
发布时间:1714195770   来源:文档文库   

Mary is my best friend .she studies very well. She has a healthy lifestyle. She goes to bed and gets up early everyday .She never stays up too late. She eats lots of vegetables and fruit and never eat junk food .She is very healthy. She exercises three or four times a week, and she goes to school on foot everyday. She thinks its good for her health. At school she studies very hard and listens to the teacher carefully in class. after school she does her homework on time. When she is free, she reads many books, and sometimes she surfs the internet .She thinks that healthy lifestyle helps her get good grades. 玛丽是我最好的朋友。她学习很好。她有一个健康的生活方式。她每天早睡早起。她从不熬夜。她吃许多的蔬菜和水果,并且从不吃垃圾食品。她非常的健康。她每周锻炼三到四次,并且她每天都步行去上学。她认为那对她的健康有好处。在学校,她学习刻苦,在课堂上认真听老师讲课。放学后,她按时做作业。当她有空时,她读许多书,有时她也上网。她认为健康的生活方式帮助她取得了好成绩。
Mary is my best friend .she studies very well. She has a healthy lifestyle. She goes to bed and gets up early everyday .She never stays up too late. She eats lots of vegetables and fruit and never eat junk food .She is very healthy. She exercises three or four times a week, and she goes to school on foot everyday. She thinks its good for her health. At school she studies very hard and listens to the teacher carefully in class. after school she does her homework on time. When she is free, she reads many books, and sometimes she surfs the internet .She thinks that healthy lifestyle helps her get good grades. 玛丽是我最好的朋友。她学习很好。她有一个健康的生活方式。她每天早睡早起。她

Mary is my best friend .she studies very well. She has a healthy lifestyle. She goes to bed and gets up early everyday .She never stays up too late. She eats lots of vegetables and fruit and never eat junk food .She is very healthy. She exercises three or four times a week, and she goes to school on foot everyday. She thinks its good for her health. At school she studies very hard and listens to the teacher carefully in class. after school she does her homework on time. When she is free, she reads many books, and sometimes she surfs the internet .She thinks that healthy lifestyle helps her get good grades. 玛丽是我最好的朋友。她学习很好。她有一个健康的生活方式。她每天早睡早起。她从不熬夜。她吃许多的蔬菜和水果,并且从不吃垃圾食品。她非常的健康。她每周锻炼三到四次,并且她每天都步行去上学。她认为那对她的健康有好处。在学校,她学习刻苦,在课堂上认真听老师讲课。放学后,她按时做作业。当她有空时,她读许多书,有时她也上网。她认为健康的生活方式帮助她取得了好成绩。
Mary is my best friend .she studies very well. She has a healthy lifestyle. She goes to bed and gets up early everyday .She never stays up too late. She eats lots of vegetables and fruit and never eat junk food .She is very healthy. She exercises three or four times a week, and she goes to school on foot everyday. She thinks its good for her health. At school she studies very hard and listens to the teacher



