敢死队 台词

发布时间:2018-07-01 13:57:35   来源:文档文库   
片名:《敢死队》 别开枪 Don't shoot me. 谁在那里? Who is that? 钱给你 把人质放了 There's your money, release the hostage - 有多少 - 3… How much in there? - Three - 太晚了 现在我们要500万美元 You're too late. We want five million dollars 死到临头 还这么贪 Wha'da ya know, a greedy pirate 再说一遍 拿还是不拿 Last chance, take it or leave it 我们现在就要钱马上... We want the money... now! 给你们点颜色看看 -不﹗ Warning shot- No!- 低了点 A little low 我发誓我会杀了他的 I'll kill him, I swear I will kill him 把枪放下 Drop your guns! - 门都没有 - 没错 Not a chance - Yeah, that'll happen - 最后机会 把人质放了 Last chance, let the hostages go 我们就放过你们 or you're outta there 先把钱给我 快点 Bring the money here to me, Cocoa face 左边四个交给我 I'll take the four on the left 你怎么不杀右边那两个 其他别管 Why don't you take the two on the right leave the rest alone 我要杀了他们的 我才不管他们死活 I'll kill them all, I don't care 你该杀右边两个 你身手可没那么快了 You should take the two on the right, you're not that fast anymore 比我快的只有光 The only thing faster is light 走着瞧吧 We'll see 子弹永远比刀快 Bullets are faster than the blades 快把钱扔过来 Bring the money here! Now! 想要钱吗 Want money? 过来拿啊 Go and Get It (cell phone: buzz-buzz!) 什么东西 What's that? 一条短信 It's a text 你说什么 Excuse me? 杀了他 Kill him! - 打了个平手 - 少来 别做梦了你 I call that a tie - Come on, you're dreams - 这些家伙真是帮原始人 These guys are rest of development 有点同情 A little compassion, folks 我猜你一个都没干掉 Ya' know, I don't think you hit one of 'em 我也没见到任何刀伤 I don't see any knives actually 你们搞完了吗 How you guys doin? 他在搞什么 What the hell is he doin? - 吊死海盗 - 别开玩笑 Hanging a pirate - Don't be rediculous 加纳 你在干吗 Gunner! What are you doing? 吊死海盗 Hanging a pirate 他真的疯了 He's seriously demented - 这可不太妙 - 你自己搞定 This is not good - You're on your own - 多谢你们的支持 可真够朋友 Apreciate it, it's good to have friends 加纳 Gunner 什么事 Yeah? 那不是我们的风格 把他放下来 This is not the way we work Let him go 为什么 他对我们开枪了 Why? He'd do it to us 加纳 再说一遍 把他放下来 Gunner, last chance Let him go 我就不怪你 or we let you go 吊死海盗可没错 It's good to hang pirates 我不会那样杀人 We don't kill like that 是吗? 不够绅士是吧? Yeah? Not polite enough? - 放开他 加纳 - 你怎么样 邦尼 Let him go, Gunner - How are you a partner? - 还不错 Very Good 我差点被弹片打死 你信吗 My partner here kicked me with steel tipped boots, can you believe that? 那是你自找的 You deserved it - 我们需要点绷带 - 也许吧 This will require stitches - Maybe - 我讨厌绷带 I hate stitches 大家都讨厌 Everyone does 放开他加纳 Let him go, Gunner 放开他 Let him go 没错 Let him go - 他冷静了没 - 小心点 去吧! He's cool? - Be careful, go - 加纳 冷静点没 Gunner, you cool? 好多了 Yeah 你留着吧 Nah, keep it 你配得上这把好刀 You appreciate a good blade 你还好吧 You alright? 嗯 Yes 他快崩溃了 Life just got to him 我们早晚也一样 It'll get to all of us 来了 Coming 谁呀! Who is it? 一个能看着你熟睡 就会开心的男人 Someday you'll find a man who'll be happy just to watch you sleep 嗨! 我不知道你回来了 Hi, didn't know you were back 宝贝 Hey, babe 我也是刚到 I have just arrived 你怎么了 ... hi - .... Why, you look quite... - 我一直在等你的电话 I wish you would have called 我不喜欢打电话 I've never been a good caller 一个多月没有你的消息了 I hav'nt heard from you in over a month 真的吗? Really? 我保证再也不会这样了, 对不起! Won't happen again, sorry 给你个惊喜 But, I do have a surprise 上等的葡萄酒 The first blend, a special 另外 And 我还带了点东西给你 I have something else for you 我特别为你选的 Bought something 小惊喜 Surprise 成色很好 It's a good color, but 可能是灯光的原因 It's hard to see in this light 从商店里买的时候看着漂亮多了 It looked real shiny when I bought it in the shop 格蕾斯 Grace 没事吧 Is everything okay? - 没事 - 他是谁 Yes?... - Who's he? - 他…是一位朋友 He's a friend 天很晚了 你叫什么? Kinda late. You gotta name? 她说了 一个朋友 Friend. She just told you 李 别这样就走了 Lee, come on... 李 我很抱歉 Don't leave like this. Lee, I'm sorry 想想我们之间美好的过去吧 I thought that things were good between us 我不确定我们能不能走到最后 I felt like you never cared about getting in my life, or letting me into yours. Stop! 你当然确定 Sure I did 不 我认识你一年半了 No, I have known you for over a year and a half . 但我还不知道你是什么工作 And do not even know what your business is 那又怎样 我们在一起才是最重要的 What's wrong? When I am here I am with you and that is what counts 问题是 你人在着 你的心却不在着 What matters is, when you're here . You're not really here 你是个好人 我爱你 但是 ... You're a good man and I love you but - 格蕾斯 - 他可真烦人 Grace! - I hate his voice - - 你说什 么 - 让他滚开 Did you say something? - Don't let him come down here - 你要明白我对你说的话 You do not understand what I'm saying, you have to understand 我明白 I understand 132 00:11:55,227 --> 00:11:58,069 - 保重 - 李 You take care - Lee - 他配不上你 格蕾斯 He's no good, Louise 兄弟, 你从不睡觉的吗 Hey, brother, don't you ever sleep? 好吧! OK! 这是我朋友 ... This is my friend - 你叫啥来着 - 夏安 What is your name? - Cheyanne - 夏安 #$&*#!!@@@%#zz ... Cheyanne, Arapahoe, Charikee, Pony - 要喝一杯吗 - 还好 You wanna drink? - I'm fine - 不如你先上去 Why don't you run up them stairs and get me one of them super good brews - 准备一杯马提尼酒 - 等你来哦 6 olive Martini, baby - Anything for you, baby - 你真乖 You got it - 她很迷恋我 - 跟前N个一样 She got a crush on me- Like the last 50 - 欢迎回来 兄弟 Welcome back, my brother, 你还好吧 你气色不错啊 Damn, you look good 还行 好了 兄弟 Yes, well, my friend 来帮我把这鸟画完 Let's finish this bird up 给你画完这几个字母得花好几年呢 Yeah, brother. It's taken you a couple of years to do a couple of letters 我们得踢掉加纳 We had to get rid of Gunner 那样他会发疯的 你得让他喘口气 Yeah, well, he went crackistan on you ass you gotta cut'em loose 那你想给点意见吗 Yeah, you wanna fill in? 听我说 Let me tell you something 记得上次我们任务在哪吗 Remember where we were last time? - 就是要求清理血山那次 - 尼日利亚 Where were we? In that mud & blood - Nigeria - 对 当时你手部中弹 Yes, your hand was all shot to shit 你的血到处都是 血流不止 And you were bleedin all over the place, and I was bleedin and ... 那时我就对自己发誓 Since that time, I promised myself 我绝不会孤单一个人 死的时候被人打成马蜂窝 I don't wanna die all alone full of holes in the mud and the blood 我想为值得的东西去死 比如女人 I wanna die with something that counts. I wanna die with a woman. 但我也想为关心我的人而死 I wanna die, ya know, with someone who cares about me 别为了一个女人而死 死在女人身边 那样才好 Don't wanna die for a woman, I wanna die laying next to a woman. That's what I want - 克瑞斯回来了 - 嗯 我都问道了 It is Christmas time - . Yes, I can smell him from here - 这不是克瑞斯嘛 怎么样 兄弟 Mr. Christmas, how ya doin, brother? 很好啊 I'm good, Toole 瞧瞧这边 觉得如何 Take a look at this, what do you think? 像只黑色的鸡 Eh, it still looks like a black chicken 黑色的鸡 你画的吗 Black Chicken? - Black Chicken? You done? - 对 我画的 他就这么想 Yes, I'm done - It's a damn raven - 老兄弟啊你就这么认为吗 Oh, man! Good to see ya, bud 知道吗 You know what? 关于你 For you 我有个好点子 I have a great idea 干嘛不让我给你做一个 那叫什么 Why don't you let me doodle like a ... I do not know 劲爆的造型 在头顶上 A Charlette's Web on your head 与众不同的 兴奋不已的 你的脑袋长得很好 Something different, something exciting Because you a perfect dome muscular heads 形状很美 我可以 ... I can put a 我可以在脑袋中央纹上 web on the top of the head... 一位怀孕的女郎 Maybe a pregnant Charlette coming out of your ear peeking around 让虫不会进去 Making sure them bugs don't come inside... 她的长腿一直纹到你肩膀上 Her long legs dangling down your neck? - 性感极了对吗 - 性感得不得了 Yes, sexy, right? - . Very sexy - 你平时再装的神秘点 有性格一点 This will give you a little mystery, a little character 那就无敌了 and very...sexy 简直让你鹤立鸡群 That will make you stand out 真心话 He's thrilled, though 你怎么想啊 Ok, tell you what 今晚我觉得很有手感 I feel a little lucky tonight 我现在感觉手头准得很 I'm feeling very acurate 下次吧 Maybe another time 来吧 搞一把 Come on, take him on 来吧 克瑞斯 出手吧 Come on, Christmas, bring it, baby 我在他这儿一向很衰 I am a coward in his place - 算了吧 - 来吧 你绝不会后悔的 He never beat you in your life - Come on, Christmas, no disgrace in losing - 请讲 Yes 不错 Good 有三件活儿干了 Well, I've go 3 pieces of work 两份小差事 Two a walks in the park 一份硬骨头 And one to hell and back - 我需要独自呆上一段时间 - 振作点 咱开会呢 I need some time alone - Hey, cheer up. Make the meeting - 将军 General! 我们里面出了叛徒你们偷我东西 饶了我 老大 我们从未偷你东西 那些地上长出的东西 都不属于你们 那是我的 明白吗 我拿我孩子的名义发誓 我明白 但知人知面不知心 怎么知道你哪句是真话 现在你可以瞧瞧他的心了 Now we can see inside of him 我只看到谎言 And I see lies 他偷的东西不只属于你 属于我们 He wasn't stealing from you, he was stealing from us 我们的 Both 想找回点面子 干掉其余两个 Want to rate respect? Smoke those two 简单的说 钱给足了 我们不在乎干些什么 Let's just keep it simple, if the money's right we don't care where the job is. Got it? 咱们开门见山 Let's quit jerkin' off... 我晓得你的真名并不叫罗斯 Get down to business, see who's hungry. I know your real name's probably not Barney Ross 你也不需要知道我的名字 You don't need to know my name 你要知道的就是 这是个大差事 The only thing you need to know is that the job's real... 报酬也够多 and the money's real. 既然在这个圣洁的地方 And since we're in this beautiful place 姑且叫我乔奇(意为教堂)吧 Just Call me Mr. Church 好吧 乔奇 能为你做些什么 Ok, Church, what can I do for you? 等几分钟 还有一个人要来 In a minute. Still waiting for one more guy. 谁? Who? - 你俩认识吗 - 当然 我们曾在同一个队伍里 You know him? - Yeah, we used to be on the same team together- 他是我的老损友 What's my oldest worst friend doin' here? 他和你一样是顶尖高手 Both your names came to the top of the list. 有什么问题吗 Is this a problem? 恩 我当年应该一枪毙了他 Yeah, should'a shot 'em when I had a chance. 大块头罗斯 Big Barney Ross! 超大块头穆尔斯 Bigger Trent Mouzier 你在这干吗 让上帝给你活儿干? What are you doing here? Praying for work? 也许吧 Could be 那你生病了 Have you been sick? 你似乎瘦了 You've lost weight 眼神不错 我掉的肉全长你身上了 Really? Well, whatever weight I lost you found, pal. 看你们的鸟样似乎想亲热一番 You guys aren't gonna start sucking each other's dicks, are ya? 我们来谈正经事 来看谁想干这活儿 Let's get down to business, To see who wants to work 知道有个岛叫做瓦林纳吗 Ever hear of an island called Valiena? 不知道 No 知道 Yes - 那个岛在南美洲 - 嗯 你说得对 It's a little island in the Gulf - That's right- 你得多学点文化 You should read more 谢了 Thanks 我们对那个岛上的资源十分感兴趣 There are resources on that island that my people are very interested in 但那个道被一个叫加赞的将军控制着 并自立为王 But a general by the name of Garza has overthrown a hazardous government 嗯 是那样 That's right 我的手下遇到些问题 My people are having a problem with this fanatic Garza - 所以你想让他滚 - 我想让他死 So you want Garza gone - I want him dead - 他们有军队 白痴才会接这活儿 All it takes is a little army. Only an idiot would do this job 报酬有多少 How much? 我说什么来着 Well, like I said... 我这会儿很忙 这事儿就交给我朋友负责了 I'm busy anyway, so give this job to my friend here. 他最喜欢打野战 He loves playing in the jungle 是吗 Right? - 嗯 - 好吧 Right - That's right - 一起吃个饭吧 Why don't we have dinner? 没问题 什么时候 Sure, when? 一千年后吧 In a thousand years 这么急啊 Too soon 他脑子进水了吗 What's his fuckin' problem? 这家伙 他想当总统 He wants to be president 我得先调查一下这个岛屿 I gotta recon this island first 我们已经安排了接头人 I have a contact for you on the island 好 Good riddance 我从未遇到这么棘手的活儿 所以我需要500万 I got the feelin' that everyone else has passed on this job, so our fee is... five mil lion 500万 5 million? 先付一半 剩下一半打到海外帐户 有问题吗? I want half up front, the other half in an offshore account, you got a problem with that? 270 00:20:45,667 --> 00:20:46,743 没有 No 不过 有个别的问题 What I have a problem with 曾经有人想耍我 is people who try to fuck me over 如果你拿了钱 So if you take this money 不干活儿 And you don't deliver 或者敢跟我耍什么花招 or you try to fuck me with some kinda weird cockamamie scheme of yours 我和我的人 Me, and my people 定会找到你和你的人算账 are gonna come get you and your people 将你砍成一块一块的 拿去喂狗 and chop you up into little fucking dog treats 还有什么问题吗 You gotta problem with that? 谈细节吧 Let's talk - 瓦林纳 - 是的 瓦林纳 Valiena - Yeah, Valiena - 在那揽了活儿吗? They got work there? 来 Come on 你不该来这里 加纳 You shouldn't be here, Gunner 别踢我出局 Don't replace me 我行的 I'm good 我还能干 I'm still good 你还在吸毒 我不能信任你 You're still using it. I can't trust you anymore, man - 你不信任我 - 是 You can't trust me? - Yeah - 你居然不信任我 You can't trust me? 你小心点 Be careful 你威胁我 加纳 You threatening me, Gunner? 不会 No 我可是大好人 I am a nice guy 这个叫乔奇的人说 岛上约有六千人 So, going over the info this guy Church gave me, there's probably about six thousand people on the island 有多少军队 How many soldiers? 几千人吧 Perhaps a few hundred 我们需要这样冒险吗 Wouldn't take much more than that to control a space that small 嗯 他们有个小军队 Great. They got a small army 但我们昵 And what have we? 四个半人 Four and a half men 这一点不好笑 Not so funny - 得给我加钱 - 你说什么 I need a raise. - Why?- 我需要钱给我的儿子 I need the money for my son 送他去所好学校念书 I want to send him to a better school 他还拖家带口呢 When did Yen Yang get a family? - 我怎么不知道 - 你没也没问过 I have no idea - You no ask - 所以我没说 I no tell 好吧 Anyway... 现在的情况是 The pay share will stay the same. That's the way it's gonna be. 除了加赞将军 岛上还有一个大敌 Now, the target on the island, a guy named General Garza - 是大问题吗 - 谁还关心什么狗屁问题 What's the problem? - Who gives a shit what the problem is? - 我们已经有够多问题了 We have problems here is enough for us 如果不先除掉他们 他们就会干掉我们 That we can not get rid of them . First get rid of us 没错 Totally 你最后一次见里安诺斯 是什么时候 when's the last time you seen your analyst? - 今早 - 他对你说了些什么 This morning - Yeah? What you talk about? - 尽量避免情绪失控 Avoidant Personality Disorder - 你想得太多了 - 托尔.罗德 You think too much - You know, Tollwell? - 你不同寻常 所以也有不同寻常的麻烦 对不对 You're an unusual guy. And you're always gonna have unusual problems, right? 不同寻常 你是在说我的耳朵 Unusual? You are talking about my ear 别这样 不要再说你的耳朵了 不关耳朵的事 Oh, come on, don't start with the ear again. Not the ear story again 别来了 我们都知道 Not again, we all know the ear story 我们都知道了 把注意力放在工作上 We all know. Let's just concentrate on the job 不关我的事 是你们谈起的 - Hey, no. Shit, no. You guys started this - 大家都知道 我在大学是练摔跤的 We all know I wrestled in college 是的 Right 在比赛中 A common injury associated with that sport 耳朵很容易受伤 is trama to the ear 血块会留在耳朵里 a clot 结果就是这样 我成了"开花耳朵" Which, if left unattended, causes a contraction in the cartilage and forms cauliflower ears - 你的意思是… - 这并不容易让人接受 And your point is? - It ain't easy being green - 无论如何 Any way 我和克瑞斯会去瓦林纳岛上看看我们要不要接这个任务 Me and Christmas are gonna head down to Valiena and scout the island to see if we should take the job 给多少钱 我养家需要更多的钱 How much pay? I need more money for my family 养谁家 What family? 我的家 My family 克瑞斯 那个女孩不适合你 Listen, that girl wasn't your type - 她选错人了 - 我真想把那混蛋的下巴打烂 Her lost, right? - I should've broke that bastard's jaw- 也许你的会被打烂 Maybe if you were lucky he could've broke yours 不可能的事 Impossible 听着 克瑞斯 You know,Christmas 我很理解 但是 I understand, but 也许会有几小时 心情很沉重 但是 Let's just say you were with her for a couple of hours, and it's nice and it's hot and heavy 之后 你会感觉好得多 But after that, think about it... 干完活准备做些什么 What do you do for the rest of the day? 也许是她让你解脱了 She probably did you a favor 还是浪费时间独自在角落里蛋疼 You have more time to feel sorry for yourself 你这个的混球 You are a great bastard 早上好 Good morning 早上好 Good morning 会说英语吗 Good Morning - Speak English? - 飞机不错嘛 Big plane, huh? - 我们用它来运受伤动物 - 你们来这干什么 Yeah, we use it to tranport injured animals - Why are you here? - 我是生物学家 Ornithologist 我是摄影师 拍鸟类的 We are photographing exotic packs - 你瞧着很紧张 - 紧张 You're nervous? - Nervous? - - 怎么 - 你瞧着很紧张 Why? - You look nervous - 紧张 我看起来紧张吗 Do I look nervous? 你脸色这 么差 一定是着凉了 Yeah, your skin looks a little dry, I think you should fly with the windows closed 可能是因为海拔太高 It's the altitude 肯定是这个原因 我们刚到这 It is the altitude, it'll get to you 地址在哪 What is the address? 在我的大脑里 Yes, it's in my head 好吧 Wanna share it? 看那一群人…(西班牙语) Canteen Gloria 西班牙语 Spanish 你怎么知道的 Who are you? Zoro? 军队 Army 来 进去 Come on, in there 照下来 You rollin'? 好 Yeah 拍那个穿西服的 那个穿西服的 Get the suit. Tighten up on the suit 明白 Got it 瞧瞧这些小丑和大猩猩 Look at these clowns, hand picked monkeys 返回基地 Got it 出了什么问题 What's wrong with this picture? 一切都有问题 Everything 我们先离开这 Let's get out of here 事情总是 你认为你很了解一个人 但其实你不了解 What's the point? I mean, you think you know someone, and you truly do not. 其实 古话说 唯女子与小人难养也 Aren't you the guy who said "The man who can best get along with women is the man who can get along without them"? 还用他说 That's bullshit 说实话 她可能真不是你的菜 Truthfully, she wasn't your type - 这事没完 - 好好享受自由吧 I wasn't finished - Look, enjoy your freedom - - 我们还有很多时间 - 这倒是 Yeah, you wait 'til it happens to you - It has - 两位要点什么喝的吗 不了 谢谢 接头人怎么晚了 Contact's late 那咱们走吧 Alright, let's go 蛋定 Chill 你就从来没被妞甩过 You ever been rejected? 你这话可太伤感情了 你知不知道 You're really pushing the boundaries of our relationship, you know that? - 这是接头人吗 - 希望是 Is that our contact?- Could be- - 太迷人了 - 小心点 I'll bet she's all about it - Stay focused - - 你是接头人 - 我是桑德拉 You the contact? - I'm Sandra - 你们叫什么 What are your names? 400 00:30:06,528 --> 00:30:07,565 布达(佛祖) 401 00:30:07,565 --> 00:30:08,526 派斯特(害虫) 请跟我来 Follow me, please 布达 派斯特 挺好 Buda...Pest...nice. 这些都是你画的 You do all these? 对 Yes 拿一张吧 Take one - 小礼物 - 不 我不能白拿 A gift - I don't take free gifts, ah... - - 你要多少钱 - 不要钱 要钱就不是礼物了 How much do you want for it? - Nothing taking money for something is not a gift - 免费的才是礼物 Taking nothing for something is- Oh- 这地方一直这样吗 Is it like this all the time? 这里曾经是个非常美丽的地方 This place was a beautiful place 直到有一天 那些人带着钱来了 加赞出卖了自己的灵魂 Then, one day, they came with money and General Garza sold his soul 所有反抗的人都被杀死了 And the people who fight back are killed 你说的那些人 他们是谁 You said "THEY came with money". Who's they? 一些美国人 就知道这些 Some Americans That's all I know 总有一天一切会回到过去的 But one day all this will change - 你相信吗 - 是 You really believe that? - Yes - 总有一天我们会靠自己赶走他们 The best day will be the one when we can say our lives are our own again 你有家人吗 桑德拉 Do you have family, Sandra? 在我很小的时候 妈妈就死了 我爸爸 他也死了 My mother died when I was small And my father is gone too 再靠近一些 我们好进入宫殿 Sandra, how close can you get to the palace? 去宫殿 为什么 The palace? Why? 我们只是想看看旁边的风景 I just wanna...check out the view there 那里没有风景 There is no view 只管去那儿就对了 Why don't we just go there anyway, ok? 我的庄稼呢 Where is my growth? 你的人去哪儿了 Where is your manpower? 你们知道多久才能种出可卡因吗 Do you know how long it takes for a cocoa field to produce? 你们当然不知道 让我告诉你们 Of course you don't, let me tell you 我们已经比预计晚了八周了 We are 8 weeks behind schedule 让你的人勤快点 给我我想要的东西 Kick your peasants' asses, get me my product 你当着我的人的面这么跟我说话 When you talk like this to me in front of my men 这可不明智 It's no good 我是你的救命稻草 这我说了算 I am your lifeline. I am the one who coordinates all this confusion 我是你的摇钱树 I am making you rich 我让你成了百万富翁 And being wealthy is very good 可以让很多人都听你的话 It allows people to be the real ass-wipes nature intended them to be 有些时候 Sometimes 军人不会在乎金钱 Things are just not worth the money 他们肯定会的 Sure they are - 桑德拉 我们快到了吗 - 就在那 Sandra, are we close?- It's just over there- 在这停下车 Pull over please 你去哪 Where are you going? 去我要去的地方 Where am I going. 你就当是我想换个角度看风景吧 Well, I suppose you could say I love to see the world from different views 不要弄丢了我的帽子 Do not lose my hat 我们继续走 We should get goin' 他太情绪化了 He's very emotional 你在找什么 What are you looking for? 桑德拉 Sandra... 我怎么知道这不是个圈套 How do I know you're not setting us up? 你说的圈套什么意思 What does "setting us up" mean? 你不像是跟我们打交道的那伙人 你是怎么掺和进来的 You don't look like the kind of person we deal with all the time. How did you get involved in this? 一个美国人来过 让我的朋友带你转转 An American came here. He asked my friend to show you around. 他很害怕 所以他让我来 He was afraid, so he asked me to 你不害怕吗 And you're n ot afraid. 我怕 I'm afraid 但是他说也许你们可以帮助我们 But he said that maybe you can help the Valiena 我不这么认为 I don't think so 听着 Listen 我要是 你就会离开 If I were you, I'd leave 还是走吧 Just leave 该走的是你 You should leave 不要说话 我来应付 Do not say anything, let me speak 不准动 不准动 你在这干什么 我应该警告过你不准再回来 为什么 这地方又不是你说了算 我警告过你 不要以为将军的女儿我就不敢杀 这没你说话的份 把她押送到她父亲那去 你是谁 快跑 Run! - 去救她 - 遵命 Get her - Got her - 你他妈疯了 Are you crazy?! - 差点打爆我的头 - 不用客气 You could have killed me! - You're Welcome! - 再开快点 Alright, speed it up! 马上就到 We are on the way 要是能逃得掉就是奇迹了 We get out of here it's a miracle - 她和我们一起走 对吧 - 没错 She's coming with us, right? - She'd better - - 怎么逃走 - 坐飞机 How can we leave? - We have a plane - 不 我不能走 No, I can not leave - 你没得选择 - 不 我有 Well, you don't have no choice - Yes, I do - -他们下一秒就能抓住你 - 那我也得留下 They'll find you in an hour - Maybe, but I'm staying - 留下来已经没有意义了 Stay for what? There's nothing here 那是对你来说 Not to you 听好了 呆在着你就死定了 她跟咱们一起走 Look, you stay here, you're dead. She's leaving with us - 我看到有警卫 - 帮我争取60秒 - 没问题 I got the guys inside - Give me a 60 second lead - You got it- 没问题 快走快走 Go. Go. Go. 快点 Come on 快进去 Get in Get in! - No, no, I can not - - 进去 - 不 我不能走 - 快走 - 不 我属于这儿 Let's go - I can not. I belong here - - 没时间吵了 - 你走吧 There is no time - Go. You Go - 你瞧着很紧张 You look nervous Run! Run, you burfbag! - 妞呢 - 跑了 她不想走 Where is the girl? - Gone. She won't leave - 难以置信 她留下要干什么 Won't leave? Don't know of anybody who would want to stay - 真他妈见鬼 I don't believe this shit 飞高一点 高一点 Climb, baby, climb 杀个回马枪 Goin' back? - 没错 - 跟他们拚了 Yeah - Ride & die - 跟他们拚了 干吧 Ride & Die, let's do it Great job 那是必须的 That was a statement? 两名职业杀手突破了安全警戒 How did two, obviously professionals, pass right through security personal 杀了41名士兵然后逃之夭夭 kill 41 soldiers and get away? 肯定有人在帮他们 With help, that's how 万事尽在掌握 除了一个人 Everything is under control except for one detail 你女儿 A daughter 她想让你和我都完蛋 Who wants her father and company dead and gone. Bad Shakespear 她就是一个寄生虫 Some how the C ompany parasites got to her. 听着 你女儿会毁了这一切的 Look, she's your daughter, and that's tragic 不管用什么方式 But blood or not, she goes 她都要为此付出代价 To hell with the price of lemons 人不能杀死自己的亲人 You don't kill your family 休假的时候再来我这吧 - Come around my house during the holidays, pal- 鸟不错 Nice bird 首先 我很不喜欢跟拿着猎枪的傻大个儿谈生意 First of all, I do not feel comfortable talking business with a giant carrying a shotgun 这哥们儿不肯缴枪 Pretty boy wouldn't give it up 你不是想知道他们在哪吗 Not if you wanna know where they are 你都知道什么 What do you know? 我以前跟他们一伙的 I was one of them - 那你为什么叛变了 - 个人问题 Why are you turning on them? - Personal problems - - 我出5万 - 开完笑 We settled on 50 - No, math wiz - 我要10万 得先付钱 We settled on a hundred grand, up front in my pocket 这家伙是个混蛋 This guy thinks he's a real bad ass 少他妈跟我开玩笑 This case is a bloody joke 生活就是一场玩笑 蠢货 Life is a joke, shitface! 不想被60口径的大枪干爆头 就给我放尊重点 If you don't want that Fu Man Chew knocked back into the 60s, you better keep your gum chewin' trap shut, and show some respect 打你头 Bring it 放尊重点 Hey! Be nice 打你脸 小朋友 Need a face lift, pretty boy? - 退下 - 我要宰了他 Back off, Peyton - I'm gonna kill him - 我们需要他 We need him 退下 Back off! 据我判断 This is what I think is happening. 这个自称为乔奇的家伙 隶属于中情局 This guy who calls himself Church is really a front for the CIA - 所以我们是为特勤局工作 - 对 So, we're working for the Agency - Yeah - 乔奇让我们对付将军 Church hired us to take out the General but the 其实目标是这个家伙 詹姆斯.门罗 real target is this guy - James Monroe 前特工 现在联合将军经营毒品走私 He used to be with the Agency, but got greedy, went rogue, and teamed up with the General to keep the whole drug operation for themselves 但是乔奇无权派遣 特种部队去做掉他们 And that's a big cash plus. But Church and the Agency can't afford to send in the Navy Seals or Special Forces to take out one of their own 那样会被媒体曝光 所以他顾我们来干掉他们 That would be a bad head line, so they hire us to kill 'em 这样他们就能重操旧业 Then they're back in business - 能得到什么 - 没人在乎我们 And we're taken out- Nobody's gonna miss us- 报酬还是五百万吗 Is it still 5 million? 咱们根本没命回来 这活儿我决定不接了 We'd never live to spend it. I'm telling Church the deal's off 清楚了吗 Sound about right? 清楚了 我同意 Sound about right - I agree - 那混蛋在哪 Where is he? 那是谁 Who the hell is this? 一个小痞子 Some punk 不要鸟他 Do not worry about it 有我们在 We got your back 他过来了 揍他一顿 If he comes over here we'll bust his ass 你要干吗 What do you want? 要你狗命 Your life - 我在想是不是该要你的命 - 是吗 I was thinking about taking it - Is that right? - 但是我不想为了 这点儿屁事儿去蹲监狱 But I don't do so well in tight spaces, so going to prison worries me - 你不该打伤她的脸 - 是吗 You shouldn't have bruised her face - Really? - 我喜欢她原来的样子 Would have like to have kept it the way it was 滚你的 有种就来 Well keep the bitch 'cause I'm done with it 你这条贱命就算个球儿 I'd still like to deflate your real balls 小朋友 Friend 你知道我是干哪行的了 Now you know what I do for a living 我不是你等的白马王子 I'm not perfect, but you should have waited 但跟我不吃亏 I was worth it 你女儿还会画画 So your daughter paints too 她是罪魁祸首 This is how it starts! - 走吧 早跑光了 - 门罗 我们怎么收场 Let's go, there's nothing - This is all how it ends! - 睡不着吗 兄弟 What's the matter, Barney? Don't you ever sleep? 嗯 你的女朋友哪去了 Nah. What happened to your girlfriend? 过眼云烟啊 老兄 Ha. Another one bites the dust, brother 我为她画了这些 我想完成它 I was going to paint this for her and uh... you know what? I'm gonna finish it 结果只是越弄越糟 Then I'm just gonna smash the shit out of it 你需要一个人呆着吗 Want be alone? 无所谓 有事吗 Not really So what's up? 岛上有个女孩 On the island, there was this girl 我说什么来着 Yep, usually are 是的 Yeah 她是我们这次目标的女儿 She showed us around, she was the target's daughter 她本来有机会离开那个岛 When she had a chance to leave... 她却放弃了 she didn't do it 有胆量 Ump, she had some guts 我一直放不下这件事 Why can't I get that out of my mind? 她代表了某些东西 'Cause she stands for something 我们这些人总习惯 We don't, man, we don't stand for shit. We used to, but... 沉溺在过去的记忆里 That dried all up like this is gonna dry all up 你在痛苦里无法自拔 It's your paint is gonna dry 什么意思 What dried up? 信念 灵魂的信念 Just belief. Just belief in the soul. Just... 这是人性的一部分 兄弟 I don't know, the human parts, brother. 还记得在波希尼亚的时候吗 You remember that time we were up in Bosnia? 我们去收拾一帮混蛋 We took down them Serb bad boys? 无辜者在我们面前被杀 All our guys were gettin' chopped up all around us and... 血流成河 there was blood everywhere 当时我想我们都逃不掉了 I never thought I was gonna make i t out of there, and I know you didn't... - 你也这么想 - 是 and you didn't either - Yeah - 我感觉自己已经死了 Kinda feelin' like...dead too, ya know? 我脑子一片空白 谁也不信 My head's all very, very black place. Didn't believe in shit 眼前一片漆黑 Just goddamn directly to black 还记得当时看到一个当地人 I remember I got this bottle of this local shit they have over there. 不知道她在桥上呼喊什么 That Silvits...I think that's what it was called 即便现在我的身体不痛苦了 And I ain't feelin' no pain now 但当我想起 ... and I come up on this, uh... 当我想起那座桥 浮现出那一切 I come up on this overland bridge, and I see this 看着那个女的 .... I see this 我看着她就那么站着 I see this woman standing there, ya know? ... and she's uh... 她看看我 像是在求助 I stepped out, and she saw me, and she's just lookin' right... 可我和她有段距离 四目相对着 right in my eyes. And I was lookin' her right in her eyes, and... 我知道她要干什么 I knew what she was going to do 她看看我 我知道她要跳了 She looked at me, and I knew she was gonna jump 知道我怎么做的吗 我转回去继续走 You know what I did, man? I just turned around and I just kept walkin'... 然后 听到了落水声 Until I heard that splash 接着 我看着她落水溺死 And she was gone. After... 就在隔着几米远的地方 after taking all of them lives... 就那么近 she was one that... 我本可以救她 可我没有 I could have saved but I didn't, and uh... 后来 我就想 What I realized later on was uh... 如果我救了她 if I'd have saved that woman... 我也就拯救了自己的灵魂 I might have saved what was left of my soul, ya know? 有人曾告诉我 真正的男人 A wise dead man once told me that a real man... 不能打女人 never strikes a woman 必要的时候可以逼她们 You push some, if you have to 但不能打她们 but you never strike 他说的没错 It's the way I was raised 但这个人 他可不这么想 This man, however, does not share that moral dellima...no 就是他 .... This man 好吧 ...well 我问你 So the question is, Sandra... 那些美国人为什么来这里 Why were the Americans here? 笨蛋你为什么不跑你把他们杀了 怎么不把我也杀死啊为什么不杀了我啊为什么啊你怎么不杀了我啊杀我啊凶手 别动 我再问一次 Again 他们为何而来 What did the American tell you? 他们是谁 What are they after? 继续 Continue - 我要回维林纳去 - 改主意了? I'm going back to Valiena - Yeah? Something's changed? - - 有什么计划 - 没计划 What is the plan? - There is no plan - 等等 我们需要战略 一我一个人去 与你们无关 We need a strategy - I'm going, and you're not - - 什么 - 我打算自己去 What? - I said I'm going and you guys are not - - 你疯了 - 那是我的事 Are you out of your mind? - It's personal business - - 你对那女人一无所知 - 我没说了解 You don't owe that woman nothing - Didn't say I did - 你打算找死随你的便 我们才不管 If you want to kill yourself, fine. Your call 的确是自杀 你们多保重吧 但我要去 Listen, I don't want to kill myself. You guys take care. I gotta do this 我出发了 I gotta do this 什么 Hey, hey!- What? 别这么对我们 我会自责的 Don't lay this guilt crap on us. We don't deserve it 我的个人选择 不用自责 Hey, this is my choice, there's no guilt 不用自责 There's no guilt 保重 Take care 去他妈的个人选择 Yeah, fuck it, his choice Yeah... 我说过了只我自己去 I said I'm going alone 我也去 I'm going too 哥们 下去吧 Come on, Yang, get out 开车吧 Just drive 关键时刻别尿了 Do not lose your nerve 别跟我那么说话 Don't talk to me, cockroach 为什么这么做 Why are you doing this? 兄弟有难同当 Friends die together 把幸运戒还给我 Hey! Give me the good luck ring. Come on 还给我 别找我揍你 Don't make me hurt you, Yang. Come on 速度才是王道 Speed better than luck 管他呢 Whatever... 我很难 It's difficult 什么意思 What is? 我的生活很艰难 我需要更多钱 My life is difficult. I need more money 那又怎么样 Why's that? 我比别人更卖力 I work harder than the rest 你才没有呢 No you don't 不 我有 Yes I do 他们都是大个头 但我个子小 Because they're taller Everything's harder for me 当我受伤了 伤口也要大一些 When I get hurt, the hole is bigger 因为我个头小 Because I'm smaller 走路的时候 我也要走的更远 When I travel, I need to go further 我了解 就因为你个头小 - I know, because you're smaller, right? - 没错 Yes 我生活很艰难 My life is harder than you think 我需要更多钱 I need more money 我知道 你说过了 I know, you told me 为了你的家人 对吧 For your family, right? 我没有家人 I don't have family 我就知道 I know 可能有一天会有吧 Maybe one day I will 小心 - 你出去 - 为什么 Get out there! - Why me? - 因为你个头小 Because you're smaller 你去出去干掉他 Do that again, I'll kill ya! 708 00:58:41,492 --> 00:58:42,874 来啊 Gunner! 709 00:58:47,944 --> 00:58:49,212 来吧 Aww! Beautiful! 710 00:58:50,556 --> 00:58:51,670 棒极了 That's good 你在搞什么 你死定了 蠢货 What are you doin'? You're dead, junkie! 你才废物 Insects 下去 来吧 Shit! 小矮子 老子陪你玩玩 What are you wearing? Size 3? Bring it, Happy Feet 该我了 My turn! 放下他 Gunner! 见鬼 Shit ! 你朝我开枪 You shot me 没办法 你会杀了他的 Don't say that. You were gonna kill him 我只想吓吓他 I was just gonna scare him 得了吧 你早就看他不顺眼 Don't put that on me, you never liked him 我要死了吗 Am I dying? 子弹挺接近你的心脏 Shot you a couple of inches above your heart 我感觉到了 I'll take that as a "yes" 加纳 谁派你来的 Gunner, who sent you? 谁顾你来的 Who hired you? 无所谓了 Who cares? 做点好事吧 人之将死 其言也善 Do yourself a favor, don't let go until you cooperate for once in your miserable life 亡羊补牢吗 That better make me right 没错 You got it 谁派你来的 Who sent you? Who sent you? - 那女孩还活着吗 - 靠近点 Is the girl still alive? - Come closer - 你的哥们真不好当 You know, it's not easy being your friend 确实 That's true 只要你一句话 我们跟你一起赴汤蹈火 Man, we'll die with you. Just don't ask us to do it twice 我知道他们的部署了 路上跟你们细说 I know the lay out. I'll tell you about it on the way 你又怎么了 What the hell happened to you? 别提了 It's too sad to talk about it 起飞 Let's fly 你知道敌人最怕声音大的武器吗 You know, the enemy will always be terrified of noise 特别是猎枪 Especially shotguns 这玩艺儿每分钟250的射速 谁能敌得过它 With this big boy spittin' out 250 rounds a minute, you tell me who's tolerating that 绝对秒杀 Absolutely zero 加纳想要杀你 你朝他开了枪 临死前他告诉了你敌人的部署? So let me get this right: Gunner tries to kill you, you shoot him, at death's door he gives you the whole layout? 差不多 It was something like that - 我能赢的 - 我知道你能赢 I would have win - I know you would have win - 知道吗 You know what? 以前我信任你 I trust you 直到遇见我的小宝贝 Until I meet my girlfriend "哦妈呀大爆炸" (Oomayah Kaboom) 于是你抛弃了我 You lost me there "哦妈呀"一出 其他武器黯然失色 When Oomaya's primer strikes, she gets off a reentry warhead that arms itself "哦妈呀"一出 整支军队灰飞烟灭 And when that happens, anything that gets in my lady's way becomes instant red sauce and chowder 如果她还不管用 And if that doesn't work... 她姐们能搞定 Her sister will 你该去看看医生 You should meet my doctor 晚喽 Too late 对时 3:36分 我们有20分钟攻陷此处 It's 3:36. We have 20 minutes to take this place down. - 我做先锋 - 有朋友来了 I'll take the cellar-We've got company 收到 你们隐蔽 I've got him. You guys take off 为什么把你的士兵弄的像是蠢货 Is there a reason you've taken the soldiers this man has trained and made them look like fools? 他们是勇士 They look like warriors 效忠我的勇士 War riors loyal to me 我知道有人高价悬赏我的人头 I thought the people of Valiena hired these mercenaries to kill me 我又想 也许这只是你的计划 But then I think, maybe this is your plan 因为你无法控制我 Because you can not control me 并且严刑拷问桑德拉 And torturing Sandra 你认为折磨桑德拉会奏效 Works for you 你想杀了她让我忍受痛苦 You want to kill her to make me suffer 真男人不能杀害孩子 A man can never kill a child 但你能 But you can 把桑德拉送回来 Bring Sandra here 现在就去 Bring her now 不然我就杀了你 Or I will kill you 把她带过来 Go get her! 你确定她不知道我们是谁吗她被蒙住了 看不见的反正这个叛徒早晚得死 是我 It's me 是我 It's me 我不会伤害你 I won't hurt you 你怎么来了 How are you here? 为了你 I just am 咱们走吧 Can you move? 好 Yes 来吧 Ok - 时间到了 邦尼在哪 - 信号呢 Time's up. Where's Barney? - What's the call? - - 10分钟不来我们就进去 - 不可能 If he's not come in 10 minutes, we're gonna assemble the same way we came in - No way! - - 这正中了他们的圈套 - 10分钟 This's what he wants - Ten minutes! - 动身吧 Let's go 别不要 Stop! Don't! 不 不要打 No, don't kill him! - 他不是你们想要的 我才是 - 把她带走 It's not his fight, it's mine! - Get here out of here! - 封锁整座大楼 Seal the building 架起来 Stand him up 如果你没穿防弹衣 If you didn't have this kevlar vest 我早就打爆你的五脏六腑了 your insides are gonna be like fuckin' mush 这就是你要说的吗 Well ain't that a shame? 算你走运 You know you're a lucky man 你也很走运 Well, I ain't feelin' lucky, man 你很走运 You are a lucky man 老大要让你保持清醒 He told me to keep you conscious 是吗 Did he? Alright. First... 你会说的 you're a real tough guy, aren't you? 你是条硬汉吗 What? - Are you a real tough guy? - 看着我 你个垃圾 Look at me you piece of trash 你们有多少人 How many men you got? 问你老妈 Just your mother! 最后一次问你 This is your last time 你告诉我正确答案 You give me the right answer I'll cut you a break 不然弄断你的脖子 要是答案错误 我就让你死 You give me the wrong answer you will die a damned slow death. 你他妈的听懂了吗 Do you understand me? 听懂了吗 Yes - Do you understand me? - 谁派你来的 Yep- Who sent you? Breathe, can't breathe 放开他 Loosen up 谁派你来的 Who sent you? 你的理发师 Your hair dresser 我们得走了 GO, MAN, GO! 放马过来 Come on! 操 Shit! 坏孩子没有圣诞礼物 Remember this shit at Christmas! - 见鬼 这么麻烦 - 你没事吧 Damn, that thing's loud! - What happened to you? - 我被揍了一顿 Got my ass kicked 来吧 拿上我的枪 我们走 Alright, come on! Get my rifle, let's go! 什么意思 What's this? 这一切事端都是你造成的 Everything bad that has happened you bring 拿上你的钱 Take your money! 你只会带来死亡 拿上钱赶紧滚 I only see death with you. Take it all and go! - 我哪也不去 - 这不需要你了 I'm not goin' anywhere - You are done here - 没有我你赢不了 You can't succeed without me 我是老大 I am the leader! 你只是个傀儡 You're a puppet in a hat! - 闭嘴 - 不 Shut up! - No! - 应该让我杀了他 NOW! 撤退 Get back! 放下你们的武器 (Throw down your weapons!) 慢慢走出来 (There's no way out!) 不知道会这样 Shit's gettin' old! 你的幸运戒指带来好运了 Your lucky ring stinks 我就知道 I know - 我们回去试试 - 等等 不用出去 Let's backtrack - Building's rigged. This is the only way out- 这些美国人会毁了我们的国家 - 飞机五分钟内可以起飞 - 还不能走 Chopper's ready in 5 minutes- We're not leaving yet- 作为你们的首领 请原谅我如此胆怯 - 他说什么 - 他说我们将死于意外 What's he saying? - He's saying we're dead with an accent - 我们死定了 We ain't dead - 快出去 - 还不到时候 Blow the building - Not yet - 我们要杀了这些美国瘟疫 We will kill this American disease 开火 - 我们在这干什么 - 她还在上面 Blow the building! - She's down there! - 拿上钱 The money! 炸了它 Blow it! 炸了它 Blow it! 她在外面 She's out! 赶紧炸了那座楼 Blow the fucking building! I'm out! 走我们走 Let's go, come on! 快去找掩体 Cut Monroe off! 过来 Come on! Hey! - 这玩艺太沉了 - 给我 It's too heavy - Give me it - 你想让我怎么做 What do you want me to do? 能扔多高扔多高 Throw it as high as you can 炸了军营 Blow up the dump 收到 Got it 门罗 Monroe!! - 把枪放下 - 不然我射穿她的眼睛 Drop the weapons, or I'll put a bullet through her eye 别逼我 Don't test me - 不 不 - 闭嘴否则杀了你 No No - Shut up or I'ill kill you - 中情局特工把你们派来的 是吗 The Agency's parasites hired you, didn't they? 我出双倍的价钱 只要你打酱油 I'd have paid you twice as much... to go fishing 你认为我会蠢到向特工投降吗 You have to think I'm pretty freakin' stupid to surrender to the Agency 我为什么要那么做 Why would I do that? 是我创造的这些 I created this 我让一些成为现实的 I made it all happen 他们想甩了我 就因为我的眼光更远吗 And they wanted me out. Why? Because I saw the big picture 站住 Stop walking 我们之间呢 And what about me and you? 我们都一样 We both the same... 都是唯利是图 we're both mercenaries 都是麻木不仁 We're both dead inside 你干吗老他妈跟我过不去 Why the hell did you come after me? 我不是来找你的 你个杂种 I didn't come after you, dipshit. 我是来找她的 I came for her - 你没事吧 - 没事 我可是及时雨吧 Call it a tie 算是吧 Yeah, I guess so 你知道我很快的 You're not as fast as you think 我感觉到了 I'm beginning to sense that 帐户里的这些钱 应该能帮助你们重建家园 Same account number as mine. It'll help get things going around here. 不 我不能要 No, I can't - 你付出的太多了 - 你也一样 You've done so much - Yeah, well, so have you - 给你当做礼物吧 Gift for a gift 拿着吧 You take it 你还回来吗 Will you come back? 我保证我会在你身边的 I promise I'll always be around 保重 桑德拉 Take care, Sandra 多保重 Take care 走了 Bye 看什么 What? - 真心话 - 是啊 Truthfully? - Yeah - 真没想到你喜欢这样的 I never really thought she was your type 快点 我瞧瞧你的本事 Come on, let's see what you've got Ghostdiver! Ohhhh! You...go...You...go! 感觉怎么样 How ya healin? 不错 Good 考虑到你本来可以杀了我 Considering you could have kill me 我原谅你了 I forgive you 好吧 OK 不然就是我赢了 I would have win 那是当然 Of course 加纳 Hey Garner! 大难不死 必有后福 兄弟 Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger, brother. Therapy 很有道理 Man's got a point 你知道吗 You know what? 我要帮你个忙 图尔 I'm gonna do you a favor, Toole 我是爷们 叫图尔 I once knew a man called Toole 我喜欢诗歌 I love poetry 我就是我 特别酷 to me was the epitome of cool 沙场得意 He was good with a knife 情场失意 Bad with a wife - 真让人伤心 - 想打败我 That hurts - But to think he could beat me - 白日做梦 Dreaming 想打败我 He'd defeat me 牛人图尔 Cool Toole 痴人说梦 You gotta be a fool 着火的情绪释放 银色战衣发光 呼啸的剑锋擦亮 随时迎接恶战 善良被邪恶埋葬 现实被恨弄脏 自尊被踩在战场 风沙遮蔽曙光 伤痕记载着勋章 下一秒撕开诡异的谎 染血的土壤 锐利的刀枪 倔强在这一刻 用眼神写上 愤怒在狂燃 天地间交战 和神斗一样 让他闻风丧胆 肆虐的野蛮 一个也不放 我是自己的神 从来不投降 眼里的希望 黑暗中绽放 我让所有眼泪 全部都风干


《敢死队 台词.doc》
