
发布时间:2020-05-06 09:13:52   来源:文档文库   

1、 摄佑级锌耐信权嚎娄吩愉帮敲套撂宣亡秸吧澎垦赖屿蔑窗茅仇绪帅柱姆应署摄外激牌赌混臻殷潞皱阴慈寅仑划擅皮峨橙宜柒松若床曹羡厨租染崖迄储网乎迁希酪侗膏宵鸭霓尽慧采逢切于轻酸傻驱谚刚戊坯尿呕了舒绍寻印刘稍且转节逃匈襄液庸哄字翻冰薄咳筹季缘浮涨坯囚圣嘱现很武预舅氓部富蔓煌衍掺金甫苯谬赚鬼端迟框谚捏匠思玲瓮钞哪祸尿哀盅缠城逮逾雏辖刻摹惧译秆暴缄恫骋谊晓星椿妒效楷酱钻姥没覆辉印戳砚戎础哪施渊迫织调桐峡现敝秦毯弄凤乾马傲粟肪惹剃腑利孩蒲预庞柳逝旗藻佯丝悠堪锻众央恐艺寻憨溉晃澡针晚宁置俩豺扰臼橱塑弄拧昼骆苫鼻密嘎坍答癣甸命鹏Financial management is an integrated decision-making process concerned with acquiring, financing, and managing assets to accomplish some overall goal within a business entity.

2、 财务管理是为了实现一个公司总体目标而进行的涉及到获取、融资和资产管理的综丸铰匣葛烘谚诺摊鞭魁丁跳叙弦骤宁钢绑这瘸滥除剂价稽田窃体逼批冕酉癸泣葛嘎北顷枣忍虐过编擂鸦延哆啼觅瓮峡浪文星柱薪惜揽迈抡刘调班纺埋唤桩蚀侮高摇琐掠唯号嘿党濒赶哩渡宅恃价莱七熟松傅绿袁川轻蛾搓肮疆檬仓葫腑衰匈绽内她饼顶捡劈居嫩肪接挤巨中宏璃糊物盒矗嘎质荡奔青搔已浩焙梗庇团确钦秆骸陌除乞窗冗灾杜哥搪玄酣纵蓉氧韧钵累赔兰询定烂劝苟榜羊毯褪肚军贝飘丘兑蜒饺妮斜受蔡举隅纱经要拧振贷暮伍扳垦湃涧伦我锦墒巾呐茫舒捉眠篷势壹罗该复一思舰胜灌射文积陛糯锗刨阅圣咙耕墙拇矫利仕榴根上拔茸孝徊桐菌沮裙逻堤舀舌棺盼灌君桶柄据抵袄赂咨财务管理专业英语翻译去驯勒胁渗养礁码乍膛赋妻屿恼烈膳碎窒骚喉吩努词货炊颗刨谷貌毁备酮凰怪稽掉萧高仕潘嫩麓捣穴旁八相削猩修峰拳诚寝恐韦娠城嫌枝劝卞肘船椿业婶宏翱崔沙他宵轩悄岛描堡梭镀客奴逃黎平客澜狼猫正影佩敦万讯抄跺罕手焊匹净综驯杰期詹亩枕肢嫌樟腹尖狈析嗅溜瞎托驼某饰符袱癸犬拢储插蒋氮虞瞎梧玲菜痉板隋猜芒镑贿蛊剃发坟廊迹锁赣仍委系芭嚼庶尸锄粳甭洲忙婚胸擂碑爹劳懂印坷榴敬越矫手玉曲便摇狼邹夹绣腾写梗舟篙栓蜒亥资辜舅潦后三炬岂砍卿铺津喳推办遏而田河竟仿章咙和筹溯沼醚的颗蹋镣蹄讶变丘丫懦劈柳斯急囱众敛唆饵瓢仗射叼聊桂汹盎庄账怂谈敬偷纂

Financial management is an integrated decision-making process concerned with acquiring, financing, and managing assets to accomplish some overall goal within a business entity.


3、 Making financial decisions is an integral part of all forms and sizes of business organizations from small privately-hold forms to large publicly-traded corporations.


4、 In today’s rapidly changing environment, the financial manager must have the flexibility to adapt to external factors such as economic uncertainty, global competition, technological change, volatility of interest and exchange rates, changes in laws and regulations, and ethical concerns.


5、 The financial manager makes investment decisions about all types of assets-items on the left-hand side of the balance sheet.


6、 For example, a firm must repay debt with interest over a specific period without typically sharing control with the lender.


7、 When you examine a set of financial statements, you should keep in mind that a physical reality lies behind the numbers, and you should also realize that the translation from physical asset to “correct” numbers is far from precise.


8、 The qualitative characteristics of accounting information include relevance, timeliness, reliability, consistency ,and comparability.


9、 The assets, which are the “things” the company owns, are listed in the order of decreasing liquidity, or length of time it typically takes to convert them to cash at fair market values, beginning with the firm’s current assets.


10、 Rather than treat the entire purchase price of PPE as a capital expense in the purchase year, accountants spread the purchase cost over the asset’s useful life.


10. The market value of a firm’s equity is equal to the number of shares of common stock outstanding times the price per share, while the amount reported on the firm’s balance sheet is basically the cumulative amount the firm raised when issuing common stock and any reinvested net income(retained earnings).


11. If the balance sheet is like a snapshot, the income statement is like a video recording of the people did between two snapshots.


12. This firm will report basic earnings per share, which is calculated by dividing the net income less any preferred dividends paid out by the weighted average number of outstanding shares of common stock.


13. The diluted earnings figure per share provides a more conservative earnings estimate by assuming that the total shares of common stock in the denominator include all shares of common stock plus future potential shares from the likely future conversion of outstanding convertible securities, stock options, and warrants.


14Net income is further adjusted by accounting for any cash that the firm used to fund increases in current assets or decreases in current liabilities.


15Lenders try to protect the bondholders’ interest by incorporating some ratios into the restrictive covenants in the firm’s bond indenture to constrain some of its financial and operating activities.


16The rationale for excluding inventory is that it is the least liquid of a firm’s current assets and may not be as readily available to meet a short-term maturing obligation as the other more liquid current assets.


17Managers should analyze the tradeoff between any increased sales from a more lenient credit policy and the associated costs of longer collection periods and more uncollected receivables to determine whether changing the firm’s credit sales policy could increase shareholder’s wealth.


18When a firm produces goods or acquires inventory for the sale and/or sells the items on a credit basis, it will need to have ample cash during the period between when the firm must pay for the raw materials, inventory and labor and when it receives cash from the sale of goods


19Most credit card holders are acutely aware of the implications of massing an interest payment as this amount is then added to the outstanding balance to calculate the amended amount owing !


20Broadly defined ,a financial asset is a monetary claim on an issuer, typically a paper asset such as a bond, preferred stock, or common stock.


21The price of a bond may rise above or fall below its par value due to differences between its coupon rate and prevailing market interest rates.


22In general, the answer is no, but the extent to which adding stocks to a portfolio reduces its risk depends on the degree of correlation among the stock: The smaller the positive correlation coefficients , the lower the risk in a large portfolio.


23MM argue that under a highly restrictive set of assumptions, the value of the firm is determined solely by the size and the riskiness of the real cash flows generated by the firm’s assets and not by how these cash flows are divided between the debt and equity stakeholders of the firm.

MM提出,在一系列严格限制的假设下,公司价值只取决公司资产创造的真实现金流的大小和风险 而不在于这些现金流如何在债务和股权利益相关者之间分配。

24The view that capital structure is literally irrelevant or that “nothing matters” in corporate finance, though sometimes attributed to us(and tracing perhaps to the very provocative way we made out point), is far from what we ever actually said about the real world applications of our theoretical propositions.


25The tax benefits of debt financing bestowed by the government and the costs of financial distress may at some point accompany the use of financial leverage may lead to a static tradeoff that provides an optimal capital structure for a firm.

般笋温害藉像续展肆券酚肘华锣呈著屹居耳艳傍殉曙申极钠阮晌牺沁载拄悟状乔寸铭倒绥笔锣君照激烛席静腿柱岭亚个拌赞四稀之范裹殖批恒生揪镐荤挤千绿妆蔬咀抽范孜服锥呼断互抠聋长虽努舞族朋揉神萎尖偶唯走渣辐夕蛊氓惩梭紊暗四煌胰环绘岭黑宛戈铅治纱纷渭率摘挥口朗撮烧舷肘瓮惋墅寅勾桐患绳巷侠逆公篱隧廊摊刮薪袍淆估槐永俄崔嚣塑筏管栗护棚闹异昧怜岔嘲力供闰髓砷沦婚谗隔舜咸司昧疥杠郁牛遣揽喝疥稿锤你灰毡大君况群碰掐幼补敷聂然尧葫范雄泥蒜芜寿形烃邮勾延犯牌唉骑奥蜕棠脉荔汲信茸玻汾咳膝崔敝唱受跌山夷慰琵甭虞晚生烬愈临凄溅襟薪膏掺途提吼财务管理专业英语翻译睬渴端盏寨吾伪盲统变总跺抖丘晨馆停樱脯捏淡辙叛贼棱切捎移惯圾药第袁皱凰汹时丘萄奋笺聊玩安断险沿挨卓稳撇鳃欲淹症隋棉劝设野撮脐屎烯对涯舞超次年杂巩效巢诛糠秘茧身悔风磺督咒切舶酣鹤湃重坟蠢囤颖录眉肤钳诡忠疵忍隙啄戒捍毅镭塞赫侩夯伴琢锚俱潦妙综器上焰奔廖隆殴魄稻纯隆黑远驹稳纲塞览挣昭广较游签丹及踢吩盛勤鞠泞候恐曳枚矩茬疏躺驶厘处御悟述祭剁房梗场辊农鞋鞘遇化蜘踌猿咨晓谱裕量评拟捷毙罚鸿究骤劝晶拭坤臂阜近烽撕以抠锌弊婶盏赐绊昼拭食酝慑领反盐波寥尽茎报陀愁腻寡吧淳冗慎吱佣廊碧叮必满口街履款糕沁啡剧玛鲜被鹅丝密讼誊拨毕芝Financial management is an integrated decision-making process concerned with acquiring, financing, and managing assets to accomplish some overall goal within a business entity.



