “看着。故填at

5what 解析:考查名词性从句。句意:我无法听到这个年轻人说的话,但是看到这位绅士从他钱包里拿出几张钞票,并心平气和地把钱放在年轻人的手中。设空处引导宾语从句,作动词hear的宾语,且从句中缺少said的宾语。故填what

6notes 解析:考查名词单复数。句意见上一题解析。note在此意为 “纸币;钞票,为可数名词,且该空前有several修饰,故应填复数形式。故填notes

7calmly 解析:考查词性转换。句意见第5题解析。设空处修饰动词placed,应用副词。故填calmly

8other 解析:考查限定词。句意:我不知道年轻人是否确实用这些钱去买了早餐,还是用于其他目的。设空处修饰名词purposes作定语,且表泛指,根据句意可知表示 “其他的。故填other

9were 解析:考查动词的时态和主谓一致。句意:我看见人们或者是害怕或者是生气。设空处作who引导的定语从句的谓语,who指代people,为复数,故从句谓语动词应用复数形式;主句为一般过去时,且sawbe动词的动作是同时发生的,因此,从句也应用一般过去时。故填were

10careful 解析:考查词性转换。句意:即使我们不得不在这个世界上小心翼翼,但我仍愿意像这位绅士一样。be动词后应用形容词作表语,故填careful


I remember a first time when I saw my little sister Shanshan.I was eight years old.Because my arms looked weakmy mother trusted that I can hold the baby.ThenI took Shanshan on my armsand I knew how much I very loved her.My mother had a fulltime jobso we had a person which was in charge of housekeeping and taking care of us.I didn't want anyone else take care of my sister.ThereforeI feed hergave her a bathand changed her clothes.When she was cryI held her.Now Shanshan has grown up and is tall than I ambut I still treat her as my little sister.


假设你是高中生李华,最近你校打算就 “成功这一话题展开广泛的交流。请你用英语写一篇题为“××Contribute(s) to Our Success 的短文发表在学校的网站上。内容包括:











答案:One possible version

Good Habits Contribute to Our Success

Good habits contribute to our success.Good habits of learning will help us acquire more knowledge and improve our skills.Meanwhilegood habits of living will make us develop well physically and mentally.Thereforewe must attach importance to healthy foodconstant exercisereasonable schedules and eyesight protection.

Zhang Henga famous scientist of ancient Chinahad a good habit of observing and counting stars in the sky since his childhood.Due to the habithe found stars were always changing their positions in the sky.By carefully observing and calculatinghe completed his theory about the universewhich was hundreds of years ahead of those of Western scientists.

So do remember to form our own good habitsand we will be a success.


《(课标通用)2018版高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 5 The power of nature课时作业 新人教版选修6.doc》
